Synopsis of nodes for the development of speech in the middle group. Synopsis of nodes for the development of speech The course of the joint activities of the educator with the children

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Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech

(pages are taken from the Pilot version of the program

"From birth to school" Mosaic - Sintez, M. 2014)

Topic: "Favorite toy" V junior group.

GCD duration 10 – 15 minutes (13 minutes)

Integration of educational areas : "Speech development », “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative”, “Artistic and aesthetic”, “ Physical development»

Target: development of the components of oral speech of children: connected, the formation of a dictionary, the education of children's sound speech


Continue to introducechildren with objects of the immediate environment (toys). (Learn p.78)

To educate in children the ability to follow elementary rules, coordinate movements, navigate in space (Physical str. 133)

To form a benevolent attitude towards each other (Soc.-com. str. 48)

Material and equipment: demonstration material (toys: bear, fox)

Lesson progress:

    surprise moment(motivation)

- Guys! Now, I'll make a riddle, listen carefully!

He sleeps in a den in winter,

Snoring little by little

And wake up, well, roar,

What is his name? ... (Bear)

What good fellows, guessed! And Mishka came to visit us today (the teacher takes out a bear cub) so that we can examine him and get to know him better!

II . Main part

2. Writing a descriptive story (showing a toy, examining it)

Educator. Look at this teddy bear, tell me what his eyes are (black, shiny)

What are the ears of a teddy bear? (round, small)

And what are his paws? (thick, hairy)

Tell us what kind of teddy bear it is, touch it, how does it feel to the touch? (big, furry, soft)

What can he do? (growl)

And who knows what our bear likes to eat? (honey, raspberry or berry)

Our bear is black. How can it be called? (Chernysh)

That's what a bear came to us from the forest! (The teacher makes up a story with the children) He is big, furry. He has bright eyes, round ears, thick paws. Teddy bear is sweet! He loves honey and tasty raspberries! Chernysh knows how to growl.

- What you good fellows! And now let's have a little rest and play with our fingers!

3. Finger gymnastics (slide number 7)

Target: development fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Friendly animals

Small rabbits are friends

Beavers are friends in the lake

Mosquitoes are friends in the sky

Cute hedgehogs are friends

Even bear cubs are friends

That's how they played

Run through the forest!

connect the same fingers

rhythmic touch of the little fingers of both hands

rhythmic touch of the ring fingers of both hands

rhythmic touch of the middle fingers of both hands

rhythmic touch of the index fingers of both hands

rhythmic touch thumbs both hands

put your hands down, shake your hands

The teacher shows a fox toy

Kids, do you know that his friend came with the teddy bear! (Shows.) This is a fox cub. Where does the fox live? (In the woods)

What are his eyes?

What ears? (small, sharp)

What is the tail of a fox? (Long, fluffy)

What fox? (Children: small, fluffy, red, soft)

What can a fox do?

What can we call our red fox cub? (Ginger)

Who wants to tell the fox how handsome and good he is?

The teacher, together with the child, composes a story by analogy with the first. He asks: “Who else wants to tell?” In case of difficulty, the teacher tells the child the beginning of the phrase. (This. He. He has. Ryzhik knows how, etc.)

caregiver : Well done! Fox liked your stories about him!

Now let's rest a little and stand with you in a circle.

5. Physical education "Three Bears" (slide number 9)

(children stand in a circle, the teacher explains the movements)

Three bears were walking home

Dad was big

Mom is a little smaller

And the son is just a baby

He was very small

Walked with rattles

children go around

hands up

arms at chest level

sat down

squatting take rattles and "ring" them, running on the rug

(Physical education is held 2 times)

6. Game "Compare different animals"

The teacher offers to consider a bear and a fox.

The bear is large, clumsy, and the fox is small, dexterous, with thin legs.

The teddy bear has a small tail, and the fox cub has a fluffy, big one!

7. Reflection

Praise the most active children.

Children, what do you remember, what did you like, what did you learn new things?

