Crafts from foamiran for the new year. New Year's bouquet from foamiran master class Grebneva Galina Alekseevna (Competition work) New Year's decor from foamiran


New Year loves new gifts, new friends and generally any good changes. Over the past months, we have managed to do and learn a lot. One of the new interesting acquisitions in the past year in the piggy banks of craftswomen-needlewomen has become, which has flown around and conquered the whole world,. As it turned out, it can be made different crafts, flowers and even dolls. Today we will try to make New Year's Christmas toys from new fashionable raw materials with our own hands. But our first master class will be devoted to making the most beautiful Christmas tree.

Let's start the master class of working with new raw materials with the preparation of materials and tools. You will need:

  • leaf of green foamiran;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • iron;
  • foam cone;
  • a large paper clip or piece of wire;
  • toothpick;
  • glue and glue gun.

Christmas tree making master class

  1. Draw a sheet of foamiran with a toothpick into equal stripes. Set aside one of them for a while, and cut the rest into identical squares with your own hands. Set the size yourself, based on the size of the foam cone. For a cone 20 cm high, the width of the strip, and hence the size of the side of the square, can be approximately 3-4 cm.
  2. On each resulting square of foamiran, cut the fringe with a fan from two sides to the corner.
  3. Attach the square with a fringe to a hot iron and tuck the “needles” with your own hands, giving it a “curl”.
  4. Carry out such an operation with all square blanks.
  5. To do Christmas tree, we need a foam cone.
  6. Start gluing it from the bottom in a circle. Each next row should fringe the corners of the previous one.
  7. When the craft has 1-1.5 cm of the crown left unglued, insert a double wire into it. To do this, unfold the paper clip with your own hands and fold it in half, stick it into the top of the cone, securing it with glue.
  8. Find a strip of foamiran set aside for a while and cut a fringe on it.
  9. Wind the strip on the top of the craft and on the wire, securing with glue.
  10. It remains to hang Christmas decorations, a garland and set a star.

Christmas tree branch

You can find out how to make a life-size Christmas tree from foamiran with your own hands by watching the master class on the video. It shows how to make only one branch, but if you replace a wooden stick with wire and make many such branches, you can easily assemble a whole Christmas tree.


What is a tree without cones. Let's make them with our own hands. To do this, we need all the same tools and another round stack, which can be replaced with any strong ball.

  1. To start a master class on making crafts, cut a lot of identical brown circles with a curly hole punch or scissors.
  2. Heat each circle and give it a rounded shape.
  3. You should end up with a whole handful of scales.
  4. Take the styrofoam in the shape of an egg and stick one scale on the sharp end. You can also use a real egg, after removing the insides.
  5. Glue the scales in a circle so that they overlap the previous and top ones.
  6. After finishing the last row, paint the protruding parts of the craft with white or silver paint.
  7. Such Christmas decorations on the branches look like real cones.

Needlewomen know that foamiran is like a magnet - you will do one thing, and immediately you want to make new products. First, there are decorations, then souvenirs, then they are drawn to make a whole set of foamiran products. And in anticipation of the New Year, my hands are itching to make some funny foam Christmas toys, or a Christmas wreath, or balls ... In a word, there is something to do, just choose.

It is clear that a gift can be a thing not necessarily a New Year's theme. So if you have ready-made foam brooches, hairpins, elastic bands, headbands, prepare beautiful packaging. Finished works will only need to be packed in a New Year's way.

But other options are worth considering:

  • Postcard with foam - it will be voluminous, and the one who gets it will feel all the warmth of your hands (literally) and soul;
  • Decorative Christmas tree made of foam - the composition may be small, but on New Year it will be traditional, expected, and most importantly, you can get it for many more years on holidays;
  • Christmas wreath - and this is painstaking work, you need not only to prepare the material, but also spend a lot of time on each detail, therefore such a wreath has been made, perhaps since November;
  • Foamiran balls - and they can be made even with children.

And, of course, ideas that lie on the surface - foamiran Santa Claus, a foam Christmas tree star, a boot or a sock made of foam, a Christmas tree souvenir, Carnival masks and symbol of the coming year. You can just make commemorative magnets. From the foam there can only be a frame, and inside - yours christmas photo or wishes.

What New Year's decorations from foamiran can be made

Well, for example, 2018 is the year of the Rooster. Therefore, making a cockerel pendant is probably the most logical move. It is not necessary to buy foamiran of different colors, you can always tint the material with pastel or acrylic.

