Surprise moments for the New Year holiday. Surprise moments for New Year holidays New Year surprise moments with gifts

Surprise moments on New Year's and autumn matinees and which can be used in the classroom .

Surprises on New Year


Presenter: Father Frost! It's time to give gifts to our children. (points to another can on the floor): Maybe with this can Do you need some magic?

Santa Claus: Well, let's conjure, (raises the can)

I'm going for milk!

(blowing, in a can instead of milk, finely chopped white napkins. They scatter into different sides.)

Miracles for the New Year ... It turned out to be snow and ice!

Presenter: You conjured something!

Santa Claus: Yes, I just played you! Host: Where are the gifts?

Santa Claus: (speaking to children)

Look! Why, you sit on them!

Burenushka and I brought it for all the guys today

On this New Year's holiday Our milk chocolate!

Turn the chairs over and take our gift! (Children take out gifts)

Gifts from Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga decides to give gifts to the children, saying that she has improved and wants to prove it. He brings a large suitcase with a huge amount of rags and begins to offer his gifts to the children: 1. A self-assembled tablecloth, although old, full of holes, but still sometimes useful. 2. Your own skirt, unfashionable, but fabulous. 3. A dirty frying pan, which, if cleaned, can be used as a mirror. 4. Fly agaric jam, surprise friends, etc. Santa Claus criticized all the gifts, forced him to close the suitcase and began to conjure (preferably 3 times), finally, a gift hidden in advance appears in the suitcase. Baba Yaga does not want to give it away, but there is nothing to be done. Santa Claus gives this gift and the presenters bring in a bag and give gifts to the rest of the children.

Santa's soup

This is a very interesting surprise for children. Santa Claus says the words
Bring me a big cauldron
Put it here on the table.
Salt, sugar and a bucket of water
A little salt, tinsel,
I will add snowflakes,
One minute, friends!
We need to mix everything in the cauldron,
Magic words to say:
"Snow, snow, snow, ice, ice, ice,
Miracles for the New Year.
Help me my staff
Turn everything into gifts.

At the end of the snowball game, the Snow Woman catches all the snowballs and puts them in a box)
Snow Woman (hides the box behind her back).
That's how fun it was to play!
And the guys are not tired
And still want to play
Throw at Baba Snezhnaya.
Snow Baba.
And you can't catch up with me!
(The snowball fight is repeated. The snowman, having collected the snowballs in a box, quietly changes it to another, in which marshmallows are for the New Year's treat for the children)
Snow Baba.
Miracles always happen on New Year's Eve. The snowballs suddenly turned into marshmallows. (Gives food to children)

On an autumn matinee, a cloud was hung in the hall by a curtain hook, at first the sun hid behind it and you need to fulfill the cloud's desires, then the sun rose imperceptibly, it was also attached to a fishing line on a hook, and then she treats children with a rain of sweets, which are also fixed on a fishing line. Loved the candy rain.

On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus asks to drink water from the well. He draws water from the well, drinks, saying: "Good water, I can't get drunk!" She scoops up the "2nd bucket" and takes out a bucket with gifts prepared in advance from the well. Here you can fantasize and fantasize
Gold fish
Santa Claus: Something got me hot! Do you have water to drink?
Host: We have everything! (Gives a glass of water.)
Santa Claus: Thank you, but I'm big, one mug is not enough for me. Do you have a bucket?
Presenter: We have a bucket and a well. Draw water from the well!
Santa Claus lowers the bucket into the "well", "pulls out" it with the Goldfish.
Santa Claus: Oh, yes, here is a golden fish! The phonogram of the “voice” of the Goldfish sounds.
Goldfish: Let me go. Father Frost! I am not a simple fish, but a golden one. I will fulfill your every wish.
Santa Claus: Children, let's let Rybka go? (Children answer in the affirmative.) What shall we ask for?
(Children answer: "Gifts!")
Goldfish: Well,
Well, I will fulfill your wish! Lower, Santa Claus, a bucket into the well, say: “One-two-three, Rybka, do a miracle!” - and pull out the bucket.
Santa Claus repeats, "pulls out" a bucket and distributes gifts to children. . Magic wand
Santa Claus: Well, thank you, kids!
It's time to rest now.
For a holiday for you
I've got something here.
Do you all see the wand?
She's not easy!
Come on, stick, knock (or shine, fly)
Where are the gifts - show me!
A beam of light from a "magic wand" indicates
on a gift box. Alternatively, invisible
in the twilight a thin rubber band "leads" the wand
to the box.
A bag with presents
Presenter: Santa Claus, where are the gifts? You brought them every year, didn't you?
Santa Claus: How did I forget them? Well, nothing, we'll think of something!
Santa Claus takes a small plastic bag out of his pocket and begins to inflate it. He asks the children to help, blow all together, "to
there was a strong wind". The lights go out, one tree burns. In the corner, a large plastic bag with gifts is masked by a white cloth. Father Frost
quickly turns his back to the children, removes the fabric from the bag. Children are shown a bag, then gifts are distributed.
At the festival, the attraction “Who is more likely to hit the drum?” A real small drum is used. After that, Santa Claus says that he wants to play too; but this drum is too small for him. Educators take out a large "drum" - a cylinder with paper ends
(made, for example, from an arena). Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden run to the “drum”, hit it with a mallet and break through a layer of paper.
In the "drum" - gifts for children. .

Calendar (New Year)
Animals: Santa Claus, and Santa Claus!
Santa Claus: What else happened to you?
Animals: Santa Claus, come here!
Santa Claus: I'm just in trouble with you!
Fox: I brought you a package And got stuck at the gate, You can't move it back, Not forward!
Hare: And the package, if you knew, This is such a height! (Shows.)
Santa Claus: Well, let's go, I'll help move the box!
Santa Claus leaves, the clock strikes.
Santa Claus and the Host bring in a big "calendar". From the "calendar" a boy appears - "New Year".
Boy: I am a year... I am a joyful year!
Santa Claus: The calendar is not simple, It is magical - that's what it is!
Opens cover; on the first sheet the inscription "January 1". Throws the first sheet, opens a large box with gifts. Distribution of gifts.
Polar bear
Santa Claus: I'm at the Pole, on an ice floe
Almost celebrated New Years.
This is for you there - a refrigerator,
Santa Claus is there - a resort!
And when I got hot
I remembered: the guys have a Christmas tree!
Prepared gifts for everyone
And I went to kindergarten.
Met the Bear
He is the head of the animals there,
I told him: "Let's go,
It will be more fun together!
By plane, icebreaker,
Reindeer and on foot
I brought the tree here
And the Bear ran with a bag.
Here he is, Mishka, at the door.
Let's call him soon!
The children call Mishka, he enters, pulls the ice floe behind him, bows.
Santa Claus: What, Mishka, is it hot?
Where are the gifts for the kids?
The bear points to the ice floe.
Santa Claus: Apparently, our bag is frozen,
But probably not through!
He's thawed with us now,
All gifts are received!
Puffing out her cheeks, she blows on the bag. Light effects, during which the "floe" is replaced by a bag or the bag is freed from "ice" - pieces of foam. Distribution of gifts.
Santa Claus: The poor bear is hot here,
Mishke Polyus is a native home.
We are sorry to part with him,
But he has to go home!
The bear bows. Santa Claus and children wave goodbye to him. The bear runs away.

"Winter fishing".

Santa Claus throws a fishing rod (it’s good if there is a well, or you can just behind the Christmas tree.) The first time a snowball (mitten, cracker or any small object) comes across the hook, then one gift (this will immediately cause delight in children), and then catches on a heavy bag with the rest of the gifts (they will be helped to pull them into the middle of the hall by the Snow Maiden, Dwarf, or someone you have provided for).

"Snow Soup"

The Snow Maiden asks: are you going to get presents, Grandfather? - Yes, yes, but first I’ll cook myself a snowy soup! He takes a large pot, decorated with ice-snowflakes. And for soup I need snow, who will bring me? They bring him several snowballs (foam rubber-synthetic winterizer), he puts them in a pan, "conjures" a staff over the pan with the words: Snowball, snowball, cook, turn into gifts! Let the children say these words with him. A few first gifts D-M takes out of the pan, and the rest are already out of the bag. Miracle tree At the autumn matinee in the hall there is a miracle tree with red apples. In the course of the scenario, apples were plucked from the miracle tree and tasks were completed. At the end, the teacher "unexpectedly" saw that another one rolled up and took out a huge red apple. On the side of its hole, we put real apples.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, you amused the guys, but didn’t treat them with anything.
Santa Claus: Do not forget you Santa Claus
Bring a cart of gifts!
(takes out 2-3 packages, passes them to the host or distributes them to the children. The host or the children notice that the packages contain candy wrappers, orange peels, etc.)
Vedas: Santa Claus, you look, someone ate our gifts!
Santa Claus: How did you eat? (looks) It's true. Yes, how is it? Yes, who is so disgraceful? I'll have to get my magic mirror and look into it.
(looks in the mirror) That's right! so I thought! Look, granddaughter. Do you recognize the bad guy?
Snow Maiden: Oh, Grandfather, this is Tsypa, the son of Baba Yaga!
Santa Claus (gives a look to the presenter): See? That's who is sitting, eating your gifts. Well, now I'll talk to him!
Santa Claus: Come on, spin the staff,
Chick, show your children!
(Chick runs, eats sweets on the go, throws candy wrappers or an orange, throws a peel, sits down under the tree with all his might and begins to eat with appetite, not paying attention to anyone)
Santa Claus (indignantly): No, you look at him - he eats children's gifts, as if nothing had happened!
(Chick turns away in the opposite direction, continues to chew)
Santa Claus: Aren't you ashamed? So many children were left without gifts, but at least he had something!
(Chick turns away again)
Santa Claus: Can't you hear? Who am I talking to?
Chick (he finished everything, suddenly grimaced and began to scream): Mom! Offended!
Baba Yaga (flies on a new broomstick, closes Tsypa's mouth with a pacifier, he abruptly stops screaming): Who offends you, my sweetie? Who doesn't let you eat in peace, my skinny one? But who spoiled your appetite, my pale little one?
(Chick loudly sucks a dummy, pointing in turn with a finger either at the presenter, then at Santa Claus, then at the children)
Santa Claus: Thin, you say? Bleak, you say? Lost your appetite? Do you know that your sweetie ate all the gifts from the children?
Baba Yaga (pats Chick on the head, kisses the top of her head): Cheers, sunshine!
(to Santa Claus): My son ate 1, 3, 7, 15 gifts. So what? I gave them to him!
She thought about her son, but did she leave so many children on New Year's Eve without gifts? And aren't you ashamed?
Baba Yaga: Am I ashamed? Tell me, Santa Claus, without hiding, tell me in front of everyone, do you bring gifts to children every year?
Santa Claus: Yes.
Baba Yaga: Have you brought it to my son at least once?
Santa Claus (discouraged): No.
Baba Yaga: You see, but you say "ashamed." Who should be ashamed of this? Do you think I'm not a mother? Do you think I don't have a heart? Eat! Big and hot!
(takes out the “heart” pulsing in her hand. presses it imperceptibly, the heart says: “I love you.”
Santa Claus: Miracles! What does it say?
Baba Yaga: Yes, she says: "I love you!"
Santa Claus (bewildered): I don’t know what to do! Guys, can you really give Tsypa a gift and then Baba Yaga will never take strangers again? She has such a good heart, it turns out.
(Santa Claus gives Chick a gift)
Baba Yaga: If it's good with me, then I'm good too! Remained, Grandfather Frost, more gifts, enough for all the guys!
(gift giving)