Summary of work

So, by showing toys, objects, organizing actions with them, situations are created in which preschoolers show speech activity, purposefully master the language material, speech skills and abilities.

Expected Result : Children learned how to make a descriptive story based on a toy.

List of used sources and literature


    The Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education was approved by Order No. 373 of October 6, 2009 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 2009 No. 15785)


    Arushanova A. G. Speech and speech communication of children: Formation of the grammatical structure of speech. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005. - 92p.

    Gerbova V. V. Abstracts of classes on the development of speech in the younger mixed age group. - M.: Vlados, 2002. - 134 p.

    Gerbova V.V. Development of speech: Educational and visual aid for children 2-4 years old. - M.: Vlados, 2003. - 112p.

    Maksakov A.I. Education of the sound culture of speech in preschoolers. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005. - 184 p.

    Elkonin D. B. Development of speech in preschool age. - M .: Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, 1958. - 116p.

Internet resources

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in the senior group
Krichigina Natalya Grigorievna MBDOU No. 117 educator in Novokuznetsk THEME: compiling a descriptive story on the topic
"AUTUMN" according to the plan - scheme
PURPOSE: to form the skill of writing a descriptive story
on the theme "Autumn" based on the scheme.
. Consolidation of ideas about autumn and its signs.
. Expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Autumn".
.Development of coherent speech, attention, memory, logical thinking.
. Development of coordination of movements with speech.
. To cultivate kindness, responsiveness, respect for the environment.
. Show the uniqueness of nature in autumn.
. Examination of the painting by I.I. LEVITAN "GOLDEN AUTUMN".
. Conversation on the theme "Autumn".
. Learning poems, riddles, tongue twisters, proverbs.
. Excursions to the park.
. Walking observation.
. Exhibitions of children's drawings.
. Competition of crafts from natural materials. 1
. Reading the works of V.A. Sukhomlinsky “Shameful in front of the nightingale”, V.M. Garshin "The Traveling Frog", I. Sokolova - Mikitov "The Cranes Are Flying Away".
. View D.V.D.
. Collective work “Cleaning the site from dry leaves.
. Composing and sending a letter to television.
EQUIPMENT: a plan, cones, paper sheets for each child, a tape recorder, a telephone, pictures of the sun, clouds, wind, a nest, a lane, a basket, a ball, a glass of milk, a pebble, an autumn meadow, a microphone.
(Children stand in a circle.)
Good morning sunshine.
We are glad to see you.
We all woke up
Gathered together.
Finger game "MOOD".
I. ORGANIZATIONAL MOMENT Phone call to the teacher from television.
A message that they received our letter, and if the children agree, then we will take part in the competition for the best compilation of a descriptive story about autumn (children's answers).
Educator: If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,
If the land is far away - the birds flew away, 2
If the sky is gloomy
If the rain is pouring down
This season is called Autumn.
1. Fixing ideas about autumn and its signs.
Educator: I invite you to take a walk to the autumn meadow. There are many interesting things waiting for us there. We will walk along the path, we will collect cones and put them in a basket, naming words that answer the question “What is autumn like?” (early, late, overcast, rainy, gloomy, etc.)
GAME "What autumn?" (each bump is a word)
Educator: how many cones you have collected! And what else is the earth covered with in autumn? Children: leaves, cones, needles, dry grass.
Educator: do you think we can use all this? Children: yes, it is natural material from it you can make different crafts.
Educator: our first stop in the clearing is "Solnechnaya"
How does the sun shine and warm in autumn?
Children: the sun is shining, but it is weakly warm, because it is covered by clouds.
GAME for the development of attention "Sun, wind and cloud"
Teacher: let's play a game
(if I show the sun - you raise your hands up, if I show a cloud - you cover your face with your hands, if the wind - you are spinning).
Educator: while we were playing, I saw something very interesting. Let's come and see.

