We raise children healthy folder mover. Folder - shifting “We form a healthy lifestyle for a preschooler. Poems, riddles about health


Nomination " Methodical piggy bank of the teacherelementary school"

Educational work on raising a healthy child in the family. Contents of the slide folder.

Appeal to parents

The child's health is probably the most important desire of every parent, because if the child's health is impaired and he is sick, then neither career nor money is a joy. How to keep a child healthy you can read on these pages.

Dear parents, as you know, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. In matters of prevention, there should be an integrated approach. Caring for the development and health of the child begins in the family.

For diseases called childhood infections, it is characteristic that they are ill, usually in childhood. Acute childhood infections include: measles, rubella, scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, mumps, chickenpox and polio.

Infection prevention is the main principle of keeping children healthy.

If your child is sick and his behavior changes: he cries, does not play and refuses food. Don't be discouraged and see your doctor immediately.

Do not self-medicate! At the first symptomsdiseases - consult a doctor!

Commandments for Parents

  1. Never start educational activities in a bad mood.
  2. Be clear about what you want from the child and explain it to him, and also find out what he thinks about it.
  3. Give the child independence, educate, but do not control his every step.
  4. Don't miss the moment when the first success is achieved.
  5. Praise the child for each of his successful steps, praise consistently and accurately.
  6. Point out the mistake he made, immediately evaluate the act and pause so that the child realizes what he heard.
  7. Evaluate the act, not the person. The essence of a person and his individual actions are not the same thing.
  8. Let the child feel (smile, touch him), sympathize with him, believe in him, despite his missteps. Make it clear (but you don't have to say it) that when this unpleasant conversation is over, the incident will be over.
  9. The educator should be unshakable, but kind. Everything has its time. You need to be able to apply different methods in accordance with a specific situation. Then education will be timely.

Teaching children to breathe correctly

A significant place in health work should be occupied by breathing exercises and breathing exercises.

Goals of breathing exercises:

1. Teach children to breathe through their nose correctly.

2. Influence positively on the nervous system, on metabolic processes, improve the drainage function of the lungs, bronchi.

3. Correct the deformity of the spine and chest, which develop as a result of the child's frequent illnesses.

4. Increase the overall tone of the body.

5. Increase lung capacity and restore full external respiration.

It is advisable to make complexes of respiratory and health-improving exercises the content of awakening gymnastics, morning exercises, and introduce them to physical education classes.

Breathing exercises

1. " horse". To click with your tongue (at first - slowly, then - faster; quiet, louder), 15-30 seconds.

2. " Crow". Exclaim "Kar-r-r-r." Do the same without opening your mouth, silently, loudly (6-8 times).

3. " Ring". Moving the tip of the tongue along the palate, move it as deep as possible. Learn to do it slowly, with your mouth closed, up to 30 seconds.

4. " well-fed lion". Reach out with your tongue to your chin (6-8 times).

5. "Learn to yawn." Loudly - silently (“oh-ho-ho”) (5-6 times).

6. " tubule". Fold your lips in a tube, circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise, reach for the nose, to the chin.

7. " I am laughing". In front of the mirror, winking at yourself, smile, press the tip of your nose, laugh without opening your mouth (the air comes out through your nose).

Immune gymnastics

To perform this gymnastics, you need 12-15 minutes, it is advisable do at home before and after sleep.

1. One hand is placed on the forehead, the second on the back of the head - hold for 1 minute.

2. Pinch the edge of the ear, from top to bottom (three times).

3. Light stroking behind the ears along the line of the cervical lymph nodes (three times).

4. Breathing through one nasal cavity alternately (three times).

5. "Turning on" - one hand on the umbilical ring during the exercises:

a) index finger above the upper lip, middle finger under the lower lip(“Brushing teeth” - 30 seconds, change hands),
b) thumb and forefinger of one hand in immune points (lower edge of the second rib), massage for 30 seconds, change hands;
c) massage the sacrum with a fist for 3 seconds, change hands.

6. The right palm touches the left thigh, the left - the right (marching) - 8 times.

7. The elbow of the right (left) hand touches the opposite thigh - 8 times.

8. "Shake out the dust from under the knees" with both hands (30 seconds).

Prevention of flat feet

1. It is necessary to carry out a general hardening of the body.

2. Walk without spreading your toes too wide.

3. Shoes should tightly cover the foot, have a small heel (1/14 of the length of the foot).

4. Useful walking barefoot on soft ground, on uneven ground.

5. This is also facilitated by walking barefoot on a log, climbing a rope, balance exercises based on one leg.

Tips for parents on organizing a daily routine

  1. In order to wake a child in the morning, you do not need an alarm clock: scientists are convinced that any of its melody in the morning creates a stressful situation. Waking up a person should be his biological clock. After sleeping, the child will wake up on his own.
  2. For the moral health of the child, it is important that the parents get up first. The one who wakes up his child is sure to use affectionate words and add his kiss to them.
  3. A very important manifestation of parental care for the morning hygiene of the child. The child must come to school washed, with brushed teeth.
  4. Leaving the house in the morning without having breakfast is very harmful; at this time, after lifting, all human organs begin to function.
  5. The best way to create a positive emotional mood for the day is a kiss and affectionate words: “Good luck to you”, “Goodbye”, etc.