Gifts are hidden in certain place kindergarten, and the road to it is indicated by a plan-map, which was prepared in advance by fairy-tale characters (for example, Baba Yaga or the cat Basilio). Children, together with Santa Claus, go to kindergarten, the longer the journey, the more delight the children have.

D.M. And now it's time to give sweet gifts to you kids. Where is my bag? Here is the secret, there is no right, and no left.
Isn't there on the tree?
Children: No!
D.m. And not under the tree?
Children: No!
D.m. Not on the window?
Children: No!
D.m. Isn't it on the chair?
Children: No!
D.m. Doesn't mom have one? Doesn't dad have one? No, I know for sure that the bag is where-
I hid it, but I can't remember where.
Snow Maiden: The bag is nowhere to be seen, Grandfather, how insulting!
Will the children leave the holiday without gifts?
D.m. How will they leave? I won't let it! I will find gifts!
Wait children, I'll go and bring gifts
Santa Claus goes behind the screen, a bag enters.
Sack: I really waited for you, so I went and took a walk.
You tell me friends, maybe you don't need me?
Snow Maiden: We have been waiting for you all holiday and now we just called
You did not come to our call, Santa Claus followed you.
Grandmothers Yozhki come in.
B.ya.1 And the bag is already here!
Snow Maiden: Oh, don't touch, she'll run away!
B.i. 2 Don't talk!
Sack: You can't handle a sack.
Santa Claus conjured so that no one would take me.
B.ya.1 Do not contradict us impudent!
Sack: Well, then I ran.
B.ya.2 Stop where!
B.ya.1 Stop, whoever is told!
Santa Claus comes. He meets a bag and takes another one, takes it out.
D.m. But where are you, prankster (a bag runs past)
And you, old pranksters, why did you come here?
B.ya.1 And who am I, where am I, why am I! Have fun and play!
D.m. Oh, liars. Have you prepared some nastiness again?
B.i.2 We will not give you a bag
B.ya.1 Themselves everything that we eat in it!
D.m. Well then, eat up!
Grandmothers Yozhki grab a bag from him, pushing each other away, they take it out - a torn boot, a shabby hat, they try to try it all on.
B.i. 1 No, we do not want such gifts!
D.m. What they deserve is what they got.
Who touches my bag with dishonest hands.
One of the gifts, rags, and cast-offs are obtained.
B.ya.1 Really New Year! Without gifts, will it pass?
B.ya.2 Eh! We want food! We ask your forgiveness!
D.m. How do you guys decide, will you forgive their act? (Yes)
Well, then accept gifts from me.
(takes out a gift from the same bag)

Surprises for an autumn matinee

The game "Magic Shawl" is held.
Fun, upbeat music sounds. Children move freely around the hall, perform various dance movements. Suddenly, the music changes to a quieter, calmer one. Children squat and cover their eyes with their hands. Autumn, straightening a large scarf, goes around the guys to light music and covers one of them with a scarf.
Once! Two! Three!
Who is hiding inside?
Don't yawn, don't yawn!
Answer quickly!
Children call the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you guessed it, then they raise the handkerchief. The child, who was under the scarf, jumps to the cheerful music, and everyone else clap for him. Playing for the last time, Autumn covers with a scarf a basket of apples, quietly brought into the hall. Autumn speaks again. Children say the name of the child who, in their opinion, hid under the scarf.
No! All the guys are here! Who then hid under the handkerchief?
We raise the handkerchief
What's under it, now we'll find out!
What is this? Basket!
(Pushes back the leaves covering the apples.)

They played very well
They showed their skill!
(Suitable for basket).
Here is the magic basket
I'll give you the leaves!
(Gives the leaves, the host puts them in a vase).
There were many songs and dances...
All fun, look!
We sang and danced
All tasks were completed.
What a beautiful bouquet
How many leaves! Once! Two! Three!
Hedgehog, Hedgehog, hurry up
You look in the basket!
Autumn promised us all
What a lot of gifts in it!
Hedgehog (looks around the basket, but finds nothing in it).
How did you miss it like that?
After all, the basket has changed ...
No, there are no gifts in it ...
What to do? How embarrassing! Guys, do you know who touched the basket?
(Children answer that it is a fox).
Ah, so this is again the tricks of the cheat-Fox!
Music sounds, Fox enters the hall.
Who here remembers me? Who needs me?
We needed! Well, tell us, Lisonka, didn't you touch the magic basket? Didn't you change it?
No no! Not me!
And the guys say that you!
What are you! Hedgehog, honey, don't listen to these guys! They all lie!
Well, Fox, tell the truth, otherwise I'll stab you with needles!
(He frightens the Fox, she backs away, waving her arms).
OK OK! Well, think about it, changed baskets! There was nothing special about yours, only sweets.
Where are they? Give them here! After all, Autumn sent these sweets to the guys in a hotel!
I can't give them away!
Why so?
Yes, because I ate them! They are very tasty and sweet! (Looks for something in his pocket, takes out an apple). There's only one apple left! (Gives the apple to the Hedgehog).
Hedgehog! What to do now? There is only one apple, but there are so many guys out there, there won’t be enough for everyone!
Hedgehog (thinks, then speaks mysteriously).
Will have to tinker! (Puts a real apple on a tray.) And you guys help me! Let's say the magic words together: "One! Two! Three! Apple, grow!"
Children (in chorus). Once! Two! Three! Apple, grow!
The apple remains the same.
Yeah. Something is not working for us. You'll have to tinker differently. Come on, close your eyes. Tight tight! Don't peek, otherwise it won't work! (Quiet music sounds. Adults change a real apple for a large papier-mâché apple, inside of which there are sweets intended for treating children). Now imagine that our apple began to grow! Here it becomes more, more ... even more! Do not open your eyes, otherwise everything will disappear ... (The music suddenly stops). Look, this is how we got an apple!
Wow! Give me that apple! After all, there are so many of you, and the apple - as it was one, so one remains!
So what, but big! And probably not easy! Let's say together: "One! Two! Three!"
(Children repeat the words).
And let's see what's inside!
(Raises an apple, sweets pour out of it).
And here are the gifts from Autumn! Yes, there is enough for everyone!
Cheerful music sounds, adults distribute treats to children.
Well, all the guys have delicious gifts, and I'll take this big apple for myself!
Stop, stop, Lisa! We will take this apple to the forest and treat all our friends - forest animals! Goodbye, guys!
The hedgehog and the Fox leave the hall to the music, taking the magic apple with them.
Host (looks at the clock).
Oh, guys, it's time for us to join the group, toys are bored without us. Bunny, we had a good time with you. We promise that we will visit you again.
I have a large carrot in my garden. I want to give it to you. It is not simple, but magical.
And why is she magical, seemingly ordinary?
And you open!
The presenter opens a carrot, and there ... gifts that are distributed to children. To cheerful music, children leave the hall for a group and take a magic carrot with them.
And here we are! And here we are!
Fly agaric.
Look what wonderful bumps we brought you as a gift! (Shows the children the contents of the basket). The largest, selected! Wow, food!
Wait, wait, dear mushrooms! After all, we don’t have squirrels here, we have boys and girls here. (Pointing to the guys). We don't eat cones!
And what do you eat? What do you love?
Well ... pears, apples! Really guys?
Fly agaric.
Oh, Borovichok, what should we do now? We don't have any apples. Only cones! There are so many of them, a whole basket! What to do? What to do?
Apparently, there is no magic here!
Fly agaric.
Oh, and who will be the magician?
Yes, it looks like I have to! And you guys will help me! Do you agree? Well then, everyone close your eyes ... And you, Amanita, make sure that no one peeps, otherwise the magic will not work!
Mysterious music sounds. The children sit with their eyes closed. And adults quickly change the basket with cones for the same basket with apples. At this time, Borovik utters magic words.
Transform, bumps,
spruce, pine,
In fragrant apples,
Juicy, honey!
Well, that's it!
You can open your eyes!
Fly agaric.
Hey, yes Borovik! Ay, well done!
Well, fly agaric, let's distribute gifts to the guys!
Cheerful music sounds, adults distribute apples to children.
Fly agaric.
Nice we had fun
Played, frolicked!
And now it's time
Break up, kids!
. Autumn sisters bring a large fake watermelon, in it - a treat. The children thank Autumn and the sisters and leave the hall.