Stop "Flight"
Children: this is a nest and a feather.
Educator: what do you think, who are we going to talk about now?
Children: about birds.
Educator: what are the names of the birds that fly away from us in the fall and return in the spring? (migratory).
Teacher: Why are they leaving?
Children: birds have nothing to eat, insects hide, it gets cold.
Educator: what migratory birds do you know?
Educator: will all the birds reach the warm edges?
Children: no, various dangers await them on the way .. Educator: you will find out one of the reasons for the death of birds if you guess the riddle?
Teacher: Let's do a little experiment.
Throw a small stone into a glass of milk.
Do you see a stone? Children are not.
Conclusion: in fog, the birds also can not see anything.
Educator: so why is fog dangerous for birds?
Children: during fog, birds can go astray.
Educator: our next stop is "Autumn"
Ball game "PICK UP ACTION WORDS" answering the question "What are you doing?", "What are you doing?"
1. The sun (what does it do?) - shines, warms.
2. Cloud (what does it do?) - closes, floats. 4
3. Wind (what does it do?) - blows, drives, howls.
4. Insects (what are they doing?) - hide, burrow.
5. Birds (what are they doing?) - fly away, wave, fly, scream, etc.
6. People (what do they do?) - collect, put on, clean.
6. Animals (what are they doing?) - prepare, change, fall asleep.
7. Leaves (what do they do?) - fall, spin, fly, flutter, rustle, rustle, fly around.
Educator: next stop "Listvennaya"
Educator: what kind of artist came without paints and without a brush, but painted all the leaves for us? Children (autumn).
Educator: how can you call it in one word - what did the leaves look like in the fall?
Children: multi-colored Educator: what is the name of the natural phenomenon when leaves fall?
Children: leaf fall
Educator: what will happen if the leaves do not turn yellow and fall from the trees for the winter? (children's answers).
Music sounds.
III. Conducting a dynamic pause
Teacher: Guys, let's play. We will recite a poem and perform movements.
The autumn leaves are swirling softly.
(children spin on tiptoe, arms to the sides).
Leaves lie quietly under our feet.
And rustling underfoot, rustling. 5
(movement of hands to the right, to the left).
It looks like they want to spin again.
(rising, spinning).
Game for the development of phonemic hearing.
Name the words with the sound Zh (circling, lying down, spinning)
Name the words with the sound Sh (rustling, rustling)
Divide these words into syllables with claps.
Educator: kids, and if you were composers, what kind of music would you compose about autumn? (children's answers)
-And if you were an artist, what colors would you paint Autumn with? (children's answers)
-And if you were writers, then what story about autumn would you write - we will hear now.
Educator: today we are participating in a competition for the best compilation of a descriptive story. Look carefully at the diagrams and tell us about autumn, i.e. make up a story.
Children make up a story - a description according to the schemes.
Sample story.
In autumn the sun shines, but warms weakly. The sky is overcast, gloomy, covered with clouds. The leaves on the trees become colorful. The leaf fall begins. By the end of autumn, the trees are bare. The ground is covered with colorful leaves. Migratory birds fly away to warmer climes, while wintering ones stay with us. The animals are getting ready for winter. Squirrel and hare change coat color. The squirrel prepares stocks for the winter. The bear and the hedgehog go into hibernation. People harvest, make preparations for the winter, put on warm, waterproof clothes. In autumn, you can play with leaves, collect natural materials and make various crafts.
Educator: what a wonderful autumn we have! You all answered the questions well, tried to tell the story correctly, beautifully, and were active. And I want to give you a souvenir autumn leaves and a real microphone role-playing game"A television".

