Godmother outfit for christening. Christening girls: what to give for a girl's christening


The baptism of a child is considered the first and most important Christian rite, a spiritual birth. This sacrament, unlike numerous church rites, is designed to change the inner life of the child, and not the earthly mission. Thrice immersion of an infant in a font, accompanied by prayers, or pouring water on an older child joins the soul to God and the Church.

The Great Sacrament is unthinkable without the necessary paraphernalia: a pectoral cross, a candle and a baptismal set (shirt and cape). Each of these relics has its own symbolic and spiritual meaning.

What is baptismal clothing?

This is the ceremonial attire in which the baby is dressed during the sacrament of baptism. It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl.

vestment in white clothes means the cleansing of the baptized from sins and the obligation to lead a pure life. The white palette symbolizes the manifestation of joy from turning to Christ.

Mandatory requirements for clothing for baptism are the same. She must:

  • to be new, that is, to mark the beginning of a bright life in purity and spirituality
  • be comfortable, easy to put on and take off, which is dictated by the peculiarities of the sacrament
  • consist of two obligatory elements: kryzhma and shirt.

To these requirements it is only necessary to add one more thing, dictated by the care of the child - christening clothes must be made of natural fabrics (softened linen, cotton, batiste), breathable and absorbent (in order to prevent allergies and other troubles).

All other signs of clothing for baptism are conditional, optional and invented by the laity:

  • Elegance: of course, christening - great holiday for all relatives, and therefore clothes are chosen with lace, ribbons, rhinestones and other decorations.
  • Completeness: for the sacrament you need a wardrobe of 5-7 things: a bonnet, overalls, a suit, a dress, pantaloons, hats, etc.
  • Content: all or separate parts of clothing must contain the symbols of the cross, the date of the ceremony, and others.

Why You Can't Sew or Buy Baptismal Clothes in Advance

This sign is by no means associated with any negative consequences or trouble for the baptized. A situation may simply arise that a size 20 shirt purchased with love will turn out to be small for a grown-up hero. After all, last week he barely got into a size 24 jumpsuit. Or vice versa. The hope that the goddaughter will reach a mass of 7 kg in a month is becoming more and more illusory every day. And at the time of the sacrament, the child will literally drown in an outfit that is 2-3 sizes larger.

Kryzhma: what is it for and how to sew it with your own hands

Kryzhma is a square white diaper (can be insulated). When the sacrament is performed, the baby is wrapped in it after the font. The obligation to make or buy kryzhma lies with the godmother.

Needless to say, the symbolic diaper should be sewn from natural fabric and exceed the size of the child? But everything else - decorating the kryzhma with lace, embroidering the date of the sacrament and the name of the baptized on the corner - is a matter of desire and taste. These moments do not affect the correctness of the christening.

After getting wet in the font, the kryzhma does not need to be washed. The water in the bowl generally has healing properties. Babies do not catch cold after immersing in the font even in the winter months.

After the sacrament, the kryzhma remains in the house where the baby lives. This relic is endowed with miraculous powers - to heal a child from diseases and evil eye.

Kryzhma, made by hand, is a wonderful spiritual gift to the godson (-tse) from the godmother.

To sew a relic, you need to prepare:

  • 2 pieces of white fabric (1x1 m)
  • 1 piece of synthetic winterizer (1x1 m)
  • seam with lace embroidery (4m)
  • needle with thread for basting
  • sewing machine.


  1. First, along the perimeter of the 1st piece of fabric, they are basted, and then the seam is sewn. So that the lace corners do not wrap and do not warp the fabric, they are folded with an accordion.
  2. At the next stage, both pieces of fabric are sewn together, leaving room for inserting a padding polyester.
  3. The filler is inserted into the resulting cover, the corners are straightened and the lining is sewn up to the end.
  4. Finally, it remains to go through the line in the corners and sides of the finished little thing in order to securely fasten the synthetic winterizer inside.
  5. If desired, the corners of the kryzhma are decorated with beads, embroidery, ribbon bows and other decorative elements.

