Critical numbers of the life path numerology. Life path number - a vector of a person's life mission


Life path number

The life path number determines the main direction of application of the qualities of a person’s personality, what tasks he faces and what means he has to solve them. Within the framework of this path, a person lives and acts. On this path he is lucky, it is here that he can most fully express himself. Following his path, he feels strength and inspiration.

Life path number 1

Decisiveness and originality define this person. His approach to problems is unique, he is quite bold, laying his own, extraordinary, paths. Very preoccupied with his own position, striving for success and satisfaction. Desires to be at the height of the situation and possess the best things. Requires respect and attention to himself, becomes irritable and tough when events do not develop as he would like. Strives to be in the foreground and in the center of events. In any case, he relies on his own strength and methods. Prefers own business. Works with full dedication to realize his life plans. Willpower and perseverance are the main components of his success. The dynamic rhythm of life can lead to stress.
It is necessary to monitor his health, a system of physical exercises, auto-training, communication with nature will help him relieve nervous tension. Self-discipline and self-control, kindness and tolerance will give a constructive approach to life's problems.

Selfishness, vanity and pride can lead away from a realistic vision of the situation, become destructive force. Unbridled anger, aggressiveness, vindictiveness complicate relations with others.

Life path number 2

Susceptibility, emotionality and responsiveness define such a person. These qualities are both his strength and his weakness. Increased attention to their experiences, as well as to the experiences of others, can lead to non-disclosure of their personality and their significant abilities. Such a person intuitively feels what people think or feel. This helps him to show tact and diplomacy in communication. Acts calmly and judiciously in any circumstances, in any environment. Due to the strong sensitivity, there may be great resentment, anger, avoidance of solving acute problems, a tendency to hide one's thoughts and feelings. The familiar environment and established relationships give him self-confidence. From him emanates a calm, constant care. Some find it slow and boring, while others love its soothing comfort. Such a person needs security, a calm environment and the care of loving people. In everyday life, trusting and open. Accepts life as it is. Before deciding on something, he carefully considers the matter. Relies on feelings and intuition. Responsible, takes on many tasks and responsibilities, this is often not appreciated, and achievements go unnoticed. He loves his home, comfort and order.

Emotionally vulnerable, dependent on the feelings of others. There may be outbursts of emotions or depression. Indecisiveness, uncertainty of life position, suspiciousness. Shifting responsibility to others. Tends to give too much great importance little things, forgetting about the main thing.

Life path number 3

Self-expression is the main thing in such a person. Tries to enjoy work, communication with friends, love, hobbies, etc. People are drawn to him and appreciate his company. He just lives and enjoys life. It has the ability to do several things at once. He does not complicate himself with the choice and world problems, believing that life itself will put everything in its place, and it is better to trust its course. More often than not, there are a lot of opportunities in front of him. Easy on the rise and quickly adapts to any situation. He manages to try a little of everything. He considers any experience a blessing, believing that even troubles are a useful lesson. Able to create favorable opportunities for himself in all areas of activity, both in personal relationships and at work. His optimism and broad nature inspire others, help to overcome failures. Lives today's aspirations, may neglect his duties. He generously forgives his own and others' mistakes. Socially active and popular.

There may be promiscuity in the means of achieving the goal, impudence, tactlessness. In an effort to do everything in time, he takes on several cases at once, bringing himself to complete exhaustion. You should know the line when you need to stop and look around; to be able to be content with what is, to realize the need to limit the scope of one's activity: "you cannot embrace the immensity." In the failures of his life, he can blame others, become embittered. We must learn to live according to the plan and concentrate efforts in one area of ​​activity.

Life path number 4

Organization and practicality define this life path. Such a person works hard to create the basis of his life. He likes order, systematic, methodical. Uses a rational and consistent approach to problem solving. Likes to control situations, people and things. Not inclined to step aside if faced with difficulties. Not looking for quick wealth, prone to hard and long work. Rigidly adheres to his own ideals, fair and honest. May be too conservative where change is needed. This leads to inevitable failures. Feels most comfortable with a long-term perspective. Step by step he goes to the goal, because he is sure that it is worth the sacrifices made and the efforts expended. I am ready to go all my life towards one goal. Able to perceive any idea and achieve its practical implementation. Order and rules help him feel confident, and he strives to comply with them at home, at work, in his own life. Able to manage money well. Purposefulness, practicality and consistency contribute to the development of creative skills and ensure financial stability. Ownership of material resources has an undeniable advantage for him.

Due to an increased sense of responsibility, he is prone to depression and a sense of anxiety about the future in case of difficulties. Life for him can become a daily struggle for survival. Fatigue from routine leads to emotional outbursts or illness. At times lazy, heavy on the rise. He is afraid of any changes, shows stubbornness, jealousy, envy, causticity, narrowness of thinking.

Life path number 5

Energy, clear mind and generosity define this person. Communication helps him feel his importance. His thoughts and manners are full of sensuality. Natural magnetism emanates from him, people fall under the power of his spell. But he himself depends on others, as well as on the world around him. He is interested in everything in the world, in life he tries to experience everything that is possible. Not a single detail passes by his attention. In everything that concerns concrete facts, he is looking for scientific confirmation. For him, life is a fascinating experiment that needs to be carefully studied. Curiosity sometimes pushes him to rash acts. In life, changes are constantly taking place, requiring the ability to adapt and the manifestation of his many abilities. Perseverance, perseverance and luck help him overcome all obstacles. He always clearly imagines what he is striving for, and without hesitation goes straight to the goal. Attracts with passion the right people and favorable circumstances. Believes in himself and in his abilities. Inspiration, aspiration, the help of friends, as well as discipline and concentration give him success in life.

The restlessness of character leads to dispersion: not having time to finish one thing, he rushes for new impressions. At times, he avoids responsibility and does not want to delve into the essence of the matter. Sometimes it can go headlong into work, leaving no time or energy for anything else. Due to the breadth of perception, he can change his views to diametrically opposed ones, which makes him an unreliable partner. Often driven by impulsive impulses rather than contractual obligations.

Life path number 6

Responsibility and concern for others are the main qualities of such a person. He strives to help people, often supporting people in difficult moments for them. The propensity for responsibility lies in its very nature. Never avoids sacrificing himself. Strives to maintain harmony within the family and among employees at work, balancing and holding back the opposing sides. Lives in the interests of the team. He is pleased not so much with his own achievements, but with the successful results of collective efforts. Selflessness is one of its main properties. He needs beauty, peace and harmony in the environment, especially in his home. He invariably shows sympathy and understanding. Love is the power that governs his life, he goes back to the highest understanding of love, universal love. In life, he will have to take on many responsibilities, but, overcoming worries and difficulties, he knows that this is a way to better understand and understand life, to become stronger in spirit. A person is never given trials beyond his capabilities. Appreciates the support and help of others. He has an increased sense of responsibility for his actions and in relation to his obligations. He always gets things done. For him, logic is higher than feelings.