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech

Russian folk tale "Havroshechka"

Purpose: to introduce the Russian folk tale "Havroshechka" (in the processing of A. Tolstoy)


Educational: to form the ability to represent an image, a character; continue to teach children to answer the teacher's questions about the read work, develop monologue and dialogic speech, introduce children to new, unfamiliar words, explain their meaning

Educational: cultivate interest in oral folk art, fiction

Developing: to form the ability to listen carefully and with interest to fairy tales, to promote the development of positive emotions that affect the assimilation of material, to develop auditory memory

Methods and techniques: visual (show, demonstration); verbal (reading, discussion); game (physical education minute, surprise moment)

Preliminary work: work on proverbs about work, good and evil, learning physical education minutes

Carrying out GCD

Organizing time

V .: How joyful, Good morning. Today, guys, we are not alone. We have guests. Let's say hello to the guests. Introductory conversation with children (topic title, purpose)

Main part

Surprise Moment: Magic Apple Tree

V .: Guys, look what a magical tree has grown in our group. And it has magic apples on it. Let's see what's there!

The teacher tears off an apple and reads riddles:

V .: Guys, there are riddles on the magic apples! Let's unravel them!

Who got the tooth?

Before the wolf did not tremble,

Run away from the bear

And the fox on the tooth

Still got it (Kolobok)

girl sitting in a basket

On the back of a bear

He himself, without knowing it,

bring her home!

So, did you solve the riddle?

Then quickly answer?

The name of this fairy tale (Masha and the Bear)

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)

There is no river or pond

Where to drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

With brother and sister

great misfortune,

But they will not be denied help:

Magic stove, milk river

And an apple tree on a difficult road (Geese-swans)

An arrow flew and hit the swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who said goodbye to green skin?

He instantly became beautiful, comely ”(Princess Frog)

V: Well done guys! How many fairy tales do you know! And now I invite you to our exhibition. What books do you see here? That's right, stories! And how did you guess? (according to illustrations). Today I will introduce you to a new Russian folk tale "Havroshechka". Do you want to know this story? To do this, we need to ring the bell and then we will be transported to a fairy tale! (Bell) Let's sit on the chairs!

V .: The Russian folk tale "Havroshechka" was composed by the Russian people a long time ago. And the great Russian writer A.N. heard it from the people. Tolstoy wrote it down. Guys, in this fairy tale you will come across unfamiliar words, some we no longer use in our speech, but I will definitely explain them to you

Reading Russian folk tale"Havroshechka"

V .: Guys, we are a little tired. Let's take a break!

Physical education minute

To begin with, we are with you
We only turn our heads. (Rotation of the head.)
We also rotate the body.
We can do this, of course. (Turns right and left.)
And now we sit down.
We understand very well -
I need to strengthen my legs
One two three four five. (Squats.)
Finally stretched
Up and to the side. Have caved in. (Pull up and to the side.)
Blushed from the workout
And they sat down again. (Children sit down.)

V .: Questions about the fairy tale "Havroshechka"

Guys, did you like the story?

And what is it called?

What kind of people did Khavroshechka get to?

How many daughters did you have and what were their names?

And what were they?

And what did Khavroshechka do?

Who helped Khavroshechka?

What did she help her do?

What did she say about it?

How did the hostess find out who was helping Khavroshechka?

And what did Khavroshechka do?

What has grown in the place where Khavroshechka planted the seeds?

Who drove past the garden and what happened next?

Why couldn't the stepmother's daughters treat the master?

And who treated him to apples?

How did the fairy tale end?

Final part

V .: Guys, who did you like in the fairy tale? Why? (children's answers)

What does this story teach us? (children's answers)

B: (picks up a bell). The fairy tale ended, the bell rang and the fairy tale took us to the group. Look, guys, Khavroshechka sent you a treat: apples from her magical apple tree. Thank you all for your work!

