Independent activity of children in preschool education according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Organization of various activities and communication of preschoolers. Video: role-playing game situation "Journey"

  • 1. All equipment in the group is selected according to age characteristics children. The equipment is rationally placed, convenient for children.
  • 2. In the afternoon, children prefer the following games - role-playing, building, moving, board.
  • 3. At the initiative of the educator, role-playing games arose: she offered new game actions, new roles, introduced additional equipment. The teacher also organized didactic games in order to expand children's ideas about the world around them.
  • 4. At the initiative of children, mobile, building, role-playing games arose. Children enthusiastically designed, the boys built various garages, houses; girls preferred to build castles, houses for dolls. Some children love to color. They are positioned so that you can see how the other guys play.
  • 5. In games, children most often reproduced scenes from everyday life (going to the store, hairdresser, hospital; holidays).
  • 6. Children imitated the household chores of their relatives, the work of an educator, doctor, teacher, driver, pilot. In the same game, elements of everyday life, work and social life were often combined: a mother takes her daughter-doll to kindergarten while she hurries to work in the hospital; parents with children go to a holiday, etc.
  • 7. Often the plot structure was one-dark, but multi-character.
  • 8. Sometimes children introduced a playful image into real work. So, putting on a white apron and a scarf to make cookies, the child turned into a worker in a confectionery factory, and when cleaning the site, he became a janitor.
  • 9. The roles were distributed based on the gender of the child. The boys did not want to take on the role of the girls. Girls were also reluctant to take on roles where they could play the role of a character of the opposite sex.
  • 10. Leading play interests of children: not only regime moments, but also various holidays, excursions, work of adults. Interest in games with a social theme was especially noticed.
  • 11. The peculiarity of planning the management of creative games in the group was that the teacher tried to organize the activities of children in such a way that in the process of playing children learn about the world, develop comprehensively.

The level of development of skills in a creative game

"From birth to school" edited by: N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva

Actual game skills

Kachalova Leonida

Desire to organize role-playing games.

Lyonya often shows a desire to organize his peers for a role-playing game.

The ability to develop a plot based on knowledge gained from the perception of the environment, from literary works, excursions, travels.

I repeatedly noticed that Lenya introduced new actions into the plot, citing an example from his perception of the environment.

Skill: distribute roles, prepare the necessary conditions, agree on a sequence of joint actions, establish and regulate contacts in a joint game: negotiate, put up, give in, convince, etc.

Lenya likes to take responsibility for preparing the necessary attributes for the upcoming game. He showed concern for his peers.

Be able to complicate the game by expanding the composition of roles, coordinating and predicting role-playing actions and behavior in accordance with the plot of the game, increasing the number of combined storylines.

In order not to offend other children with an insufficient number of roles, Lenya invented and introduced new roles into the game. Or he gave his role to an offended, in his opinion, peer.

To be able to collectively build the buildings necessary for the game, plan the upcoming work, and jointly carry out the plan.

He willingly took part in the construction of buildings with other guys. Lenya listens to other guys in teamwork.

Be able to independently organize familiar outdoor games.

During practice, it was not possible to observe this skill.

To be able to build a line of behavior in a role, using attributes, details of costumes.

At rehearsals for the upcoming holiday, we managed to observe his behavior as a soloist.

Know how to follow the rules of the game.

Always follows the rules of the game.

To be able to compare objects, notice minor differences in their characteristics, combine objects according to common features, make a whole from a part, determine changes in the arrangement of objects.

Didactic games of a different nature do not cause difficulties. He likes to think for himself, rather than asking for help from adults.

Have qualities such as friendliness, discipline, a culture of fair competition in competitive games.

Such qualities as friendliness, discipline, are observed in Lyonya. In outdoor games, he prefers fair competition.

Based on the observation of Leonid Kachalov and the conversation with him, I came to the conclusion that his level of development of creative play is high. He has most of the playing skills that are recommended by the Birth to School program. He knows how to organize a plot-role-playing game, come up with new roles and new actions to enrich it. Disciplined in following the rules of the game. Shows friendliness towards other children. Willingly joins and actively works in a group of children.

Children of preschool age in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

“If our children,” wrote N. G. Chernyshevsky, “want to be people, in fact, educated, they must acquire education by independent studies.”

K. D. Ushinsky attached great importance to independent work. He believed that the educator should not only give children knowledge, but also direct their mental activity. Preschoolers should, if possible, work independently, and the educator should supervise this independent work and provide material for it.