There may be a tendency to interfere in other people's affairs, obsessive patronage, suspiciousness, extravagance, sometimes he does not want to forgive people for their weaknesses if they are not similar to those that are characteristic of him. He can forget his own interests, carried away by the public, or, conversely, forget the interests of others for the sake of his own. Often takes on other people's duties, but you should not give yourself entirely to caring for others, you need to live your life, you should learn to say “no” to people sometimes and not feel remorse at the same time. Sometimes sensitive beyond measure and touchy.

Life path number 7

The acquisition of knowledge and wisdom determines the path of this person. He has an excellent mind, tends to think analytically, is capable of deep concentration of thought and theoretical generalization. Has a tendency to introspection. He is aware of what is happening and knows how to draw appropriate conclusions. He understands that life's difficulties are a necessary condition for the growth and development of the individual and that everything that happens is full of hidden meaning. Analysis of the current situation helps him find optimal solutions. At times he withdraws into himself and, using his rich imagination, indulges in dreams. He loves solitude, seeks to work independently. He needs time to nurture his own ideas away from outside influence. This is a person who lives solely at the expense of his own ideas and methods. He needs his own space, the possibility of privacy. He is very protective of his internal sovereignty. Therefore, it is difficult for him to start and maintain close relationships with people, and this is especially true for marriage. With a well-established life, he is courteous and attractive, shows breadth and generosity of soul, generously shares his energy and attention with people. But when his rights are ignored, he becomes irritable and tough. Developed sense of responsibility. Possesses strict internal discipline, punctuality, self-esteem. Independent and independent. He goes his own way, firmly knowing what he wants and how to achieve it. Relying only on himself. Thanks to self-control and perseverance, he overcomes any critical situations. Has the potential for unlimited growth and success in life.

Tendency to sullenness, aloofness, secrecy. There is a sense of concern, discomfort, concern for oneself and the future. It is possible to look for problems where they do not exist, suspiciousness, escape from reality into your own imaginary world.

Life path number 8

Will, creative realization and independence determine the path of such a person. Activity and understanding of the material world help a stable position in life. His abilities are especially manifested in the implementation of large projects, the implementation of large tasks and distant goals. Has the ability to inspire people and bring them together to carry out his projects. He intuitively guesses profitable opportunities, sees ways to achieve the goal, has the strength and ability to implement them, and therefore achieves great success in life. Knows how to handle money, power and strength well. Able to work hard on his own and demanding of others.
But, in order to achieve the desired success, one must make great efforts, go through ups and downs, cultivate will and responsibility. Life tests him repeatedly, sometimes he finds himself in seemingly hopeless situations. Overcoming difficulties, he will be able to learn to show the talents inherent in him, firmness, determination and strength. It is necessary to constantly maintain a balance of spiritual and material interests. This is a path that requires a correspondence between what a person takes and what he gives. It is necessary to learn how to properly assess yourself and other people, to take care of people and things that depend on him. We must use our creative power for the benefit of society and accept fate with gratitude, as a certain stage of development. This is the number of quick retribution of karma.

Tendency to egocentrism, rudeness, extravagance. Likes to argue, often dramatizes situations. There may be boastfulness, manipulation of other people, control over them, manifestations of stubbornness, intolerance, dominance.

Life path number 9

Humanism, idealism, concern for the fate of mankind determine the path of such a person. Has a broad philosophical outlook on life. He tends to look at broad perspectives rather than focusing on small details. It has a developed creative imagination, a sense of beauty and harmony. He is perceptive, sensitively reacts to all life events, from which he draws the appropriate conclusions. Well, if this is a highly spiritual or religious person, these qualities can play a decisive positive role in his life. Strives for knowledge, for intellectual communication. Has a little bit of everything, is interested in everything that happens in the world. Possesses artistic taste and musical ability, perhaps plays a musical instrument or sings. The basis of his personality is the need to sacrifice, concern for others and the needs of the whole world. Idealism sometimes interferes with the real perception of life. He adheres to his own views and is ready to defend them in front of everyone. But he is also interested in another point of view, he loves discussions, exchange of opinions. He has a wide circle of acquaintances, is generous and generous. Tolerant of the shortcomings of others. Democratic in their views. More theoretical than practical. The desire to know the world, in all its manifestations, fills his life with events. This is always an extraordinary, often contradictory, enthusiastic, cheerful, very attractive personality.

Can perceive life illusory, dissolve in the world, often without a specific goal.

Life path number 10

Responsibility and creative activity define such a person. This is a born leader. He needs room for thought and action. He has strength and determination, striving for the goal. Able to take responsibility. Causes respect and attention to yourself. Becomes irritable and even despotic when events do not develop as he would like. Wants to be in the foreground and in the center of events. This is a creative and original person, he bears the stamp of unusualness. The approach to problems is unique, it paves predominantly its own paths. He can be annoyed by his own mistakes, as well as the mistakes of other people. Very concerned about his position. The desire to be on top makes him strive for growth, success and the very best things. He likes to overcome obstacles and live life to the fullest, being in situations that mobilize his creativity. Possesses the ability to critical analysis. He does not lack new ideas and knows how to concentrate on the implementation of his plans. Such a person is energetic and cheerful, purposeful and full of common sense, independent and wise. He understands people well and knows how to work with them. Firm in his convictions. He clearly sees his specific goals and ways to achieve them.

Periods of creative activity may alternate with bouts of laziness and unwillingness to do anything. Carried away by one idea, forgets about everything else. He does not always know how to realize his potential. Sometimes it can just go with the flow of life. The straightforwardness of judgments gives rise to a tough and uncompromising attitude towards others when they stand in his way.

Life path number 11

Intuition and inspiration determine the path of this person. It has great abilities, intelligence, high energy. Strives for new ideas and knowledge. Able to listen to others, observant, able to grasp on the fly all the details of what is happening. Strives for harmony, especially in family relationships. Peace of mind is of paramount importance to him. Easily converges with people, often relying on their own intuition. Responsive to ongoing changes. Thanks to the analytical mindset, he is able to see the regular in accidents and details, to reproduce the whole in small parts. Differs in accuracy and accuracy in work. He likes to systematize and organize everything.
Spiritual cultivation is needed, a spiritual teacher who will help to realize the inner "I". Man himself is a spiritual guide for many people, helping them to find inner peace and spiritual stamina. He has all the qualities of a comforter and healer of people, as well as the desire to help others in any situation. His creative activity often inspires other people. Creativity and the desire for leadership can be manifested in various fields life. When making decisions, carefully analyzes known facts, relying heavily on innate intuition. He needs to protect his nervous system, which is very sensitive to stress, due to the high general susceptibility. He has a highly developed sense of beauty, as well as a sense of harmony and rhythm.