Synopsis (GCD) on the development of speech "Pets. Journey to the village" (senior preschool age)

Topic: "Pets. Journey to the village"(senior preschool age)
Tikhonenko Natalya Alexandrovna. teacher MADOU "Katyusha" Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Labytnangi
Description of work: This material will be useful primarily to educators, as well as parents, students. Preschool age is unique, because, as the child is formed, so will his life, which is why it is important not to miss this period to unlock the creative potential of each child, and the speech development of children preschool age is being improved: between methods and techniques in the organization directly educational activities and active activities of children.
1. Learn to form new words; to teach to invent and retell a story consistently, emotionally, logically; learn to spread sentences by introducing definitions; to achieve intonational expressiveness of speech.
2. Show children what benefits pets bring to a person, and how he takes care of them; come up with a fantastic pet using the TRIZ method; to form the ability to single out the main, essential, separating everything necessary; develop critical thinking, prove your point of view; to exercise children in the ability to restore a holistic image in a separate part, to develop creative imagination; improve the skills of dialogue, the formation of a phrase.
3. To educate diligence, respect for working people; to form goodwill in communication; cultivate love for loved ones, care for them; to interest children, to evoke an emotional response in them.
Vocabulary work: work on the words "work", "hard-working",
"necessary", "useful".
Individual work: work on the expressiveness of speech.
Equipment: Photos of grandparents; illustration "Village"; pictures depicting domestic animals and their cubs: illustration "Farm"; games; “The pictures are messed up”, “What kind of animal”, “How do animals help people”, “Wonderful things”; scheme for teaching storytelling about animals; mystery; sheet; felt-tip pen.
Preliminary work: Examination of the painting "Village"; compiling a descriptive story using TRIZA elements.
Subsequent work: Thinking up stories using the scheme about other pets, drawing a wonderful pet by children, inventing other wonderful things using the game Wonderful Things (TRIZ).
Lesson progress
I. Organizational moment.
Etude "Friendship"
1. Psychological attitude
Educator: Really, guys, today is a good day?
Children: Yes
Educator: Then let's hold hands, shake them slightly, look affectionately into each other's eyes, smile. Is it really good?
Children: Yes
Educator: What are you guys?
Children: Kind, funny, affectionate ...
Educator: Would you guys like to speak beautifully and correctly?
Children: Yes
Educator: And what do we do in order to learn how to speak beautifully and correctly? (gymnastics, tongue twisters, tongue twisters).
2. Articulation gymnastics. Fairy tale "Visiting Grandma and Grandpa"
(pronunciation of vowel sounds).
Patter "Who wants to talk"
(Children pronounce a tongue twister with different voice strengths: start in a whisper, end in a loud voice)
Educator: So how should we talk?
Children: Correct and distinct (from the words of the text of the tongue twister).
II. New topic.
Educator: And now, I suggest you go on a trip.
Do you agree? Then go! But there is a long way to go. First we will fly by plane (we start the engines, pronouncing the sound in - in - in), then we will sail on the ship (we say l-l-l sound), and now we go by train (h-h-h). So we got there. (Children, together with the teacher, perform movements)
Children sit on chairs. The teacher puts the picture "Village" in front of them.
Educator: Where did we get to?
Children: to the village (village ...)

Educator: And how did you guess that this is a village?
Children: (Answers of children)
Educator: And where do we live?
Children: We live in the city of Labytnangi.
Educator: What is the difference between a city and a village?
Children: The size, the structure of the houses ...
Educator: And where is it better to relax in a city or a village? Why?
Children: The village has clean and fresh air ...
Educator: And who lives in the village?
Children: Grandparents live in the village.
Educator: Yes, our friends grandfather Vanya and grandmother Tanya live here. Why can't they be seen on the street?
Children: Grandfather and grandmother are working.
Educator: Grandfather and grandmother themselves work hard and the children are taught to work. What do you call people who work hard?
Children: Hardworking people.
Educator: What do you think grandparents do?
Children: grow vegetables in the garden,
Children: Grow vegetables in the garden, take care of pets.
Educator: Let's think about what tools grandparents will need to work in the garden. And this encrypted picture will help us with this.
Imagination game "Pictures messed up"