Tomato. And now I'll tell you riddles,
I will listen to your answer.
Guessed or not?
Tomato makes riddles for children, puts on hats for those who guess.
1. He is green, striped,
How balloon, pot-bellied.
And cut, look
The flesh is red inside.
How good does it taste
It's called ... (watermelon).
2. Everyone is rounder and redder
He, in a salad, is tastier than everyone,
And the guys from a long time ago -
They love it very much ... (tomato).
3. Ohm is very, very green
And oval, elongated,
Tomato faithful brother,
It also asks for a salad.
Did you finally guess? Well, of course ... (cucumber).
4. Round, ruddy, I hang on a branch,
Adults and kids love me. (Apple)
5. One hundred clothes and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)
Tomato. Come out vegetables and fruits,
We will play with you
We will choose the most important.

Tomato. I told you that the most useful vegetable is ... (names the child who won the relay)
Autumn. What are you, a tomato,
Every vegetable here is useful,
They cure all diseases.
And cabbage, and onions,
and green zucchini
Carrot and lettuce
everyone is very happy to eat.

Cipollino runs in.
Cipollino. I know which vegetable is the healthiest. It's an onion! He does not care about illness and without him the food will be completely tasteless. So I brought a gift to the children - a lot of onions. Be healthy and don't get sick.
Tomato. This is a great idea you came up with. I'll go and get a basket of tomatoes. Let the children eat for health (runs away).
Autumn. Of course, we are grateful to you, dear Cipollino, for the present, but how will the guys eat onions?
Surprise moment: Autumn turns onions into apples (each apple (it is advisable to take large green apples) is wrapped in corrugated yellow paper, shaped like an onion, the top is made of green paper). The tomato also runs away and takes out a 3-liter jar of canned tomatoes.

7 . oranges
Scientist Cat gave the children orange circles for each correctly completed task. At the end of the holiday, these circles were placed in a large nice box. The cat uttered magic words, and then took out the same container with oranges from the box (which, of course, was placed in the box before the magic). This surprise moment can be varied in different ways and on different holidays.

Dear parents 12.12.2013 in our group

Will take place

Thematic lesson"Independent Kazakhstan"

Dedicated to the holiday of Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Purpose: to tell children about the Motherland Kazakhstan. Introduce children to the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Consider the coat of arms, flag, listen to the anthem of our Motherland. To bring up a patriotic attitude and love for the motherland.


The Snow Maiden, imperceptibly for the children, pins a pin with a thin fishing line to one of Father Frost's mittens.

Father Frost. Well, of course, I did not forget about the gifts. Now I'll tell my

mitten so that she quickly runs and brings gifts. (Takes off a mitten with a pin, puts it on the floor.)

Bring gifts for children to us for the holiday as soon as possible.

The mitten “leaves” out the door, from the same doors, imperceptibly for the children (by the fishing line), the same large mitten with gifts is pulled out. In the hall should be

A person who, at the right moment, will pull a mitten with gifts.


Santa Claus notices that he does not have a mitten on one hand. Very surprised.

Father Frost. Girls and boys,

I'm missing:

Somewhere gone mitten

In the white light of day!

Where? Where? Here is grief, here is trouble!

Guys help me

Find me a mitten.

After all, it is not simple -

It is red (blue), big.

And there's a secret in that mitten.

Not gone, maybe?

Who will go to the forest with me?

Who will find it for me?

Everyone helps Santa Claus look for a mitten. Looking under chairs, looking around

Christmas tree. They ask the guests if they have seen the mitten. And now they notice the "snowdrift". Santa Claus "inflates" the snow - under it lies a mitten.

Father Frost. Yes, here she is!

Lies covered in snow

empty snow,

Snowball is a mischievous!

Hidden in a mitten

gifts for children,

Therefore, we tried

Find her soon!

(Distribution of gifts.)


Father Frost. Guys, where are my gloves?

I danced with you now

Lost my gloves.

It's time for me to go to the forest

But I can't leave without them.

Guys, help

Find me gloves!

Children are looking for Santa Claus mittens.

Snow Maiden. Father Frost! Look! We found gloves.

Father Frost . Thank you, friends!

Now I'm wearing gloves.

(Tries to put on a mitten.)

Don't put on my mitten

Well, it's thick on the inside.

Yes, it's not easy:

There are gifts, look!

Note. It is necessary to sew large mittens, outwardly similar to those in which

Santa Claus is coming.


Father Frost. Well, I'll tell you guys.

It's time for me to go home!

Child. What are you, Santa Claus!

Did you bring gifts?

We sang and danced.

They read poetry for you.

Waiting for children's gifts

And you say: "It's time to go home!"

It's not fair to leave

Children need to be fed!

Santa Claus (embarrassed): Oh sorry! I'm joking!

Played like a child.

Something I completely forgot -

Where did you put the gifts?

I take off my gloves

I'm starting to tinker.

(Takes off his mittens, covers them with a veil, saying):

You grow, mittens,

Grow up little ones.

Get big.

Only - not empty!

(Takes off the veil. Under it are similar mittens (only large ones),

they have gifts.)

What a miracle - mittens!

The mittens are small.

Grown up, but what about them?

We'll find out in a moment!

Child. Hey Santa Claus!

That's how he presented a miracle!

In your bright mittens -

New Year gifts!

(Distributing gifts)


Father Frost: (mittens begin to play pranks, he spreads his arms first in one direction, then in the other) Here are the restless ones! Well, what again?! (listens to them)
Do you want to be a conductor? And who will sing? Both children and parents? Well guys, guests, let's fulfill this desire of my magic mittens! (answer)
Then those they point to will sing! They will show the children, the children will sing, they will show the parents, the parents will sing! And if they show both parents and children, then we will all sing together! So let's get started!
General performance some funny song
"The little Christmas tree is cold in winter"
Presenter: And, really, your mittens are wonderful, grandfather! So funny!
Santa Claus: Of course, but would all miracles have happened without these wonderful children and their parents! Everyone had fun, Santa Claus had fun, and now it's time to say goodbye.
Presenter: How to say goodbye, and gifts?
Father Frost: (Pulls out a long string from the bag.)
Here, my magic lace, Easily find a bag!
As if I'll throw a fishing rod, Where it needs to fall, He will return my bag to me.
You fly, lace, twisted, My magic, golden,
Lengthen, lengthen, Try to find my bag! (Pulls out old shoe.)
What's happened? I don't understand! My shoelace went down!
And the shoe has nothing to do with it ... After all, there are no gifts in it? (Looks inside the shoe).
Well, I'll throw it again. I'm a magic lace.
Lengthen, lengthen, Try to find my bag. (Pulls out a snag).
What are you, a lace, a prankster, Decided to joke on a holiday?
Come on, fly again, Don't joke with your grandfather anymore! (Pulls out a gift bag.)
Well, now you're done! Finally, here are the gifts!
You all danced well, I am very pleased with you!
And now, my friends, I distribute gifts!


Father Frost. Well, thanks kids!

It's time to rest now.

For a holiday for you

I've got something here.

Do you all see the wand?

She's not easy!

Come on, stick, knock (shine, fly),

And gifts - show!

A beam of light from a "magic wand" points to a box of gifts.


There is a knock on the door. A boy dressed as Puss in Boots enters, but he does not have a boot on one leg.

Cat. Hello my friends!

I am the famous angora cat

I came from afar.

Wizard, overseas cat,

Oh, meow, meow, meow!

Father Frost. What happened to you cat?

Where is your second boot?

How did it all come about

Tell us, friend!

Cat. A blizzard broke out on the way - a blizzard,

Covered me with fluffy snow.

I'm stuck in that snowdrift

And I lost my boots! (almost crying)

Oh, meow, meow, meow!

Father Frost. Do not grieve, my dear friend,

We'll find your boot in an instant.

We will go around the Christmas tree - we will go around the beauty

And your boot, of course, we will immediately find.

Santa Claus and the Cat are looking for a boot, they find it under the tree.

Father Frost. Oh yes, tree! Miracle - Christmas tree!

She hid her boots in needles.

Cat. He is so big,

Maybe not mine?

Father Frost. It's just such a magical day

Everything is changing around.

You see, spur

Here are the boots...

Cat. Well, of course it's mine!

The cat tries to put it on, but can't.

Santa Claus, you look

There are gifts inside.

(Distributing gifts)


Baba Yaga. Santa Claus, I'll count the gifts! I can count well, check it out!

Father Frost. I'll check One carrot and one more carrot - how much will it be?

Baba Yaga. Bundle!

Father Frost. One crow and two more crows - how many in total?

Baba Yaga. Pack!

Father Frost. One bag and one more bag - how much will it be?

Baba Yaga. No one! (grabs bag and runs away)

Snow Maiden. Nothing, Santa Claus, I have magic boots!

My magic shoe

Get on your heels.

Stomp once and spin

Whatever I say, show up!

I wish the gift bag was here!

Backing away, Baba Yaga appears with a bag. Asks for forgiveness, gives it to Grandfather


(Distributing gifts)


Father Frost. We all danced happily

And a little tired.

We need to end the holiday.

Snow Maiden. How about handing out gifts?

We will definitely!

Listen carefully!

Spruce grows in front of the palace

And below it is a crystal house.

The squirrel lives in it tame,

Yes, what an entertainer!

Squirrel sings songs

And he gnaws all the nuts.

And nuts are not simple

They have golden shells!

(Variations of the theme “In the garden, in the garden” sound, Squirrel is dancing.)

Father Frost.

Squirrel is an entertainer, give the children a nut!


My nut is not easy

My nut is golden.

Split in half -

And find out what's in there!

(There are gifts inside the papier-mâché nut.)


Father Frost. I have a magic icicle, help me guys turn

her into magical gifts. I will say magic words, and you throw ice cubes under the Christmas tree.