The tendency to self-deepening makes him dreamy, leads him into the world of abstract ideas. There may be a loss of connection with reality, emotional instability, uncertainty, depression. Without striving for spirituality, severe karmic trials come, irreversible changes for the worse, mental disorders, serious illnesses, a person becomes isolated and sinks.

Life path number 12

Sensuality and creative activity define such a person. His generous nature strives for creative manifestations. Man has to know himself as he really is. He has a hidden great potential, thanks to which he can shape reality with his ideas, thoughts and aspirations. In life, he should rely only on his own strength, not wait for help from other people, follow his beliefs, opinions, judgments, and maintain vitality in all situations. He is optimistic, able to get the most out of life. The desire for creative self-expression is manifested in everything that a person does. Interested in everything, wants to be in time everywhere. "And he is in a hurry to live, and he is in a hurry to feel." At the same time, he takes life seriously. He has a sharp analytical mind and a great desire for knowledge, for understanding the world. Those around him are attracted by his generosity, goodwill and his inner strength. Communication with other people is of great importance for him - this is both obtaining information, and knowing the personality of another, and the possibility of self-expression. Easily makes acquaintances and feels free in any situations. Self-confident and independent of others. Broad interests, prudence, inspiration and innate practicality give him the opportunity to implement his great plans. Usually he does not turn off the intended path and firmly defends his own interests. Ambitious, full of determination in achieving the set goals. Such a person has a certain mission on earth and he needs to accept the leadership of the Higher Forces.

There may be excessive demands on life and on others. Often engaged in the search for "guilty". Excessive demands push people away from themselves. There can be rigidity, ingratitude, negligence, sloppiness. Can commit senseless and unjustified acts, be stubborn and self-willed. We must learn to control ourselves, our emotions, manage our inner forces.

According to numerology, the numbers that surround us influence our life and character. What numbers control you? They are easy to identify - these are the numbers that you constantly encounter in everyday life: phone numbers, numbers of cars, houses and apartments.

But the date of birth has the greatest influence on a person. It encodes information about the character, abilities and even the life path of a person.

By date of birth

The most important information contained in a birthday is the story of his life path. By calculating the life path number by date of birth, you can find out Have you chosen the right path in life? where it takes you, and whether you achieve the desired result.

The calculation of the life path is very useful for young people who have not yet decided on a profession and goals in life. The numerological number will help you choose the right path based on the abilities, talents and aspirations of a person. He will tell you what job and field of activity to choose, and what qualities of character will help him achieve harmony in life.


Take a piece of paper and a pen and write your date of birth in numeric format. Add the digits of the day, month, and year separately, and then find the sum of the resulting numbers. The resulting value will be the life path number.

Here's an example: date of birth 09/07/1990. The number 7 and 9 in this case will be basic. It remains to add the numbers of the year of birth: 1+9+9+0 = 19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1. The unit will be the third base number. The last stage of the calculation is to sum the numbers obtained: 7 + 9 + 1 \u003d 17 \u003d 8. The eight in this case is the number of the life path.

A little other calculation assumed for a date of birth in which the day of the month or day of birth consists of two digits.

  • For example: 12/14/1979.
  • To get the first base number, add the numbers of the birthday: 1 + 4 = 5.
  • To get the second number, add the date of the month: 1 + 2 = 3.
  • Next, we summarize the numbers of the year: 1+9+7+9 = 26 = 2+6 = 8.
  • Then we add up all the received numbers: 5 + 3 + 8 \u003d 16 \u003d 1 + 6 \u003d 7.


After calculating the life path number, it remains only to decipher its meaning, analyze and draw conclusions.

Number 1 is the sign of the leader. The life path should be connected with management activities, business. Man is born to be first in everything. In life, he must be the master of his own destiny and not depend on anyone.

Number 2 - the path of the politician, diplomat, lawyer, advocate. You need to work in partnership with like-minded people. You need support and a friendly shoulder.

The number 3 is the path of creativity and art. People with this life path number have all the opportunities and abilities to realize themselves in music, cinema, theater, literature and other creative professions. Their purpose is to bring beauty and aesthetics to this world.

Number 4 is a difficult path. A person with a given life number of the path will make his way through thorns to the stars. Thanks to his hard work, patience and willpower, he will be able to reach all the heights. The main thing is not to be lazy and confidently go to the goal. Good luck awaits them in construction, exact sciences, economics, politics.

Number 5- people with this life path number very versatile. They can achieve success in any field of activity. The main thing for them is to love what they do. During their lives, representatives of this number, as a rule, try themselves in different areas, it is difficult for them to choose one thing. And their life path consists of ups and downs.

Number 6 is a sign of people who can affect the world, society and a certain group of people. They are able to unite people around them and direct their energy and minds in the right direction. The professions of a designer, lawyer, architect, and politician go well with the number 6.

Number 7- people of this number come into this world to discover something new, unknown. They seem to be out of this world. For their understanding, things are available that others cannot understand. Seven correlates well with the scientific sphere, creativity, esotericism, religion.

The number 8 is a sign of power and purposeful people. They confidently go through life, overcoming all obstacles. They know how to manipulate people, convince and lead. They are excellent speakers and leaders. They definitely need to do something large and global.

Number 9- the life path of such people, as a rule, is difficult. They used to giving more than taking. They came into this world with the goal of sacrificing something for the sake of good cause to help those in need, to take care of others. They are suitable for professions related to the social sphere.


According to the life path number, you can determine compatibility in love, partnership and friendship. A harmonious union develops if the life paths of people are similar or complement each other. For example, unit goes well with twos, fours and sixes. In this case, the union will be united by the same goal and desire to achieve success in career and business.

deuce converges with ones and fives. A fruitful union can develop with eights, due to the fact that people of the number 8 will support the deuce in every way in all matters and undertakings.

Troika lives well with sevens. Both numbers are in search of something new, capable of transformation, change, not being afraid to be themselves. Threes understand people nines well, but this union can be difficult and destructive.

Fours get along well with ones, nines, fives, sixes and eights. People of these numbers will be able to support them and direct them on the right path.

Fives will find a common language with ones, twos, fours and sixes. In such an alliance, each of the partners will complement the other. Such unions are very good both in love and in career and business.

Sixes fours, fives, twos and sevens are suitable. People of this number will be able to derive their personal benefit from cooperation with representatives of the listed figures.

Sevens will be harmonious with almost all numbers, especially with nines. People with a life path number of 7 easily converge with any type of people, but with nines they have a strong emotional connection.

eights make friends with sixes and fives. You should not surround yourself with people with life numbers 9 and 1. With a nine, it will be difficult for them to come to a common decision. And individual people will compete for leadership.

Nines well converge with sevens and fours. They have similar goals, however, the sacrifice of the nine sometimes leads to the fact that they begin to use it.