DIY white christening shirt

Immediately after the ceremony, the child is dressed in a white shirt, which testifies that the baptized person begins a new life in Christ and is transfigured by the Divine Light.

The traditional spacious shirt has a simple cut with a minimum number of fasteners and ties, does not restrict movement and does not cause inconvenience to the baby. The godmother can sew such clothes on her own. It is better for beginner needlewomen to opt for two types of cut shirts:

  • elongated with straight sides
  • elongated with oblique sides.

The shirt, as a sacred relic, is also endowed with healing properties. In the event of a child’s illness, mothers put on a shirt, put it on top of the body (if it is already small) or leave it under the patient’s pillow.

The shirt cannot be transferred to other hands. She does not possess healing powers in relation to other children.

It is difficult to explain in words the process of making a shirt. It would probably be better to watch this one once than to listen and memorize the algorithm of actions ten times.

Christening outfit for a girl

Many mothers think about whether it is necessary to buy a baptismal dress, a bonnet (hat), booties and other wardrobe items for their daughter?

Attention! The correct answer is you can, but you don't have to. More precisely, everything comes from the personal preferences of the parents. The church is loyal to any kind of clothing. In other words, the outfit for boys and girls has no fundamental difference.

To perform the sacrament, it is enough to bring a cross with you (buy on the spot), a shirt and a cap. If parents want to see their daughter in a dress and cap, please, the priest will not mind.

This is interesting! In the West, Catholics don't dip the baby into the bowl when performing the ceremony. This is where sophisticated models of baptismal dresses, sundresses and hats follow.

For the Slavs, the sacrament goes differently, so those who are baptized need shirts that can be easily and quickly put on, and everything else is surplus.

Do you need a christening cap?

This question is often asked by mothers of not only girls, but also boys. No. A baptismal cap is not a mandatory attribute of the sacrament.

When entering the church, only married women cover their heads as a sign of humility and respect for the Lord and husband. There is no need for a little girl to put on a cap, except perhaps from the cold and drafts.

Moreover, we remember the rite of cutting hair as part of the sacrament of baptism. In this case, the cap will interfere at all.

And finally!

The rites are followed by baptisms. This is a holiday for the whole family, which gives hope for a bright future and faith in the motto "everything will be fine!".

Of course, it is necessary to celebrate an important event with smart clothes, in good mood and with close relatives (friends). In symbolic clothes, the baby will be simply unique! Such an angel!

Father buys. This attribute can be purchased in advance, but then the cross must be given to the priest to consecrate it. You can also make a purchase in the church shop.

In turn, the godmother acquires a kryzhma and a baptismal shirt for the boy or a dress. You can buy a ready-made baptismal set. In addition to diapers and clothes, it will also include a bonnet. You should pay special attention to the material from which the kryzhma is made. It should absorb moisture well enough so that hypothermia does not occur in the child.

Baptismal dress for a girl: traditions and signs

The clothes in which the child was baptized should not be loaned or sold to anyone. These clothes are left by his family as a keepsake. According to Christian tradition, the dress in which the girl was on that day can then be worn by her sister for baptism. The people believe that this will have a beneficial effect on strengthening relations between them.

There are other signs as well. By folk beliefs, the baptismal garment has two unique properties- protect its owner (or its owner) throughout life and cure serious diseases. Therefore, the baptismal set should be kept as a family heirloom and hidden away from prying eyes.

What should be a baptismal dress for a girl

The Church does not impose special requirements on baptismal clothing. However, there are some generally accepted criteria. First, the clothes should be quite long - a few centimeters below the legs. Secondly, it should be a light shade, and preferably a snow-white color, symbolizing cleansing from sin.

Give preference to natural and soft tissues with even seams, and also a convenient mouth. In addition, a christening gown for a girl should be comfortable and have a minimum number of ties so that it can be easily removed for immersion in the font. As for the cap, during the period of the sacrament it will need to be removed.