New Year's headband - it can be the same flowers, just a little more sparkle in them. Yes, now the floral theme is also relevant for the New Year, if you pay attention to how popular the decoration of Christmas trees with flowers was now. So a light rose on the Christmas tree is a trend.

And you can make a New Year's bouquet! Add red berries, cones, nuts, artificial snow to real or artificial spruce branches. Look exactly like the original. In a word, there are a lot of ideas, and you can always come up with something of your own.

With your own hands: New Year's crafts from foamiran with children

If you like crafting with kids, then you know that complex crafts will only fray your nerves. Do not make very difficult schemes. Remember the principle of felt jewelry - the simplest application, which becomes more interesting due to the texture of the material.

So, with a child you can do:

  • Snowman - minimum details;
  • Fawn;
  • Umka;
  • New Year's horseshoe;
  • Christmas ball;
  • Snowflake;
  • Spruce branch.

And the main such work will be thick cardboard. If you have a shiny foam, the work will be even more festive. But there is a way out: take a children's hairspray with sparkles, and direct it to the finished work, it will shine, and the obsessive smell will soon disappear.

Little foamiran snowman

If this snowman is on a magnetic basis, then you do not have to worry about the aesthetics of the inside. It makes things easier, of course. There are many options for how to make a snowman - usually they come down to the fact that a template is made from cardboard, on which heated material is pulled.

It is easier to buy eyes for a snowman in the form of blanks (they are sold in any needlework store). The nose can be the tip of a toothpick wrapped in orange foamiran, or simply painted with orange acrylic. A scarf will be made from foam. A snowman can have a vest - also made of foam.

But the craft can also be in a combined technique - for example, a foamiran snowman in a felt vest. Or the eyes are made of beads, the caftan is decorated with beads. Sometimes the solution comes right in the process.

Master class: Christmas flower from foamiran

It is made like standard foamiran flowers. The Christmas flower can be on a ribbon, hair clip, brooch, etc. Materials are standard.

You need:

  • Blue and white foam;
  • Dry blue pastel;
  • Mold for leaves;
  • Scissors;
  • Iron;
  • White teip tape;
  • sequins;
  • Second glue;
  • Stamen;
  • Wire;
  • Base blanks.

Petal circles are cut out according to the pattern. The white circles will be large and the blue circles will be smaller. With a dry blue pastel and a damp cloth, the star petals are tinted on both sides. In a small petal circle, only the very tips are tinted. The petals are heated on the iron, some can be processed in turn on the mold.

A bunch of stamens is glued to the wire, which is wrapped with white teip tape. A small petal circle is put on a wire, the petals are glued with a slight rise. So, gradually, starting with small ones, all the petals are glued.

Fashionable New Year's headbands from foamiran

And if you want to be the most fashionable for the New Year, meet him in a foamiran rim. And there can be anything - berries, flowers, sweets. Spruce twigs themselves ask for such a rim, but then it will be strictly Christmas decoration.

What should be the New Year's headband:

  • Luxurious;
  • Brilliant;
  • Accent.

That is, it is logical to assume that the outfit in this situation should not be very bright. One thing: either a bright accessory or an outfit. Remember that the headband will draw attention to your facial features. This does not mean that makeup must be bright - it means that you need to think about styling and emphasize what you want to focus on.

It's great if you make such a foamiran rim yourself. You hear a lot of compliments about your appearance and your talents. Video master classes in this case are the best helpers.

Festive crafts from foamiran for the new year (video)

Apply foamiran in the celebration of the New Year - why not? Start small, expand your collection of Christmas decorations, and it may even become your family tradition.

You can make crafts with your own hands both from standard and from unusual materials, which until recently no one would have thought that they could be used for handmade. One of these finds is foamiran. This is a thick material created on the basis of synthetic fibers. Crafts from foamiran can be simple and complex, voluminous and multi-layered, because the sheet is perfectly cut and amenable to heat treatment.

It is very convenient to work with foamiran, as it looks and feels like thick soft paper. Blanks can be painted with paints, felt-tip pens and pencils, fastened together and glued applications to them. Unlike other materials, it is not difficult for a novice craftswoman to make a pretty craft from foamiran. The only drawback is that it breaks easily, for example, if you draw a pencil with strong pressure. Knowing about this feature, it is enough to be careful.

Foamiran is characterized by the fact that it bends if you hold it over the iron. At the same time, there is no burning, melting and unpleasant odor, the material remains the same in appearance, it only twists. And weaker or stronger, depends on how long it was heated. After cooling, the blanks retain their rounded shape. Do-it-yourself New Year's crafts from foamiran turn out to be beautiful, durable, with them the interior becomes homely.