(children find, name and circle the found object, name its meaning)
III. Consolidation.
Educator: And let's remember what proverbs and sayings about work do you know?
Children: (call proverbs and sayings about work).
Educator: Do you guys like to work?
Children: Yes
Educator: And now, guys, let's imagine that our carpet in the group is not a carpet, it's not a lawn, but a village clearing.
(Children move to the carpet and sit on it).
Educator: And what grows in the clearing?
Children: Grass, flowers ...
Educator: And what kind of grass?
Children: Green, soft, fluffy, silky, thick ...
Educator: And who lives on the grass?
Children: Insects - butterflies, beetles, insects, grasshoppers ...
Educator: Let's now turn into little green grasshoppers and frolic in the clearing.
Fizminutka "Grasshoppers"
Educator: Grandfather Vanya and grandmother Tanya have many true friends in the village. They take care of them, and these friends do not remain in debt. Do you want to know who these friends are?
Children: Yes
Teacher: Then listen carefully.
(listening to tape recording - voices of pets)
Teacher: What are you listening to now?
Children: Voices of animals - cows, goats, etc.
Educator: How can we name all these animals?
Children: Pets.
Educator: What other pets do you know?
Children: cats, dogs...
Educator: What do you guys think, why do people need pets?
Children: Pets benefit people ...
Educator: But we will now find out what benefits pets bring. Let's play the game "Good"
Game "Benefit"
(on the one hand, there are pictures depicting pets, and on the other, pictures showing what benefits they bring to a person. Children need to be selected desired pictures and explain your choice
Educator: Who is the most attentive of you - who noticed the extra animal?
Children: The extra was a bear, since he lives in the forest. He is a wild animal.
Educator: Guys, what do you think about which of the animals grandfather and grandmother say - “nurse, our mother”?
Children: So they say about the cow.
Educator: Why is it called a cow?
Children: Because she gives milk, and milk is used to make cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, ice cream, cheese ...
Educator: And let's please grandparents and tell about their favorite cow. And in order not to miss anything during the story, a diagram will help us - a hint.
Drawing up a story about a cow using a diagram
Educator: Well done, they came up with a good story. Everyone told, nothing was forgotten. I think grandma and grandpa really enjoyed listening to it. Then we will tell stories about other pets according to our scheme and send them by letter to grandparents.
Guys, do you know that grandparents are already old and it’s hard for them to take care of so many animals, because it’s still hard and hard work. How can we help them?
Children: We can give them a fantastic pet. (TRIZ technology)
Educator: Well done, guys, and we even have a ready-made wonderful animal, remember, we came up with it last time when we were going to visit grandparents. Let's remember and tell grandparents how wonderful this animal is.
Collective story about the features of a wonderful animal

Children: The head is a cat. The cat has a mustache and sensitive ears, so it will not bump in the dark and will be good at catching mice. The body is like that of a pig - fat and plump; the body will be covered with thick wool, like a sheep, so that the grandmother knits warm things from wool; he will have a tail like a dog's, so that it wags it, and it is kind and cheerful; the legs will be horse-like so that it can run fast. And this animal will also have an udder so that it gives milk. And also horns like a goat to defend against enemies.
Game "Good - bad" (TRIZ technology)
(a game for the development of creative imagination, logic)
Educator: What is good about such an animal? What's wrong with an unusual animal?
Children: (Answers of children)
IV. Summary of the lesson.
Teacher: What do you guys think? good gift what did we do for grandma and grandpa? Yes, now they will probably have more time for rest and for you and me. After all, the long-awaited summer will come, and we will go to visit them in the village.
Did you like the villages?
And now it's time to say goodbye. I'll tell you a secret in parting, do you want? Today, for an afternoon snack, a cow - mother prepared delicious yogurt for us.
Let's thank grandparents and their pets for this interesting journey.
Let's go back.
Who remembers how we got here?
(Articulation exercises with the pronunciation of consonants - l, h, c).