What is independence? Independence - independence, freedom from external influences, coercion, from outside support, help. Independence - the ability for independent action, judgment, initiative, determination. These definitions give us Dictionary Russian language". In pedagogy, this is one of the volitional spheres of the individual. This is the ability not to be influenced by various factors, to act on the basis of one's views and motives.

Independent activity is such work that is performed without the direct participation of the educator, but on his instructions, at a time specially provided for this, while the child consciously strives to achieve the goal, using his efforts and expressing in one form or another the result of mental or physical (or both) actions. Independent work of a preschooler is a consequence of the correct combination of education and upbringing in a holistic educational process.

The problem of the formation of independent activity in children has been and remains one of the most urgent in pedagogy.

The task of forming an active, independent, creative personality must be addressed from preschool age. Development of independence in preschool age It is connected with the development by the child of various types of activities in which he acquires the opportunity to show his subjective position. Independence of children unfolds from independence of a reproductive nature to independence with elements of creativity with a steady increase in the role of children's consciousness, self-control and self-esteem in the implementation of activities.

Each activity has a peculiar influence on the development of different components of independence. Thus, the game contributes to the development of activity and initiative, in labor activity there are favorable opportunities for the formation of purposefulness and awareness of actions, perseverance in achieving results, in productive activities the independence of the child from the adult, the desire to find adequate means of self-expression are formed.

GEF is also aimed at solving the problem ".... the formation of independence and responsibility of the child ... "

In the logic of the Federal State Educational Standard, for the successful implementation of the Program, psychological and pedagogical conditions must be provided, where it is necessary to support the initiative and independence of children in activities specific to them (game, research, project, cognitive, etc.;)

Support for children's individuality and initiative should be provided through:

Creation of conditions for children to freely choose participants joint activities;

Creating conditions for children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts

In order to build independent activities of children, it is necessary to use in educational activities the forms and methods of working with children that correspond to their age and individual characteristics, to build educational activities based on the interaction of adults with children, focused on the interests and capabilities of each child and taking into account the social situation of his development. A necessary condition will be the support by adults of a positive, friendly attitude of children to each other and the interaction of children with each other in various activities, i.e. establishing rules of interaction in different situations. The development of children's communication skills, allowing them to resolve conflict situations with peers, the development of children's skills to work in a group of peers.

Opportunity for children to choose materials, activities, participants in joint activities and communication.

Respect of adults for the human dignity of children, the formation and support of their positive self-esteem, confidence in their own abilities and abilities.

Support for parents (legal representatives) in raising children, involving families in direct educational activities.

Analyzing the results of the activities of the teaching staff of BMKDOU kindergarten No. 25, attending joint teachers' councils on succession with school No. 21, the problem of the formation of independence in children was identified.

In order to study children's mastery of independent activities in a group and on a site preschool monitoring "Independent activity as one of the indicators of the level of development of children" was carried out. Analyzing the obtained results, it should be noted:

Able to play independently - 78% of children.

Distribute and invent stories for games - 45%

Independently find a way out of problematic situations and conflicts without resorting to the help of an adult - 48%

At the same time, the analysis showed that children experience difficulties in creative games, in which they more often follow the example of another child.

The voiced problems in the organization of independent activity were translated into targets at the stage of completion of preschool education:

Not able to take initiative in the game;

Not able to take initiative in cognitive research activities;

Not always able to choose his occupation, participants in joint activities;

Does not have a developed imagination;

Not good enough in oral speech;

Incapable of volitional effort.

Based on the monitoring results, the problems that have arisen, the continuity between the PEO and the IEO was studied, and also in connection with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, we chose methodical theme(school number 21. working on the topic "Organization of independent activities")

Topic: Development of independence, abilities and creativity of each child.

Purpose: Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions to support the initiative and independence of children in activities specific to them.

Tasks for teachers:

Master modern pedagogical technologies facilitating the development of independence and creativity;

Master the forms and methods that contribute to the creation of the emotional well-being of children;

Improve the subject-developing environment;

Develop forms of interaction with parents.

Tasks for children:

Show initiative in various activities;

To be able to choose the occupation, participants in joint activities;

Resolve conflicts;

Develop imagination;

Good command of oral speech;

Develop strong will.

Work on solving the tasks was carried out with all participants in the educational process:

 with teachers;

 with children;

 with parents.

