Psycho-pedagogical support in the garden. Organization of psychological and pedagogical support for children in a preschool educational institution. Functions of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution


Communication is a very important component of a child's life, and how much he masters the ways of communication will depend on his success in the process of growing up. Communication is considered as one of the main conditions for the development of the child, the most important factor in the formation of his personality.

There are 26 children in the group "Sunflowers", in which I had an internship, 11 of them are girls and 15 boys. Of these children, one girl attends a group short stay. It is present during the immediate educational activities and on a morning walk. Meals are not provided for short stay children. There is a tradition in the group to celebrate children's birthdays, to make gifts for them on holidays with their own hands. The style of the teacher's relationship with children can be described as authoritarian-democratic. The educator interacts closely with the parents, and involves them in the life of the kindergarten group. List of children of the group "Sunflowers" in Appendix No. 12.

All organizational and educational activities of the educator are regulated by the daily routine for the cold period (for academic year) and daily routine on summer period for preparatory groups. Organization of working hours in kindergarten is produced in such a way that children, depending on their age, have enough time for active games, activities and recreation. The mode for a child in kindergarten may be different, but each preschool educational institution adheres to the same general rules and federal government requirements.

When organizing educational process the principles of integration of educational areas (physical culture, health, safety, socialization, labor, cognition, communication, reading fiction, art, music) are taken into account, in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the pupils. It's reflected in the grid joint activities teachers with children.

In the process of observing children, I studied the age and individual characteristics of children 5-6 years old, and entered the results of the observations in a table. Based on the results, I came to the conclusion that the development of all children in the group is in accordance with the psychological and pedagogical characteristics preschool age.

The teacher of the group conducts 2 times a year (in September and at the end of May) pedagogical diagnostics, with the help of which the educational process is analyzed, and the results of the activity of both the child and the teacher are determined. The results obtained are determined by the criteria of high (c), medium (c) and low (i) levels of development of children and are recorded in the cards. Diagnostics is a task for each educational field(speech development, physical development, cognitive development, musical development, etc.).

Based on the above diagnostics, as well as on the basis of my own observation, I compiled a psychological and pedagogical description of Ivan Salnikov, a pupil of the Sunflower group (Appendix No. 13).

Older nurse together with the teacher of the group conducts anthropometry. Anthropometry in kindergarten is to measure the height and weight of the child. Anthropometry is performed at MADOU CRR No. 136 twice a year in September and May. Anthropometry in kindergarten is needed in order to determine how the child develops (in accordance with age characteristics) and what kind of furniture he should use when seated at the tables.

During the practice, I carried out practical activities (trial directly educational activities for the preparatory group):

During my internship at MADOU CRR, d / s No. 136, I performed the duties of an educator. Carrying out preparation for conducting direct educational activities (GCD), I coordinated the topics of GCD with the teacher of the group. Together with the educator, she planned work with children, taking into account program requirements, took part in the production of visual and didactic material to classes. During the course, the NOD used the methods and techniques of teaching and raising children, obtained earlier in college. Together with the methodologist and educator, we analyzed the educational activities carried out by me, took into account all their advice and recommendations when conducting activities.

Adopted by the Government Russian Federation The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010 defines priority goals and objectives, the solution of which requires the construction of an adequate system of psychological and pedagogical support. A feature of the development of the support system at the present stage is the need to solve the problems of accompanying a child in the context of the modernization of education, changes in its structure and content. The priority goal of modernizing education is to ensure the high quality of Russian education, which is not limited only to the level of education of students, a set of knowledge and skills, but is associated with education, the concept of “quality of life”, which is revealed through such categories as “health”, “social well-being”, "self-realization", "security". Accordingly, the scope of responsibility of the system of psychological and pedagogical support cannot be limited to the tasks of overcoming learning difficulties, but include the tasks of ensuring successful socialization, maintaining and strengthening health, and protecting the rights of children and adolescents.