The life path number is intended to give a person information about his true destiny in this world. It is important to analyze the meaning of your path number in order to find your place in life.

Below are the transcripts of the base numbers with some recommendations and comments. The transcripts partially repeat the descriptions of the numbers, but this is a necessary measure so that you can get a much more complete and objective idea of ​​​​the numbers, first only briefly getting to know them.


The unit is a symbol of self-confidence. It emphasizes such human qualities as independence, leadership, ambition. This number is characterized by the desire to go to the goal in their own way, not counting on anyone's help. Most of all, the One wants to be the first in everything. Go to victory without being distracted by trifles. The weak side of this number is excessive self-confidence and common mistakes in assessing their capabilities.

The number of the Life Path One says that you need to rely only on yourself in achieving success. Do not seek help from other people, but rather learn from their experience, drawing your own conclusions. Trying to build your life in such a way as to avoid pressure on your personality. It is dangerous for a unit to be under the influence of others for a long time, it can completely lose its individuality.

For a unit in a difficult situation, the Number of the Life Path advises the following. If the problem is caused by the inability to achieve the intended goal, it is worth thinking carefully: maybe change the goal? When choosing between two (or more) options for the development of events, always stick to the most convenient for you. He will be the right one.


The most important thing for the Deuce is the relationship with the outside world. Its well-being depends on how harmonious and durable they are. The most important life task of the Two is to bring their communication with people to perfection. Characteristics of the Deuce can be expressed in words: friendliness, contact, compliance, objectivity. The defining property of this number is the ability to find a compromise in a situation that seems to the rest of a dead end. Two has the gift of maintaining relationships with people in any setting and under any conditions. The weakness of this number is in excessive uncertainty, gullibility and sometimes in the inability to defend one's own interests.

The number of the Life Path Two says that you need to be very careful in choosing friends, business partners and cordial affections, not giving unscrupulous people the opportunity to manipulate themselves. The two must pay close attention to details that are insignificant for other numbers. It is in the details for the Two that the truth can be revealed.

For the Two in need of help, the Life Path Number suggests that you should try to negotiate. Take advice literally. Where others provoke a scandal, you will achieve your goal. Do not try to confront problems on your own, you can always find a person more competent in this matter who will help you simply out of a desire to be kind.


Three is a bright, even brilliant number that brings joy to the most gray days. A great storyteller and an equally great listener (which is sometimes more important). The area of ​​her talents is not limited, but most often manifests itself in literature. Simply because it's the easiest way to tell people that life is beautiful. Troika is able to turn boring everyday life into a permanent holiday. Do not lose heart under any circumstances. Eternal optimist. It is impossible to call the following qualities a weakness: stubborn ignoring of existing problems, misunderstanding of the "spleen" of loved ones, which can sometimes cause irritation in these closest ones.

The Life Path Number Three suggests that the surest way to achieve well-being (moral and material) is to look for the most appropriate way of self-expression. Try everything - one or another type of creativity will surely bear fruit. Don't be afraid to experiment. Everything that interests you has the potential to become your life's work. Relations with people - no comment. Choose according to your taste.

It's hard to imagine such a situation, but when Troika needs advice... No matter what area of ​​activity the difficulties are connected with - laugh! Try to find the good side in everything, you will succeed. If the troubles are not connected with “something”, but with “someone”, do not rush to put an end to the relationship. Maybe you just didn't pay attention... Remember: it's hard for you to match!


Four, at first glance, seems like an unfortunate number. But only at first and very superficial glance! This number is not associated with difficulties, as many numerologists say, but with diligence. Yes, the Four does not get anything for free, but the satisfaction from the result obtained is much greater than that of others. Not everyone succeeds in finding a foothold to turn the world around, but the Four are capable of this. People feel this and try to stay close to her in the hope that she will find a way out of the most difficult situation. Everything that the Four creates is more than thorough. This is the same case that they say: like behind a stone wall. Reliability, sincerity, vitality - these are the main features of this number. The most common mistake of the Four is dissatisfaction with their fate. It seems that there are some lucky people nearby and luck unfairly looks the other way. This causes unnecessary fuss for the Four, hence the misses.

The Life Path Number Four is a disagreement with the existing state of affairs, which often makes the Four rebel, go against innate qualities. I want freedom, success, ease ... and it’s completely in vain, because her life is completely in her hands, independent of chance and insured against the vagaries of fortune. Four in the full sense - "the mistress of their own destiny." The main thing for this number is to set yourself a specific goal, and perseverance and hard work in order to achieve it, do not take it.

The four who turned to the number of the life path for help will learn that if the problems are material in nature, they should not be resolved in an effort to get rich quick. We need to look for ways to gradually solve them. If there are difficulties in relations with other people, you can not play by someone else's rules. The best way- Speak calmly, clearly identifying your claims.


Five is a parade of possibilities. Festival of abilities and interests. Always full of enthusiasm, people of this number prefer to be on the move. The love of risk and everything unusual sometimes puts them in a difficult position, but the Five knows how to get out of the water. Loves to travel. The variety of interests allows her to communicate with a variety of people and get from it not only pleasure, but also benefit.

The number of the Life Path Five is activity, vigor, a high degree of adaptability, which allows the Five to take its rightful place in life, provided that the love of constant change does not prevent it from maintaining and increasing what has already been achieved. There is a danger of "running" past the very the best option. The five should take a closer look at the trophies already won.

The Five Life Path Number recommends the following. If you are "lost in the forest" of your great opportunities and do not know where to go next, look at the direction of the compass of your desires. Decide what you really want. Maybe you don't need what you were trying to achieve at all?


The key concept for the Six is ​​maintaining balance in everything: these are relationships with people of other numbers, and material well-being. For this number, for complete happiness, it is not enough just to receive, you need to give, and this applies to everything: friendship, love, knowledge. The easiest way to succeed is to interact with other people. The Six is ​​a combination of the talents of the Three and the abilities of the Two. There are practically no weak spots. There is only the danger of overdoing it a little with recoil and remaining completely “on the beans”.

The number of the Life Path Six indicates that you can most fully realize yourself in marriage and friendship. It is highly likely that the Six will live happy family life getting any support from friends. It is necessary to pay close attention to people who claim to be especially close to you, so as not to waste time and mental strength on doomed relationships. Successful career most likely in professions related to communication with people.

If the Six is ​​not satisfied with something in the way life is developing, in fate, the Life Path Number will tell you: “If I get sick, I won’t go to the doctors - I’ll turn to my friends ...” If the troubles are related to loved ones - once again weigh your relationship. Maybe something should be added to one of the scales. Or remove.


The destiny of the Seven is solitude, research, the pursuit of excellence. A very mysterious number. People of this number adore everything mysterious, strive to know the essence of all phenomena. The Seven prefers to accumulate experience and knowledge on their own, not trusting the judgments of other people. The desire for solitude becomes especially strong in difficult life situations. Strongly developed intuition. This number loves and understands nature. The ability to remarkably understand people often remains unclaimed due to a lack of interest in these same people.