Such a tradition among adults in the family shows care, mutual respect between family members, educates the child in the same attitude towards the older generation and eliminates fears that in the future the child will not kiss them “once again”.

Dear parents!

There are things in life that cannot be compared to anything else. One of them - children's health. It is very important to teach your child to value health and treat their safety accordingly.

1. Do not leave children unattended! Take care of the safety of your children by adhering to the rules of safe behavior at home.

2. Educate children on a safe culture by demonstratingby example, caution in handling fire, gas, water, household chemicals, medicines.

3. Take a few minutes to have a frank conversation with the children. Remember, these minutes are measured at the cost of life. And so that trouble does not happen, you need to give children clear knowledge and skills on how to act in a given situation.

4. You must know about every step of your child, because you are responsible for her health, upbringing and life.

Do not let children:

  • use matches, open flames, electric and gas appliances;
  • approach broken electrical wires and touch unfamiliar objects;
  • independently walk in the forest, go to the reservoirs;
  • take medication on your own;
  • collect and eat wild berries and mushrooms;

Remember! The life of our children depends only on ourselves!

Municipal preschool educational institution
Kindergarten No. 44 of a general developmental type

center center
educator Vishnyakova E.V.
Poems about a healthy lifestyle
About health
To keep health
Strengthen your body
All my family knows
There must be a routine for the day.
You guys should know
Everyone needs more sleep.
Well, in the morning do not be lazy -
Get on the charger!
brush your teeth, wash your face,
And smile more often
Temper, and then
You are not afraid of blues.
Health has enemies
Don't be friends with them!
Among them is quiet laziness,
Fight it every day.
So that not a single microbe
Didn't accidentally get into the mouth
Wash hands before eating
You need soap and water.
Eat vegetables and fruits
Fish, dairy products
Here is healthy food
Full of vitamins!
Go out for a walk
Breathe fresh air.
Just remember when leaving:
Dress for the weather!
Well, what if it happened:
Got sick,
Know it's time for you to see a doctor.
He will always help us!
Here are some good tips
Secrets are hidden in them.
How to keep healthy.
Learn to appreciate it!
In the morning you get hardened
Pour cold water on.
You will always be healthy.
There is no need for extra words.
If you get discouraged
Cry, whine, miss, suffer,
You can even very quickly
You lose your health.
Don't eat sweets!
Hippo groans loudly:
"Oh oh oh! Tummy hurts!
In vain I did not listen to my mother -
I ate two kilograms of candy!
Sun, air and water
Our best friends.
We will be friends with them
For us to be healthy.
About nails
Who doesn't clean their nails
And does not cut
That of his acquaintances
It's good scary.
After all, with dirty nails,
long and sharp
Can very simply you
Confuse with monsters.
Gotta play sports!
Gotta play sports
We must - we must temper!
You have to be the first in everything
We don't care about frost!
After a water bath
We start rubbing.
And gymnastics again
We start doing.
Do not watch TV for a long time!
Seal on TV
I watched cartoons all day long.
And then until the end of the week
The poor man's eyes hurt.
Mouse poorly paws soap
Mouse poorly paws soap:
Only moistened with water
I did not try to wash with soap,
And the dirt remained on the paws.
Black stained towel!
How unpleasant it is!
Germs will get into your mouth.
It may hurt your stomach.
So, (child's name) try,
Wash your face with soap often!
Need warm water
Wash your hands before eating!
Poems about hardening children.
Baby you want to be healthy
Don't take bad pills
Forget doctor's injections
And drops from pipettes.
In order not to sniff your nose,
And don't cough too hard
Get wet every day
Lei is very plentiful.
To succeed in studies
And there was ingenuity
All kids need
Water hardening.
Poor Doctor Aibolit
Poor doctor Aibolit!
The third day does not eat, does not sleep,
Handing out pills
naughty kids,
For those who did not wash their hands for dinner,
Who ate sweets without counting,
Who walked barefoot through the puddles,
For those who didn't listen to their mother
For those who now have a belly
Doesn't let you sleep peacefully
Who has a temperature
The doctor distributes the medicine
He is ready to heal all night,
For everyone to be healthy.
In order
Line up!
For charging
We are growing
In the sun
Our feet
Our shots
Our muscles
And eyes
Not dim.
In order
Line up!
For charging
We are growing
In the sun
Hamster hamster
Hamster, hamster, hamster,
Striped barrel.
Homka gets up early:
Washes the neck, rubs the eyes.
Homka sweeps the hut
And goes to charge.
One two three four five -
Homka wants to become strong.
We play games in winter
Or roll down the mountain
We improve health
We rest from the heart!
Cleanliness is the key to health...
Cleanliness is the key to health
Cleanliness is needed everywhere:
At home, at school, at work,
Both on land and in water.
Hands should be washed with soap
To be healthy.