The following methodological activities were carried out for teachers:

theoretical seminar: "Creating conditions in groups for independent activities of preschool children";

round table: "The role of the game as a leading activity";

consultations: “The role of the educator in shaping the foundations of the preschooler’s independence”, “The meaning didactic games in the independent activity of children", "Development of curiosity and independence of children through experimentation", "Interaction of teachers - necessary condition successful work on the formation of independence.

Methodological meetings: "Development and approval of the Regulations on independent activities", "Requirements for the creation of a subject-developing environment".

Seminar - workshop - "Creating a piggy bank of games used by teachers in the educational process, taking into account the targets of the GEF DO"

The teachers have chosen topics for self-education:

Education of independence in preschoolers in cognitive activity.

Education of independence in children of senior preschool age in a role-playing game.

Formation of coherent speech in children through familiarization with fiction.

Development in children cognitive activity through experimental work.

Psychological features of the formation of self-esteem in children of senior preschool age.

There is no teacher-psychologist in our institution, and the courses "Psychological - pedagogical support for the development of preschoolers with problems in the emotional and personal sphere in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard" helped us a lot

In order to help children with emotional well-being problems, seminars are planned with teachers and parents on the following topics:

Psychological and pedagogical support of a hyperactive child, an aggressive child.

Psychological and pedagogical support for shy, withdrawn, anxious children.

Accompanying an autistic child.

Particular cases of difficulties and problems in the development of preschoolers: children's laziness, children's lies, children's theft.

According to the Regulations on the independent activity of children educational work with children on the formation of the foundations of independence is implemented in three areas:

Direct educational activities

The teacher solves educational problems in the sections of the program being implemented, expands the ideas of children, enriches their experience, forms various skills and abilities. Within the framework of this direction, the educator defines a didactic task, puts it in front of the children, directs the activity of each child to achieve a result.

Cooperative activity.

The teacher specifies the content that ensures the achievement of the goals in various types of children's activities: communicative (conversations, stories, discussions, etc.), games (didactic, desktop-printed, developing, verbal, outdoor and other games), cognitive, research (experiments, experimentation, observation), labor (assignments, duty, manual labor, labor in nature), artistic (theatrical, drawing, appliqué, artistic design, music, etc.). Joint activity contains educational material aimed at mastering the child's ways of knowing the world around him, choice, transformation, generalization. The activity takes place in the form of benevolent cooperation between an adult and children.

Independent activity

It involves the creation of conditions for the child's creative implementation of the acquired knowledge and skills, the generalization of his own experience. Mastering cultural means specific for each age in joint activity with an adult allows the child, within the framework of independent activity, to be free to choose his own actions, to independently organize his activity.

Such a sequence of actions of the teacher ensures the construction of a holistic educational process aimed at increasing the subjective position of the child in all types of activities.

A necessary condition for the independent activity of children is the subject-spatial environment.

The teachers of the institution have created an environment that provides an opportunity for children to organize independent games and activities:

creation of conditions for independent activity of children through the organization of role-playing games, theatrical activities, director's games, dramatization games;

creation of conditions for experimental activities of pre-school children;

creation of conditions for artistic and speech activity;

design of sports corners in groups;

In the kindergarten, with the hands of employees and with the help of parents, centers were designed: social and communicative development, games, cognitive development, theater and masquerade, experimentation, the center of nature, design, artistic - aesthetic development, water and sand center, labor activity.

In groups, various schemes, step-by-step maps, algorithms and tables, models are developed that contribute to the formation of independence, planning skills, and the development of children's thinking.

Each group organizes exhibitions of children's art.

In interaction with the parents of pupils, various forms of work are used:

design of information stands, exhibitions in groups with recommendations;

holding general and group meetings, individual consultations, conversations;

memos and booklets “Play is a source of joy for a child”, “Toys for children from 2 to 3 years old”, “How to organize children's play in the family”.

involvement of parents in participation in thematic weeks;

communication with parents through the Site.

The organization in the institution of joint collective creative activity of all participants in the educational process contributes to the solution of the problem of the formation of independence. Our institution works according to the exemplary program "Success", where this is provided for in the scheduling.

