Project on the topic “Holiday of Easter. The project "Easter holiday - a bright holiday Problems solved during the implementation of the Easter project


Easter project. Project type:  research, practice-oriented, role-playing, creative;  interdisciplinary (literature, history, art work, visual arts, music, physical education);  group;  medium duration.  Participants: students and teachers primary school. Target group: primary school students and their parents; school teachers; Relevance: spiritual and moral education is closely connected with folk art, history and everyday traditions. Songs, dances, epics, fairy tales are inseparable from Everyday life people, because they embodied dreams of beauty, of a better life, about good and evil, about the harmony of the world. All these human aspirations have found their expression in traditional folk holidays, many of which, unfortunately, have been forgotten. How to revive folk traditions and return love for folk holidays? The purpose of the project: to learn more about this holiday and how it is celebrated. Tasks:  to acquaint children with the Russian folk holiday Easter, rituals and customs associated with this holiday; with traditional Easter dishes;  to teach children Russian folk games, songs, round dances and poems related to this holiday;  organize an exhibition of fiction, children's works dedicated to Easter.  Deadline for implementation: within two months before the holiday (this year - April 4). Planned result: writing a script for the holiday, holding the holiday "Bright Easter". Stages of work. 1. Class hour "Holidays in Rus'". Together with the teacher, the children come to the decision to spend their holiday "Bright Easter". 2. Students are divided into groups. The work is distributed among the groups, the deadlines for its completion are determined. Group 1 - finds and reads literature about the holiday, works on the Internet; Group 2 - looking for a song repertoire, learning round dances; Group 3 - looking for poems by Russian poets about Easter; Group 4 - looking for games that can be played at the holiday; Group 5 - looking in the literature for what can be prepared for Easter for the festive table; Group 6 - prepares costumes. 3. Groups get together and tell what they found, studied on the task given to them. An initiative group is selected, which, based on the collected material, writes a script. The rest of the children are busy decorating the hall and other preparations for the holiday. 4. The script is written. At music lessons, children learn Russian folk songs, round dances. At the lessons of fine arts and labor, holiday cards, gifts, masks and costumes are made. Russian folk games are taught at physical education lessons. At home with their parents, children prepare holiday treats. Distribute roles, learn them. 5. Presentation - holding a holiday. The students themselves take part in it, guests are invited - their parents, friends, pupils of the kindergarten, villagers. 6. Self-assessment of the project.  Was it interesting to work on the project?  Did you and your guests like the holiday itself?  What could have been done differently if the project had been developed again?  What did you learn from the project?  What else do you need to learn? The script of the holiday "Bright Easter". 1st leader. Hello dear guests! Welcome! Be healthy and happy, and let our meeting be cheerful and joyful! Because it is dedicated to the Russian folk holiday - Easter. 2nd leader. The Easter holiday is rich in rituals and customs. On this day, old people combed their hair with the wishes that they would have as many grandchildren as there are hairs on their heads. They washed themselves with gold, silver and red eggs in the hope of getting rich. Young boys and girls climbed onto the roofs of houses in order to better see how the red sun would “play” and “have fun”. In Rus', there was a belief that the sun “plays” on Easter, and people tried to watch for this moment. Children, on the other hand, turned to the sun with the help of a call. Nastya Sh. Burn, the sun, brighter, Summer will be hotter And winter - warmer, And spring - nicer! Mushrooms will grow in the forest, Beans will grow in the garden, Rye and barley will grow in the field, Green hops will grow in the garden. The game "Rooks are flying." This game is about attention. Everyone sings a song, and when they stop, they raise their hands up, wave and say: “They are flying, they are flying!”. Try not to be mistaken - you should "fly" only with those who actually fly. Whoever makes a mistake is no longer a player. Children go in a circle and sing these words: Rooks fly, They shout to all Rus': Chuchuchu - We bring spring! (They raise their hands up, showing how the rooks are flying.) Everyone: They are flying! Fly! The cranes are flying, They are trumpeting throughout Rus': Gugugu - Do not catch up with anyone! The piglets are flying, the voices are squealing: Oinky - Tired of us in the barn! The bees are flying, Buzzing, bunching: Buzzing - We bring honey to the full! Mosquitoes fly, Shout, squeak: Dududu - No one can escape! The bears are flying, the fat-footed ones are growling: Rururu - We are tired of being in the forest! Tits fly, They shout to all Rus': Dzudzu - Do not catch anyone! 1st leader. On this day the bells were rung in the church. They called in a special, solemn way. (Recording of the bell ringing.) This ringing, guys, is called the Easter bell. And now listen to a poem by S. Yesenin, which was written by him under the impression of a festive bell ringing. It's called "Easter Annunciation". Edik Ch. The slumbering bell Woke up the fields. The sleepy land smiled at the sun. Blows rushed To the blue skies, A Voice resounds through the forests. The White Moon hid behind the river. A sharp wave ran loudly. Silent Valley Drives away sleep. Somewhere behind the road The ringing fades. 2nd leader. And now listen to the church chant, which was performed on the bright holiday of Easter. In the church, the sound of instruments is not allowed, so the music is written for the choir. This is sacred music, its author is the Russian composer Dmitry Bortnyansky. Listen to how beautiful the most amazing, most perfect musical instrument is the human voice. A fragment of the chant sounds. 1st leader. The first spring round dances begin with the Holy Paschal week. And now the girls will perform a dance with willows for us. Round dance with willow. (“The sun has risen.” Music. Filippenko, lyrics by Volgina) 2nd presenter (shows a willow branch). The willow, which has not yet given leaves, blooms and, as it were, declares that our nature will soon reward us and all life on earth with warmth and a new harvest. Willow was considered a healing tree endowed with special power, so there was a custom - with willow branches they drove cattle for the first grazing in the spring. 1st leader. And small children were jokingly whipped with willow branches, saying: “As the willow grows, so do you grow.” And those who were older were whipped harder, but not painfully, saying: “Willow whip, beat to tears. We beat to be healthy.” Listen to A. Blok's poem "Verbochki". Tanya R. Boys and girls Candles and willows Carried home. The lights are glowing, Passers-by are baptized, And it smells of spring. A distant breeze, Rain, little rain, Don't blow out the fire! On Palm Sunday Tomorrow I will rise first For a holy day. 2nd leader. A very beautiful poem. Is not it? "Tomorrow I will rise first for the holy day." Everyone was waiting for the joyful Easter holiday. They prepared especially for it: they got up early in order to have time to prepare traditional Easter treats. The host approaches the festive Easter table. 1st leader. Pay attention, guys, how beautiful and joyful our Easter table is. Traditional Easter dishes were and still are Easter cake, Easter cake, colored eggs. Eggs were dyed in different colors, but more often - in red. Before Easter, special paints for coloring eggs were sold in stores and to this day they are sold. They could not only paint the egg in any one color, but also paint with flowers, ornaments or draw some kind of picture. Jesus Christ was depicted on the eggs, churches were painted. They wrote with gold and silver paints: “ХВ”, which means “Christ is risen”. 2nd presenter (shows the corresponding pictures). And if a pine tree was painted on the egg, it meant longevity and health. Star - moral purity, philanthropy. The sun is for the harvest. For Easter eggs, they made such beautiful, bright, colorful gift coasters in the form of cockerels, hens, chickens. And we have eggs. 1st leader. We all christen on Easter, exchange an egg, kiss each other and say: “Christ is risen”, “Truly he is risen”. This custom is very old. Christ gave us life, and the egg is the sign of life. The hosts exchange eggs, show the rite of Christ. Project with open voting. A student comes out and reads M. Maksimovich's poem "Christ is risen." Nikita V. "Christ is Risen!" bells sing. And that message - joyful, bright - A wave rushes over the world, And the world listens to that message. "Christ is risen!" the earth sings, Seas and mountains, and fields ... They hear from heaven in response: “Truly risen!” 2nd leader. In addition to colored eggs, Easter cake was the main dish on the Easter table. Easter cakes were always baked in the shape of a cylinder, resembling a church tower with a dome. It was believed that if the cake was a success, then everyone in the family would be healthy, but if it cracked, then one of the relatives could get sick. 1st leader. Like any big holiday, Easter is filled with various fun and games. Game "Don't Drop the Egg" The players take a spoon with an egg in their teeth and, on command, go through the hall, trying not to drop the egg. The one who gets back to their place the fastest wins. 2nd leader. We got a little tired. We will sit side by side on the bench, we will sit together with you. We'll give you riddles. Who is smarter - let's see! The hosts sit on the bench and ask the children riddles that are written on painted Easter eggs. Our fat Fedora White Sheep Doesn't eat up quickly. They sit on a candle. (Verba.) But when you are full, Fedora gives you warmth. (Stove.) In one keg Two different beers Riddles in Kinders. They don't mix. (Egg.) They are crumpled and rolled, They are tempered in the oven, And then at the table They are cut with a knife. (Bread.) 1st presenter. And now this is what awaits you! There will be a sonorous accordion for an hour and a half to play, We will sing ditties for you, And you need to sing along. Children come out in Russian folk costumes, perform ditties. Julia Ch. So live, ditty, whatever! Under the accordion and the string! We, friends, however, need to sing at least one today. Alena P. Let's stand, girls, in a row Let's sing ditties! Veronika Sh. We begin to sing ditties, Please don't laugh: There are a lot of people here - We can get confused. Julia M. We know a lot of ditties Under the spill of an accordion. We have verses in our heads, Like potatoes in a sack. Nastya Sh. You listen, guys, We will sing clumsy: A pig grazes on an oak tree, A bear is steaming in a bathhouse. Tanya R. Early in the morning, in the evening, Late at dawn, Baba rode on foot In a chintz carriage. Anya Sh. Like a river, along the Volzhanka, a Nightingale floats on a stick. He sat down on a thin board - He spread the sonorous accordion. Chorus. Oh, we sang enough, Give me a new shift. Oh, thanks to the harmonica player For a fun game! 2nd leader. Now listen to a poem dedicated to Easter. "Christ is risen". Egor T. Everywhere the blagovest is buzzing. Of all the churches, the people bring down. The dawn is already looking from heaven ... Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Lyuba O. The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields, And the hands are torn from the shackles, And the nearby forest is turning green ... Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Polina K. Here the earth is waking up, And the fields are dressing ... Spring is coming, full of miracles! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! 1st leader. We think you already have an idea of ​​how Easter was and is being celebrated. And now ... 2nd leader. Come, come, take a treat! Drink tea! Tray with bunnies. Together. Remember us with a kind word! The game "Whose egg is stronger?"