1) Guidelines for the organization and content of the activities of the psychological service in preschool educational institutions (letter of the Department of Education of the Yaroslavl Region N 1551 / 01-10 dated 06/22/2007). Appointment of the psychological service of the municipal preschool educational institution (MDOU)

The Russian education system is developing a system of support and assistance to the child in the educational process - psychological support. The starting point for the formation of the theory and practice of integrated support is a system-oriented approach, according to which development is understood as the choice and development of certain innovations by the subject of development. Support is understood as a method that ensures the creation of conditions for the subject of development to make optimal decisions in various situations of life choice. To exercise the right to freely choose various development alternatives, it is necessary to teach a person to choose, help him understand the essence of the problem situation, develop a solution plan and take the first steps.

The teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution carries out activities within the limits of his professional competence, working with children with a level mental development, corresponding age norm.

The purpose of the psychological support of the child in the educational process is ensuring the normal development of the child.

This goal is specified in the following tasks:

Prevention of child development problems;

Assistance (assistance) to the child in solving urgent problems of development, education and socialization;

Development of psychological and pedagogical competence (psychological culture) of children, parents, teachers;

Psychological support of educational programs.

The main areas of psychological support are: psychodiagnostics, correction and development; psychoprophylaxis; psychological counseling; psychological education and training.

Psychological support is aimed at creating socio-psychological conditions for the successful development and education of each child.

The tasks of psychological support are specified depending on the level (stage) of education. Pre-school education in this system is assigned a paramount role, because. early diagnosis allows assessing the compliance of the child's developmental level with age norms, preventing and correcting possible deviations. In view of the fact that the foundations for further well-being in the development of the child are laid in preschool childhood, the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for a child of preschool age acquires special significance and relevance.

Main functions:

Creation of conditions for the preservation and strengthening of the psychophysical health and emotional well-being of children.

Maximum assistance to the full mental and personal development of the child.

Preparing children for a new social situation of development.

The study of the individual characteristics of children in the unity of the intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres of their manifestation.

Providing assistance to children in need of special educational programs and special forms of organization of activities.

Preventive and propaedeutic work with teachers and parents on the development of personality neoplasms in children of preschool age.

Training of employees of preschool educational institutions and parents in full-fledged developmental communication with children.

Assistance in the formation of psychological competence of employees of preschool educational institutions and parents in the patterns of child development, in matters of training and education.

2) The current state of the study of the ideology and technologies of psychological support E.S. Zaitsev

Formation of professional culture of the future specialist. Materials of X student scientific conference and V international pedagogical readings. Arkhangelsk, 2003

Yu. Slyusarev used the concept of "accompaniment" to refer to a non-directive form of providing healthy people psychological help aimed “not just at strengthening or completing, but at the development and self-development of the self-awareness of the individual”, assistance that triggers the mechanisms of self-development and activates a person’s own resources (5). A number of authors understand support as support for mentally healthy people who have personal difficulties at a certain stage of development.

Many researchers note that support "provides support for naturally developing reactions, processes and states of the individual." Moreover, successfully organized socio-psychological support opens up prospects for personal growth, helps a person enter that “development zone” that is still inaccessible to him.

Unlike correction, it does not involve “correction of shortcomings and alteration”, but the search for hidden resources for the development of a person or family, relying on his (her) own capabilities and creating, on this basis, psychological conditions for restoring ties with the world of people.

The main principles of psychological support are a humane attitude towards the individual and faith in his strength; qualified assistance and support for natural development.

The result of the psychological support of the individual in the process of adaptation to life is a new quality of life - adaptability, i.e. the ability to independently achieve a relative balance in relations with oneself and others, both in favorable and in extreme life situations.


Accompaniment is a certain ideology of work, this is the very first and most important answer to the question of why a psychologist is needed. However, before dwelling in detail on the content of this concept, let us consider the overall situation in domestic psychological practice from the point of view of the goals and ideology that are embedded in various existing approaches.