(Santa Claus scatters glittering icicle confetti into the children’s hands from icicles. Children throw ice under the Christmas tree, Santa Claus pronounces magic words)

Father Frost: Ice-snowflakes do not melt,

Help Santa Claus.

You lie down under the tree

And turn into gifts.


Snow Maiden. Here is my snowflake

It shone brightly.

So the time has come

Distribute gifts!

Father Frost. Well done Snegurka!

Where is my magic chest?

Snow Maiden. Here is your casket, accept it, grandfather?

But there is no magic key.

Father Frost. I have the key, I will give it to you,

And you will open a magical chest for us!

Snow Maiden (looks around) What gems are here

Somehow not alive!

(The garland attached to the casket does not burn.)

Father Frost. Come on, two, come on, once!

Let's revive them now

Wave it, Snow Maiden, you right hand

Now the gems will flow like a river,

And wave your left - let the gems fly

For a wonderful holiday to this Christmas tree.

Here's the key, take it. And touch them

Let the gems come to life at that moment!

(He touches the lights with the key, they light up, the casket opens.)

Father Frost.

Well, look, kids,

Here are the gifts.

accept from me

This casket is bright!


Snow Maiden.

What are you, grandfather, not cheerful?

What did you hang your head on?

Father Frost.

I decorated the Christmas tree in the forest

Cooked for the guys.

He hung it on the branches

Apples and chocolate.

Without me, a minx is a tree

I ran away to kindergarten.

She's standing here somewhere

She looks at the guys.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, appear

Show all the guys!

(A Christmas tree is pulled into the hall by a fishing line, gifts for children hang on the branches)


Santa Claus (after dancing)

Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit

I'll look at the kids

I'll play ball with them

Throw it to me - and I'll catch it!

(The child throws, Santa Claus catches.)

And now you catch

Look, don't drop!

(Santa Claus throws, the child catches.)

The ball jumper is tired, I'll put his pocket.

I'd better get a pipe

I will play for the guys.

Let the kids dance

Children's dances are good!

(Santa Claus plays, children dance.)

I'll put it off for now

And I will clap my hands.(clapping)

And the kids are not far behind.

They started clapping together!

Goodbye, goodbye!

I'm leaving very soon.

Now look, kids

Here's what I'll show you!

Santa Claus shows and distributes gifts.


Father Frost. Hey, Hut, show up.

Bow down to all the guys!

(Hut runs out, bows.)

Now stop!

Baba Yaga (looks out the window)

Oh, I'm tired from the road,

I can barely drag my feet.

I'll sit on a chair

I'll take a look at the kids!

Tea, I was going to the holiday,

I dressed up all day

Today I'm just amazing

And elegant and beautiful!

Father Frost. Stop lying on the stove

Stop holding the ceiling.

He won't fall anyway.

After all, today is the New Year!

You better dance a little more

Give us more gifts!

Baba Yaga. Maybe Santa Claus

lift up Red nose,

Shake your beard

Will you show me your dance?

Hands on the hips, a wide circle,

Make way, honest people!

Grandfather cheerfully dances famously

Near the forest tree!

Father Frost. I won't be in debt.

I can't do it yet.

Please play music

Santa Claus is dancing!

(Dance of Santa Claus)

Baba Yaga. Make way, honest people!

Give Yaga a go!

Grandma Yaga is coming

Dance a little!

(Joins the dance)

For such fun

A treat for all of you!

Father Frost. Well, Yaga, you are cunning!

Where did you get the gifts?

Baba Yaga. You walked, Grandpa, with a fishing line,

On the back with a big bag

You shook the bag a little,

I spilled everything out of the bag.

I collected gifts

And brought it to the tree!

(Distributing gifts)


Baba Yaga appears from the bag.

Father Frost. Where did Miracle Yudo come from?

How did you find yourself at our holiday?

Get out of here, get out

Go to your fairy tale!

Baba Yaga. Hey gray beard!

I didn't come here for evil.

Look, got used to: "Evil, evil!"

In the tales of all Yaga is bad,

Not capable of good deeds


Maybe I can help you

I can make children happy.

I have a surprise for you

I'll show it now.

Play more fun music

My surprise come soon!

(Izba appears, sits down on Santa Claus chair.)

Baba Yaga. Completely out of hand!

Look how lazy!

Well, get up

Surprise come on!

Father Frost. Hey, Yaga, why so menacing?

Yaga (Huts). Drive a surprise before it's too late!

Father Frost. Calm down, wait

Sit on a chair and sit.

Sit down, old Yaga,

I'll talk to the Hut!

(strokes the shutters, the door)

Ah, Izba, Yozhkin's house.

Painted stakes!

Why are you walking barefoot?

You would wear boots.

You open the window

Give us gifts!

(From the window the Hut gives gifts)


(Baba Yaga from the bag)

Baba Yaga. There is no urine for me to live alone,

I want to be friends with you.

I'm tired of flying

In my old mortar.

Tired of committing

Bad deeds.

I have in the hut

There are toys for you.

For a hundred years I know fairy tales

I write them myself.

I broke up with the broomstick.

The stupa was sold for scrap.

I loved the guys

I want to see you in kindergarten!

Father Frost. How did you get here?

And where did you come from?

Baba Yaga. You walked through the forest, Santa Claus,

And he carried gifts in a bag.

The blizzard howled, the snow circled,

You dropped your bag.

I quickly took it

And brought it to the party.

Here are some toys for you

Fish, rattles.

Father Frost. Throw your jokes

You are our guest at our party!

Oh, you mischievous old woman!

We don't need rattles

Children are waiting for gifts from us,

Distribute them at the right time.

Baba Yaga. Let me see the kids

Let me sing a song!

Song of Baba Yaga.

1. There is no more fun in the world

Glorious Grandmother Yaga

I'm also the best of all

If I get up on that foot.


I'm in the woods at a premium

I never get sad.

If you visit t-

I'll treat you to fly agaric.

Father Frost. She sang nicely. Bravo! Bis!

Now come on surprise!

Baba Yaga. Well, you gray-haired little head,

I joked a little.

Yes, here they are, in your bag

Now let's find it with the guys.

Come on kids

And you will receive gifts!


Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, and the guys had fun with us today, new Year gifts deserved.

Father Frost. I love children very much

And I give gifts to everyone

But in order to receive gifts,

We need to cook them now.

(A large cauldron decorated with tinsel is taken out. There is a gift in it.)

Father Frost: I'll put the oranges, and then the tangerines.

And a little serpentine, and golden nuts.

Gingerbread cookies are crispy, ice cubes are ringing.

New Year's stars, cold snowflakes.

And delicious chocolate, I'm glad to give the kids!

Everything seemed to be put

Where are the gifts? (looks inside) Oh, I forgot.

We need to put snowballs.

Come on, kids, help me, bring snowballs, and I'll cook.

Dance "Snowballs" (at the end of the dance, children put snowballs in a cauldron).

Father Frost: Boil, cook, gifts!

Eniki, beniki, gingerbread, brooms,

Undi, fundi, chundy - hey!

Boil us pot

Gifts soon!

(Santa Claus takes out gifts from the cauldron)

Distribution of gifts.


Father Frost.

And now it's time to go

Goodbye, kids.

Something got very hot.

Snow Maiden.

Grandpa, where are the gifts?

Father Frost.

I carried them, I remember.

Where the bag fell, I don't know.

There was a blizzard, snow circled,

Where are the gifts, dropped?

The forest is great, I'll go look

The kids will have to wait!


Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

Father Frost.

Who's calling me?

Let it fit soon!

Runs "bag".

Father Frost.

Here it is, here it is, my bag!

I found you my friend.

Where have you gone?

Voice from the bag.

I decided to take a walk!

Father Frost.

You must stand still

Or walk with me!


No, today is New Year's

It will be the opposite!

(running away screaming)

I'm not easy today

I'm magical, that's what!

Father Frost.

Well, bag, then jump! (The bag is jumping)

Move the snowball now!

(The bag rolls a snowball)

Turn left and right! (The bag is spinning)

And bow to the guys! (Bows.)

Now you tell me ... (The bag runs away)

Stop, stop, don't rush!

(Santa Claus runs out the door for a bag, brings the same bag with gifts.)

Father Frost.

That's caught!

Now let's untie

And we'll show the guys:

What, what is inside here?

Here are the gifts! Look!



Father Frost: Oh, loss, oh trouble! Where is the bag? Submit here! But where did he get lost? Maybe he stayed in the forest? Oh, I've become old, old,

The memory seems to be with a hole.

Come on, staff, help me out, dear to me) "illuminate!(A flashlight is attached to the staff.) May my staff shine bright Where the gifts are hidden! The little flame lit up, Here my bag appeared!(Looks into the bag where the Bunny is sitting.) Bunny, how did you get here?

Bunny: I ran away from the fox! This red-haired cheat Decided to eat me cleverly!

Father Frost: Jump out of the bag soon, Together it will be more fun!

(Holding hands, they again go to look for the bag.)

The light shines again

Somewhere near my bag.(Find.)

I'll untie the rope...(Untie.)

And in the bag - Fox-cheat!

Why did you come here?

Fox: The wolf was very scared!

Father Frost: Make peace with the Hare soon, The three of us will have more fun!(They embrace.) Come on, staff, serve, Show me the way again!(Three of them go, the flashlight lights up.) The flame is lit brightly!(They go to the bag, look into it.) What is here? Here they are, gifts!

Get gifts, distribute to children.



Leading: Grandpa, it's time to distribute gifts to the guys!

Father Frost : Of course, it's time! It's time to please you with gifts. I'll call my magic bag(staff taps)

Why is the bag not in a hurry to us? Maybe he sleeps under the tree?

I’d rather go after him myself, if he sleeps, I’ll wake him up.

Father Frost leaves the hall, at this time runs into the hall surprise bag .

Bag: I've been waiting for you, so I went and took a walk.

You tell me, friends, maybe you don't need me?

Leading: We have been waiting for you all holiday and now we just called.

You did not come to our call, Frost followed you.