Easter, the day of the Resurrection of Christ, the main holiday Orthodox Church Easter has its roots in the distant past. Easter carries the idea of ​​the resurrection crucified on the cross of Jesus Christ. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox. Therefore, it does not have a definite date. The Christian Church celebrates Easter very solemnly, with the All-Night Divine Service, the Procession of the Cross. Easter always evokes a feeling of the final victory of spring and the awakening of nature.

How to celebrate Easter? On Easter, everyone visits each other, christening, congratulating them on the holiday, wishing the owners happiness and prosperity, presenting each other with painted eggs and Easter cakes. From bright Sunday, festive festivities begin, which previously lasted a whole week. On Easter, all willing men were allowed to climb the bell tower and ring the bells. This holiday awaits both old and small. On Easter, they dress up in festive clothes, prepare a festive dinner.

Why do we paint eggs for Easter? Why still eggs? Probably because in an egg that hides the life of a chick, our ancestors could see a visual image of the Life-Giving Sepulcher and the Resurrection of Christ; on the other hand, the red egg in its color resembles the priceless blood of Christ, which brought us eternal salvation. There is a third explanation: once people believed that the world came from an egg. The custom of painting eggs is associated with Mary Magdalene, who, having learned about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, came to Emperor Tiberius and gave him an egg with the exclamation “Christ is risen! The emperor doubted: “It is as hard to believe as it is that this white egg can turn red!” And in that instant, the egg turned scarlet.

Eggs-dyed (Eggs dyed in one color) 1. In onion skins. Eggs can be colored from yellow to red-brown. The color depends on the concentration of the decoction. Wash the eggs. Place them in a decoction of onion peel, boil for 10 minutes, remove and cool. 2. Birch leaves. To make eggs yellow or golden color, they are painted with birch leaves. The decoction is prepared from the leaves, you can dry, young birch and infused for half an hour. Wash the eggs, dip in a warm infusion, cook for 10 minutes. Take out and cool. 3. Juices of various fruits. You need boiled eggs. The egg is rubbed with juice (beetroot, carrot, spinach juice ...)

Pysanky Pysanky eggs, hand-painted with plot or ornamental patterns. For drawing Easter eggs, elements of plant and animal ornament are used, geometric figures. Easter eggs were supposed to be painted with the first strike of the bell. To make the pysanka shine, it was smeared with fat.

Specks If spots, stripes, specks of a different color were indicated on a general colored background, this was a speck. To do this, wet eggs are rolled in dry rice, wrapped in gauze (the ends of the gauze must be tightly tied with thread so that the rice sticks to the egg) and then boiled in onion peel. Marble effect - eggs are wrapped in onion peel, tied with gauze and boiled. Coloring in multi-colored threads - wrap the eggs with multi-colored threads and boil. They will have interesting twists.

Helpful Hints* according to church tradition, you need to paint eggs on Maundy Thursday * so that the eggs do not burst during cooking, they must be kept warm or at room temperature for about an hour, while cooking, you can add st. a spoonful of salt. * to give the eggs a shine, they need to be rubbed with vegetable oil. *before coloring, wipe the eggs with soapy water or alcohol - the paint will lie more evenly.

Easter games Egg rolling For centuries, the favorite Easter game in Rus' was egg rolling. They arranged this game in the following way: they set up a wooden or cardboard "skating rink" and freed up a flat place around it, on which they laid out painted eggs, toys, plain souvenirs. Playing children approached the "skating rink" in turn and each rolled their own egg. The object that the testicle touched became the winner.

Hats The guys lay the brought eggs on the table and cover them with hats. On the table are also hats under which there is nothing. Then the caps are driven around the table. One of the participants in the game at this time is in another room. They call him and ask: "Where do you soar coca?" The driver and, if there are krashenki, takes them for himself. The game continues until all the eggs are gone. Who is luckier has the most eggs

Searching for eggs The children who gathered for Easter were very fond of looking for eggs in the apartment or in the garden. Some of the elders hid cardboard, paper or plastic eggs with surprises in advance. To get a surprise, you had to find an egg. If there were many children, they were divided into "teams", and each team tried to win by finding as many eggs as possible in the allotted time. Spinners Compete to see whose egg will spin the longest. On command, the children simultaneously spin their dyes. Whose egg spins longer is the winner, he takes the loser's egg.

Collision The players sit against the walls of the room against each other and roll the eggs. Krashenki collide. Whose egg breaks, he gives it to his opponent. Gorki. Krashenki roll down the hill. Whose egg rolls farther is the winner. He takes the rest of the dyes. Paint fight. The players shout out: "One, two, three! My egg, get stronger! Ready for battle!" Players hit with krashenki with either side, usually sharp. Whose egg breaks or cracks is the loser.