You don't have to put your hands in your mouth.
Every time we eat
We think about health
I don't need heavy cream
I'd rather eat carrots.
Do physical education
To maintain health
And from laziness try
Run faster.
From plain water and soap
Microbes are fading away.
To prevent microbes from living,
You don't have to put your hands in your mouth.
You are charging
If you want to be healthy.
Pour cold water over -
Forget the doctors.
Eat your veggies buddy
You will be healthy!
Eat carrots and garlic
Get ready for life!
Eat fruits and vegetables
They are healthy foods!
Sweets, gingerbread, cookies
Spoil your teeth mood.
Grow us to heaven
Hercules porridge will help,
To improve eyesight
Blueberry jam.
Teeth are like flowers in a garden...
Teeth are like flowers in a garden
Remember! and without further ado
Keep them all right
Gardener of your teeth!
You respect the comb
Don't give it to others.
Without her, my friends,
We will be like savages!
Didactic games for the formation of healthy lifestyle skills
The main essence of didactic games is defined by their name: these are educational games. The value of didactic games is realized through the game task, game actions, rules. A distinctive feature of didactic games is the ability to teach children through active, interesting activities for them.
Didactic outdoor games
"Rules of Hygiene"
Didactic task: to consolidate knowledge of the rules of personal hygiene.
Content: all children become in a circle; The facilitator calls each one in turn, asking him a question:
What do we do in the morning when we wake up?
We do exercises, wash our faces, brush our teeth (the player performs in motion, and everyone repeats his movements), the next player performs the following task of the leader:
What do we do before eating?
I wash my hands...etc.
Motor task: strengthening the ability to coordinate their movements.
Content: children line up in two lines facing each other, forming pairs; one performs some actions, the other tries to mirror them.

Motor task: coordination of movements. Content: children become in a circle.
Hamster, hamster, hamster,
striped barrel,
Hamster gets up early
Washes cheeks, rubs neck.
Homka sweeps the hut
And it's charging!
Homka wants to become strong.
Children repeat the words after the leader and imitate the movements of the hamster. The host chooses a "hamster", which becomes the center of the circle and shows the movements of morning exercises.
Everyone repeats.
"Physical hello!"
Didactic task: to consolidate information about the benefits of charging.
Motor task: development of coordination abilities.
Content: the host chooses two children - “two frogs”, who become the center of the circle. They read the words, all the other children repeat after them, imitating movements:
In the swamp, two girlfriends, two green frogs
Washed early in the morning, rubbed with a towel,
They stamped their feet, clapped their hands.
Right, left leaning
And they returned back.
Here is the secret of health -
hello to all my friends!
Then, at the expense of "1-2-3", everyone runs in all directions, and the "frogs" catch up. Those who were caught up by the "frogs" take their place. Game continues.
6. To improve health and normalize weight, walking and running are effective, which protect the human body from the occurrence of diseases. They have a pronounced training effect and contribute to the hardening of the body. What is hardening? This is an increase in the body's resistance to the adverse effects of a number of environmental factors through a systematic short-term effect on the body of these same factors in small doses. As a result of hardening, the body adapts to changing environmental conditions. The point of hardening is to increase, over time, with the help of special procedures, a person's resistance to cooling due to the fact that the body will each time react with appropriate protective reactions - an increase in heat production and a decrease in heat transfer. When hardening, an increase in immunity occurs at the same time due to an increase in the production of interferon and other protective factors in the body. Therefore, it would be great if hardening became a common family affair. Along with traditional methods of hardening (air baths, water foot baths, gargling), non-traditional ones are also widely used: 1. Contrasting air hardening (children get from a warm room into a “cold” one). 2. Walking barefoot. At the same time, the arches and ligaments of the foot are strengthened, and flat feet are also prevented. Contrast shower.4. Gargling with cool water with a decrease in its temperature is a method of preventing nasopharyngeal disease. It should be remembered that a break in hardening for 2-3 weeks reduces the body's resistance to cold factors and is therefore highly undesirable. It is impossible not to take into account the individual characteristics of the child, his age, his sensitivity to hardening procedures. It is not recommended to carry out hardening against the background of negative emotional states, for example, fear, resentment, anxiety. This can lead to neurotic disorders. Remember: the health of the child is in your hands! Memo for parents "3 child health" Vishnyakova E.V.
Today it is very important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in the improvement of ourselves and our children. “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality, ”says the Law of the Russian Federation“ On Education ”(clause 1, article 18). What can parents do to introduce their children to a healthy lifestyle? First of all, it is necessary to actively use the healing natural factors of the environment: clean water, ultraviolet rays of sunlight, clean air.2. The child needs a calm, friendly psychological climate. 3. Adults should not only protect the child's body from harmful influences, but also create conditions that help increase the child's body's defenses. And the important thing here is a properly organized daily routine. The daily routine is the optimally combined periods of wakefulness and sleep of children during the day. It satisfies their needs for food, activity, rest, physical activity, etc. The regime disciplines children - accustoms them to a certain rhythm. Walking is one of the essential components of the daily routine. Staying in the air helps to increase the body's resistance and hardens it. After an active walk, the child's appetite and sleep are always normal. The walk must be carried out in any weather, except for particularly unfavorable conditions. At the same time, clothing and footwear must comply with the weather and all hygiene requirements. While walking, children should not be allowed to stay in the same position for a long time, so it is necessary to change their type of activity and place of play. It is good to combine walks with sports and outdoor games. Children must walk at least twice a day for two hours in the summer - unlimited. An equally important component of the regime is sleep, which is especially necessary for weakened children. It is important that the baby falls asleep at the same time every day (both day and night). Thus, the child's home regimen should be a continuation of the kindergarten day regimen, and especially on weekends. 4. Complete nutrition - the inclusion in the diet rich in vitamins A, B, C and D, mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper), as well as protein. It is advisable to prepare all dishes for children from natural products, unrefined, without additives, spices and preservatives. More often include cottage cheese, buckwheat and oatmeal in the diet of children. Equally important is the diet, that is, the observance of certain intervals between meals. 5. It is important for children to form an interest in improving their own body. The sooner the child gets an idea about the structure of the human body, learns about the importance of hardening, movement, proper nutrition, sleep, the sooner he will be introduced to a healthy lifestyle. If a child is forcibly forced to engage in physical education, as well as to observe the rules of hygiene, then the child quickly loses interest in this. The play activity of children is also important. The better the child plays role-playing games, the more successful he will be. Without play, children develop a sense of fear, lethargy and passivity. Play is a leading human need.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten №14 "Rosinka"