We can speak, in our opinion, of three main ideas underlying the various models of psychological activity.

The first idea: the essence of psychological activity is in the scientific and methodological guidance of the educational process in preschool educational institutions. This is a “foreign” practice for a psychologist. Its goal can be given in different words, for example, as a scientific psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process, but in any case, these are the goals of “alien” practice, a different professional perception of the world (primarily a child), which is often poorly compatible with the psychological worldview.

The second idea: the meaning of the activity of a psychologist in a preschool educational institution is to help children experiencing various difficulties of a psychological or socio-psychological nature, to identify and prevent these difficulties. Within the framework of such models, the functions of a teacher and a psychologist are quite clearly separated. Moreover, their activities are often independent of each other. Psychologically well-off pupils fall outside the scope of help, who receive their share of the attention of a psychologist only if they begin to demonstrate some undesirable manifestations in behavior, learning, or, say, well-being. In addition, psychologists working in line with such models often have a specific view of children: their psychological world becomes of interest to a specialist, primarily only from the point of view of the presence of violations that need to be corrected and corrected.

The third idea: the essence of psychological activity is to accompany the child in the entire learning process. The attractiveness of the idea is understandable: it really makes it possible to organize psychological activity as “one’s own” practice, with its own internal goals and values, but at the same time it allows one to organically weave this practice into the fabric of the educational pedagogical system. Allows you to make it an independent, but not alien part of this system. It becomes possible to combine the goals of psychological and pedagogical practice and focus them on the main thing - on the personality of the child.

First of all, what does "accompany" mean? In the dictionary of the Russian language, we read: to accompany means to go, to go along with someone as a companion or escort. That is, accompanying the child along his life path- this is movement along with him, next to him, sometimes - a little ahead, if you need to explain possible ways. An adult carefully looks at and listens to his young companion, his desires, needs, fixes achievements and difficulties that arise, helps with advice and his own example to navigate the world around the Road, to understand and accept himself. But at the same time, he does not try to control, impose his own paths and guidelines. And only when the child is lost or asks for help, helps him to return to his path again. Neither the child nor his wise companion can significantly influence what is happening around the Road. An adult is also not able to show the child the path that must be followed. The choice of the Road is the right and duty of every person, but if at the crossroads and forks with a child, there is someone who is able to facilitate the selection process, to make it more conscious - this is great luck. It is in this accompaniment of the child at all stages of his education that the main goal of psychological practice is seen.

The psychologist's task is to create conditions for the child's productive movement along the paths that he himself has chosen in accordance with the requirements of the Teacher and the Family (and sometimes in opposition to them), help him make conscious personal choices in this complex world, constructively resolve inevitable conflicts, master the most individually significant and valuable methods of cognition, communication, understanding oneself and others. That is, the activity of a psychologist is largely determined by the social, family and pedagogical system in which the child actually finds himself and which is significantly limited by the framework of the school environment. However, within this framework, it can define its own goals and objectives.

So, support is a system of professional activity of a psychologist aimed at creating socio-psychological conditions for successful learning and psychological development of a child in situations of interaction.

The object of psychological practice is the training and psychological development of the child in a situation of interaction, the subject is the socio-psychological conditions for successful learning and development.

2. The main directions of psychological support for the activities of teachers in the context of systemic changes.

2.1. Psychodiagnostics

Diagnostic work is historically the first form of psychological practice.

We can single out the following principles for the construction and organization of the psychodiagnostic activity of a psychologist.

The first is the correspondence of the chosen diagnostic approach and specific methodology to the goals of psychological activity (goals and objectives of effective support).

Secondly, the results of the survey should either be immediately formulated in a “pedagogical” language, or be easily translated into such a language.

The third is the predictive nature of the methods used, that is, the ability to predict, on their basis, certain features of the child's development at further stages of education, to prevent potential violations and difficulties.