How did my grandmother celebrate Easter as a child? When my grandmother was little, this is how she celebrated Easter. Her mother dyed eggs, but only ate them after they went to the cemetery. They went to visit relatives. The children were playing bast shoes in the forest in the clearing. They also played the game “Who will break the egg faster?”, That is, they beat the testicles against each other - whoever has the whole left - he won. They rolled the testicles from the tubercle - whoever breaks, he lost. We went to the forest for snowdrops. Olya Khrustaleva, 4th grade

Easter in the childhood of grandparents By Easter, my grandmother bought everything new. For the holiday, she dressed beautifully and went to collect sweets. On Parental, my grandmother and her mother went to the cemetery to put treats on the grave of their father. And my grandfather told me about such a game: two people roll eggs down a hill. Whoever rolled further, he won. Takes the opponent's testicle as a reward. Makarova Julia, 4th grade

Easter in our family. In the evening before the holiday, we bake Easter cakes and paint eggs. On Easter Day, my dad and I play the game "Who will break the most eggs" and then we eat them. I go to visit my neighbors and tell them: “Christ is risen!”, and they give me goodies. Hovsepyan Arsen, 4th grade

The theme of the project is "Easter Holiday" EASTER is the Christian holiday of the Resurrection of Christ. EASTER ends the seven-week Great Lent, which prepares the faithful for the due celebration of the holiday. During the entire Holy Week preceding EASTER, the main preparations for the holiday were made, including cleaning and whitewashing of houses, etc. (see Holy Thursday), women baked special Easter bread (Easter, Easter cake), painted and painted eggs. Easter dishes were consecrated in the church, usually on the eve of the holiday or on the first day of EASTER. During Holy Week, men were engaged in preparing firewood for the Easter fire, stocking up feed for livestock, etc. Holy Week is the last week of the seven-week Great Lent, when, according to the New Testament, Jesus Christ took the pains of the cross for the sins of the human race. The most mythologically and ritually rich days this week are Holy Wednesday, Good Thursday, Good Friday and Good Saturday. On these days, commemorations of the dead were made, and preparations were made for the celebration of Easter everywhere: housewives baked Easter bread, dyed eggs, baked meat; men built swings and roundabouts, harvested firewood, etc.) Easter is the longest holiday of the year. Each day of the Easter holidays had its own ritual. Monday and Tuesday - "bathing". They poured water over those who overslept the morning prayer. History of Easter.

Wednesday - hail. "On Wednesday in Bright Week they do not work so that the bread is not beaten with hail." Thursday - Easter of the dead, commemoration of deceased relatives. Friday is "forgiveness day". Relatives and friends asked for forgiveness from each other. Father-in-law and mother-in-law invited young people who got married before Easter to visit. Saturday is a round dance. Sunday - Red Hill. Usually weddings were played, young people walked. This is a bright Easter week (Bright Week). During the entire Paschal week, the royal doors, the northern and southern doors in the altar are not closed. By folk beliefs, on Easter week, the gates to paradise are opened in heaven, and everyone who dies at this time goes straight there. The holiday was 40 days before the Ascension. This day ended the Easter celebrations. Then follows the everyday Fomin week. Easter celebrations began with a procession, when a procession of parishioners, led by clergy, left the church and walked around it, and then returned to the church doorstep; here the priest announced the Resurrection of Christ, after which the people returned to the temple, where the festive service continued.

Quite a few magical properties attributed to consecrated Easter eggs, their shells, as well as the remains of other Easter dishes, such as the bones of a piglet, etc. With an Easter egg, they walked around a burning building or threw it into the fire, hoping that the egg would help stop the fire; they searched for lost cattle with Easter eggs, put them in the seed grain, stroked the cow with them at the first spring pasture, buried them in the field so that the flax heads were the size of an egg; pig bones were also buried in crops to protect them from hail, etc. Throughout the week, starting from the first day of EASTER, the priests, accompanied by the clergy and the most pious parishioners, went around with icons to all the houses in the village and served Easter prayers there, for which they were rewarded. Among Easter fun the main place was occupied by games with colored eggs, and above all, rolling eggs on the ground or from special trays, as well as "cues" beating with colored eggs. During the entire Easter week (cf. one of its names, “bell week”), anyone could climb the bell tower and ring the bells; a magical meaning was often attributed to this ringing. Among other Easter amusements, swings stand out, as well as youth round dances, which have agrarian and economic (“And we sowed millet”, etc.) and love and marriage themes (in the latter, future married couples and the newlyweds who got married during last year). Mutual visits of close relatives were obligatory for the Easter holidays.

The time of the Easter service was considered favorable for performing some magical actions and divination, in particular, to ensure good luck in some business. The thieves “stole” that night, that is, they tried to quietly steal something from the parishioners in order to feel safe all year; hunters at the exclamation of the priest: "Christ is Risen!" they shot into the air near the church threshold, believing that from this their guns would hit without a miss; the fishermen, with the same words, said: “But I have fish!”, which allegedly provided themselves with full nets for the whole season, and the girls turned to God with a request to send them suitors. Sleeping through the Easter service was an unforgivable sin. As a punishment, such people were bathed or doused with water the next day. A person who overslept Easter matins threatened to be unlucky all year. At the end of Matins, people strove to get (run or drive) home as quickly as possible in order to be ahead of the rest in all their affairs during the year. However, often without going home, they went to the cemetery to inform the deceased relatives about the Resurrection of Christ and to christenate with them. Easter breakfast was usually held in a narrow family circle, because. going to visit on the first day of EASTER was not customary. The first Easter egg was often eaten by the whole family, dividing it according to the number of households. The custom of sharing Easter food with each other was widespread among the Eastern Slavs; in particular, on the first day of EASTER, the priest and clergy, as well as the household members, “prayed for Easter”, i.e. they exchanged pieces of Easter cake or ate it together, cutting it into small pieces. The custom of sharing an Easter egg with neighbors receives a specific interpretation in mythological stories: a person who has lost his way in the forest must remember with whom he last shared an Easter egg; after that, he will be able to find his way and return home.

Conclusion of the project “Easter Holiday” Everywhere the blasphemy is buzzing, From all the churches the people bring down The dawn is already looking from heaven… Christ is risen! In the course of studying this topic, we expanded our understanding of the traditions of celebrating Orthodox holidays, a sense of belonging to the cultural traditions of our ancestors appeared. The story of Christ does not end with His execution. For he told Pontius Pilate that his life had the power to take on His life again. The Easter holiday tells us that after the crucifixion Christ returned to life - resurrected.

Project type: group, cognitive and creative.

Project duration: short-term 18.04.2016 - 22.04.2016.

Members: children of the senior general developmental group, educators.

Educational areas integrated:"Music", "Communication", "Cognition", "Reading fiction", "Artistic creativity", "Socialization"

Relevance: Everyone knows that the impressions of childhood are deep, indelible in the memory of a person. Folk culture is effective means cognitive, moral and aesthetic development of children. The Russian people must not lose their moral authority. We must not forget our cultural past. Introducing children to folk ritual holidays, thereby we introduce them to universal moral values. Communication with folk culture ennobles, makes a person soft, sensitive, kind, wise. Easter is the most joyful and great holiday of Christians. Nature rejoices, everything around comes to life and blooms. The celebration of Easter has become a tradition. But children do not have enough ideas about this holiday, about painting Easter eggs, about old fun games. We decided to introduce children to folk holidays. Even K. D. Ushinsky noted: “Education, if it does not want to be powerless, must be popular, must be permeated with nationality.”

Project goals: communion, expanding the knowledge of preschoolers about the tradition of celebrating Orthodox holidays on the example of the Easter holiday.

Tasks: introduce children to the traditions of celebrating Easter; develop communicative and informational competencies: cooperate in a group in preparing a common cause, apply generally accepted norms of behavior, be able to act together, search for information, instill interest in Orthodox culture; show opportunity creative activity on practice; cultivate interest in folk art.

Security: illustrated material, manuals, attributes; literary material, folklore(fairy tales, songs, ditties, proverbs, sayings, etc.)

Expected result: awakening interest in the history and culture of their homeland; love for the native land; the formation of feelings of national dignity, the expansion of the horizons of children; acquaintance with traditional and ritual holidays, with Russian folk games.

Project activity product: exhibitions of drawings, crafts, appliqué works.

Project presentation: exhibition design.

The main stages of the project implementation:

Preparatory: discussion of the project, clarification of the possibilities, funds necessary for the implementation of the project; selection of methodological, fiction, illustrative, musical material on the topic of the project; selection of material for visual and productive activities; drawing up a work plan.

Basic: conversation "Easter holiday - a bright holiday"; Educational activities(acquaintance with the outside world) "Easter joys"; Educational activity (artistic creativity) "Egg for the holiday."

Joint activities of children and educator.

1. Game activity: Plot- role-playing game"Family" (on a clean Thursday we prepare the house for the Easter holiday)

2. Fun games "Find an egg", "Egg rolling", "Hat", "Blindfolded egg search".

3. cognitive development. Talk about the Great Feast of Easter.

About what and how they decorated Easter eggs in Rus' (pysanka, krashenka, malevanka).