Remember that christening clothes should not restrict movement. Choose a loose-fitting girl's dress made from natural soft fabrics. Let it be adorned satin ribbons and lace, but do not overdo it with the decor of clothes. Although the dress is purchased for a celebration, an excessive amount of jewelry can make the clothes look ridiculous and pretentious, and this looks out of place in the church.

Christening clothes can be and/or embellished. Tailoring will take a small amount of time, but it is better to prepare for the solemn event in advance. Well, if the godmother will do this work.

In addition, a baptismal dress knitted from natural threads will also look great. Usually its bottom is decorated with many ruffles and frills. You can decorate the finished product with artificial flowers, embroidery, lace, beads, openwork weaving. Another great idea is to knit a christening dress for a girl. However, if the sacrament will take place in the summer, it is necessary to approach the choice of material carefully. In hot weather, a girl wearing a dress knitted from thick woolen threads may experience heat stroke.

Baptismal clothing is deeply symbolic: for example, the white color of the baptismal shirt symbolizes the spiritual purity and joy of the newly baptized. His soul after the perfect Sacrament of Baptism is completely transformed, cleansed, filled with Divine light and love. The symbol of all the events taking place with a person during the Sacrament is a baptismal shirt. The sacrament of Baptism is an unusually significant holiday in the life of every person. According to ancient Christian tradition, it was necessary to baptize a child on the second day after his birth. Now, of course, this tradition has changed somewhat, but, as before, the sooner this Sacrament is performed, the better. After all, Baptism is not just an Orthodox rite, it is the birth of the soul of a child into eternal life, this is his complete rebirth. After Baptism with little man all his sins are washed away, and with a renewed pure soul he begins a new life, illuminated by the light of the presence of Jesus Christ.

Epiphany Day is an exciting day not only and not so much for the child, but for his parents. After all, it is they who must ensure that all rituals and traditions are observed. An integral part of the Sacrament of Baptism is christening set for newborn . According to Christian tradition, the godmother should prepare such an outfit. In ancient times, a godmother embroidered the baptismal garment for her godson by hand. Now ready-made kits can be purchased in the store.

As a rule, a baptismal set includes a baptismal shirt (this is the main element in the set), as well as a scarf or cap, a diaper or a towel (kryzhma) to wipe the baby near the ablution in the font.

According to ancient Christian custom, the baptismal shirt was kept in the family as the greatest family heirloom. And in kryzhma - a towel with which they wiped the child after bathing in the font, it was customary to bury the person who was baptized in it.

Now in many families the tradition is being revived to baptize all children in the baptismal shirt of their first child, but everyone should have their own kryzhma and should also keep it throughout life.

The baptismal shirt in Europe has a very ancient and deep history. So the baptismal shirt of Queen Elizabeth I of England, daughter of King Henry VIII, has survived to this day. She was born on September 7, 1533, and received baptism on the third day of her birth. The shirt was made of the finest silk, decorated with embroidery and lace, and quite long.

In 1841, the first child of Queen Victoria, Vicki, was christened in England. This silk shirt, decorated with guipure, has become a symbol of the whole of England. To this day, all the princes and princesses of England are christened in this shirt.

Rich noble people both in Europe and in Russia christened their children in baptismal shirts made of the finest silk, decorated with guipure, magnificent lace, exquisite hand embroidery, and pearls. Common people used cotton as a material for baptismal attire, decorated with lace in the same way. self made, various ornaments, satin ribbons.

Everything in the dress was symbolic: the length of the shirt spoke of the longevity of a person, but the beauty of the dress symbolized a rich and happy life.

Those christening outfits of princes and princesses of Europe that have survived to this day include long shirts, hats, booties, capes and handkerchiefs, on which the initials of crowned persons were embroidered.

Kryzhma was made necessarily in tone with the baptismal dress, and personalized embroidery was also made on it, which consisted of the name of the person being baptized or his initials and the date of the celebration. Name embroidery made the outfit unique and sophisticated.

In Rus', the baptismal shirt also has a deep history. So the shirt of A.S. has survived to this day. Pushkin, it is in the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin in Moscow. The baptismal shirt of Tsarevich Alexy, the son of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II, who was baptized in 1904, has also been preserved.