The fourth is the high developing potential of the method, that is, the possibility of obtaining a developing effect in the process of the examination itself and building various developing programs on its basis.

Fifth - the cost-effectiveness of the procedure.

2.2. Psychocorrectional and developmental work.

The developmental activity of a psychologist is focused on creating socio-psychological conditions for the holistic psychological development of the child, and psycho-correctional activity is aimed at solving specific problems of learning, behavior or mental well-being in the process of such development. The choice of a specific form is determined by the results of psychodiagnostics.

2.3. Counseling and education

Consulting and education of educators

Psychological and pedagogical counseling is a universal form of organizing cooperation between teachers in solving various problems and professional tasks of the teacher himself.

Psychological education is aimed at creating such conditions within which teachers could acquire knowledge that is professionally and personally significant for them. First of all, we are talking about psychological knowledge and skills that allow teachers to:

Organize an effective educational process both from the content and methodological points of view;

Build relationships with pupils and colleagues on a mutually beneficial basis;

To realize and comprehend oneself in the profession and communication with other participants in interactions.

Parent counseling and education.

The general goal of various forms of psychologist's activity in relation to parents - both education and counseling - is seen in the creation of socio-psychological conditions for attracting the family to accompany the child in the process of development.

In general, work with parents is built in two directions: psychological education and socio-psychological counseling on the problems of education and personal development of children.

Psychological and pedagogical counseling for parents, carried out at the request of parents or at the initiative of a psychologist, can perform various functions. First of all, informing parents about the problems of child development. Parents do not always have a fairly complete and objective idea about them. Further, it is advisory and methodological assistance in organizing effective parent-child communication, if the parents themselves applied with such a request or the psychologist believes that it is in this area that the causes of the child's school problems lie. The reason for the consultation may also be the need to obtain additional diagnostic information from the parents. For example, at the stage of in-depth diagnostics, a psychologist may ask parents to help him identify the impact of a family situation on a child's psychological well-being at school. Finally, the purpose of counseling may be to provide psychological support to parents in the event of serious psychological problems in their child or in connection with serious emotional experiences and events in his family.

2.4. Social dispatch activity

The social and dispatching activity of a preschool psychologist is aimed at providing children, their parents and teachers with social and psychological assistance that goes beyond the functional duties and professional competence of a psychologist. Obviously, this function can be effectively performed only if psychological activity in the preschool educational institution it is a link in an extensive system of socio-psychological support (or help services) of public education. In this case, the psychologist has an idea where, how and with what accompanying documentation the request can be “redirected”. In all other situations, he does not have confidence that the client will be provided with the necessary assistance, effective forms of cooperation are offered. To implement dispatching functions in this case, the psychologist must have at least a bank of reliable data on various socio-psychological services that provide professional services.

When does a psychologist turn to social dispatching activities? Firstly, when the intended form of work with the child, his parents or teachers goes beyond the scope of his functional duties. Secondly, when the psychologist does not have sufficient knowledge and experience to provide the necessary assistance himself. Thirdly, when the solution to the problem is possible only if it is taken out of the scope of school interaction and the people participating in it. The psychologist is one of its participants.

However, the activity of the psychologist in the cases described above is not limited to "redirecting the problem." It involves the sequential solution of the following tasks:

Determination of the nature of the problem at hand and the possibilities for its solution

Finding a specialist who can help

Assistance in establishing contact with the client

Preparation of necessary supporting documentation

Tracking the results of client interaction with a specialist

Providing psychological support to the client in the process of working with a specialist.

The duties of a preschool psychologist still include supporting the development of the child, only the forms and content of this process are changing.


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2. Barkan, A.I. Bad habits of good children. Learning to understand your child / A.I. Barkan. - M.: Drofa-Plus, 2003. - 352 p.