4. Fairy tale "Easter egg"

5. Reading the biblical legend “Why do they paint eggs for Easter? »

6. Experiments with a chicken egg.

7. Application. "Easter greeting card"

8. Teamwork"Easter Egg Basket"

9. Compilation of stories “How we are preparing to celebrate Easter at home”

10. Coloring "Easter egg", drawing with gouache.

11. Consultation "Easter traditions and their meaning for the family"

12. Tips for parents “Getting ready for Easter. How to tell your child about EASTER

Independent activity of children

1. Examination of illustrations about EASTER.

2. Self visual activity(drawing, coloring, modeling, appliqué, manual labor) .

The final stage:

1. Design of the exhibition "Easter creations"

2. Conducting the results of project activities (printing work experience).

Conversation "Easter holiday - a bright holiday."

Target: To introduce children to the Orthodox holiday "Bright Sunday" with its history, to develop interest in the culture of their ancestors; talk about the customs and rituals associated with the holiday.


Invite the children to complete the application of the Easter egg.

Relevance This synopsis is that the impressions of childhood are deeply indelible in memory. Folk culture is an effective means of cognitive moral and aesthetic development of children. The Russian people must not lose their moral authority. We must not forget our past. By acquainting children with folk ritual holidays, we thereby introduce them to human moral values.

Vocabulary work: holy easter, fasting "to be christened" rite, krasnki, pysanky.

Demo material: illustrations of Easter attributes, soundtrack of bell chimes, music, painted eggs.

Lesson progress

Reading a poem by A. Pleshcheev "Christ is Risen" (Children of the senior group)

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing

From all the churches people bring down

The dawn is already looking from heaven,

The earth is waking up

And the fields dress

Spring is coming full of wonders!

Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen!

Educator. Easter is the biggest and brightest holiday of the Christian church. Nature rejoices, everything around blooms and blooms.

In Russia, Holy Pascha has always occupied a special place in the spiritual life of people, since ideas about the eternal renewal of life, about the rebirth and purification of the human soul were associated with it. Holidays, and especially such bright ones as Easter, united people in a single feeling, mood and state of mind. Such holidays spiritually united disunited people. They brought families together. Family members, albeit for a short time, gathered together, united by a common cause: preparation for the holiday, a joyful feeling, a cheerful feast.

People have been preparing for Easter for a very long time, and this preparation is called Great Lent (7 weeks). Throughout this week, they worked tirelessly in all houses: women and girls whitewashed stoves, washed and scraped tables, benches and floors, wiped dusty walls with wet rags, brushed cobwebs, washed all household utensils and generally cleaned out all the dirt that had accumulated in the house. - the peasants prepared firewood for the Easter fire, as well as bread and fodder for all the cattle for the entire Bright Week, so that later on the holiday they would not have to bother and everything would be at hand. The peak of all these works usually falls on Pure Thursday, on which, according to popular expression, “even a crow washes its crows in a puddle”, on this day everyone necessarily took a bath in baths for beauty and health, washed small children and even piglets, so that “the whole were clean for a year.

But even at this time, each person should seriously think about himself, about his deeds - good and bad, about his deeds - good and not very good, he must understand what he did wrong and correct it. During fasting in Rus', no merry, noisy holidays were celebrated, no weddings were played.

Musical slides "Christ is Risen" (song)

On Easter Day, people congratulate each other. In churches, houses, on the streets, greeting them, they joyfully say “Christ is risen! "-" Truly risen! This is called "christening." Everyone is covering holiday tables where the main treats were Easter cakes and colored eggs.

Educator.- Guys, do you know why eggs are painted?

This is a small miracle, it is a symbol of life. The custom of dyeing eggs goes back to antiquity. It used to be considered a red egg - a symbol of the sun, a new business, a new life.

Passover Traditions Slides

Let's play the game "Rolling Eggs Down the Hill" with you.

As we said earlier, the ornament of Easter eggs was the most diverse: geometric, floral depicting the world of animals and birds.

In ancient times, similar eggs were called - Krashenki. And there were other eggs that served as a talisman throughout the year. They were painted by hand and were certainly raw, such eggs were called Pysanky. On Easter eggs, the ornament was carried out very clearly and accurately. Well, if the ornament was broken, then among the people such eggs were called - Malevanki. Painted eggs were laid on germinated wheat, which was sown in advance and decorated the Easter table.

Painted eggs, according to ancient beliefs, Easter eggs protect from evil, and therefore give them to friends, relatives or loved ones as a symbol of love and life.

So I suggest you complete the application "Basket with Easter Eggs" and decorate our Easter corner with it, and let this application be our amulet.

Fairy tale "Easter egg"

There lived a grandfather and a grandmother. They lived very lonely and poor. They didn't have children.
And from living creatures they had one chicken. Only the grandfather and the woman have never seen chickens, and as soon as the chicken lays an egg, it disappears. And now it's time for Light Easter! And grandfather was on fire. Our chicken does not give us eggs.
It's good with us, hostess,
Just how not to grumble -
No Easter cake, no Easter ...
How can we celebrate the holiday?
We celebrate the holiday in the temple,
And not at home at the table.
God will not leave us with you
Don't be sad, old man, about that.

And the grandfather did not calm down, he decided to watch the chicken.
I saw that the chicken laid an egg, and it rolled somewhere ..
The egg rolled quickly, quickly, the grandfather did not keep up with it and completely fell behind ..
The egg turned out to be not simple!, shouts to him “- Do not be sad, old man !!!, I am not a simple egg, but an Easter one! Pray to God and everything will be fine!”

An egg rolled through the forests along the valleys and sings a song (admiring the beauty of nature, flowers, sky, trees):
What a wonderful house!
There are many neighbors in it.
But who built it?
Who arranged the order in it?
Who sowed moss, flowers?
Who gave the leaves to the trees?
Who poured water into the rivers?
Who put the fish in them?
Did he send summer to us for spring?
Who, who came up with this?
Who could arrange everything like that?
Do you know children?
Well, of course it's God.
God cannot be seen.
You can only see things
The ones that do for us
Every day He, every hour.
That is what and why we are grateful to Him.
So as not to upset him,
The soul must be sanctified
Don't do evil to anyone
And be obedient to Him.

Rolled, rolled egg, and to meet
- Where are you hurrying egg?

I'm going for a good cause! do you want with me?
Let's go, and I'll also take the gifts ....
I am a Squirrel - a handyman.
My poor gift
but poverty is not a vice.

Raisins and nuts I carry a box.

They went together.

And to meet them a cat:
-Meow-meow where are you, take a walk, what's wrong with you?
Squirrel and egg:
- We don’t walk, sister, and we don’t cool off ..
And let's hurry to Easter to where we are in great need!
- Meow, Easter?!, Mur-mur, meow..
I have cottage cheese, milk, and also sour cream, ..
take me with you, maybe I'll be useful to you!
And I'll share my reserves, meow ..

And they went together.

They go, they go, across the river, through the fields, through the forests and through the dales.
Travelers are watching, the teremok stands in the middle of the forest. (3 paths lead)
Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

The little mouse came out to them. (The cat attacked the mouse)
- Oh, save, cat, cat! (hides behind the house)

And the girl Nastenka lives here.
Very good girl, kind, but she lives alone!

Don't be afraid of me, baby!
The cat won't hurt you.
I came to visit Nastya
And she brought sour cream.
Let me go quickly
To my dear Nastya!

And the egg says:
- On the holy night you can not be at enmity !!!
Yes, of course, we'll be friends.

Of course we'll be friends! (leaves the corner of the house)
And I am Norushka Mouse.
I brought flour for dear Nastenka,
She will now have pancakes and pies.
She saved me in the hungry winter -
Bread crumbs, seeds for the Mouse in store.

The guests came to the house - teremok.
And Nastenka was told about the old man and the old woman.
And what a sad life they live, orphaned.
- With pleasure I will go to visit them and congratulate them on the holiday of holidays, on the triumph of celebrations - EASTER!!!

Nastenka took testicles as a gift to her grandfather and grandmother.(help)
The mouse collected a bag of flour.

Cat knapsack with cottage cheese, milk and sour cream.
The squirrel has its supplies: nuts, raisins.
And the egg showed them the way ..

And they went with all the gifts to their grandfather and grandmother.
Easter cakes and Easter oven,
and paint eggs.
greet red easter
Praise God in the temple!