The team of BMKDOU No. 25 strives to ensure the integrity and unity of activity, as it considers this a prerequisite for the formation of independence. The "Success" program allows you to integrate independent activities with other forms of work during the day (walk, sensitive moments, group, subgroup, joint activities)

We offer a presentation "Organization of independent activity in sensitive moments"

Estimated results of the work

The independent activity of children in the second year of life becomes more diverse: these are actions with objects and building materials, movements, and observations. The child gets to his feet, begins to move independently and master speech. Having learned to walk, he gets a greater opportunity to satisfy his need for movement and orientation in the environment. Observations show that children of this age love to open and close doors, drawers, boxes, take out things from there and put them in. The child happily rummages through the paper basket, transfers things and toys from place to place.

The development of actions with objects is facilitated by didactic toys (pyramids, barrels, liners, molds for sand, medium building material), the development of movements - balls different sizes, cars, carts, wheelchairs, from benefits - a ladder-slide, boards of different widths and lengths, a log, etc. Everything moving - a car, a tram, an airplane - is of great interest to children. Already at this age, the car becomes one of the favorite toys. Some design attempts appear: games with inlay toys, with a turret.

For games, dolls and other figurative toys of medium size, sets of large dishes, some pieces of doll furniture (table, chair, bed) are also needed. Furniture should be large and durable, as children often sit on it themselves. Toys are placed by activity in different parts of the room. A certain place for storing toys teaches children to order, brings up organization and independence. Kids themselves can find the item they need to continue the game. It is good to place toys in sets: put a blanket next to the doll, place dishes on the table; put bricks in the cart, put a doll or other figurative toy. This will help the child to use not one, but several objects in the game, which will complicate the game. In relation to toys, children of this age show significant individual differences. Some prefer household items, others love dolls and toy animals. Some are attracted to small objects, others, on the contrary, to large, bulky ones. However, with all the variety of tastes, one thing can be noted: all children are attracted to such toys and objects with which they can act in accordance with their desires.

When organizing the activities of children, it is necessary to ensure that they use the toys for their intended purpose, do not get distracted, and complete the game they have begun. The teacher takes part in children's games, creates conditions for the active participation of all children in them. During independent activity, kids should be calm, busy, active.

During the second year of life, children's play actions become noticeably more complicated. At the beginning of the year, they reproduce only learned actions, and mainly on those toys with which the teacher acted. Gradually, the child learns to transfer actions from one toy to another. After a year and a half, thanks to the ability to imitate, children begin to include in the game actions that they themselves noticed in life. This is how the child develops a display activity, but there may not yet be a plot game, since children often do not care about the correct sequence of actions, they are attracted by the process of the game itself.

The appearance of a story game, the establishment of a relationship and the interdependence of actions are helped by dramatizations with story toys. In the final part of the dramatization, children should be given objects similar to those with which the teacher acted during the show. Stage shows help to clarify the ideas of the kids and complicate the story game. At the end of the second year of life, elements of the story game can be noticed in the actions of children. They perform game actions in a logical sequence; communicating with each other, they reproduce the actions that an adult usually does with them: feed, treat, comb. The game begins to use not only toys, but also substitutes for real objects.

When supervising the independent activities of children, one should try to form in them the need to contact the teacher for various reasons: ask for help in the game, give the right toy, draw attention to something interesting. In addition, children should be taught to comply with the requirements of adults, the rules of behavior: do not take a toy from another child, be able to wait until the other one plays.

In the second year of life, relationships between children continue to form. To create a positive relationship between them, conflicts should be prevented. Conflicts quite often arise between children because their speech is still poorly developed, they cannot explain their desire, and a toy in the hands of another child is always attractive. Sometimes a negative attitude towards a peer is a consequence of interest in his activities and at the same time the inability to act together.

Of the positive forms, emotional communication is the first to manifest. Children of the second year smile at each other, willingly play the games they have learned with the teacher (hide and seek, catch-up). Relying on the benevolent attitude of the kids towards each other, one should begin to form the prerequisites for joint activities: the ability to act calmly next to a peer, to concentrate on one’s game without interfering with another child, in other words, to form a game nearby. By organizing the game and watching it, the teacher creates a situation where children have to wait for their turn, for example, when rolling a cart; invites each child to complete some task: one to put the cubes in the car, the other to carry, the third to remove. At this age, the child should understand well the meaning of the words “no”, “you can” (you can’t play with some things, break toys, take them away, scream, etc.). When the demand or desire of the child is unfulfilled, and he still cannot understand the reason for the refusal, he should be distracted, his attention should be switched to another object.