The children of crowned persons in Rus' were baptized with a large gathering of people: there were boyars, ministers, all the ranks of the Duma, and foreign guests. According to tradition, the child was baptized on the eighth day. Under Tsar Ivan the Terrible, a whole "baptismal train" was sent to the church - the guests went to the church in a string, and the metropolitan or patriarch sprinkled holy water on the road. According to custom, all the guests, without exception, gave gifts to the baby, and the king arranged a solemn dinner in honor of his Baptism, at which the most exquisite and luxurious dishes were served.

Baptism helps bring your own child into the field of the Lord's grace. But this sacrament is only a seed sown at the beginning. Parents should make sure that the baby grows up and is brought up in the bosom of the Church. Then this seed will not be in vain, unsprouted.

There is an opinion that only adults who consciously come into faith and are able to understand the whole meaning of the sacrament should be baptized. But in this case, there is a danger that a person will die without knowing the sacrament. The church does not impose its opinion, however, they are always happy there when the ritual is performed on children.

Baptism of a girl. How to choose a date? Saints

There are no strict rules in this case; it is permissible to baptize a baby at any time. You can spend the sacrament starting from the fortieth day from birth, ending at the age of seven. abroad. At a later age, you will have to take into account the desire of the child himself.

The rule of the fortieth day is explained quite simply: it is believed that this is the period a woman needs to be cleansed from childbirth and she is allowed to visit the temple with the baby.

If you pay attention to the name of the child, then a Christian name is chosen for baptism, which is in the Orthodox calendar. Representatives of the church recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the life of the saints and, based on this, choose a suitable name for the baby. It is this heavenly intercessor who will become the guardian angel of the child. The day of memory of the saint will become for the girl the name day or the day of the Angel.

Baptism set

First of all, the baptismal set must be sewn from natural materials such as linen or cotton. On sale there are sets of all shades of white, however, their composition is the same:

  • a beautiful dress or shirt (simple or complex cut);
  • lace diaper;
  • scarf or cap with a trim.

Depending on the age of the baby, a gradation of sizes is considered:

  • 0-3 months - height 56-62 cm;
  • 3-6 months - approximately 68 cm;
  • 6-12 months - 74-80 cm;
  • One or two years - 86-62 cm.

If the baby is older, it is advisable to purchase a shirt or dress for the appropriate age, like the rest of the elements of the set.


Some christening kits are completed with accessories such as a bib, booties, a special baptismal towel.

When choosing products, you should pay attention to the fact that they are elegant, but without frills.. Lace decoration, colored or plain embroidery with an Orthodox theme is allowed. It may be envisaged to apply the baby's initials on a towel or diaper so that the memory of this bright event is preserved for many years.

What is needed for the baptism of a girl

Girl's christening dress - the subtleties of choice

It is very important that the child feels comfortable. If the girl is in infancy, the shirt or dress should be loose-fitting, with simple fasteners or ties. This will help to quickly dress the baby after the font.

For babies over two years old, you can choose a longer product that is worn over the head. The dress can be decorated with colored or snow-white embroidery, lace, yoke. However, drawstring fasteners are preferred.

Congratulations on the baptism of a girl

Baptism becomes the very first and most significant holiday for the baby. Even on this day a newborn baby should hear sincere congratulations and receive gifts. Below are several options for congratulations that will help express all the joy inherent in this event:

  1. With all our hearts and with God's blessing, we congratulate the baby on the most intimate and important sacrament - baptism! Starting from this day, the Guardian Angel will protect and guide you on the true path. May all grace be shed upon you with our prayers, and you will grow up healthy, joyful, beautiful!
  2. Baptism is not just a rite or a tribute to customs. Though you are small, but your life path already blessed by the Lord. A new, spiritual world opens up for you, which will help you grow up as a pure and kind girl.
  3. May your Guardian Angel protect you from all troubles, and may the heavenly intercessor "name" pray for you the Lord our God. Live with faith, hope, kindness, keep purity in your soul, live with an open heart.