The number of the Life Path Seven says that the harmony of your life is in your hands. If you are not dragged away by the quicksands of despondency and pessimism, if you have the character not to become a bore, then you will be honored and respected by others. It is very easy for you to become a leader in any field (except, perhaps, commerce). Seven can achieve great success in the field of mysticism or religion.

It is very difficult for you to lose yourself, but if something confuses you, the Life Path Number can offer to stop, analyze the situation in detail, understand what is the root of your problem, and eliminate the cause, not the effect.


Complete materialist. The motto of this number is: "What I don't know about doesn't exist." Nothing is taken for granted, everything requires proof. Only a real, tangible, practical result is recognized as positive. The essence of this number is: determination, fearlessness, responsibility, competence. Will and character in achieving the goal. A high level of exactingness not only to oneself, but also to others. Scope - administration, commerce, management.

If the Life Path Number is Eight, then barriers and obstacles give you vitality and increase your efficiency. In them, people of this number draw additional strength and incentives. But the details, trifles and fuss are “weights on the legs” that hinder the rapid progress towards success. Such traits of the Eight as ruthlessness and excessive categoricalness do not cause sympathy among other numbers.

The advice of the Life Path Number is this. Do not give in to emotions - this is not your element. Act with common sense, even when it comes to matters of the heart. Deep down, you always know what to do to make things right. Do not be afraid to go against the opinions of others - often they simply cannot calculate the situation as far as you.


A very demanding number. On the one hand, the Nine gives much more opportunities than other numbers. On the other hand, the person in whose fate she takes part must go further along the path of self-improvement. The defining task for the Nine is service to people. The main difficulty in fulfilling this mission is to learn how to give what you already have and not demand anything in return. This does not mean at all that the Nine will give everything to others, left with nothing. What she gives will return to her a hundredfold, but not immediately and in other ways. The most vivid illustration of the features of this number is in the famous cartoon: the Monkey gives his banana to the Boa constrictor, the Boa constrictor to the Parrot, the Parrot to the Elephant, and the Elephant again gives the banana to the Monkey.

The Life Path Number Nine means that first of all you need to understand that from birth you are given a little more than the rest. But you should use additional opportunities only after you learn selflessness and a deeper understanding of justice. Remember: everything you share will come back to you, but in a different form.

The main difficulty for the Nine is that a person cannot always resist a common culture in which the concept of immediate exchange dominates. Even the most generous people have a hard time learning not to expect immediate gratitude. If it seems to you that everything you do goes into a "bottomless barrel", then you have not fully realized how much has already been given. Compare yourself with those around you and you will realize that your business is still a little better than that of others.

The number of the Life Path determines the main task facing a person in this incarnation. And everything else, one way or another, is subordinated to the fulfillment of this task.

The Life Path number is like a compass. If you get lost in the forest, you just need to know the general direction that will lead you out of there, for example, go south, that's all. Like the Life Path Number, if you are lost in life, do not see the goal, do not know where to go and what to do, drop all the details and do what the Life Path Number advises you to do.

Meanwhile, it is not at all difficult to determine this powerful number. We are simply performing numerological folding of the date of birth. In this case, the day, month and year are summed up separately until the base number or master number is obtained. The resulting three numbers are then added together, and the result is reduced, again, to the base number or master number.

  • Determining the Life Path Number is a simple case.

Let's say the date of birth is April 9, 2003. Let's calculate the Life Path Number for this date of birth.

  • Day: 9. This is already a base number, no further action is required.
  • Month: 4. This is also the base number.
  • Year: 2003 We perform the folding 2 + 0 + 0+3 = 5.
  • Now add together the results obtained for the day, month and year: 9 + 4 + 5 = 18.
  • It remains to collapse the number 18 to the base or master number: 18 -> 9.

So, as a result of calculations, we got the number 9 - this number is the Life Path Number.

  • Determining the Life Path Number is a difficult case.

The day and month are not always the base numbers at once. Let's determine the Life Path Number for Carlos Castaneda, who was born on December 25, 1925.

  • Day: 25-> 2 + 5 = 7.
  • Month: 12 -> 1 + 2 = 3.
  • Year: 1925 —> 1 + 9 + 2 + 5 = 17 —> 1 + 7 = 8.
  • Add together the numbers of the day, month and year: 7 + 3 + 8 = 18-> 9.
  • Determining the Life Path Number with Master Numbers.

The main thing to remember is that if, when folding a number, we meet a master number (11, 22 or 33), then the folding stops there. good examples is the calculation of the Life Path Number of the writer Mark Twain. He was born November 30, 1835.

  • Day: 30=3+0 = 3
  • Month: 11 - stop! This is the master number. So, we leave -11 as it is.
  • Year: 1835=1+8+3+5=17=1+7 = 8.
  • We add the numbers of the day, month and year: 3 + 11 + 8 = 22. As a result, we get the master number and stop there.

Here is an example of the owner of a master number as a Life Path Number. This master number helped mark Twain to be more than just a writer, provided him with a powerful resonance around the world. One of the indirect evidence of this is the fact that it is difficult to find a person who would not know at least the name of Mark Twain.

Life path number 1.

The destiny of those whose main life task is reduced to the number 1 is to be the first. They are born leaders, pioneers, discoverers.

It is difficult for a unit to follow someone, it must definitely get ahead. In youth, this is not always possible due to insufficient life experience, and a person is forced to obey someone's guidance, but still strives to do everything in his own way, which can be the cause of conflicts. Or he finds his own, unknown and unlike anything path. It is easier for a unit to be completely alone than to put up with a subordinate position.

A good way out for an unsatisfied desire for leadership is to play sports, and those where you can compete, fight for first place.

Ideally, the one who got the Life Path of the Unit shows himself best when he is the "first number" - that is, when there is no boss over him, when he is "his own head" and is fully responsible for all his decisions.

The approach to business characteristic of a unit is ingenuity, originality, the search for new ways, the ability to take risks, but at the same time, the tendency to "reinvent the wheel" - to look for a new approach where the old one is not bad at all.

Among the representatives of the Life Path of the Unit are Napoleon Bonaparte, JI.A. Brodsky, M.S. Gorbachev, Christian Dior, G.K. Zhukov, James Cook, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, K.S. Malevich, Karl Marx, Alfred Nobel, Isaac Newton, Nicolo Paganini, Blaise Pascal, N.M. Przhevalsky, S.S. Prokofiev, D.D. Shostakovich, Ernst Rutherford, M.A. Bakunin, L.V. Leshchenko, I.L. Krutoy, S.V. Khorkina, N.P. Karachentsov, I.M. Khakamada, A.V. Rutskoy.