Task 1. Help "Organization of the work of a preschool institution"

Full name of the institution, its type: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 233 - School of Knights and Princesses"

Address of the institution: Perm, st. Podlesnaya, 21/2

Founder and departmental affiliation: Department of Education, Administration of Perm.

The contingent of children in preschool: 102 children.

Completion of groups: 5 groups.

The composition of the employees of the preschool educational institution: 20 employees.

Educational level of the teaching staff:

· Higher - 77%;

· Secondary special education - 23%.

Qualifications of the teaching staff:

· Not certified - 22%.

Mode work of preschool educational institution: 8:00 - 20:00

Functions of the preschool educational institution: education of preschool children

The purpose of preschool: To be Inspirers and Helpers for our children, parents and partners in self-expression of their Talents and Personalities.

The tasks of the preschool educational institution: To help the children understand all the features of gender ("social sex"), learn to appreciate and use different character traits (both in themselves and in others), organize suitable story games and of course save individual approach to each student.

DOW services:

1. Co-Creation of Light;

2. Buffet for knights and princesses;

3. Pies for knights and princesses;

4. "Pearls of Belogorye";

5. Sunny weekend;

6. Tutor program "Special child";

7. Montessori school for children aged 1-3.

The main program documentation (list): "From childhood to adolescence".

Main regulatory documentation (list):

· Certificate of accreditation with attachments;

Charter of MADOU No. 233;

· Municipal task;

· Certificate of state. registration;

· Resolution approving the new charter;

· Plan of financial and economic activity - 2011-2013;

· License.

Group name early age: "Solar" group, short stay group.

Surname, name, patronymic of educators-mentors: Domnina Marina Nikolaevna.

Education of the mentor: Higher.

Experience working with young children: 3 years

Number of children in the group: 20

The age of children at the time of admission to the preschool educational institution: from 1.5 years to 2.5 years.

Age of children at the time of practice: from 2-3 years.

Group attendance this year: 100%

Incidence rate in the group: 70%

Comprehensive program: "From childhood to adolescence" 2007.

Partial programs: "Health" V.G. Alyamovskaya, Musical director uses the program "Baby" V.A. Petrova.

The list of pedagogical documentation maintained in the group: perspective plan work schedule, work schedule, adaptation cards, morning, evening filter, walk log, observation log (for individual work.

Task 2. Organization of independent activities of children

Part 1. Analysis "Conditions for organizing independent activities of children in a group room"

The group includes the following game centers:

1. Tables and open shelves with books next to them are designed for calm board-didactic games. These are the games that help mental development children and the development of fine motor skills, such as: laying out mosaics, pyramids, nesting dolls, board games. For example, a board game: "What kind of children did mom lose?", "Let's help the girl become neat." For the game "What kind of children did mother lose?" large pictures depicting cows, chickens, dogs and small ones depicting calves, chickens, puppies are offered. and other board games: "Who needs what?". The large pictures depict people of professions familiar to children: a janitor, a postman, a hairdresser, a salesman, a doctor, etc. They are accompanied by small pictures depicting certain objects and tools characteristic of each type of work. It is necessary to determine that a janitor needs a broom, a shovel, a doctor needs a thermometer, white bathrobe etc. In another game for a girl who has one shoe on, they look for the second; for the uncombed - a comb, etc.; folding cubes (of 4 parts) depicting simple objects that differ in shape and color. For example, different vegetables and fruits: orange, pear, carrot, beet; dominoes with pictures.

2. An art corner is also set up here, for the development of visual abilities, creativity, and imagination of children, for organizing joint and independent activities of children. It is equipped with the following tools and materials:

Wooden board and colored crayons for it;

wax pencils;

Colored pencils in jars by color and paper;

Didactic manual "Sit in your house" - by color.

3. Corner with building material, which includes a variety of volumetric forms: cubes, cylinders, bars, etc., plastic designers from various building parts.

4. Wardrobe with open shelves, on which various plot-shaped toys are presented: dolls, Stuffed Toys, large plastic toys depicting animals, cars.

5. The game zone "machine park", which is represented by the following toys: trucks and cars, a crane, a tractor, a fire truck.

6. The "house" play area, which is represented by a "room" - is a bed, table, chair, ironing board, iron, blanket, doll, wardrobe with doll clothes, telephone, clock and "kitchen" - a stove, a set of dishes, a set products, washing machine.