I'll put you here and go for grandfather.

The host leaves, Baba Yaga and Leshy quietly creep up to the bag.

Baba Yaga: Look, Goblin, the bag is already here!(touches him)

Goblin: Oh, don't touch it, it'll run away!

Baba Yaga: Listen, don't talk!

Bag: You can't handle the Sack!

Santa Claus conjured so that no one would take me!

Baba Yaga: Don't cross me, you bastard!

Bag A: Well, then I ran! (the bag runs out of the room)

Baba Yaga : Stop! Where?! Stop, they tell you!

Santa's voice outside the door

Father Frost : Ah, there you are, prankster!

Santa Claus and the Host bring in a bag of gifts.

Father Frost : What's that noise? Are you playing pranks again, Yaga?

Goblin (to B. Yaga ): I told you!..

Baba Yaga (bounces him off ): Get off! What are you, Frost! It's me, while you were gone, the kids were amused! Tra-la-la!

Father Frost : New Year, Year of the Tiger, we celebrate and receive gifts!(opens bag)



Father Frost : Well, well done! You are good at having fun. And I have to go to the forest until next year!

Leading: Santa Claus, what about gifts for children!

Father Frost: Oh, I forgot about gifts! There is my bag. Help me get it across.

They open the bag, the Wolf sits there, chewing, all in candy papers, orange peels.

Father Frost: And what are you doing here?

Wolf. I eat gifts. Why did you deceive me, kicked me out hungry. I found your gifts and ate.

Father Frost: How dare you eat gifts! This is for the kids! Well, now I will definitely freeze you!

Santa Claus steps on the Wolf, he backs away in fear.

Wolf . What are you, what are you, Santa Claus! I joked! What am I, what kind of beast, or something ... in the New Year and I am kind. There is your bag with gifts under the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus finds a bag, distributes gifts


Hide and seek with a bag of gifts

Leading You see, Santa Claus, what fun and beautiful guys we have! And, I think they deserve New Year's gifts from you.

Father Frost : Of course, Santa Claus brought you gifts. But where is my bag?

Here's the secret... Not on the right... And not on the left... Isn't there on the Christmas tree?

Host and Snow Maiden : No!

Father Frost : And under the tree is not?

Host and Snow Maiden : No!

Snow Maiden : Grandpa, maybe music will help you?

If it sounds loud - next to your bag lies

Father Frost : Well, let's try to search with music.

Music begins to sound softly, D. Moroz goes on.

Santa Claus: Not on the window? Isn't it under the chair?

(suitable for parents)

But mom doesn’t? .. But dad doesn’t?

At this time, any holiday character imperceptibly pulls out a bag from behind the doors. The music starts to get louder.

Character: Santa Claus, hooray! I found your bag!

Loud music sounds, next to your bag lies!

D. Frost approaches the bag, praises, wants to untie the bag, but he fails

Father Frost : That's how the knot ... Uh-huh! I can't untie!

Snow Maiden: Come on, children, dear guests, let's all clap our hands together.

(everyone clap)

We stomp our feet loudly.

(everyone stomps, D. Moroz pulls the bow)

The knots were all untied and we got gifts.

Father Frost: Hurry in places, I will distribute gifts to everyone!


BAG WITH NEEDLE (with Baba Yaga)

Father Frost. Who stopped the fun?

Who put out the fire here?

Baba Yaga (from behind the tree) Ku-ku!

Father Frost . Oh, you old hag!

Come to me here!

Report without any bullshit

Why did darkness happen?

I want to know in detail

Who, what, where and how?

I would beat you with whips

Four or five.

So that you don't mock

Above good people!

Baba Yaga. Oh, what a bad thing for me!

Do you hear the crunch in your back?

In a word, since such a thing -

I'm generally on the bulletin!

(takes bag and leaves)

Father Frost. One two Three!

Bring back the gift bag!

What to do, kids?

Yaga is still cunning.

How can I find a bag now?

Yaga (looks in the door)

Calm down, old man!

I don't need gifts.

Wanted differently

I give them to the kids.

Father Frost. Finally changed...

Was just great!

Baba Yaga. To the end of the world for you

Behind the gray beard

I'll fly with my eyes closed!

Father Frost. Stop! Hit the brakes!

Let's fly to the end of the world

How do we distribute gifts?

Baba Yaga. Come on, don't yawn

Yes, get gifts.

Santa Claus, help

Give gifts to everyone.

Father Frost. Where do you see gifts here?

There are needles, Christmas trees, sticks!

Baba Yaga. Come on, guys, take the needles

And let's all come to the beautiful Christmas tree!

Let's throw it into the light - and everyone will be surprised:

All needles will turn into gifts!

(Pulls off the snow cover, gifts under it).



Father Frost. Oh, loss, oh, trouble!

Where is the bag? Submit here?

But where did he get lost?

Maybe stay in the forest?

Oh, I've become old, old,

The memory seems to be with a hole.

Come on, staff, help me out,

Light my way!

Let my staff shine bright

Where the gifts are hidden!

The fire lit up

Here comes my bag!

(Looks into the bag, a hare is sitting there)

Bunny, how did you get here?

Bunny. I ran away from the fox!

This red bastard

Decided to eat me cleverly!

Father Frost. Jump out of the bag quickly

Both will be more fun!

(Holding hands, they go together to look for a bag)

The light shines again

Somewhere near my bag.(Find)

I will untie the rope on him ...(Untie)

And in the bag is the Fox-cheater!

Why did you come here?

Fox. The wolf was very scared!

Father Frost. Make peace with the Hare soon,

The second one will be more fun.(Hug)

Come on, staff, serve

Show me the way again!

(Three of them go)

The fire lit up bright!

(Go to the bag)

What is here? Here are the gifts!


Come on, dads, bring my bag here.

(Dads take out a big bag with a bow and put it in front of the Christmas tree)

Santa Claus (joyfully) What a big bag, and what wonderful gifts in it ...

(Unties the bag, a child in a dog costume jumps out)

Father Frost. What is this miracle? How did you get here?

Dog. Woof! Woof! Have you forgotten about me? After all, next year I will be a birthday boy!

Snow Maiden. And here is still I see Dogs.

Come on, pranksters!

Dance for us at the party!

(Dogs are dancing)

Then a surprise moment.


Known to everyone on New Year's Eve

Each of us is waiting for a gift!

And I'm here for you at a good hour

Gifts in store for you!

FATHER FROST comes to the tree and takes a bag. Looks into it. And it's empty.


Oh, trouble, trouble! Empty gift bag.

Yaga replaced him when I hurried to you here.

What to do, how to be? How can we solve the problem? (walks back and forth, thinks).


I'm a wizard, a sorcerer!

The hall of my friends is full here.

Both girls and boys, beautiful children.

Now we will conjure together and disenchant our bag!

Santa Claus takes a bag and walks around the room with it and says:

In every small child a million sonorous chuckles,

And chants, chuckles, and screechers, and squeakers,

And smiles, why, and stickies, and jumpers,

Joy, fun, groovy mood!

I'll put all the smiles and chuckles in my bag (approaches children, “gathers smiles”, children give air kisses)

I'll conjure, I'll whisper...

Santa Claus puts the bag on a chair, the children stand at their chairs.


And now let's close our eyes, let's laugh: HA-HA-HA!

And let's jump: HE-HE-HE!

Loudly, we'll sing loudly!

Let's squeal loudly!

And repeat after me:


The light goes out On the chair - a bag with gifts. Distribution of gifts. Children thank Santa Claus.


Father Frost. What, are you tired of playing?

It's time to give gifts.

But where did you put them?

No, I don't remember, I forgot.

To give you gifts

We need to find them.

Maybe they are under the tree?(Peeks in)

You can't see them there either.

We ask the audience in the hall:

Have you seen my bag?

And mom doesn't? And dad doesn't?

Where is my bag? Tell me parents!

Maybe the leaders will say?

Maestro! Didn't you see the bag?

Muses. Ruk. I saw it! Climbed into my corner.

Santa Claus (brings a bag)

What a knot, like this!

I can't untie it!

Come on, let's all clap together,

Let's stomp our feet!

(Children perform)

The knots are all untied

And we got presents!(Takes out a large white ball from the bag)

There is a big snowball here

It's probably empty.

There may be gifts

But how to open it?

Understood! magic wand

You need to knock softly

Clap everyone's hands together

And say words to the snowball:

"One two Three,

Snowball give us gifts!


Baba Yaga. Oh! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Father Frost. What are you screaming? What did you find?

Look at this thread.

What do you see there?

Father Frost. Candy!

Baba Yaga. I won't give it to you, I'll eat it myself.

Snow Maiden. Wait, don't rush!

Father Frost. You can't eat this candy.

She's amazing, folks!

Rake snow under the tree,

Put that candy on.

Baba Yaga is on a mission.

Father Frost. We'll tinker a little

Together we will blow on the snow,

Let's clap our hands

Let's stomp our feet!

Grandma Yozhka, don't yawn

And get some candy!

Baba Yaga takes out candy.

Wow, how heavy!

And big, big!

Father Frost. We will open the candy and find gifts in it!

Snow Maiden. Kids run up, take apart the gift.

Characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Sparrow, Bear, Hare, Crow, Dwarf.

Both adults and children take part in the preparation of the surprise moment. Another option is also possible, for example, showing a fairy tale plot in a puppet theater. The roles of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are played by adults.

The holiday begins as usual: with poems, songs, traditional round dances around the Christmas tree. In the midst of fun, as expected, Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden appear. They congratulate the children on the New Year, play various games with them, light the Christmas tree. Santa Claus invites the children to go to a fairy-tale land...

Father Frost(referring to the guys).

Treasured door in a cherished country

Available to open only to you or me.

Let's open that door, boldly enter ...

And suddenly we get into a fairy tale!

Mysterious music sounds. For a moment, the light in the hall goes out and lights up again. The Snow Maiden walks around the Christmas tree, looking under the branches.