All sing together:
Why is the sun shining so brightly today?
Bright Easter has come, We sing: Christ is risen!
There are festive faces in the temple, And the bells are ringing.
Let's share the joy - bright Easter has come !!!

They began to live together, make good, and help each other !!!
All sing together:
Birds settled in nests
The snow melted like a candle.
The air smells sweet
Golden cake.
and Nastenka:
Sunny rain dripped
On this day of holy miracles.
And kiss me, mom
He says: “Christ is risen! Truly Risen!!!

Reading the biblical legend “Why do they paint eggs for Easter? »

Coloring "Easter egg" (drawing with gouache).

Target: develop interest in the culture of ancestors; talk about the customs and rituals associated with the holiday.


To cultivate patriotic feelings for the Orthodox traditions of the Russian people, to folk art

Activate and expand lexicon children,

Invite the children to paint wooden models of Easter eggs.

Demo material: illustrations of Easter attributes, samples of painted eggs.

The teacher tells with updating the knowledge of children.


On Easter, Mary Magdalene (a disciple of Jesus Christ) told the Roman emperor Tiberius that Christ had risen, but Tiberius did not believe, then Mary Magdalene gave him a chicken egg with the words “Christ is risen! ”, and the egg immediately became bright red, symbolizing the blood that Christ shed.

Since then, in memory of this event, which symbolizes our faith in the Risen Lord, we have been painting eggs.

Eggs have always been painted by women. Being engaged in painting eggs, they associated their hopes and wishes with this, which were woven into the applied pattern. So from generation to generation, ornaments and drawings were formed and transmitted.

In order to color Easter eggs, our ancestors used vegetable dyes that were made in advance from oak and apple bark, alder cones, onion peel, beetroot decoction, nettle, etc.)

Each color had its own meaning:

Red is a sign of happiness; yellow is the sign of the sun, green color- a sign of life, blue - a sign of the sky, blue - the color of the night and sacraments; brown is the color of the earth.

Performance practical work children.

And today we offer you to use gouache paints for painting our models of Easter eggs.


Complementing the exhibition with completed works.

Easter fun games.

Easter - beautiful holiday, but, unfortunately, most modern families are limited only to dyeing eggs. But there were so many interesting games and amusements in Rus'. Let's remember.

The most common Easter week games were with eggs. They were beaten, rolled on the ground, hidden and looked for, they were guessed at, and in gambling they were put on the line. In some regions, Easter games with eggs were purely female entertainment, in other regions only real men rolled eggs, but in most villages the whole village played with eggs.

"Egg rolling".

The favorite Easter game in Rus' was egg rolling (“Katochki”).
Eggs are rolled on a wooden tray onto a flat surface, where, before the start of the game, players lay out their eggs in a random or predetermined order. The goal of the game is to hit the eggs of your opponents. If a player touches someone else's egg with his egg, he has the right to pick it up and continue the game further until he misses. If a player misses, his egg remains on the line, and the turn passes to the next player.
Secrets of the game. Success in the game is determined by the ability to correctly calculate the trajectory of the egg. Experienced players had 3-4 different eggs to roll out: round, elongated or with a sharp end. A round egg rolled straight, with a sharp end turned towards the sharp end, etc.
At home, such a slide can be made from a piece of slate or cardboard, you can try from cardboard toilet paper rolls.

"Find an egg."

One of the players, while the others have turned away, hides the eggs in pre-prepared heaps of sand or straw or sawdust. Hats are sometimes used. Players take turns (the turn determines the lot) trying to guess and dig out the eggs from the piles or get them out from under the hats, and in one pile there can be several eggs at once, and in the other one or none at all. Whoever had more eggs after the game - he won. Very often, this game was played with broken eggs, that is, eggs that had already played in other games.
"Guessing eggs".

One player hides his egg and the opponent's egg in his hands behind his back. The opponent must guess in which hand is his egg. If he guesses correctly, he takes two eggs (his own and someone else's), if not, he gives his own.
"Blindfold Egg Search".

One player at a distance of 10-20 steps lays an egg on the field. The other, having previously determined the distance and number of steps to the egg, blindfolded, must reach it. When the required distance has been covered, the bandage or cap is removed from the eyes, and the player must reach the egg (it is forbidden to lie down on the ground). If the player reaches out, the egg is his, if not, the player gives his own.

Beating Easter eggs "Eggs to beat."

You can play both in pairs and in whole groups. Usually fought with both ends of the egg. There are several tricks in this simple game, namely how to choose an egg that would win, that is, not immediately broken. You can knock on their teeth: if the sound is deaf and the shell is soft, then the egg was considered well chosen for the game. If it “sounds” upon impact, then this means that the shell has become ossified and the egg will burst upon impact. They also tried to find an egg, in which a peculiar influx formed at the sharp end, thickening the shell. Some players boiled eggs in a strong brine solution to increase strength.
Rules of the game: Each player chooses an egg. Clamping the eggs in their hand so that only the sharp tips stick out, the players beat the eggs against each other. When one of the eggs breaks from the sharp end (From the toe), it is turned over in the hand and the blunt end (gun) is exposed to the blow. A broken egg (on both sides) is given to the winner to be eaten.

Experiments with chicken eggs.

"Egg in a bottle"

This is a well-known, classic experience that is more than a hundred years old. However, we present it here because it is very spectacular, and it can be easily carried out at home.
You will need:
- medium-sized hard-boiled and shelled chicken egg
- Glass bottle from under the juice with a fairly wide neck
- strip of paper
- matches or lighter
- vegetable oil
We draw your attention to the fact that for a successful experiment, it is necessary that the egg is not much larger than the neck of the bottle.
Work plan:
1. Lubricate the neck of the bottle with vegetable oil.
2. Light the paper on fire and quickly lower it into the bottle. Be careful not to burn your fingers!
3. After that, immediately put the egg on the neck of the bottle.
4. In a second, the burning paper will go out, and the egg will incredibly end up in the bottle.

Experience Explanation:
The burning paper heats up the air molecules in the bottle, which causes them to move and start to repel each other. Part of the air comes out through the cracks between the egg and the neck of the bottle. When the flame goes out, the air molecules cool and begin to attract each other. This phenomenon in science is called partial vacuum. The air outside the bottle rushes into it, but the egg blocks the way. The pressure of the air molecules outside the bottle is so great that they literally push the egg into the vessel.

Sinking or not?

Materials and equipment:

  • Liter jar
  • Raw chicken egg
  • Salt

Theory :

Everyone probably knows that it is easier to swim in salt water than in fresh water. This is because the density of salt water is higher. This is clearly seen in the example of an egg. A raw chicken egg is heavier than ordinary fresh water. It will sink into it.

But when we add salt to the solution, the water will become heavier, and the egg will become lighter than the liquid in the jar - it will float. When we add more fresh water to the jar, the solution will not be so concentrated, its density will decrease, and the egg will sink again.

Experiment progress:

Pour into the jar up to half the usual water from the faucet. Dip an egg in it. What happened to him? That's right, it sank.

Remove the egg and add 4-5 teaspoons of salt to the jar. Stir the salt until it dissolves completely, and dip the egg back into the jar. It no longer sinks, but floats!

Now pour it into a glass of fresh water and slowly add it to the egg jar. You will see how it will first begin to sink into the water, and then completely sink.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution kindergarten №53 "Forest fairy tale"

The project was developed and implemented by the group educator "Birch" Zyryanova K.S. Novosibirsk 2017

1. Introduction

From year to year traditional holidays forgotten, fade into the background. In some families, they are not given any importance. Once upon a time, traditions were passed down in the family from generation to generation - "word of mouth" , "heart to Heart" . Folk holidays introduce children to the existing traditions and customs of the Russian people, help to convey high moral ideals to the child. We, adults, must acquaint children with the history of our Motherland, teach them how to use the wealth of cultural traditions. On the eve of the Orthodox holiday Easter, it was decided to develop and implement a project .


Communication with folk culture ennobles, makes a person soft, sensitive, kind, wise.

Easter is the most joyful and great holiday of Christians. The celebration of Easter has become a tradition. But not all preschoolers have an idea about this holiday, do not know the history and traditions.