Life path number 2.

The path of the deuce is the path of a diplomat, a politician, a person who knows how to establish relationships and maintain balance.

If you have ever used pharmacy scales, then remember how small weights you have to operate in order to achieve balance between their cups. And the deuce is characterized by an understanding of the smallest details, nuances, subtleties, as well as the ability to use them to achieve the desired stability.

The deuce is well aware that together you can achieve much more than alone, and does not seek to get ahead. She feels good in a team and is often able to add to joint activities some small detail that binds people together stronger than cement.

The strengths of the deuce also include the ability to see the other side of things, those weak, undeveloped elements that remain in the shadows, but can later turn into big problems. Wards of this number show themselves well in the role of opponents, critics, those who evaluate and test new products.

The deuce best copes with the role of the "second number" - the one who stands next to the "first number". She prefers to be led, those who cover the rear and take care of the provision, while the leader rushes forward. And the deuce rejoices in the achievements of the "first number", as if it were their own, and if we are talking about obtaining material results, then it is she who wins in the first place.

The worst position for a deuce is when she is in the public eye and forced to make a decision or choose a direction. She torments everyone, and above all herself, with indecision and hesitation, and can, in the end, choose something on the basis of small details that are not particularly relevant to the case. It's just that the role of a leader is not for a deuce.

It happens that the deuce pays too much attention to others and forgets about itself. Modesty is a benefactor, but only when it is in moderation; an excess of modesty is also a violation of the balance.

Representatives of the Life Path of the Two - Jean-Paul Belmondo, E.P. Leonov, V.I. Gaft, Benito Mussolini, N.K. Roerich, G.S. Ulanova, I.L. Kirillov, I.I. Sikorsky, S.A. Lavochkin, A.F. Dobrynin, V.K. Vasilyeva, G.I. Gladkov, M.Z. Chagall, Yu.A. Gagarin.

It should be noted that representatives of the deuce are not so often among celebrities, because the very principle of this number suggests an unwillingness to be in the foreground. In those cases when the deuce still turns out to be known, most often you can trace the influence of other parameters of the numerological code. And it often happens that a deuce becomes famous thanks to partnerships with someone.

By the way, those who knew Yu.A. Gagarin, they remember how modest he was and how calmly he treated the rays of world fame - also one of the manifestations of the principle of two.

Life path number 3.

The path of the three is the path of creativity. It has been noticed that most often the creativity of the troika manifests itself in the handling of words, so there are many writers, poets, orators along this path. But there are many other creative people as well. Representatives of the three are like children: they play with what is interesting for them, enjoy life, and those around them rejoice with them.

And just as you cannot expect increased responsibility, reliability, and careful study of all the details from children, you cannot expect them from the wards of the troika either. They are "freelance artists" and if you don't like their work, then that's your problem.

In order to fully develop their abilities, it is important for a person walking the Life Path of the Three to find a suitable job for himself. Such work, in which strict observance of the daily routine is not required, there is no once and for all definite schedule. Trying to fit into a highly regulated environment, the trio will waste a significant amount of time and energy, and their main talent may go unnoticed.

A Troika rarely gets satisfaction from a managerial position - well, maybe only in a purely creative team. But it thrives where something new, unusual is born, where there is a search or invention of fundamentally new approaches. The pure joy of the three fills our lives with meaning and interest.

Here are some of the famous representatives of the Troika Life Path: A.S. Pushkin, Goethe, A.A. Delvig, Charles Dickens, O.N. Efremov, F.A. Iskander, Franz Kafka, A.I. Kuindzhi, I.P. Kulibin, V.F. Nijinsky, B.Sh. Okudzhava, M.M. Plisetskaya, I.E. Repin, E.I. Roerich, A.S. Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, V.T. Spivakov, I.F. Stravinsky, V.I. Vernadsky, S.T. Richter, A.N. Ostrovsky, A.D. Sakharov, M.A. Zakharov, E.A. Ryazanov, N.V. Baskov, A.V. Pankratov-Cherny... As you can see, Troika's creative potential can manifest itself in many ways.

Life path number 4.

The path of the four is not easy. This is the path of responsibility, organization, hard work. Perseverance, the ability to concentrate on one thing for a long time, rely only on oneself and build a system where chaos reigned - these are the qualities necessary in order to achieve success on the path of the four.

From the wards of this number one should not expect either speed or flexibility. Even if there is a much easier way to solve the problem, the four manages to choose the most time-consuming and painstaking. It seems that she enjoys the extra work and even the need to redo what has already been done over and over again. At different people this quality of a 4 can be expressed to varying degrees, but one thing is certain: "quick schemes" are not for them.

Representatives of the four can successfully be both bosses and subordinates, but only where real hard work is going on. Where activities are only imitated, as is often the case in bureaucratic institutions, the four burdens everyone with inappropriate calls for practicality and responsibility.

The best areas of application of the abilities of the 4 are related to obtaining practical results, require attention to detail and long-term effort. It can be, for example, the work of a programmer, builder or gardener.

Here are some representatives of the Life Path of the Four: L.S. Armor, Yu.N. Grigorovich, Immanuel Kant, Marie Curie, A.I. Herzen, Michael Faraday, Sigmund Freud, P.L. Chebyshev, V.I. Dahl, F.I. Chaliapin, V.V. Zhirinovsky, Yu.M. Luzhkov, G.A. Yavlinsky, I.E. Malashenko, M.L. Rostropovich. It's not often that hard work makes a person famous, so there are very few Fours on the list of celebrities.

Life path number 5.

The Life Path of the Five resembles many paths leading to different sides. Being exactly in the middle of the number series, the five seeks to reflect and combine the qualities of all other numbers, and therefore gives its wards versatility, flexibility, changeability, and universality.

The one who got the Life Path of the Five shows himself well in rapidly changing circumstances, easily adapts to unusual conditions. About such a person they say: "and a Swiss, and a reaper, and a gambler on the pipe" He can handle any challenge. Except, perhaps, those tasks that require long-term focus and concentration. He is good as an intermediary in contact with a large number of different people, or as a boss managing a large and complex team.

Wards of the Five are easy-going. They want to try everything in life, they easily get to know people and therefore they can choose for themselves a life associated with moving, traveling, all sorts of adventures.

Due to its versatility, the five easily finds itself in the center of events, as a kind of axis of the team, and, understanding the needs of the others, easily finds a common language with them.

Representatives of the Life Path of the Five are: Adolf Hitler, P.P. Globa, M.N. Baryshnikov, Simon Bolivar, E.B. Vakhtangov, V.N. Voinovich, Georg Hegel, Charles Darwin, Arthur Conan Doyle, I.O. Dunaevsky, E.A. Evtushenko, M.M. Zoshchenko, A.I. Kuprin, K.Yu. Lavrov, L.D. Landau, Abraham Lincoln, Marlene Dietrich, N.I. Lobachevsky, A.P. Pavlova, A.N. Pakhmutova, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Friedrich Engels, M.A. Ulyanov, G.G. Neuhaus, O.E. Mandelstam, A.N. Malinin, A.I. Raikin, JI.M. Gurchenko, M.M. Kozakov, A.A. Tarkovsky, I.I. Alferova, A.V. Makarevich, A.V. Men.