3. Bityanova M.R. Organization of psychological work at school / M.R. Bityanova. – M.: Genesis, 2000. – 298 p.

4. Volkov, B.S. How to prepare a child for school. situations. Exercises. Diagnostics: Textbook. / B.S. Volkov, N.V. Volkova - M .: Publishing house "Os - 89", 2004. - 192 p.

5. Ganicheva, I.V. Body-oriented approaches to psycho-correctional and developmental work with children (5-7 years old) / I.V. Ganicheva. – M.: Knigolyub, 2008. – 136 p.

6. Davydova, M.A. How to properly prepare a child for school / M.A. Davydova, A.I. Agapova. - M .: LLC IKTC "LADA", 2006. - 224 p.

7. Davydova, O.I. Adaptation groups in the preschool educational institution: Methodological guide / O.I. Davydova. - M.: TC Sphere, 2006. - 128 p. (Supplement to the journal "Management of preschool educational institutions".

8. Zakrepina, A.V. Difficult child: Pathways to cooperation: a methodological guide / A.V. Zakrepin. – M.: Bustard, 2007. – 141 p.

9. Kataeva, L.I. The work of a psychologist with shy children / L.I. Kataeva. – M.: Knigolyub, 2004. – 56 p.

10. Kiryukhina, N.V. Organization and content of work on the adaptation of children in a preschool educational institution: a practical guide / N.V. Kiryukhin. - 2nd ed. - M.: Iris-Press, 2006. - 112 p.

11. Konovalenko, S.V. The development of thinking and memory in children with three years/ S.V. Konovalenko. - M .: EKSMO Publishing House, 2005. - 240 p.

12. Korepanova M.V. Diagnostics of the development and education of preschoolers in the educational system "School 2100": a guide for teachers and parents / M.V. Korepanov, E.V. Kharlamov. - M., 2005.

13. Kryukova, S.V. I am surprised, angry, afraid, boasting and rejoicing. Programs emotional development children of preschool and primary school age: A practical guide / S.V. Kryukova, N.P. Slobodyanik - M .: "Genesis", 2007. - 208 p.

14. Pavlova, T.L. Diagnosis of a child's readiness at school / T.L. Pavlova. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007. - 128 p.

15. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children of early and preschool age: method. material for examining children. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M .: Education, 2004.

16. Saranskaya, O.N. Psychological training for preschoolers "Let's be friends!" / O.N.Saranskaya. – M.: Knigolyub, 2008. – 64 p.

17. Sevostyanova E.O. The program of adaptation of children to the preschool educational institution / E.O. Sevostyanova - M .: TC Sphere, 2007. - 128 p.

18. Smirnova, E.O. Child psychology: Proc. for stud. higher ped. institutions / E.O. Smirnova. - M.: Humanitarian publishing center VLADOS, 2003. - 368 p.

19. Sokolova, O.A. The world of communication. Etiquette for children of preschool and primary school age / O.A. Sokolova. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003. - 288 p.

20. Shirokova, G.A. Handbook of a preschool psychologist / G.A. Shirokova. - Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2004. - 384 p.

The material was prepared by L.Yu. Koltyreva

assistant of the department of pedagogy and psychology IPKiPPRO OGPU

Svetlana Sadovshchikova
Psychological and pedagogical support of a child in kindergarten

Great changes have taken place in the system of preschool education.

Effective September 1, 2013 new law "On Education in the Russian Federation", in which for the first time pre-school education is enshrined as a level of general education.

This approach made it necessary to develop a federal state educational standard for preschool education, which came into force on January 1, 2014.

The developers of the standard laid down several principles in the document, of which the most important is the preservation of the uniqueness and intrinsic value of preschool childhood, How milestone in the overall development of man.

key line preschool childhood- this is an introduction to the values ​​of culture, socialization child in society rather than teaching him to write, count and read. And this communion occurs through the leading view children's activity - game.

In the system of preschool education, all participants in the educational process become the most in demand. Therefore, concern for the realization of the child's right to full and free development is today an integral part of the activities of any preschool institution.