It is necessary to acquaint children with national holidays.

2. Subject: "Easter - Bright Sunday of Christ" .

4. Participants: children, parents and caregiver.

5. Educational areas: speech development, the world around, artistic aesthetic development, reading literature, social and communicative development,

6. Project type: short-term, group.

7. Social partners: educator, children, parents.

8. Implementation period: 1 week.

Purpose: to involve older children preschool age to the traditions of folk culture, to arouse interest in the Orthodox holiday, to develop a sense of patriotism.


  • introduce the Easter holiday, history, traditions and customs;
  • develop;
  • to instill love for traditional holidays;
  • to cultivate interest in the historical past of their people, the desire and ability to apply the acquired knowledge in productive creativity.

Forms of work:

  • verbal (conversations, discussions);
  • visual (illustrations, pictures, presentation, m/f viewing);
  • problem presentation method (problem situation and its solution);
  • practical (coloring, crafts).

Expected results:

  • children and parents develop an interest in national culture, folk art, the Orthodox meaning of celebrating Easter;
  • got acquainted with poems, paintings dedicated to Easter
  • children learned to play folk games held on Easter days;
  • children received skills in arts and crafts.
  • receive a response to main question "What is Easter?" .

Project result: "Exhibition creative works» .

Preliminary work:

  • collection of literature, information and visualization on the topic;
  • work with parents in preparation for the project;
  • making a folding folder;
  • album production "Easter eggs" ;

Preparatory stage:

  • definition of the theme of the project;
  • formulation of the goal and breakdown into a fan of tasks;
  • drawing up a plan for the main stage of the project;
  • survey of children (Annex 1);

Parents: decision to take part in the project.

Children: looking at pictures on the topic.

Main stage:

  • conducting joint activities;
  • reviewing the album "Easter eggs" ;
  • conversations on the topic;
  • viewing pictures;
  • theme coloring pages;
  • organization of a role-playing game "Family" .

The final stage:

  • compiling a project portfolio;
  • organization of an exhibition of creative works;
  • project presentation.

The project was fully implemented, the goal was achieved: the children realized that Easter is a traditional Orthodox holiday. Children

showed great interest in conversations about Easter, traditions and history,

all conversations were accompanied by a display of visuals, an exhibition was organized, in which both the parents of the pupils and

willingly filled it with work. In the course of the work, answers were found to many children's questions that they asked when posing the problem of the project. (Why are eggs dyed? Why do they say "Christ is Risen?" ) . Visual material was used in the work. The practical significance of the results lies in the fact that the children got acquainted with the history and traditions of the Orthodox holiday, played games. The children were brought knowledge about the variety of Easter eggs. The output of the project was an exhibition of children's creative works and joint works of parents and children.

Methodological support



“The willow is all fluffy ...” Athanasius Fet

The willow is all fluffy

Spread around;

Spring is fragrant again

She waved her wings.

The clouds are rushing about,

warmly illuminated,

And again they ask to the soul

Captivating dreams.

Everywhere diverse

The eye is busy with the picture,

Noisy crowd idle

The people are happy about something ...

Some secret longing

The dream is inflamed -

And over every soul

Spring is passing by.

"Christ is risen!" Konstantin Roche

Christ is risen! He is the King of the worlds

Mighty kings Lord,

He is all humility, all love,

For a sinful world holy blood

Shed like an angel - redeemer!

Christ is risen! He gave people

Testament of holy forgiveness,

He gave mercy to the fallen

And for holy convictions

He ordered to suffer as he himself suffered!

Christ is risen! He announced

That on earth all people are brothers,

He renewed the world with love,

He forgave his enemies on the cross,

And he opened his arms to us!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

May these joyful sounds

Like the singing of angels from heaven

They will dispel anger, sorrow, torment!

Join all brotherly hands

Let's hug everyone! Christ is risen!


Conversation "Orthodox Easter" .

Purpose: To introduce children to the circle of the main Orthodox holidays, to show their close and organic connection with folk life, to acquaint with the basics of the spiritual and moral traditions of our people and the traditional way of life, with the peculiarities of preparing and conducting public holidays Easter. Learn to greet each other on Easter days with a traditional folk greeting "Christ is risen!" and answer "Truly Risen!" . To form in children the concept of mercy, kindness. To cultivate respect for the national traditions of celebrating Easter, interest in the history of the holiday, aesthetic feelings.

The brightest holiday Easter has come. Children love him very much, but perhaps they do not fully understand him. How to tell children about Easter? Introduce your child to the history of the holiday, its traditions.

In the Christian calendar, the most important holiday is Easter. In general, Easter is very ancient holiday but for Christians it has taken on a special meaning. The Son of God Jesus was crucified on the cross for the sins of men. But on the third day after his death, he rose again! Therefore, we know that our soul is immortal. And it happened just at Easter. Since then, we have been celebrating Holy Sunday every year! By the way, the seventh day of the week was named "Sunday" that is why. It was a very, very long time ago, over 2,000 years ago. Jesus Christ lived in the distant southern country of Judea. He went around the country preaching (told people about God, taught people to love each other and not offend anyone) Healed the sick, helped those who were suffering. His disciples also walked with him. They helped Jesus Christ in all His good deeds. But in the world, unfortunately, except for good people, a lot of evil, cruel. These people did not like the teachings of Jesus Christ about love and kindness, they were jealous of His success and glory. Evil people did not believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God. They seized Him, tortured Him, and then crucified Him on a cross. Jesus Christ, could have been saved from torment, because. He was the son of God. But He suffered on the Cross for all people. He knew that by this he would save those people who believe in Him and live according to the commandments of God. Therefore, we also call Jesus Christ the Savior and often turn to Him: "Lord, Save and Save Us" . When the Son of God died on the Cross, night fell in the middle of the day, the sun faded and it became dark, there was a great earthquake all over the earth, the veil in the temple was torn in two. Even evil people When they saw these signs, they said: “Truly this was the Son of God” . The disciples buried the body of Jesus Christ in the tomb (cave) and blocked the entrance with a large heavy stone (so it was customary to bury in this country). Early on Sunday morning, women came to the tomb of Christ - Mary Magdalene, John, Salome, who followed the Savior everywhere, and saw that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb, and there was no body of Jesus Christ in the tomb. They were very frightened, but suddenly they saw an Angel in white, light clothes. (In memory of this, we wear bright clothes on this holiday). The angel said to them: “Why are you looking for the living among the dead? Jesus Christ is Risen" . Jesus Christ walked the earth for another 40 days, met with his disciples and commanded them to tell the whole world about their teaching. This is what happened in Rome, where the disciples of Jesus Christ came to tell about His Resurrection.

Not all people believed that Jesus Christ could be resurrected. One of His disciples, Mary Magdalene, preaching the teachings of Jesus Christ, came to the Roman emperor Tiberius. In those days, it was customary to come to the emperor with a gift. Mary Magdalene had nothing but an egg, so she handed the egg to the emperor and said: "Christ is risen" . The emperor said: “This can't be! I will believe it only when this white egg turns red!” And suddenly the white egg turned into red before his eyes. Then the emperor exclaimed: "Truly Risen!"

Since then, all Christians on this day greet each other with the words "Christ is risen" and answer... ("Truly Risen" ) , and they also paint eggs red and give them to each other in remembrance of this miracle. Since then, a tradition has arisen to paint eggs red and greet each other.

Later, eggs for Easter began to be painted in different colors and called them "krashenki" , eggs on which various drawings are drawn are called "pysanky" . And it happens that eggs are covered with wax, painted, then various patterns are scratched out with a needle. These eggs are called "drapanki" .

On this day, bells ring in Orthodox churches, people walk around the church in a procession, carry lighted candles, icons, and approaching the closed doors of the Temple, as once the disciples of Jesus Christ to the Holy Sepulcher sing a doxology to the holiday. And early in the morning after the night service, the priest blesses the food. People congratulate each other, give Easter eggs and kissed each other three more times.


Everyone knows that at Easter we

We go to shine Easter cakes.

And we paint it

Easter symbol...

What color is the dress

On the bright holiday of the Resurrection?

What color are the candles in a row

Are they merry at Easter?

Instead of hello!