Life path number 6.

The six is ​​often found in the symbolism of various esoteric teachings (remember at least the six-pointed Star of David) and in numerological code people who played an important role in human culture. And this is not surprising, given that the main talent of the six is ​​the ability to unite, to create a single whole from numerous disparate parts.

Those who got the path of the number 6 play the role of a kind of glue or magnet that holds different people together - family members, a friendly company, a work team or an entire state. The wards of the six establish the rules of behavior, the ways of interaction between people or elements of some complex scheme, they are the first to notice when the harmony of relationships is violated.

When everything is going well, the activity of the six may not be particularly noticeable, but during a crisis, it is to the representatives of this number that everyone turns to find a way out of a difficult situation.

The professions of a lawyer, architect, designer, as well as any others related to the ability to see the big picture, to create a harmonious whole from disparate details, are in good agreement with the six. Interest in harmony and creativity often gives the six an interest in art in one form or another.

Famous people who got the Life Path of the Number Six: Kemal Atatürk, Honore de Balzac, Giuseppe Verdi, E.D. Doga, I.N. Kramskoy, John Lennon, M.P. Mussorgsky, V.I. Mukhina, S.V. Rachmaninov, A.I. Solzhenitsyn, A.P. Chekhov, M.V. Keldysh, Albert Einstein, Peter I, G.A. Potemkin, N.M. Karamzin, A.A. Karelin, V.A. Gusinsky, L.I. Yarmolnik, Yu.M. Solomin, S.V. Nemolyaeva, V.I. Resin, M.B. Khodorkovsky, I.S. Ivanov, E.M. Primakov, A.B. Chubais, P.S. Grachev, SS. Govorukhin, A.V. Karaulov, E.A. Kiselev, A.S. Yakushev, O.V. Blokhin, O.I. Romantsev.

Isn't it curious that three prominent representatives of the cohort of Russian coaches - Yakushev, Blokhin, Romantsev - have a Life Path Number of 6.

Life path number 7.

In all layers of human culture, we now and then meet with the seven. It is present everywhere: from physics (the seven primary colors of the spectrum) to literature and cinema ("The Magnificent Seven", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", ...). We can say that the seven is the most popular of the basic numbers. And at the same time, the most mysterious, magical number, because it somehow turns out to be at the very foundation of the Universe.

Here are the people who got the Life Path of the Seven: they either personify some kind of mystery, or are looking for a secret that is present in all the phenomena of our world. Wards of the seven can be scientists, intelligence officers, detectives, psychologists, psychiatrists, monks. Usually they all have in common that they deal with things hidden from other people, and lead a more or less solitary lifestyle.

As a rule, sevens lack business acumen, there is little interest in the outside of things, so there are almost no successful businessmen among them.

Characteristic representatives of the seven are usually intensely interested in something intangible, and little attention is paid to ordinary, everyday things. They may look like they are "out of this world", do not follow the fashion. Often they are known as eccentrics and "white crows", but they know and understand things that are simply inaccessible to other people.

Here are some of the famous personalities who have a 7 Life Path: A.A. Akhmatova, P.I. Tchaikovsky, Frederic Chopin, George Gershwin, Paul Gauguin, Juna Davitashvili, F.E. Dzerzhinsky, E.P. Blavatsky, Christian Doppler, F.M. Dostoevsky, D.B. Kabalevsky, Pierre Curie, Lagrange, Lamarck, Linnaeus, B.C. Lanovoy, Stanislav Lem, Yu.V. Nikulin, Alan Pinkerton, N.I. Pirogov, O.P. Tabakov, A.I. Khachaturyan, N.S. Khrushchev, A.L. Chizhevsky, A.G. Schnittke, M.S. Boyarsky, E.G. Vitorgan, A.G. Abdulov, O.V. Basilashvili, A.S. Lazarev, E.A. Yakovleva, O.I. Yankovsky, I.E. Kyo, E.T. Gaidar, B.E. Nemtsov, M.E. Fradkov, V.V. Putin, V.B. Rushailo, V.A. Ryzhkov.

You see that among the sevens there are many well-known, popular artists. In my opinion, in these cases, the combination of seven with other numbers works: seven gives depth and insight, and other numbers help convey these qualities to the viewer, give interest in manifestation in the outside world. In later chapters, we will look at concrete examples of how this can happen.

Life path number 8.

Eight faces the outside world, and it is important for her to have power, to influence what is happening around. That is, those who got the life path of the number eight were born to set long-term, large-scale goals, organize a large number of people and direct them to achieve these goals.

Wards of the eight know all the levers and ropes, by pulling which you can achieve your goal or at least shift the balance in your favor, no matter how complicated and confusing the matter may seem.

Most often, the result of the activity of eights is expressed in money, and these people have a more or less pronounced talent for attracting money, managing it and multiplying it. But in fact, what matters to them is not the money itself, but the feeling that the world is subject to their will.

The work of a businessman or a banker goes well with the life path of the eight, however, those who have got this Path can prove themselves in any other large-scale business related to obtaining real, tangible results. On the other hand, among the eights there are often artists and psychologists who, due to their enormous personal energy, are able to influence a large number of people.

In science, Eights are most often interested in creating some large-scale knowledge systems, and if they manifest themselves in art, their style is characterized by large scale and some heaviness or increased complexity.

Here are some of the famous representatives of the Life Path of the Eight: A.S. Dargomyzhsky, N.E. Zhukovsky, Catherine II, Johannes Kepler, Pablo Picasso, V.V. Mayakovsky, D.I. Mendeleev, I.I. Mechnikov, M.V. Frunze, K.E. Tsiolkovsky, V.I. Chapaev, I V. Michurin, A.A. Blok, A.E. Karpov, E.V. Kaspersky, M.M. Zhvanetsky, V.M. Shukshin, G.P. Vishnevskaya, A.A. Mironov, A.B. Pugacheva, N.A. Petrov, R.S. Akchurin, V.M. Zaitsev, A.A. Gromyko, B.N. Yeltsin, B.A. Berezovsky, A.Ya. Livshits, V.V. Gerashchenko.

Life path number 9.

Such is human nature: we all prefer to take rather than give. That is why the life path of the nine is difficult. Those who got it are destined to be benefactors of mankind, to give others what they have and, ideally, not to demand anything in return. And what is most interesting is that if the nines manage to remain faithful to this principle, then they always have something to give to others, and even remain for themselves. As the saying goes, "the hand of the giver will not fail."