7. Game zone "Shop", a panel with the image of vegetables and fruits, a cash register, bags.

8. Play area "Hospital" - doctor's coat, accessories for the doctor.

9. Game zone "Hairdressing salon" - a mirror, a toy hair dryer, various tubes and other accessories.

10. Sports corner - a set of balls, hoops, rolling toys, skittles. Large toys such as cars, wheelchairs, jump ropes.

11. The musical corner is represented by the following attributes: a tape recorder with a set of cassettes of children's songs, metallophones, balalaikas, tambourines, a keyboard drawn on cardboard, rattles, an accordion.

12. The theater corner is represented by carved painted figures that depict heroes folk tales: "Ryaba Hen", "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Turnip"; theatrical costumes: a pilot, a sailor, or animal hats: a lamb, a bunny, etc.

Game centers in the group, in my opinion, are located rationally. For example, a book corner and a board game corner are located next to tables and chairs where children can sit and work.

The building material is located in the area where the carpet is laid and there is a lot of space for buildings, there is a machine park nearby, where you can take a car to transport goods or to build a garage or a road for it, as well as various figurative toys.

The "kitchen" zone is located next to the "room" and "hospital" zones. Children have free access to playground equipment.

Placement of materials for gaming centers has not changed for two weeks. Dining tables are used to temporarily place the materials of the art corner.

Part 2. Analysis "Conditions for organizing independent activities of children in a group walking area and the composition of the portable material"

The group site has:

House (3 windows; there is a bench and a table);

Sandbox (large, roomy, there is a border for children to sit or make "kuschiki");


Large veranda;

Rocking swing.

Table "Conditions for organizing independent activities of children in the walking area"

Kind of activity

Name of equipment, remote material

Location, its feasibility

Compliance with hygienic and aesthetic requirements


Buckets, scoops, molds, rakes, brooms, watering cans,

Leading. Activity

In a separate box, next to the sandbox. Participation in labor.


Physical education

Balls of different sizes, wheelchairs, skittles.

Physical development, ability to navigate in space



Jars, boxes, bottles, sticks, natural material

The development of the symbolic function of thinking.



Crayons, plasticine, pencils

The desire for self-expression



Strollers, dolls, appliances, dishes, trolley, animals.

For game activities


Thus, the object-spatial environment corresponds to the age of children. Children calmly find objects and toys necessary for games. Without interfering with other children, which ensures smooth, calm communication between children and adults. Arising conflicts between children, because of a toy, are quickly "eliminated". Educators teach children to share, not to take away, to negotiate. All this is done in an even, balanced tone. Thus, without suppressing the child's psyche and creating a comfortable climate in the group.

For a more developing environment in the group, you can bring in more toys such as: "ruskers", "inserts", "laces" to develop fine motor skills children's hands. Games and toys are also needed to develop color and shape.

Organization of independent activities of preschool children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

(Speech at the district MO of educators, prepared by educator Yurova L.I.)

In accordance with the FGT and GEF, educational tasks must be solved

During the regime moments,

in joint activities of children with a teacher (including in the classroom),

in independent activities of children

in joint activities with the family.

One of the main forms in the process of education and upbringing of children in kindergarten is the independent activity of children. Before turning to the issue of organizing this independent activity in the conditions of a preschool educational institution, I will talk about what should be understood by independence.

About the concept of "independence" in the scientific literature

In the scientific pedagogical literature, there are different points of view on the definition of the concept of "independence"

1. This is the ability not to be influenced by various factors, to act on the basis of one's views and beliefs.

2. This is a general characteristic of the regulation (management) of the personality of its activities, relationships and behavior.

3. This is a gradually developing quality, a high degree of which is characterized by the desire to solve the problems of activity without the help of other people, the ability to set the goal of the activity, carry out elementary planning, implement the plan and get a result that is adequate to the goal, as well as contribute to the manifestation of initiative and creativity in solving emerging problems.

Scientific research shows that under conditions of optimal upbringing and education, children can achieve a certain level of development of independence in different types activities: gaming, communicative, motor, cognitive-research, productive (drawing, modeling, artistic work), labor, musical. WITH independent activities of children- one of the main models of organizing the educational process of preschool children:

1) free activity of pupils in the conditions of the subject-developing educational environment created by teachers, ensuring the choice of each child's activities according to interests and allowing him to interact with peers or act individually;

2) the activities of pupils organized by the educator, aimed at solving problems related to the interests of other people (emotional well-being of other people, helping others in everyday life, etc.).