We are on Easter

We say: "Christ is risen!"

We are answered with kindness and affection

Truly Risen!

On this day, order in the house,

Friendly all the people leads,

Remove and erase

Everything is cleared of rubbish!

Take a bath with foam

What is a day in a week?

Clean Thursday

raisin, lush,

With white glaze

They won't be redundant.

Eat them peacefully.

They come on holidays

Scream with joy

Delicious, wonderful

When it is lit under the images -

She will cry silent tears.

Her tear is bright and hot -

That white Easter...

Red, blue and painted

We bring them to consecrate in a basket.

In the Easter games without them, nowhere.

Besides, it's just food.

On this day Christ was crucified

  • .. she is called.

Good Friday

You don't often see this on the streets.

With banners, with singing people go.

Lit candles, lamps flicker.

What is the name of the procession?


Easter cake, Easter and egg,

Prepared for a long time.

And that means, without a doubt,

Christ's Resurrection

yellow, red, blue,

Choose any one

Open up the paint

Let's color the eggs...

Easter holiday in the yard,

The most important on earth.

We all fuss in the morning

We have important things to do.

There are eggs on the table

Candle, Easter and water.

Did your friends guess


On the table fragrant Easter cake,

The smell in the house is good, clean.

The earth is shaken

What holiday are we waiting for friends?

Christ's Resurrection, Easter

A very important element

white egg,

After doing the experiment,

Everyone paints it.

For what and why

They all know very well

Because with a quiet step

Comes to us...

The soul rejoices silently

Not asking for a reward

And people are all today

Smiling, elegant.

Who wears candy

And someone with an egg

What holiday is today

Does it enter every home?

On the bright holiday of the Resurrection,

Food is waiting on the table.

Let's chat friends

Easter has come to visit us.

Brought the good

God's light and magic.

We all know for a long time

Holiday symbol...

We paint eggs in bright color,

Faces shine with joy.

Easter cakes are in the oven,

Wait for a bright holiday.

No, not a drop of doubt

Christ's Resurrection

Battle of two giants

Beautiful fun

Giants multicolored,

Probably strong too.

And fight to the end

Everyone needs a win

They are not foreign


Congratulate each other

And everyone won't get bored

Today to speak

Christ is risen

treats on the table,

And of course at the head

Fluffy and ruddy

Easter cake


Educational area: Artistic creativity. Modeling.


  1. Develop imagination, interest in the process and result of modeling.
  2. Continue to learn to actively and creatively apply previously learned modeling techniques. Develop creativity and independence.
  3. To consolidate the ability to make a pattern, rhythmically placing it on the craft.

Material: plasticine, stack, oilcloth, plasticine board, damp cloth, cardboard.

The course of educational activities

1. Organizational moment.

The children pass, sit on the chairs.

Educator: Who knows what religious holiday we will celebrate soon?

Children: Easter.

2. The story of the educator.

Teacher's story: In Rus', religious holidays were woven into folk holidays, giving them sublimity and holiness. A folk rituals, customs brought cheerfulness, beauty, originality, originality to religious holidays. This is our culture, history, and Orthodoxy is the basis of the spiritual life of the Russian nation. The meaning of the word "Easter" is not very clear, the holiday is not tied to a specific date or even month, and existed even before the birth of Christ. Holy Easter is celebrated solemnly in all Christian countries. Among the significant holidays, Easter can be called without exaggeration the triumph of celebrations, moreover, lasting a whole week! However, preparations for Easter begin and continue throughout Holy Week. By the end of the week - on Maundy Thursday - the house is washed and decorated in the most thorough way. Then you need to wash yourself. No wonder people call this day « Maundy Thursday» . On Friday, they prepare treats, put Easter cakes, and on Great Saturday they paint eggs. On Easter, it is customary to give gifts to all friends and relatives. And although you can give gifts to your neighbors with anything, nevertheless, preference is given to eggs in any form. Art decorative design eggs with a beautiful ornament are attributed to the pagan cult of glorifying the sun and the spring awakening of spring. The egg is a symbol of the rebirth of nature, the infinity of life, the chanting of the sun as the source of life on Earth.

Listen to Pleshcheev's poem:

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing

From all the churches people bring down

The dawn is already stroking from heaven

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,

And hands are torn from shackles,

And the nearest forest turns green

Christ. Resurrected! Christ. Resurrected!

Here comes Bright Sunday - the main Orthodox holiday of the year.

Holidays holiday and celebrations of celebrations. Amazing holiday! Someone else in childhood will remember him with painted eggs, someone with a midnight religious procession, someone with words similar to a spell: "Christ. Resurrected! - Truly Risen!


A tall flower grew in a clearing,

Opened the petals on a spring morning.

All petals beauty and nourishment

Together they give roots underground, (movements are performed in accordance with the text.).

3. The main part. Modeling eggs and decorating them.

Educator: Guys, do you want to make holiday eggs with your own hands.

The teacher invites the children to go to the workplace.

Today we will make eggs from cardboard and decorate with plasticine.

4. Reflection

Admire your work.

Who has the prettiest egg?

Who has the most accurate?

Which one do you like the most?.

Well done!. We will place your works on our festive exhibition.


Subject: "Easter card for grandma"

Purpose: to form a desire in children to give gifts to their loved ones, to please with their crafts, to create a good mood for themselves and those around them.


  1. Expand your understanding of Holidays - Easter, Palm Sunday.
  2. To develop the design abilities of children, using various materials for application.
  3. To cultivate the desire to be the successors of traditions and customs. Cultivate accuracy and accuracy in work;

Materials and equipment: green cardboard, brown colored paper, multi-colored pieces of colored paper, cotton wool, cotton buds, glue, scissors.

Lesson progress

The musical recording of bells sounds "Easter chime" .

Educator. Guys, what a beautiful chime, isn't it? Do you know what holiday this music sounds like? (children's answers).

Educator. That's right, this is in honor of the Easter holiday, which Christians will celebrate very soon. Easter is a very favorite holiday for all of us. Easter is spring, it is the realization that a huge miracle once happened in the world! On Easter, Easter cakes are usually baked, eggs are painted. Previously, eggs were dyed with onion skins, but now eggs can be found in a wide variety of colors and colorings. Today we will make Easter cards for grandma. Grab your seats at the tables.

First, let's do finger exercises.

We set the Easter table (spread arms out to sides)

We decorate with a willow branch. (fingers "fan" )

We carry Easter cakes from the oven, (showing with palms)

And from a chicken - testicles. (connect the thumb with the rest in turn)

Give us, chicken, a simple testicle,

We will paint it - it will be golden. (color in the air)

The teacher demonstrates finished postcard and explains how to make it. The kids get to work.

First, we take colored rectangles, bend the corners so that we get ovals. We make several ovals - eggs.

We glue them on the colored cardboard, chosen in advance, below.

Tell me why on Easter compositions, almost always depict a willow twig? (children's answers)

Educator. Look at what beautiful willow branches I brought to the group today.

Palm Sunday is celebrated as a great feast 6 days before Easter. This is the celebration of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. When common people met Jesus with solemnity and reverence. As a sign of love, people greeted Christ with palm branches. IN Ancient Rus' they found a replacement in the form of willow.

Willow blossoms before other trees and symbolizes the awakening of nature, rebirth, the arrival of spring.

IN last sunday before Easter in Russia it has always been customary to consecrate willow branches. Hence the name of this holiday among Orthodox Christians - Palm Sunday. The willow was also called the tree of the Lord. The people believed that the consecrated willow cleanses and drives away evil spirits, endows people with health. Willow branches were placed in the front corner behind the icon and kept all year round.

With willow branches brought from the church, they whipped each other and, first of all, children, saying:

Willow whip beats to tears.

Blue willow does not hit hard,

Red willow beats in vain,

White willow beats for the cause

Willow whip beats to tears

Now let's glue the willow branches. First, we take a napkin, twist it in the form of a twig and glue it on cardboard. Glue fluffies cut out of cotton pads. Then we take small brown squares, bend the corners to the middle, glue these rhombuses to the fluffy ones. These are kidneys.

Educator: The most important symbol of the holiday is a painted egg. Look, there are painted eggs just with paint. They are called painters. And the eggs are painted with patterns. These eggs are called Easter eggs.