Open GCD on speech development in the first junior preschool group"Help the Kitty"

Program content:
1. Teach children to recognize and name a pet.
2. To form the ability to highlight the characteristic features of a fluffy tail, soft hair, keen eyes, etc.
3. Develop the ability to imitate the actions of animals and imitate the sound of them.
4. Develop attention, memory.
5. To cultivate goodwill and responsiveness, interest in Russian folklore.
To promote the development of the ability, on their own initiative or at the suggestion of an adult, to talk about appearance cats. Stimulate initiative appeals in joint actions and games. Activate the children to act according to the words of the text.
Form in children elementary representations about the cat, its appearance, its behavior and habits.
1. cat toy
2. basket
3. Pictures depicting kittens (A4 format)
Methodical methods:
1. surprise moment,
2. artistic word,
3. looking at cat toys,
4. questions for children,
5. physical education,
6. viewing pictures.
Previous work:
1. reading the nursery rhyme "Like our cat"
2.d / and "Pets"
3. observation of the cat on a walk.
Vocabulary work:
1. soft
2. fluffy
3. keen eyes
Before class, the teacher puts a basket with a cat in the locker room.
Educator: Guys, guests came to us today to see how you can play. Let's greet them.
Children: Hello!
Teacher: Now let's say hello to each other.

Let's stand side by side in a circle
Let's say hello to each other.
We are not too lazy to say hello:
Hi all!" and "Good afternoon!"
If everyone smiles -
Good morning will begin!

An audio recording of a kitten meowing sounds.
Educator: Can't you hear anything? What is this strange sound? Where is he from? Maybe under the table? Or in a toy box? It seems to me that this strange sound is behind the door.
Who meowed at the door
Open soon
Very cold at times
The cat wants to go home

The teacher brings the basket and begins to examine the contents of the basket with the children.
Educator: Guys, look who came to visit us? Let's say hello to the cat.
Children say hello
Educator: Guys, our guest is very cold, because it's cold outside. Let's help the cat warm up.

Finger gymnastics
Let's play a little
Let's clap our hands.
We warm our fingers
We squeeze them, we squeeze them.

What good guys you are. Come on the rug, we will get acquainted with the cat. The cat told me in my ear that her name was Murka. Sophia, what is the name of the cat (individual responses of children).
Educator: Guys, look how beautiful Murka is. She has soft fur and a fluffy tail. Pet her. Where are the cat's ears, and yours? And where are Murka's eyes, the cat has keen eyes, she sees them even at night. See what a cat has small paws that have claws. Cat claws scratch and catch mice.
Like our cat
The coat is very good!
Like a cat mustache
amazing beauty,
Bold eyes, white teeth!

(book joke)

caregiver: Guys, let's play with Murka!

Physical education minute
The cat has eyes, (Children blink their eyes)
The cat has ears (Children show ears)
The cat has paws - (Children show their hands)
Soft pillows.
Cat, cat, don't be angry, (Grandfathers threaten with a finger)
Do not scratch the children - scat! (Stomp their feet).

Educator: Oh, guys, something Murka sad. I think she's hungry. What do you think your cat likes to eat?
Children: Milk.
Educator: Make a saucer out of your palms.
The pussy came up to the kids
Milk requested.
The milk asked
"Meow" - said
Meow meow meow.

Educator: Guys, tell me how Murka asked for milk (Meow-meow) Arseniy, how did Murka ask for milk?
Kitty ate,
Kitty ate,
She sang a song:
"Moore - mur - mur"

Educator: Varya, tell me what song the kitty sang (the teacher interviews several children). Guys, let's sing a song together.
Educator: Guys, you warmed Murka, fed her and played with her. Murka is very tired and wants to sleep. Let's put her in the basket and pet her.
Mur - mur - mur, -
The cat is purring,
You pet her a little!
From warmth and affection
She will close her eyes!

Educator: Well done, Murka fell asleep.
Educator: While our kitty is sleeping, let's see what kittens like to do. Kittens lap milk, wash, play, sleep.
Educator: You are so good, I think Murka liked you very much. Did you like her? Do you want to keep her in our group? Let Murka stay with us. And for the fact that you are so kind, affectionate, I will treat you to cookies.