Snow Maiden(disappointed). Grandpa, what kind of fairy tale is this?

And we didn't get anywhere. The same tree, just as elegant and beautiful, and it stands in the same place!

Father Frost(smiling mischievously). And you, granddaughter, do not rush things ... (Puts a finger to his lips, turning to his granddaughter.) Do you hear? Well, let's sit down here, on the sidelines, and listen...

To the sounds of a dance folk melody, a sparrow flies out. Improvised sparrow dance.


Christmas tree, Christmas tree -

Prickly needle!

Chick-chirp, I'll dance, I'll dance.

I'll wave my wings, I'll wave...

From behind the Christmas tree, stretching on the move, a sleepy bear appears.

Bear(sniffling, speaking with annoyance). I overslept again, I didn’t get to have fun!


You're on time this time, Bear.

Yes stop you so offended to sniff,

Let's dance, celebrate the New Year!


Eh, I'll stretch my sides after sleep

Yes, I will dance with you, Sparrow, trepaka!

A hare appears with a carrot. For a while he watches the merry dance.

Hare(referring to the bear).

Hey, don't feel sorry for your paws,

Dance, clubfoot, have fun!

A bear with a sparrow, exhausted, plop down on the floor. The hare tries to attach the carrot to the lower branch of the spruce. The bear watches with interest the hare's manipulations. Finally, she can't stand it and turns to him.

Bear. Hare, but Hare, what are you doing there?

Hare(Busily, without turning around, throws over his shoulder). I'm hanging a carrot, don't you see, or what?

Bear. See see! I just don't understand why?

Hare(snickering). I'm decorating the Christmas tree, that's why!

Sparrow(bewildered). So even without carrots, she looks so beautiful and elegant ...

Hare(admiring his work). It's become even more beautiful!

Bear. I also want to decorate the Christmas tree.

Hare and Sparrow(together). How?

Bear(scratching the back of his head in difficulty). Well ... maybe .... Yeah, I figured it out! Cones, here!

Bear. Now I’ll climb onto the spruce and how I’ll shake it, the cones will fall down!

Hare(choking with laughter). So why shake them? To collect and again hang on the same spruce?

Bear(puzzled). And that's true. How did I not immediately think ... (Crow appears.)

Crow(businesslike). Carr-carr! Hey everyone! What, are you decorating the tree? (The animals, pushing each other in the side, giggle.) Here you need to hang acorns, it will be so beautiful!

Hare, Bear and Sparrow laugh loudly. The crow hisses at them.

Hush you! What did you make a fuss about?

Animals (fooling around). So the holiday is coming soon, so we have fun!

New Year's song is performed (words by E. Arsenina).

The holiday is coming to us

Brings joy to us.

With what impatience

We are all looking forward to the New Year!

The Christmas tree is standing

Ringing with toys

And a golden dress

Sparkles and shines.

new year, new year,

Come soon!

Songs and dances

Have fun animals!

new year, new year,

Come soon!

In the New Year's round dance

Gather your friends!

There is a loud cry. From behind the Christmas tree, a gnome appears with a stick on his shoulder, on which a small bundle is tied.

Sparrow(bewildered). Hey, what are you? BEAR (readily rolling up his sleeves). Who hurt you? Just tell me, I'll figure it out in no time...

Dwarf(through tears and sobs).

I am a small, unfortunate gnome,

And in this spruce was my house

(points to a beautiful Christmas tree)

Lived in that house for many years

Not knowing the sorrows and troubles ...

Desperately, he lowers the wand with the bundle to the floor and covers his face with his hands.

But then suddenly a man came

And a house that stood for a hundred years

He cut down with his ax!

(Holds out his hands to the spruce.)

Oh, my glorious house, oh house ...

The dwarf, exhausted, sits down under the tree and begins to sob again. The animals leave him alone for a while and start conferring.

Oh, what a misfortune came out with the Christmas tree with us!

How to help the little gnome, we must decide now...

We will take the spruce back,

In the forest, in a snowdrift we will stick there ...

Our dear gnome will rejoice,

That the house has been returned to its place!


But the spruce can no longer live

Sparrow(Worriedly, he goes up to the dwarf and hugs him by the shoulders.)

She will dry up, she will fall,

The whole house will be smashed to pieces!

Crow (rolling her eyes). Carr-carr! What a nightmare!


Well, if the dwarf is in such need,

Let him live in my nest.

There are enough midges and worms in it,

My house is ready to receive guests!


Thank you, my friend, sparrow,

But gnomes don't eat worms!


Welcome to my lair

Come on baby, I'll show you the way...

Dwarf (getting up from the floor and heaving his stick with his belongings on his shoulder).

Thank you for everything, friends

But only I can live alone.

We gnomes love to be alone

In an abandoned forest...

The animals surround the gnome and comfort him.

Crow. Carr-carr, carr-carr, what a nightmare!


You, dwarf, dear, do not rush,

Sit here and rest...

(Takes him behind the tree.)

Bear(rubbing his hands, shouting after him).

Don't be upset, gnome

We will build you new house!

Beasts(joyfully, vying with each other).

Big, beautiful, bright house.

A dwarf will live happily in it!

Hooray! We are building a new, new home!

Long live our glorious gnome!

It sounds like a fun tune. Animals "build" a house. Santa Claus from his place, meanwhile, comments on what is happening.

Father Frost.

Boiled work here

The axes were clattering...

For a moment, their backs obscure the foreground where the dwarf's new home is supposed to be. During this time, a painted decoration is put up. The animals step aside, as if admiring their work, the house is ready.

Snow Maiden(exclaiming enthusiastically). What a house, just amazing!

Father Frost(shaking his head approvingly). Well guys! Well done!

The animals take a blindfolded gnome out from behind the Christmas tree and bring him to a new house. With the exclamation "Surprise!" remove the bandage from the eyes. The dwarf groans and suddenly begins to sob.

Beasts(in chorus). What? Didn't like it?!

Dwarf. No... (sobbing) I...

Beasts(disappointed). Why?!

Dwarf. No no! I really liked it ... it ... I'm crying with happiness ...

Beasts(relief). A!

Dwarf(tries to smile through tears).

Thank you my friends

That they didn't leave me!

My trouble has come to an end

I see a fairytale palace!..

(Hugs everyone.)

Thank you for everything, thank you for everything

Thank you all I say...

(Turns to the audience.)

I will also please my friends

With a cheerful song!

The song of the gnome with movements is performed. To repeat the words, the rest join him. characters. At the last verse of the song, the gnome draws the audience into a round dance. The song is already performed around the Christmas tree with dance movements. At the end of the song, to lose, the characters lead the audience to their seats.

I'll sing a merry song for you, friends!

And ask me to sing along

While you can dance

La-la-la-la! La-la-la-la!

While dancing!

The words of this song

Understandable and simple.

Let's remember them and repeat:

"Tirlim-tirlim, tirlim-tirlim!" -

Remember, repeat.

We are a fervent song

Let's sing in every way:

“La-la-la! Tirlim-tirlim!

La-la-la! Tirlim! -

Let's repeat first.

Then we will join hands and stand in a round dance,

And with that cheerful song

We will celebrate the New Year!

La-la-la-la! La-la-la! Tirlim-tirlim-tirlim!

La-la-la! La-la-la! Let's meet the New Year!

After the end of the song, the bear calls his friends to his lair for tea with raspberry jam. The dwarf categorically refuses and invites everyone to his housewarming party.

Dwarf. No, no, my friends! We will celebrate the New Year in a new house!

The animals support the gnome and, noisily discussing what gifts they will give the newcomer, leave. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear from the opposite side.

Father Frost(Snow Maiden). Well, how do you, granddaughter, my fairy tale? Did you like it?

Snow Maiden. I liked it, grandfather, oh, how I liked it ...

Father Frost(addressing the audience). What about you guys? (Children answer. Santa Claus continues with a sly smile.) It's your turn, children, to receive your gifts. But first, the Snow Maiden and I will ask you a few questions and ask you to answer them frankly, do you agree?

Children. Yes!

Father Frost. How did the guys behave for a whole year?

Children. Fine!

Snow Maiden. Were your parents in trouble?

Children. No!

Father Frost. Have you ever hurt your neighbor's cat?

Children. Never!

Snow Maiden. Were you often naughty?

Children. Sometimes!

Father Frost. Do you like to receive gifts?

Children. Yes!

Father Frost(putting hand to ear). What did they say? I can not hear!

Children. Yes! Yes! Yes!

Father Frost. Quite another matter.

Get a gift boldly!

Father Frost.

On this New Year's Eve

I hasten to congratulate everyone ...

Snow Maiden. Happiness, joy, health...

Together. See you next year!...

Holiday in kindergarten - this is a change in everyday activities, a bright, joyful event in the life of a child.

It is difficult to imagine a holiday without surprises. It is they who introduce an element of surprise, mystery and mystification into the festive plot.

The content of the surprise moment is determined by the part of the holiday. For example, at the beginning of a matinee, it could be a letter or a mysterious object. In the middle of the holiday (the main part) - the surprise is the appearance of characters with whom the children travel, performing various tasks. In the same part, various dramatizations prepared by children in individual work, games, dances, etc. are actively used.

At the end of the festive morning, a surprise moment, as a rule, is associated with the distribution of gifts to children.

Surprise moments also include light and sound effects that accompany the entire course of the festive event.

In order for the surprise moment to pass successfully, it is necessary:

  • Plan it in advance and rehearse it carefully.
  • Think carefully about the use of light and sound effects so as not to overwork the children and not cause overexcitation.
  • Take account age features children, as well as the individual picture of the group and the features of a particular scenario.
  • Think over the material from which the attributes will be made by the surprise moment, as well as the conditions for their further storage.

New Year is a favorite holiday for both children and adults. At the core New Year's scenario, as a rule, lies a fairy tale plot, in which there are many magical surprises. However, the most long-awaited moment is the appearance of gifts.