However, human nature takes its toll, and it is unlikely that any of the wards of the nine manage to avoid regrets, disappointments, bouts of unreasonable stinginess. All people seem ungrateful to them and it seems that luck has turned away from them forever. But sooner or later, the nine can’t stand it and opens up the soul: here, take it, I don’t feel sorry for anything! And then, out of nowhere, suddenly there are favorable opportunities, life again becomes pleasant and interesting.

The nines are characterized by idealism, tolerance, global interests, love for various utopian undertakings. Wards of this number show themselves well where you need to deal with a very large number of people and at the same time not care too much about their own interests. They usually play important roles in the cultural and political life of the society.

Since the nine is a three squared, it often gives its representatives Creative skills, including the ability to express their thoughts in words.

Famous representatives of the Life Path of the Nine include: I.S. Bach, M.A. Bulgakov, Yaroslav Gashek, Georg Handel, William Herschel, A.S. Griboyedov, S.A. Yesenin, Carlos Castaneda, S.V. Kovalevskaya, Nicolaus Copernicus, I.V. Kurchatov, V.Ya. Leontiev, M.Yu. Lermontov, I.P. Pavlov, K.G. Jung, I.A. Krylov, I.A. Bunin, G.K. Kasparov, V.A. Bryntsalov, O.V. Lepeshinskaya, V.V. Vasiliev, E.V. Obraztsova, O.M. Gazmanov, L.G. Quint, G.B. Volchek, P.M. Litvinova, I.E. Kornelyuk, M.E. Shvydkoy, A.P. Pochinok, V.A. Yakovlev.

Life path number 11.

For eleven, everything that applies to two is usually true, and in many cases everything is limited to this. And yet, the high potential characteristic of any master number most often makes itself felt in one way or another. For example, in the form of heightened intuition, the ability to foresee events, to understand without any words the state and intentions of another person.

It is not surprising that those who got the life path of the number eleven often find themselves in the role of a psychologist, psychic, clairvoyant. This number gives the ability to inspire people, influence their thoughts and intentions, tell them some higher truths so that people are imbued with them. Thanks to this skill, the wards of eleven can be artists, preachers, religious figures. Their personality is mysterious, irrational, and at the same time very attractive.

These people are well aware of the existence of another side of reality, invisible and not explained by science, and it is thanks to them that our world is not yet completely mired in the abyss of materialism. Once in an ordinary team engaged in daily routine, they can become initiators of change, inventors, generators unusual ideas.

Here are some of the famous representatives of the Life Path Eleven: George Gordon Byron, Antonio Vivaldi, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, M.I. Glinka, Claude Debussy, Bill Clinton, Edgar Poe, C.G. Paustovsky, Ronald Reagan, L.N. Tolstoy, Ilya Ilf, I.S. Turgenev, Franz Schubert, P.L. Kapitsa, I.M. Sechenov, M.I. Tsvetaeva, A.P. Borodin, L.I. Brezhnev, E.E. Rossel, I.S. Glazunov, B.C. Vysotsky, B.B. Grebenshchikov, I.A. Allegrova, V.K. Kikabidze, A.N. Buynov, N.E. Andreychenko, V.N. Vinokur, I.V. Dykhovichny, L.A. Yakubovich, L.A. Kulidzhanov, A.Yu. Domogarov, V.A. Sadovnichiy, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A.S. Makarenko, A.M. Kabaeva, G.S. Titov, A.V. Korzhakov, S.P. Mavrodi, R.A. Abramovich.

Life path number 22.

The higher the master number, the more difficult it is for ordinary people to master its potential. For this reason, those who got the life path of twenty-two most often manifest themselves in the same way as the wards of the four. However, the feeling of being chosen, the intuitive guess that they are capable of much more, no, no, and will disrupt the measured course of life. The serious potential of the Master Builder may remain a hidden cause of inner unrest, but may one day unfold to its full extent.

If this happens, a person is involved in a large-scale process of creating something important, practically valuable, durable, intended for a large number of people. He does not necessarily find himself in the role of the main leader, but he tends to key positions and is able to bear responsibility for the project as a whole.

Often the activity of the Master Builder is connected with the creation of something material, sometimes literally with construction. But not necessarily. He may well be the creator of some system of knowledge, laws, social order. The most difficult thing for such a person is to bring into reality what he has already created in his mind.

Representatives of Life Path 22 - I.D. Kobzon, A.N. Kolmogorov, M.I. Kutuzov. Antoine Lavoisier, P.S. Nakhimov, E.I. Unknown, A.V. Chumak.

The example of Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov (born June 23, 1802) is very interesting. As many as three of his most important numerological indicators are master numbers, and this could not but affect the personality of Nakhimov. Here are two passages that, in my opinion, well illustrate how the revealed, manifested number 22 can manifest itself: ... "Naval service was for Nakhimov not the most important matter of life, as it was, for example, for his teacher Lazarev or for his comrades Kornilov and Istomin, but the only thing, in other words: he did not know any life other than naval service, and he did not know wanted and simply refused to recognize for himself the possibility of existence not on a warship or not in a military port. Due to lack of time and too much preoccupation with maritime interests, he forgot to fall in love, forgot to marry ". (E. Tarle. "Nakhimov". M., 1948). " Pavel Stepanovich serves 24 hours a day. His comrades never reproached him for wanting to curry favor with that, but believed in his vocation and devotion to the cause itself. His subordinates always saw that he was working more than they did, and therefore they performed hard service without grumbling and with confidence that everything that follows them or in which relief can be made, the commander will not be forgotten.". ("Admiral Nakhimov", "Voenmorizdat", 1945. Memoirs of A.P. Rykachev).

Life Path number 33.

Potentially, those who got the life path of the number 33 have the ability to generate ideas that unite other people, giving them an understanding of how and for what it is necessary to live, what to strive for. This ability is important in many activities related to the leadership of large teams - from an enterprise to a nation or even Humanity.

The problem is that the potential of the number 33 is so high that only a very few individuals who find themselves in the right place at the right time are able to embody it to any extent.

Usually, a potential Master Teacher calmly follows the path of the number 6. He can be the soul of the company, an excellent family man, a caring relative. Although from time to time some special creative spark will illuminate it from within, giving rise to bright ideas and revealing unexpected abilities.

The owner of Life Path 33 is V.I. Ulyanov, if we take his date of birth according to the new style. Read what is written about this in questions and answers.

Another example of a Master Teacher is the founder of genetics, Gregor Mendel. Despite a successful spiritual career (he became the abbot of a monastery), combined with success in society (he was the director of a local bank), Mendel wanted to be a teacher - despite the fact that it was in the teacher's exam that he failed. In science, Mendel was actually self-taught, but he discovered the laws that are now being studied in all universities. As is often the case with geniuses, fame came to him only after death.