The scheme for the development of any type of activity in accordance with the concept of L. S. Vygodsky is as follows: first, it is carried out in joint activities with adults, then in joint activities with peers, and, finally, it becomes an independent activity of the child. In this case, a special role is assigned to the educator.

The teacher must create a diverse gaming environment (we are talking about a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution), which should provide the child with cognitive activity, should correspond to his interests and be of a developmental nature. The environment should provide children with the opportunity to act individually or together with peers, without imposing a mandatory joint activity.

The educator can connect to the activities of children in cases of conflict situations that require the intervention of an adult, or, if necessary, help a particular child enter a peer group.

The subject - developing environment should be organized in such a way that every child has the opportunity to do what they love. Such an environment should meet the individual and age characteristics of children, their leading activity - the game.

At the same time, it should contribute to the development of creative abilities, awakens imagination, activity of actions, teaches communication, vivid expression of one's feelings.

Play in kindergarten should be organized, firstly, as a joint game between a teacher and children, where an adult acts as a playing partner and at the same time as a bearer of a specific "language" of the game. The natural emotional behavior of the educator, who accepts any children's ideas, guarantees freedom and ease, the child's pleasure from the game, contributes to the emergence in children of the desire to master the game methods themselves. Secondly, at all age stages, play should be preserved as a free independent activity of children, where they use all the play tools available to them, freely unite and interact with each other, where the world of childhood is provided to a certain extent independent of adults.

Along with the game, free play occupies a significant place in the life of a child. productive activity children (constructive, visual, etc.) Just like in the game, here the possibilities for the development of the child are enriched.

To organize independent artistic activity, the child must haveartistic experience that the child acquires in the classroom. Systematic learning allows you to gradually accumulate and increase the volume of skills and abilities, and already on their own initiative, children can manifest themselves in various types of artistic activities: musical, artistic and speech, visual, theatrical and gaming.

First of all, I build art classes in such a way that children act not only on direct instructions and my show, but also without help. If a child learns to independently perform educational tasks, then he will be able to act outside of class in the same way: organize dramatization games, sing, draw at his own request.

In the classroom, the teacher shows how a fairy tale can be presented in different ways. First, the children listen to it, then they look at the illustrations and compose a fairy tale based on them, then they stage it in a table theater or sketch the characters and use the figures to show them on the flannelgraph. Subsequently, they use these techniques completely independently - in their free time, they look at illustrations, retell fairy tales, and dramatize them. Of great importance in the group are books, pictures, homemade books, children's works on literary subjects.

Children have a sufficient number of books at their free disposal (in the children's bookcase). Along with books, there are several thematic folders with pictures, photographs, children's drawings and albums for free viewing by children. In order to interest each child in my work, I use a variety of forms of work with children in the book corner. Which I plan daily in the calendar-thematic plan (reading, examining and discussing books, participating in the analysis and systematization of books and pictures, repairing, etc.).
Once a month I organize an exhibition of books in the group. First - at the beginning school year- it is expedient to dedicate to the children's favorite books. I try to satisfy the desire of every child. Subsequent exhibitions can be thematic: books about nature, about our Motherland, about technology, fairy tales, etc. Every Thursday in our group there is an advertisement for a book that parents read to their children at home. Children bring the book to the group and tell what it is about to all the children. The group also operates a center for musical and theatrical activities for theatrical games. This center has all the necessary equipment - a screen and kits various kinds puppet theater, theatrical costumes, board games, musical instruments, tape recorder. One of the most striking forms of independent artistic activity is a game. It may vary depending on the content of the activity. So, children pick up baby books in order to play in the library, shop; made from paper, molded from plasticine, dough toys to decorate the dollhouse room for family play. Sometimes I suggest that the guys come up with and draw decorative patterns for the fabric. This serves as an impetus for the expansion of the game into a store where children "buy" these fabrics.
All materials used for artistic independent activity are constantly updated and vary.

Another pedagogical condition is the influence of holidays and entertainment. The child receives a lot of impressions at the holidays from the sound of music, songs, colorful decoration of the room, costumes, expressive intonations of the artistic word. He joins the social phenomena reflected in the artistic and figurative form, and this becomes an indirect stimulus, causing him to desire to convey his impressions and experiences in a different artistic form: drawing, game, dance. An important condition, ensuring the development of children's artistic independent activity, is the connection with the family. Everything that the child sees and hears at home does not go unnoticed. Adults sing, dance, draw, decorate rooms, go to the theater, cinema, watch TV. The child, observing, taking part in this, receives artistic impressions. Arriving at the kindergarten, he shares them with his peers, the teacher, expresses his attitude to what he saw in the games.