According to the results of a survey of focus groups “What do you expect from preschool education?” received the following results:

The most important and valuable for parents are not mastering child certain knowledge, skills and abilities, and the presence of qualities that determine its successful socialization.

Educators are also focused on the development of child certain qualities, and not narrow-subject knowledge, skills and abilities. The main conditions for the success of the educational process are considered by educators to be the creation of a safe developing environment and the professional competence of teachers.

Unlike parents and preschool teachers, teachers primary school give preference to the presence of certain subject knowledge and abilities child obey the established rules.

Whom to listen to?

The developers of GEF DO went their own way.

Teach for life, not for school!

Thus, in each preschool it is necessary to build the right trajectory aimed at the development of preschoolers.

Accompanying a child in the process of preschool education involves the implementation of the following principles:

Following natural development child at this age stage of his life.

Escort relies on those mental personal achievements that are actually child and constitute the unique baggage of his personality. Psychological the environment does not carry influence and pressure. The priority of goals, values, needs for the development of the inner world of oneself child.

Orientation of activities to create conditions that allow to kid independently build a system of relations with the world, surrounding people and oneself, make personally significant positive life choices.

In my work, I define psychological and pedagogical support as a system of professional activity aimed at creating social psychological conditions for successful education, training and development child at every age stage.

Target escorts in our DOW - create psychological– pedagogical conditions for the full development and education of the individual child within the limits of his age and individual possibilities.

Tasks psychological and pedagogical support:

Protection and strengthening mental health children, including their emotional well-being;

Creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relations with oneself, other children, adults and the world;

Formation of a socio-cultural environment corresponding to age, individual, psychological And physiological features children;

Security psychological-pedagogical support of the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.

Main actors psychological impact in kindergarten are:

Educators, teachers;


Main stages psychological and pedagogical support:

1. diagnostic;

2. clarification of identified difficulties or talents child;

3. correctional - developing;

4. analysis of intermediate results.

The diagnostic stage involves the discovery, statement of difficulties in the development the child or his interests that can come from parents, educators.

At this stage, the teachers and I introduce parents to the age characteristics of children. At the same time, teachers with parents determine the individual characteristics of each child, which takes into account 5 areas of preschool education:

Social - communicative



Artistic and aesthetic


The diagnostic stage is also the adaptation stage. Adaptation - entry child into a new environment and adjusting to it.

During the adaptation period, we introduce parents to the organization of the baby's life in kindergarten, diet, daily routine, with an educational program, with education child cultural - hygienic skills and self-service skills, with the characteristics of the adaptation period, with indicators of adaptation.

We offer parents an adaptation sheet, which is completed within a month, and some longer, until child the adaptation period will not end.

At the stage of clarifying the identified difficulties or talents child educators collect additional information from other teachers kindergarten, parents, study special literature to clarify the identified difficulties or abilities child.

At the request of educators and with the consent of parents, diagnostics of the cognitive and emotional-volitional development of preschoolers are carried out in order to create development programs for each child.

For everyone child upon arrival in kindergarten starts"Diary child development support» where educators and teacher- psychologist collect family information child, adaptation sheets, conclusions and recommendations for accompanying a child at every age stage of development.

The correctional-developing stage is the stage of work with child, advisory and other work with parents, educators.

At this stage, educators and teachers psychologist conducts correctional and developmental work with children with developmental difficulties. Conducting consultations with teachers kindergarten, educators and parents. For example, consultations and seminars on the aggressiveness of preschoolers, anxiety, the development of cognitive processes, the development of volitional efforts, etc.

When planning practical correctional and developmental classes with children, I rely on the experience of children, take into account their capabilities, interests, needs; health status. I consider “Minutes of communication” to be a particularly effective form of training, where these games and exercises are used. Here, children put into practice the accumulated experience of interacting with peers and adults.