The sacrament of baptism, despite the main - spiritual - component, is not complete without a subsequent celebration. AND it is the cake that is able to please the child, fixing this event in his memory for life. The confectionery product should be unusual, with a thematic design.

When choosing a cake, you should not save, it is better to immediately order the product from a professional confectioner. The master will outline all the subtleties and nuances, help you choose the design idea and, of course, bake the most delicious cake.

Most best ideas design:

  • a figurine of a sleeping baby on a white blanket, in flowers, a cradle;
  • figurines of angels surrounded by flowers;
  • the figure of Jesus blessing the baby;
  • Orthodox themes: crosses, inscriptions, mention of the name of the Guardian Angel;
  • lace design elements, shoes, pacifiers;

What to give a girl for christening

According to established traditions, the godmother gives the child a set for the sacrament, the father - a cross. Another an important gift a silver spoon is considered, on which a Christian inscription or the initials of the baby is applied. Such spoons are usually called “by the tooth”, they are fed to children when the time comes. God-parents can give the baby a mug with Orthodox symbols and children's bible.

The rest of the gifts are more prosaic, however, they can bring unspeakable joy to the baby:

  • Stuffed Toys;
  • gold earrings for outgrowth or other jewelry;
  • children's bedding;
  • beautiful dresses;
  • commemorative albums with photos of christening.

Instead of completing

Baptism is a significant Holy holiday for the whole family. So that it is not overshadowed, it is better to immediately provide for all the subtleties and nuances. Preparation should be carried out in advance, with the participation of godparents.

Baptism is a special moment in the lives of parents, children and guests who observe this ceremony. Since this is a special event, you need to choose the right clothes. Make sure you check with the church or family that hosts the baptism about how guests should dress formally. Skip to step 1 for some tips on what you should and shouldn't wear to christening.


Women's outfit

    Dress for the occasion. Baptism requires more unusual outfit than the one you might wear every day. you can buy Nice dress, skirt or pantsuit or wear what you already have. As a guideline, how elegant your outfit should be is somewhere between what you would wear to a barbecue and what you would wear to a wedding. Here are some outfit ideas:

    • a dress with an additional cape or a light sweater.
    • not too revealing skirt and blouse.
    • tight-fitting trousers with a graceful top (business style).
  1. you can wear bright colors. Unlike a wedding, there are no rules about what colors can and cannot be worn at a baptism (there is a small chance that you will match the baby if you dress in all white). Since this is a joyous event, feel free to wear bright colors and interesting patterns.

    Avoid inappropriate clothing. While there are no restrictions on the choice of color, there are restrictions on the clothing that can be worn. Do not bare your shoulders, and also avoid a deep neckline. If you have chosen a dress, then its length should reach the knees, since mini-skirts will be inappropriate.

    • Other clothes you should avoid are jeans, flip flops, ugg boots, sneakers, or anything you might see in a nightclub.
  2. Bring a cape or sweater with you. During the cold season, the church can be quite cold. You can kill two birds with one stone if you wear a sweater or jacket - it will make your outfit more modest and at the same time keep you warm.

    Wear cute but sensible heels. High heels are not suitable for baptism, so choose low heels that you can walk and stand comfortably in. Also wear shoes that suit the weather - if it's snowing outside, then it's best to leave open-toed sandals at home.

    Choose a fun tie. Baptism is a happy occasion and the tie should reflect that. But this does not mean that it should be decorated with cartoon characters. However, a light, cheerful tie will certainly be appropriate. Just make sure it matches the color scheme of your outfit.

    Put on nice shoes. Shoes are an important part of any outfit, especially if it's a suit. Leave your sneakers and put on your shoes. Before the big day, polish your shoes to give them a little sheen.

    Consider bringing a change of clothes for the reception. If you are going to a party or reception after the christening and if you can't be in a suit for too long, then you might want to bring a change of clothes with you, which also looks nice but is more comfortable than a suit. Change clothes such as a nice polo and ironed khakis work well.