Because when an artist draws, they say he paints a picture or a pattern, that's why they call Easter eggs. Who wants to, leave the glued eggs just colored. Others can paint them with felt-tip pens and turn them into Easter eggs ..

Educator: Guys, what do they do with colored eggs?

Children: Give each other.

Educator: Yes, they exchange and knock, play.

Russian folk game "Egg rolling"

You will take your work home, give it to your grandmother and be sure to tell her about these Orthodox holidays


Role-playing game "Family" .

Target. Encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Improving the ability to independently create a game environment for the intended plot. Formation of valuable moral feelings (humanity, love, sympathy, etc.).

game material. Dolls, toy tableware, furniture, game attributes (aprons, scarves), substitute items.

Game roles. Grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, mother, father, brother, sister.

Game progress. In order to develop the game, the teacher can first talk with the children on the topic "Where do parents work" . To reveal the moral essence of the activities of adults: a responsible attitude to their duties, mutual assistance and the collective nature of work. Further, the teacher encourages children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Invites the children to build a house according to the idea, using construction material. During the construction of the house, he teaches children to agree on joint actions, draw up a preliminary design plan, and bring the work to the end. Then brings toys (dolls, furniture, dishes, etc.), game attributes (aprons, scarves). After that, the teacher, together with the children, analyzes the following game situations: "When Mom's Away" , "We've got guests" , "I help my mother" , « Family celebration» etc.

A game "We've got guests" should teach children how to properly invite guests, meet guests, give a gift, behave at the table.


Easter games

A game "Find the Bunny" . Such entertainment can be organized both in nature and in your own home. It is necessary to prepare colored eggs, sweets, small chocolate bars, chocolate hares and hide them indoors or in a summer cottage. After gathering all the kids, ask them to search the garden and find a treat.

Contest "Spin, egg!" . Each child is given an egg. On command "Spin, egg!" children simultaneously begin to rotate the Easter symbol. The winner of the competition is the participant whose egg will spin the longest. He is rewarded with a sweet present.

A game "Blow off an egg" . This is one of the most fun children's Easter games. A raw egg need to be pierced with a needle in advance and freed from the contents. Dividing the participants in the game into two teams, each sit at the table opposite each other. The prepared testicle should be placed in the middle of the table. At the same time, the participants in the game begin to blow on the egg, trying to blow it to the opposite end of the table. The team that succeeds in blowing the testicle off the table wins.

Folk games for Easter

In preparation for the holiday, you can use Russian folk games for Easter. The favorite pastime of peasant children in the villages was entertainment with colored eggs. So, for example, egg rolling was especially popular not only among children, but also among adults. An inclined wooden tray or slide was used. Below, the participants in the fun had to arrange their eggs in a semicircle or in random order. Each child had only one "core" , which, in turn, is rolled down the tray in order to knock the opponent's egg out of place. If this succeeded, the thrower took the knocked down trophy and continued the game. In case of failure, the player was replaced by another player. The winner was the child with the most eggs.

In addition, in Russian families they played, and even now they amuse themselves by beating painted eggs. Each participant chose an egg for himself. Clamping it in such a way that the sharp ends of the egg stick out, the children beat them against each other. If the egg beat, its blunt end was substituted. In the case of breaking the shell, the winner took the trophy to be eaten.

Christian games for Easter for children

If your family adheres to Christian upbringing, hold a quiz on an Easter theme. The facilitator asks questions, and the children answer them. Points are counted for each answer. The winner is the player who answers the most questions. He is awarded a commemorative prize.

Sample questions:

  1. Name an Easter greeting? (Christ is risen!)
  2. Name the day of the week on which Jesus Christ was resurrected. (Sunday)
  3. On what day after his death did Christ resurrect? (on the third)
  4. What is the name of the first witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ? (Mary Magdalena)
  5. What happened to the stone that closed the tomb of Christ? (he was pushed back)
  6. Explain the origin of the expression "Doubting Thomas" . (Thomas was the name of the disciple of Christ, who, seeing Him, did not believe in the resurrection until he put his hands in His hands)
  7. How long did Jesus stay on earth after his resurrection? (forty days)
  8. Why did Jesus Christ die and rise again? (for the deliverance of people from sins and the eternal condemnation of God)

In addition, a fun relay race can be held for children. Participants need to be defeated in two groups and given each 1 tablespoon, on which the egg is laid. At the command of the leader, a player from each group must run with a spoon in his mouth to the designated place, return and pass the spoon to the next player without dropping the egg. The team that completes the task first wins. In the event of an egg falling, the player stops the relay for 30 seconds.


Experiments for children with eggs

Experience for children with egg and vinegar

We took a chicken egg and put it in a jar of 9% vinegar. The egg immediately began to be covered with bubbles of gas. The whole point is that eggshell contains calcium carbonate, which, when interacting with an acid, dissolves with the release of carbon dioxide. The process is quite intensive, and after a while a lush foam from CO2 bubbles forms above the liquid.

The egg was left in vinegar for 2 days. After this time, the shell completely dissolved and only a thin inner film covered the egg. At the same time, it slightly increased in size. (this can be seen in the photo in comparison with an ordinary egg).

Despite the fact that our test egg lost its strong protection, it became soft, but at the same time elastic. The photo shows how we squeezed it with different sides, pushed through. Another egg became bouncy. Of course, it was not possible to capture this in the photograph, but when throwing a soft egg on a plate, it bounced like a rubber ball. Having played enough, we proceeded to the following experiments.

Experience for children "Egg Walking"

It seemed to us that the previous experience was not enough, and I invited the children to stand on the tray with eggs. The children were puzzled by such a proposal, but still stood and were convinced of the strength of the eggshell.

What is important in this experiment? So that the egg tray is strong and the eggs stand upright. Because the pressure of the eggs on the foot has a fairly strong massage effect and with sudden movements we can crush the eggs.

Experience for children "Raw and Boiled Eggs"

  • boiled eggs rotate well if you try to twist them;
  • raw eggs, no matter how you try to rotate them, do not spin. The egg stops without making a single turn.

This is due to the fact that a boiled egg in the physical sense is a single solid body, and by rotating it, we transfer the energy of rotation to the whole body, where it is evenly distributed - the egg is spinning. A raw egg is only solid on the outside, but liquid inside. So it turns out that we are essentially trying to rotate the shell, while the internal liquid part "remains in place" and dampen rotational movements.

Experience "Egg and Salt"

An egg will sink to the bottom if you put it in a glass of plain water, but what happens if you add salt to the water? The result is very interesting and can clearly show Interesting Facts about density.

You will need:

  • Salt
  • Tumbler.


  1. Fill half the glass with water.
  2. Add a lot of salt to the glass (about 6 tablespoons).
  3. We interfere.
  4. We carefully lower the egg into the water and observe what is happening.


Salt water has a higher density than regular tap water. It is the salt that brings the egg to the surface. And if you add fresh salt water to the existing salt water, then the egg will gradually sink to the bottom.

Egg in a bottle. Simple experiments for children and their secrets.

This is a well-known, classic experience that is more than a hundred years old. However, we present it here because it is very spectacular, and it can be easily carried out at home.

You will need:

Medium sized hard boiled and shelled chicken egg

Glass juice bottle with a wide mouth

strip of paper

Matches or lighter

Vegetable oil

We draw your attention to the fact that for a successful experiment, it is necessary that the egg is not much larger than the neck of the bottle.

Work plan:

  1. Lubricate the neck of the bottle with vegetable oil.
  2. Light the paper on fire and quickly lower it into the bottle. Be careful not to burn your fingers!
  3. After that, immediately put the egg on the neck of the bottle.
  4. In a second, the burning paper will go out, and the egg will incredibly end up in a bottle.

Experience Explanation:

The burning paper heats the air in the bottle, causing the air molecules to move and begin to repel each other. Part of the air comes out through the cracks between the egg and the neck of the bottle. When the flame goes out, the air molecules cool and begin to attract each other. This phenomenon in science is called partial vacuum. The air outside the bottle rushes into it, but the egg blocks the way. The pressure of the air molecules outside the bottle is so great that they literally push the egg into the vessel.