Here are some of the New Year's surprise moments that both kids and adults enjoyed. Ideas were borrowed from various methodological sources, but modified in accordance with the characteristics of the scenario.

1. “Magic Candle”

This is a decorative lamp "Camelion", powered by AA batteries. When shaken, it lights up by itself, and if you blow on it, it goes out. This lamp can be used as "magic lantern" which will help you find your way in the fairy forest, etc. This lamp is not a toy for children and is used exclusively by an adult hero. For example…

D.M. Ah yes, the tree, just a miracle!
So elegant and beautiful!
I have been to many gardens
I have never seen a better tree!

Vedas. Yes, only the lights on it went out while we were traveling.

D.M. It's not a problem! Here is my magic candle.
Santa Claus takes out a candle, the light is dimmed.

D.M. I will collect your smiles into a candle, from these smiles I will light a candle. Candle, candle, one, two, three - Christmas tree lights - shine!

When the lights on the Christmas tree are lit, the children clap, then the light turns on completely.

Vedas. The Christmas tree shines with merry lights and invites all of us to the New Year's dance!

2. “Falling snow”

Looks nice with the included mirror ball. Under the ceiling, stretch the fishing line along the length of the hall. Make almost flat little plates out of paper and hang them on threads 20-30 cm long on the main thread. Pour confetti or chopped tinsel into the bags. By pulling the thread against the wall, you can make the main thread vibrate and the snow will fall. For example…

Children perform a dance composition “Christmas tree, balls, crackers ...”

pop melody

D.M. Well done kids! Nice to dance with you. You are great guys - brave, reliable, funny. I want to wish you a Happy New Year and please you with gifts.

Vedas. D.M., where is your bag?
Santa Claus takes out a bag.

Vedas. Grandpa, it's empty!

D.M. I'm a magician! Now I will conjure, turn snow into gifts

The wind is stronger than the buzz, the snow blizzard, sweep! "(snowing"). I will collect snow in a bag (Frost collects snow in a bag), I will go around the Christmas tree (walks around the Christmas tree, changes the bag there and takes out a big one). I will give gifts to everyone!

Santa Claus distributes gifts.

3. “Ice bag”

D.M. You sang and danced for us
And now to us, children,
It's time to sing along!

Snow Maiden. Listen, Santa Claus,
Did you bring gifts?

D.M. That's so sad, that's the trouble -
I forgot them in a snowdrift!

Anyway! Here is a magic rope, we will throw it into a snowdrift and easily get a bag of gifts!

Santa Claus throws a rope from the side of the tree where the curtain is and pulls out a bag of gifts wrapped in a large plastic bag.

D.M. Here are your gifts!

Snow Maiden. So they are on ice!

D.M. Let's Sasha, Dasha, Seryozha and Natasha,
Let's blow together!
From your breath the ice will melt quickly,
And everyone will take away a parting gift!

Children blow on the bag “in the ice”, the light is dimmed, crackling of ice is heard, the light goes out, the bag is “freed from the ice crust”, the light turns on completely, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden distribute gifts.

4. “Magic sweets”

D.M. You sang and danced a lot
Beautiful poems read
And now for your joy
I will give gifts!

Santa Claus rummages in his pockets, takes out a small candy, shows.

D.M. Here! Found!

Snow Maiden (sadly). Grandpa, look how many children, and your sweetie is very tiny!

D.M. (strictly). Did you forget about the magic staff?!

Now I will strike with a staff,
I'll say the magic words
And this little candy
I will turn into a giant!

And you guys help me and repeat after me!

D.M. 1, 2, 3 - baby - sweetie - grow!

The spell is pronounced 3 times, the light also gradually goes out, a large candy is brought in, the light turns on, gifts are distributed.

5. “Magic snowball”

D.M. Did Santa Claus play with children?

Children. Played.

D.M. Did you dance near the Christmas tree?

Children. Danced.

D.M. Did Santa Claus make children laugh?

Children. Made me laugh.

D.M. What else have I forgotten?

All. Present.

D.M. I am a cheerful Santa Claus,
Brought gifts to everyone
But where did you put them?
No, I don't remember, I forgot...
To give you gifts
We need to find them
Maybe they are under the tree!
I'll look - I'm in the bag,
There lies a large
(Santa Claus takes out a fake snowball.)
Yes, he is handsome!
And probably not empty.
There may be gifts
But how to open a snowball?
I know ... with a magic wand
You need to knock softly
And then clap your hands
Together to tell the snowball:
"One two Three! Snowball gifts to us - give!
Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden distribute gifts to children.

6. Kinder Surprise

D.M. You are such good fellows! I played with all my heart!

Snow. Yes, the guys did their best.
And now it's time
For gifts for kids!

D.M. Oh! Almost forgot about them! Here is a beautiful, bright bag, I congratulate everyone who was here (takes out a small bag).

Snow (bewildered). Grandpa, the bag is too small - there are so many children!

D.M. (Angrily). Am I not a magician? (Takes out a kinder from the bag). Kinder little roll, but come here big!

The egg rolls to magical music, a big kinder surprise comes out to cheerful dance music.

D.M. Here is my magical surprise - here everyone will receive a prize!

Children are given gifts.

7. “Magic Nut”

Nice holiday we met -
Singing and reciting poetry
It's time for us to say goodbye
I will give you gifts.
I have a magic walnut
I will turn him into a big one
And each of you a gift
I will give it with great pleasure.

And you guys, do not yawn, and help me to conjure.

We will say together: “One, two, three - soon the hazelnut will grow!”

The light turns off, “magic” music sounds, the nut “grows”. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden distribute gifts.

8. “Magic cap”

D.M. Thank you, singers, all of you, well done children! Well, it's time for me to please you. What is the New Year without gifts. Snow Maiden, where is my magic cap?

The Snow Maiden serves D.M. cap.

D.M. I will conjure, and the cap will grow.
It will become big - and under it - my bag!
Cap grow faster
Gifts for kids in the bag!
1, 2, 1, 2 - the kids will be happy!

During witchcraft, the light is dimmed, then it turns off completely, the caps change places, the light turns on - there is nothing under the cap. Witchcraft continues: "1, 2, 1, 2 - a bag of gifts - live here!". The light turns on, gifts are taken out from under the cap. Snegurochka, D.M. distribute them to children. The presenter and children thank Santa Claus for the gifts.

9. “Magic Pouch”

D.M. And now it's time for gifts. Somewhere there was a bright bag (takes a bag out of his pocket). I need your help, repeat the words: 1, 2, 3 - bag - grow!

Children pronounce words to fairy-tale music, the bag “grows”, children are given gifts.


  1. Radynova O.P., Komissarova L.N. Theory and methodology musical education preschool children: Textbook. for stud. higher educational institutions - Dubna: Phoenix +. 2011.- 345 p.
  2. Zimina A.N. Theory and methods of musical education of children preschool age- Shuya. 1993. - 280 p.
  3. Mikhailova M.A. Children's holidays Games, tricks, fun - Yaroslavl: "ACADEMY OF DEVELOPMENT", "ACADEMY K". 2000. - 237 p.
  4. Morozova E.I. Winter holidays in kindergarten - Moscow: "AST Publishing House", "Stalker". 2007. - 286 p.

The end of any New Year's holiday is the receipt of gifts by children. The appearance of gifts should be unexpected, and adults need to think about how to play this moment more interestingly. The proposed surprises of Santa Claus will help make farewell to the holiday memorable for the child.

Having danced, joking with children, Santa Claus is going to
Father Frost. And now it's time to go.
Goodbye, kids.
Something is very hot here.
Snow Maiden or Leader. Grandfather! Where are the gifts?
Father Frost. I carried them, I remember.
Where the bag fell, I do not know.
The blizzard howled, the snow circled,
Where did you drop the gifts?
The forest is great, I'll go look
You will have to wait.
About to leave.
Voice. Santa Claus!
Father Frost. Who's calling grandpa?
Let's get in here soon!
Bag runs.
Father Frost. Oh, you, fathers, a bag
He goes here himself.
Where have you gone?
Bag. Started to travel.
Father Frost. You must stand still.
Or walk with me.
Bag. And today, on the New Year,
It will be the opposite! (Tries to run away.)
Father Frost. Stop, stop, wait
Do not go anywhere.
Bag. I am not a simple bag
I'm magical, that's what.
Father Frost. Well, bag, jump, spin,
Show yourself to all the guys. The bag performs several movements.
Father Frost. Now you tell us...
(Not listening to Santa Claus, the bag runs away.)
Stop, stop, wait.
(Santa Claus runs out the door, after a while he takes out a bag with gifts from behind the door.)
Now let's untie you
And let's see what's inside.
Oh, yes, there are gifts!
How many, look!
Note. For this surprise moment, you must have 2 identical bags. One needs to be filled with gifts in advance, in the 2nd there is a child who plays the role of a “magic bag”. If the fabric from which the bag is made is transparent and the child can see through it well, you can not make special holes for the eyes. To make it more convenient for the child to move, you should free your legs, that is, cover only half of the body with a cloth or do not sew up the “bag” at the bottom.

Santa Claus notices a log lying near the Christmas tree,
Father Frost. What is a thick log?
It's been here for a long time! (calls to the animals.)
You take this sharp saw rather
Yes, drink more fun
I'll probably help.
Hare. I'll roll up my sleeves
Learn how to cut wood!
One and two! One and two!
Learn to cut wood.
Father Frost. You drank, drank, drank
She came to us once for a holiday.
Try for the guys
For parsley, for rabbits.
We sawed the log:
And it, and it is full of gifts.
In his big log for you
I have a lot of gifts!
Don't frown, don't be bored
Get gifts!
Note. The log and saw are made of thick cardboard. So that the log can be “cut”, it is better if it consists of 2 halves, which are connected by corrugated paper of the same color.