An example of crafts from foamiran for the New Year - a fluffy Christmas tree. The rest of the time, taking the instructions given as a sample, you can make artificial flowers, greenery and other crafts. The principle of material processing is always the same, which greatly simplifies the creative process. Souvenirs created by skillful hands are good only because a piece of the soul is invested in them. Some needlewomen make amazing masterpieces worthy of becoming exhibits at exhibitions.

The set of what is needed for creativity almost does not change depending on the type of craft. So you can safely buy more foma of different colors, in the future it will be needed. To make a Christmas tree, you will need the following materials and items:

If you want to make a Christmas tree with a crown, you need to additionally prepare a wooden stick, satin ribbon, wire with a cross section of 3 mm and a star or other decor. You will also need a small lid.

First, proceed to the manufacture of the trunk. They take a wooden stick and wind the wire evenly from below to achieve stability and the desired thickness. Now you need to take a suitable container, pour building gypsum or hot glue into it and lower the stem. When the substance hardens, the wooden base will hold well. Glue or gypsum is better to cover with a circle of brown foma (as foamiran is often called), although it can also be decorated with other material, for example, artificial moss, beads.

The base of an artificial tree is a foam or cardboard cone. If foam is used, the desired shape is simply cut out of it. With cardboard do this:

  • cut out a circle;
  • on one side, make an incision to the middle;
  • rolled and glued.

Now you need to cut out another circle, which will serve as the base of the cone. It is needed to give the structure rigidity. A hole is made in the center of the circle, the figure is put on the trunk, the edges are smeared with hot glue and pressed against the cone.

To give the trunk decorative look, it is wrapped with a brown ribbon, preferably satin, but another fabric will do. The crown is made if you want to decorate the Christmas tree with a star or other accessory.

It can be straight or curved, including wrapped down. The unusual shape of the crown looks interesting, but someone will like the standard version more.

Cutting and gluing the fringe

First, strips 2 cm wide are cut from foamiran, then 1.5 cm cuts are made in each to make a fringe. The smaller the distance between the cuts, the fluffier the tree will turn out.

Each blank is applied to the iron, turned on in the "cotton-linen" mode. It is enough to hold the material pressed for 2-3 seconds so that the strips wrap up beautifully. It is not necessary to heat up longer, because the material may deteriorate.

They take one blank, coat the uncut part with glue and fix it on the bottom of the cone, positioning it horizontally or slightly inclined. As a result, the strips should form circles or spirals, as you like. It is important that the cone is not visible through the fringe, so you need to glue the blanks with a slight overlap.

So they glue the entire Christmas tree to the very top. If small pieces of fringe remain, do not throw them away, it is better to glue them between the rows so that the tree looks even more magnificent. Having reached the crown, the top is made of a straight wooden stick or a curved piece of wire. It is wrapped with a strip of foamiran. Such a tip is needed only to make it convenient to attach a star or other decoration. The Christmas tree is decorated with beads, bows, ribbons, balls, and you can also hang small toys.

Pine tree with twigs

This foamiran Christmas tree is almost as easy to make as the previous one, but it is made according to a different principle. The material needs to be taken in two or three shades of green, or more if it is on sale. For crafts with a height of 20 cm, 4 A4 sheets are enough. In addition to foamiran, you will need the following materials and tools:

Tip: pine paws do not have to be made of material green shade, both blue and white are suitable, but a combination of several colors looks best. If you want to make original version, you can use absolutely any tone.

Blanks are made in the form of squares. You can not adhere to strict sizes, the main thing is that the scale approximately corresponds to the height of the Christmas tree, otherwise it will seem unnatural. Each square is a future pine foot. It is placed in front of you so that a rhombus is obtained, and the lower side is cut into strips approximately to an imaginary line that divides the rhombus into 2 parts diagonally.

Each rhombus is applied to a heated iron with a fringe, holding it by the whole edge. The tips will bend and you will get "needles". To achieve the desired effect, just hold the workpiece over the iron for a few seconds. Important: an adult must operate the hot appliance.

For convenience, all the “legs” are laid out on the table with the wrapped side up and alternately glued to the cone. You can arrange the elements in any order: in rows, spirals, randomly or laying out a pattern. Curls should intertwine with each other, and between them there should be no gaps. When everything is glued, it remains to decorate the Christmas tree and attach an asterisk or a ball to the top.