From my observations, I noticed that children are more successful in "teaching each other" than listening to an adult's explanation. That is why it is so important that Accompanying The adult was able to "on an equal footing" enter the activities of the children. Only then can we adults try to direct this activity (as if from within) to the tasks that lie ahead of us.

In the training sessions I conduct, parents, educators, and administration are active participants. They are given the opportunity to put themselves in their place. child and analyze your own reaction - feelings, thoughts, possible behavior. Adults become closer to children, understand them better, live with them.

Regular meetings between children and adults accompanying its development, allow preschoolers to speak openly, speak out, splash out emotions, share thoughts, impressions, feelings. At the same time, the fear of being misunderstood by an adult disappears, a very important sense of trust appears.

At the stage of analysis of intermediate results child development support educators, teacher - psychologist, preschool teachers are adjusting the individual program or recommendations for accompanying the development of each child.

Teachers organize various forms of presentation of the development of gifted children: exhibitions of author's works, concerts, mono - performances, etc.

Parents whose children attend preparatory group, we explain that in order to successfully adapt to school life much more important than the ability to count and write, the child needs psychological stability, high self-esteem, belief in one's own strengths. These priorities are laid down in the GEF DO.

In addition to this work, I systematically conduct training sessions, individual consultations, interviews, questionnaires, joint practical exercises with the entire teaching staff.

Particular attention should be paid to the development of the motivational sphere (this is the need for curiosity, knowledge of the world, the growth of questions why, why, the desire and need for creativity, the need and motivation for achievements, pride in one's achievements, etc.)

Every baby for us why, and it is necessary, in fact, not to pay off the whys, but to give them the opportunity to feel like confident people.

All this is possible if it is built correctly. psychological and pedagogical support not only preschoolers, but also all participants in the educational process.

Work results psychological and pedagogical support indicates that the level of personal, intellectual development children, the number of parents who are interested in being active partners in the implementation of the tasks of the preschool educational institution has increased, and the professional level of the teaching staff has increased. But most importantly, in our opinion, thanks to the system of professional activities of the team, aimed at creating social and pedagogical conditions for the successful education, upbringing and development of children in situations of pedagogical interaction, the very approach to the child has changed, not as an object of influence, but as a subject. interactions.


Reshetnikova L.A.

G. Balashov,

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of the combined type" Zernyshko "

Psychological support of the educational process is necessary condition Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program preschool education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 23, 2009 No. 655), which states that the tasks of psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children are solved in an integrated manner during the development of all educational areas (“ Physical Culture”, “Health”, “Safety”, “Socialization”, “Labor”, “Knowledge”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”, “Artistic creativity”, “Music”), along with tasks reflecting the specifics of each educational areas, with mandatory psychological support.

FGT determine not only the structure of one of the main documents of the preschool educational institution, but also the principles by which teachers need to build educational work with preschoolers (principles of developing education, complex-thematic, integration, etc.). To implement these principles, it is necessary to rethink their activities by all specialists of the preschool education system, including the preschool psychologist, since he plays a big role in solving the problems of development, education and upbringing of children.

At the present stage of development of the system of preschool education, the relevance of the activity of a teacher-psychologist is increasing, since the achievement of educational goals without psychological support of the program seems to be very problematic.

The activity of a psychologist in the educational process in the context of the introduction of FGT is aimed at ensuring control over the development of children; assessment of the comfort of the educational environment, the level of its safety for children; participation in the development of the educational program of the educational institution; conducting psychological design, examination and monitoring of the conditions and results of educational activities; forecasting the social risks of the educational process, carrying out preventive work; providing high-quality psychological, pedagogical and social assistance to all participants in the educational process.