Father Frost. Guys, where are my gloves? I danced with you now, I lost my mittens. It's time for me to go to the forest, But I can't leave without them. Bears, bunnies, help, Find me mittens!
Animals are looking for Father Frost's mittens.
Hare. Father Frost! Look!
We found the glove.
And another glove
The bears were taken away in sleds.
Bears bring a large mitten in a sleigh.
Father Frost. Thank you, friends!
Now I'm wearing gloves. (Tries to put on a mitten.)
Don't put on my mitten.
Well, it's thick on the inside.
Yes, it's not simple:
There are gifts, look!
Note. According to the pattern, you need to sew a large mitten, outwardly similar to the one in which Santa Claus appears at the holiday. If there are many guests and all the gifts do not fit in the mitten, Santa Claus distributes the rest of the gifts from his bag. The mitten can be "magic". She can run out, dance and run away again, that is, a surprise moment with a mitten is organized in the same way as with a “magic bag”.

Father Frost. Santa Claus has not forgotten you
And a whole load of gifts
But the gifts are far away
And finding them is not easy.
(Goes to the phone, dials a number, speaks into the receiver.)
Hello! Hello! Forest?
Who is on the phone?
Lisa Patrikeevna?
You are what I need.
Did you see a big bag with gifts in the forest? What?..
Rocking on a bitch?
Is waiting for me?
I would ask you to get a bunny ...
Jumped once, did not get the bag?
I would ask for a bear...
Did the climb fall? Didn't get the bag?
You say the bear has a bump under his eye? ..
I would ask for a squirrel."
What are you saying?.. Instantly
Jump on a tree
Wagged her tail
Pushed the bag?
Take him four
Hurry... run!
Animals bring in a bag, and Santa Claus distributes gifts to guests.
Note. The scene can be continued or slightly modified to include additional characters. For example, there is a snowman.
Snowman. Here's a bag brought to you, guys, Santa Claus!
Father Frost. Barely pulled
Nearly lost my strength.
Let's see now, let's untie
Yes, we will show gifts to everyone.
Unties, the Hare runs out of the bag.
Santa Claus (catches him). What a miracle! That's it!
How did you get into the bag, bunny,
Answer us now.
Hare. I was going to the tree
Yes, I fell asleep in the bag, slept,
But I did not take gifts,
And I slept soundly on them.
Santa Claus distributes gifts

Santa Claus (refers to the bunny).
You, hare, are the most dexterous,
Bring a carrot here.
The bunny runs up to the carrot, wants to pick it up and cannot.
Hare. I alone can't!
2nd Hare. I will help you.
Both pick up the carrot and pull it in different directions. The carrot is torn open, and packages with gifts are poured out of it. Santa Claus, along with the hares, distributes them to children. “Oh, not everyone had enough,” says Santa Claus. “Now I’ll bring more, I have a large supply of them, enough for everyone.” Santa Claus brings a bag of gifts and distributes them to everyone present.

Penguins and polar bears come in, they carry an ice floe.
Penguin. I'm a penguin - not alone
Us penguins, a flock.
We live among the ice
And we don't freeze.
Polar bear. We are polar bears
They came to you for the holiday
And ice-cold
Brought as a gift.
Father Frost. Look how big the ice floe is. There is something in it. (Santa Claus takes out gifts.)
Note. An ice floe can be made from white cardboard and wrapped in mica.

Leading. Santa Claus, what did you bring to the guys?
Father Frost. Here is a snowball, it is not simple, but what a cold one!
Well, keep the snowball, children,
Let's start the game with him.
Now I'm going to catch him
And I'll catch it - I'll take it away!
The children pass the snowball to each other. Santa Claus is trying to take away, but he does not succeed. Finally intercepts, rejoices, throws him up. Suddenly a snowball falls on the floor. Santa Claus pretends to want to pick it up, and he pushes him forward towards the Christmas tree. Looking for snow.
Leading. Look, Santa Claus, and the snow has grown!
Father Frost. Yes, now he is not a snowball,
And a magic bun.
That old snowball is not here at all.
Interesting things, what's in the middle? The snowball “crumbles”, there are gifts inside.
Note. It is better to make a magic snowball from papier-mache, using a large inflatable ball as a form. From above, the snow is covered with cotton wool and sprinkled with “sparkles”. You can beat the appearance of the "snowball" in other words.
Santa Claus or Snow Maiden.
My snowflakes blinded a lump,
There is great power in him.
His snowflakes, his fluffs
They bring happiness to everyone around.
Where will the snowflake fall?
And who will immediately find it,
That desire, command
Will be done on New Year's Eve!

The Snow Maiden throws a "snowball", and the one who turned out to have a "magic snowflake" makes a wish: a dance, a poem, a game, or the appearance of any fairy-tale character
You can also ask for gifts from the "snowflakes":
We want a miracle to happen
And gifts would appear here!
You snowflakes work hard
And turn into gifts!
At the same time, the snowball must be thrown in the direction where the gifts are hidden in advance

Leading. Tell us Santa Claus
Did you bring us presents?
The kids are waiting for gifts...
Father Frost. I'll find now,
Gifts are here. (Looks in pockets.)
Not forgotten, not lost.
He takes out a paper bag and passes it to the leader.
Leader (surprised). One package? And how small he is!
You must be joking, Santa Claus!
Why didn't you bring gifts?
Father Frost. Now I will tell you a secret.
After all, this is not a simple package -
Tickets in it are beautiful, bright,
They will receive all the gifts!
And who will distribute them?
There are pictures, easy to find.
Look at your ticket.
You see - a hare oblique.
You are a fox, a bear is waiting for you,
Gifts are handed out well.
According to the pictures, children approach the animals and receive gifts

Santa Claus pretends that he forgot to bring gifts to the children for the New Year holiday. But he does not lose heart and asks the kids not to be upset - there will definitely be gifts.
Santa Claus gathers children at the Christmas tree and shows a bag of Christmas needles. He tells the children: “These needles are not simple, but magical. I will say words and throw needles, but you look at the tree and repeat after me what I will say.
The lights go out, Santa Claus says quietly: “Become needles as gifts from the Christmas tree,” and throws a handful of needles on the Christmas tree. He says these words several times, louder each time. Then the light turns on, and Santa Claus announces: "Now return to your seats, there everyone is waiting for a New Year's gift."
Note. At the time when Frost throws needles and pronounces magic words, focusing the attention of children on this, adults silently lay out the bags in the dark. In order to make everything discreet, a group of parents can stand in a semicircle behind the children.

Father Frost. Santa Claus walked through the forest,
You, friends, brought gifts.
A blizzard howled, snow circled ...
I dropped the gifts.
The forest is big, I'll go looking, you'll have to wait.
Santa Claus walks, looking for gifts. At this time, snowflake girls sit down and form a snowdrift. The teacher throws white gauze over them.
Santa Claus (approaches the snowdrift). Maybe here? Here is the trail...
Snowflakes (under gauze). Your gifts are not here.
Santa Claus tries to sit on a snowdrift, but he disappears and grows in another place. Santa Claus is completely confused. This is repeated several times, but he again approaches the snowdrift.
Father Frost. Here again some trace!
Snowflakes pop up, surround Santa Claus and show him a bag with gifts.
Snowflakes. Get gifts, grandfather!
Father Frost. Oh, it's you, snowflakes, they played such a trick on me! Give out gifts soon!

It's time for the distribution of gifts, and Santa Claus comes to the Christmas tree. He removes a candy from a branch and tells the children that the candy is a gift from him, Santa Claus, to all the guests of the holiday. Finding disappointment on the faces of the children and agreeing with them that there is not enough candy, such a small one, for everyone, Santa Claus asks the children not to be upset. It turns out he has magic candy. He puts a candy under the tree, says a spell, and starts blowing hard. After a while, he turns to the children for help. They must also blow very strongly and together. The harder you blow, the bigger and faster the candy will grow. The candy "grows", it contains gifts.
Note. For a surprise moment, it is better to make two identical candies: one, for example, from a postcard, small, the other, with the same pattern, from whatman paper - large. To make it easier, the candy can be made by simply folding the postcard into a tube. Glue on both ends corrugated paper and tie with thread. It is advisable to make a bottom for a large candy on one side, so that it is more convenient to unfold the candy and get gifts.

New Year's gifts, surprises for guests can be hidden in a large elegant cracker. Santa Claus gives it to guests and offers to see what is inside. Says the words: "One, two, three!" - and the cracker breaks with a bang. (To make the clap loud, simultaneously with the actions of Santa Claus, one of the adults behind the Christmas tree hits the inflated paper bag.)
Santa Claus distributes gifts.
You can hide one of the fairytale heroes. To do this, she must be big size. Such a cracker is made from a cardboard cylinder and put on the one who appears in front of the audience at the carnival. The cylinder can be reset at any time.

A surprise from Santa Claus at the holiday can be a dancing apple: whoever falls into his hands will immediately begin to dance. Santa Claus throws an apple from one guest to another, everyone joins in a cheerful dance. Instead of a dancing apple, Santa Claus brings a “dance carpet” as a gift to children: “Whoever gets on the carpet will not stop dancing.” Several times he himself tries to step on the carpet. Music sounds, which stops as soon as Santa Claus removes his foot from the carpet. Then he puts a child on the carpet, and he dances until Santa Claus takes him off the rug. The surprise ends with the dance of Frost himself, who stands on the magic carpet.

This game will allow parents to give their child gifts in an unconventional, entertaining way. To do this, you need to collect everything that is supposed to be given to the baby, and add various little things to this: a box of felt-tip pens, an apple, a tangerine, candy, chewing gum, etc. You need to put it all in boxes and bags, wrap it with colored paper (the smaller the surprise, the more packaging) and hide in the most secluded corners of the apartment. The next step is identification marks. It can be arrows cut out of paper or a long twine connecting one bag to another, like a magic ball. On the way to each souvenir, you should organize an obstacle: climb over a chair, or crawl under a table. The first should be small gifts, but the main prize is waiting for the baby at the end, so you need to hide it away and pack it well.