By this principle, you can make a basket for gifts, only you will need not a plastic egg, but an open-top base.

WITH inside, closer to the edges, the basket will need to be pasted over with decorative material, and outside there will be the same scales as for the cone, only of a different color.

Festive candlestick

Lovely candle holder for decoration New Year's table obtained from a wine glass, if you decorate it with foamiran. You will need blue, green and brown material. List of everything you need for crafts:

Considering the festive theme, it is recommended to decorate the candlestick with a figurine of an animal symbolizing the coming year. If the occasion is different, it is recommended to choose the appropriate symbolism, for example, a dove, a heart or a number. Here is the sequence in which you need to make a New Year's decoration from foamiran with your own hands:

Now you need to take the old disk and cut out two circles from the foamiran. One should be the same size as the disk, and the other should be slightly larger than the hole. A hole is sealed with a small circle, and the disk itself is sealed on the reverse side with a large circle. You need to glue it like this: apply glue to the foamiran, smear it, attach it to the disk and hold for a few seconds.

Now you need to stick a symbol of the coming year or another figure on the disk. The glass is covered again acrylic varnish and sprinkled with sequins, only this time white. In the middle of the leg, where the notch is, a button is glued. It is necessary for the candle to hold well. A decorative candle is put on the button and the glass is glued to the disc.

Festive decor, for example, pine twigs or bows, is also made from foamiran. The decoration is laid out on a disk around the glass, and this is where the craft is finished.

Pine branch with a cone

Another option holiday decoration from foamiran - a sprig of pine with a cone. Such a product is great for hiding children's New Year's gifts in it. The child will be happy when it turns out that inside pine cone hidden surprise. Here's what you'll need to complete this tutorial:

First, 2 circles with a diameter of 8 and 9 cm are cut out of foma, of which about 1 cm will be spent on the petals. They are cut around the entire circumference. Do the same with the second round. 3 strips are cut out of brown foamiran and scales are formed, adhering to the following parameters:

  1. The length of the strip is 19.5 cm, the width is 2.5 cm, it has 13 scales 1.5 cm wide.
  2. Length - 80 cm, width - 3 cm, 40 scales, each has a width of 2 cm.
  3. The width of the strip is 3.5 cm, the length is 1 m, the number of scales is 40, their width is 2.5 cm.

The edges of the petal circles are covered with white oil pastels. The edges of the strips with scales are also tinted, and the pastel is well shaded to get a uniform shade. The next step is the processing of petal circles with a hot iron, which must be turned on in the “wool-silk” mode and wait until it heats up. Hold the blanks so much that the petals rise. Then all the strips are processed in the same way.

The egg blank is opened, the lower part is separated and the stem is attached to it, it can simply be glued or pierced into the blank and secured to prevent displacement.

Thickness is added to the stem using teip tape or paper. A piece of foamiran is glued from the inside of the egg.

Attachment of scales

Collect the bump starting from the top. They take a strip with the smallest scales on it, and cut off 6 of them, each separately. Glued to the upper half of the plastic blank, leaving no gaps. After finishing the first row, glue the second, placing the details in a checkerboard pattern, like a real cone. Now you can not separate the scales, but glue them in a strip, not forgetting to overlap. The excess needs to be cut off.

When the strip is over, take the second one and continue to glue the half of the plastic egg. When it is all covered with scales, put on the lower part. The next row is glued a little above the junction, and then continues in the usual manner. Closer to the rounding, you will have to make folds, continuing to glue the overlap.

Having covered the entire workpiece with scales, you need to take a petal circle, put it on the stem and pull it to the base of the cone, and then glue it. Attach the second circle in the same way. Inspect the bump, if necessary, correct individual scales. Now you need to let it dry. When it is clear that the scales are securely fixed, they are opened and in this position each is coated with acrylic varnish. This is a crucial stage, since you need to make sure that the scales do not stick together. It is better not to rush and lubricate the next row when the previous one dries out.

Twig Assembly

2 strips 5 cm wide and 70 cm long are cut out of green foamiran, cut through them to make a fringe 1–1.5 cm high. They take the wire and wrap the end with a teip tape to attach the edge of the fringe to it. Wind the strips on the wire, forming a spruce branch. In the process of wrapping, the strip is fixed with glue.

Using teip tape, attach the cone to the twig. The main stem can also be decorated with teip tape, and then covered with green oil pastel. To simulate snow, it is convenient to use flock powder, but other similar material will do.