In accordance with the federal state requirements, the mathematical development of preschoolers is carried out through the joint educational activities of the educator and children, as well as through the independent cognitive and gaming activities of the children themselves. A preschool child, even of an older age, is a playing creature, and the game, game exercises are of the greatest interest to him. But, very often, the methodology for teaching elementary mathematical concepts should not only give the simplest knowledge and skills, but also, on their basis, develop thinking, imagination, ingenuity, and speed of reaction in a preschooler. Math should be fun and entertaining. In order for independent cognitive-game mathematical activity to be effective, it is necessary:

Create a special subject-developing environment;

To offer children in an independent cognitive-playing activity a complex of entertaining game mathematical material;

Use special techniques for managing independent cognitive and gaming mathematical activities.

The effectiveness of independent cognitive-game mathematical activity can be tracked by:

The level of children's independence;

Cognitive activity of children;

The level of motivation.

A variety of educational games were used to organize children's activities, didactic aids, materials that allow you to "train" children in establishing relationships, dependencies. The ratio of gaming and cognitive motives at preschool age determines that the most successful process of cognition will be in situations that require the ingenuity of children. In kindergarten, in the morning and evening, games of mathematical content were held, table-printed, such as: “Domino figures”, “Compose a picture”, “Arithmetic domino”, “Logic loto”, “Lotto”, “Find the difference” , games of checkers and chess, solving labyrinths and others.

A variety of entertaining material allowed each of the children to choose a game according to their interests. These are desktop-printed games, games for development logical thinking leading children to mastering the game of checkers and chess: "Fox and Geese", "Mill", "Wolves and Sheep", etc.; puzzles, logic tasks and cubes; labyrinths, games for making a whole out of parts; to recreate silhouette figures from special sets of figures; movement games.

The teacher can plan in advance the independent activities of children, taking into account the current topic for the day (or week), the goals and objectives of educational work in the daily routine, that is, the principle of a complex - thematic construction of the educational process in preschool educational institutions should be implemented. The teacher "starts" from this topic when organizing independent activities of children.

So, for example, in senior group The theme of the week is “Dear Maslenitsa is Coming…”

How can teachers organize independent activities of children:

1. On the eve of the group, organize the exhibition "Maslenitsa Doll" using demonstration material: paintings, children's drawings, newspaper clippings, children's books, rag dolls.

2. An introductory conversation between the teacher and the children on the topic.

Purpose and exhibitions and talks : motivation of children for independent study, consideration of demonstration material.

3. Bring in material of various properties for artistic creativity (pencils, brushes, paints, wax crayons, paper for applications). Using the pedagogical method of advance payment (i.e., praise the child in advance, make him believe in himself), the teacher motivates children for independent artistic creativity (applications "Sun", drawings "Maslenitsa Doll", etc.)

4. During the walk, tell the children about the rules of the outdoor holiday game (which is played on the Maslenitsa holiday): a goat went through the forest, a freckle - spring, cold - hot. And invite them to play them on their own, as well as tell other children about the games and play together.

5. Children, if they wish, take pre-made crafts "Sun" and through these crafts the teacher can encourage round dance games. (The role of the educator is to direct, the children do the rest themselves)

6. In the "Hostess" corner, invite the children to bake pancakes (after reading fiction, chants and poems about pancakes), s.r.i. "Cooks"

Thus, the organization of independent activities of children in a preschool educational institution should take a large number of time during the day. And if in joint activities with children the teacher is an equal partner, then in independent activities the teacher is only an observer.

At the endI want to note that thanks to the transition to a new form of scheduling, the organization of independent activities is clearly reflected and intersects (integrates) with other forms of work during the day (walk, regime moments, group - subgroup, joint activities). But in the complex - thematic planning of the preschool educational institution, no emphasis is placed on the independent activities of pupils, this activity is not separately prescribed, but only implied. Therefore, the following question remains open: the inclusion of the section organization of independent activity in a complex - thematic planning DOW.

Thus, the independent work of children in a preschool educational institution is such work that is performed without the direct participation of the educator, on his instructions, at a time specially provided for this, while the child consciously seeks to achieve the goal, using his efforts and expressing in one form or another the result of mental or physical actions.