Types of work and content of activities for the psychological support of pupils of preschool educational institutions: prevention, diagnostics, individual and group (screening), counseling (individual and group), developmental work (individual and group), drawing up an individual educational route, correctional work (individual and group), psychological enlightenment and education of children and adults

However, an analysis of the activities of practical psychologists shows that most of the time is occupied by diagnostic and correctional development work. Education of parents and teachers is carried out mainly during consultations on general issues of the development of preschool children and the specifics of interaction with a particular child. Psychoprophylactic work is often limited to solving the problems of adaptation and preparedness of children for schooling. Undoubtedly, these are serious problems. But other equally important tasks of preventive work remain outside the psychologist's attention - promoting the creation of favorable conditions for the full development of the child at each age stage and the timely prevention of violations in the formation of personality and intelligence. Their solution is very difficult in isolation from the educational program that is implemented in kindergarten, without a psychological justification for its content, provisions and principles underlying it, without psychological support for the educational process itself.

The analysis of scientific literature has shown that psychological and pedagogical support has a wide variety of types and forms that differ in direction, subject and object: parenting support; accompanying a child (gifted, hyperactive, with learning difficulties, in a critical situation, etc.); support of the teacher in the process of teaching and educational activities; accompaniment of parent-child relationships, etc. In addition, the problem of support in education is considered both as a strategy for the development of a personality and as a tactic for realizing its individual potential.

Psychological support is a system of professional activity of a teacher-psychologist, which covers all subjects of the educational process in a preschool institution, to create socio-psychological conditions for the full living of preschool childhood, successful education and development of children.

The activity of a psychologist within the framework of support involves: systematic monitoring of the psychological and pedagogical status of the child and the dynamics of his mental development in the learning process, the creation of socio-psychological conditions for the development of the personality of children for their successful education and development, the creation of special socio-psychological conditions for helping children with problems in psychological development, learning.

Thus, psychological and pedagogical support today is not just the sum of various methods of correctional and developmental work with children, but acts as a complex technology, a special culture of support and assistance to the child in solving the problems of development, education, socialization.




Psychological and pedagogical study of the individual characteristics of the personality in order to identify the causes of problems in development and learning, determine the strengths of the personality, its reserve capabilities, which can be relied upon in the course of correctional work, diagnosing changes in the psychophysical, sensory and personal-social development of the child during implementation a holistic pedagogical and correctional-developing process in a preschool educational institution.

  • Psychological diagnostics

Purposeful systematic joint work of a psychologist, teacher and educators to prevent possible socio-psychological and psychological problems, to create a favorable emotional and psychological climate, to identify children at risk.

  • Psychological prevention

Systematic purposeful work of a psychologist with children classified as risk groups for one reason or another, and aimed at specific assistance to these children. Developmental work is organized through the development and implementation of developmental programs in the following areas: intellectual and communicative-personal.

  • Psychological correction and development

Providing concrete assistance to adults and children who have applied in understanding the nature of their difficulties, in analyzing and solving psychological problems related to their own characteristics, current circumstances in life, relationships in the family, among friends; assistance in the formation of new attitudes and making their own decisions. Improving the psychological culture of educators, teachers, parents, the formation of a request for psychological services and the provision of information on psychological problems.

  • Psychological counseling and education


  • Activities

a teacher-psychologist in the framework of interaction with the families of pupils

  • Model of psychological support of the child

The main functions of a psychologist in a preschool institution are related to the protection of the physical and mental health of children, to the creation of conditions that contribute to their emotional well-being and ensure the free and effective development of the abilities of each child. The implementation of these functions requires the performance of a number of related types of work, both directly with children and with their parents and kindergarten staff.

  • Functions of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution

Personal data about the child and basic information about the family Data on the health of the child. Features of raising a child, starting from birth. Characteristics of development since birth. Moments in a child's development that parents consider significant.

  • Introduction to the history of child development

Psychological diagnostics

  • Psychological diagnostics

Diagnostics of the level of conditional adaptability

child to preschool educational program Psychodiagnostics of maladaptation

child to the preschool educational institution L.V. Makshantseva

Scheduled diagnostics to identify

characteristics of the mental development of the child and their

compliance with the age norm and social

requirements, as well as identifying problems in

child development