According to the model, you can make as many of these branches with cones as you like, and then lay them out under the New Year tree.

With everything, the New Year is coming soon, so I suggest you make New Year's toys for the Christmas tree with your own hands. In this lesson on foamiran, we will make several toys at once: Santa Claus and the symbol of the coming year.

New Year's toy - Santa Claus from foamiran with his own hands

In that step by step master class we will make a Santa Claus toy from foamiran.

For creating New Year's toys from foamiran you will need:

  • white terry foamiran;
  • glitter blue and red foamiran;
  • Iranian red 2 mm;
  • glue second;
  • black foamiran 1 mm or ready-made eyes.

Pattern for Santa Claus's New Year's toy from foamiran

According to this pattern, we cut out blanks from foamiran for making toys.

From white terry foamiran we cut out the main blanks for the toy.

Foamiran Christmas toy: symbol of the year Yellow Dog, step-by-step master class

Here is such a toy, a symbol of the New Year, should turn out at the master class.

To create a dog from foamiran, you will need:

  • yellow terry foamiran;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • black acrylic paint;
  • beaded wire;
  • glue second;
  • brown dry pastel.

I found a pattern of this dog on the Internet and I really liked it.

Here, according to such a pattern, we will make a yellow dog from foamiran.

We cut out dog blanks from yellow terry foamiran, it is unforgettable that one pattern needs to be turned over.

We slightly process the patterns of the dog on the iron at a silk-wool temperature. Applying the pattern on the wrong side.

We start gluing the dog from small parts and fill the small parts with padding polyester.

Foamiran - relatively new material for creativity. It is plastic, easy to model, unpretentious in care and much more practical than products made of fragile polymer clay. The material is so easy to use that on New Year's Eve, even preschool children can be involved in the manufacture of crafts from foamiran.

Such creative activities bring the family together and develop creativity in the child.

Ideas for New Year's gifts from foamiran

From foamiran you can make almost any New Year's crafts, but for joint creativity with children, choose simple products that do not require special skills or dangerous processes.

Attention! Do not trust babies with heating appliances and do not leave them unattended even for a minute. Before starting work, conduct a brief briefing on safety precautions and the rules for handling hot and sharp objects.

Christmas tree from foamiran

Herringbone is a beautiful elegant craft made of bright foamiran, which is very easy to make and quite possible to give to friends and relatives for the New Year.

You will need:

  • sheets of green Iranian foamiran of different shades;
  • transparent good glue: Moment Crystal or glue gun;
  • cardboard;
  • ruler;
  • compass;
  • large and manicure scissors;
  • decor.


  1. Using a ruler and compass, draw a cone pattern for the future Christmas tree on cardboard. Cut it out and glue it.
  2. Cut out long narrow strips of foamiran. It will be more beautiful if they are all green, but in different shades.
  3. Cut fringes of the same thickness into strips. Use manicure lines.
  4. Heat the strips with a hot iron through gauze or paper. Under the influence high temperature"needles" will bend beautifully.
  5. Glue the blanks over the cone, placing them in a spiral from the bottom up. Wrap darker ribbons at the base, lighter ribbons at the top. It is not at all necessary to make a smooth transition: the main thing is that the tree looks harmonious.
  6. Decorate the tree with tiny Christmas balls from beads, bows and rain. Mask the seam at the top with a large bead or a Christmas star.
  7. Glue a cardboard circle of a suitable diameter to the base of the Christmas tree for stability. On it you can write wishes for the New Year, indicate the name of the addressee and the date.

Patterns of a pine branch with cones

Would you be interested in doing this craft with your child?


To make a realistic Christmas tree craft in the form of cones and a pine branch, you will need all the same tools as for a desktop Christmas tree, you just need to buy brown foamiran, a brown floral ribbon, a piece of thick soft wire and a piece of foam.

Step-by-step master class on making a pine branch from foamiran

  1. Cut a thin long fringe on strips of green foamiran.
  2. Wrap them in a spiral around the wire, securing with glue.
  3. From the base of the greenery, wrap the wire tightly with floral tape. Make several of these branches.
  4. Use a utility knife or scalpel to cut out a ball or egg shape from a piece of foam.
  5. Seeds for cones can be made in two ways:
  1. The effect of frost can be simulated by applying a little white paint with a sponge or sponge to the tips of the pinecone seeds.
  2. To create beautiful New Year's composition twist together a few spruce branches and wrap tightly with floral tape. Remove unnecessary edges with pliers.
  3. Glue the bump and add decor: beads, bows, bells, etc.