"We form a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers"


Kozhemyako Natalya Sergeevna



A healthy lifestyle is a human activity aimed at maintaining health.

Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing.”



The main components of a healthy lifestyle are:

1. Rational nutrition.

2. Regular exercise.

3. Personal hygiene.

4. Hardening of the body.

5. Refusal of bad habits.


    1. Start each new day with morning exercises and a smile.

    2. Follow the regime of the day.

    Read more books, watch less TV.

    4. There are no bad oneschildren there are bad deeds.

5. A positive attitude towards yourself is the basis of psychological survival

6. Personal examplehealthy lifestyle - better than any talk about him.

7. Get hardened - the sun, air and water are our best friends

8. The best type of recreation is a walk with the family in the fresh air.

9. Remember: simple food is the most useful forhealth .

10. The best entertainment for a child is a joint game withparents .

11. From early childhood, educate from yourchildren the habit of physical education and sports!

12. Raise in your children respect for people involved in sports!

13. Tell us about your sporting achievements in childhood and adolescence!


Parents should take care of children's health.

Teach your child to exercise from an early age. Active movements increase the child's resistance to diseases, cause the mobilization of the body's defenses, increase the activity of leukocytes. Lack of movement (physical inactivity) causes changes in the central nervous system, which can lead to emotional tension and instability, to metabolic disorders in the body, to a decrease in the body's performance. Hardening procedures will also be useful.

The best way to instill a healthy lifestyle in a child is the example of parents.

A healthy and happy family will definitely bring up the same children.

Healthy family - healthy child

The family is the main link where good habits are formed and bad habits are rejected. The child's first impressions associated with the performance of a certain action are drawn from home life. The child sees, perceives, tries to imitate, and this action is fixed in him regardless of his weak will. The habits, traditions, way of life, attitude to one's health developed in the family over the years are transferred into adulthood. Therefore, it is necessary to value, protect and strengthen health from a very early age in order to demonstrate a healthy lifestyle by personal example.

Every parent wants to see their children healthy and happy, but does not think about how to make their children live in harmony with themselves, with the world around them, with people. The secret of this harmony is simple - a healthy lifestyle:

Maintaining physical health

No bad habits

Proper nutrition

The joyful feeling of being in this world

Nothing can influence a child's behavior with such force as a clear parental example.

They often say:

« The child learns what he sees in his home»


Where health , there is beauty.

The disease will not catch up with the quick and dexterous.

If you want to be healthy - heat up.

Cleanliness is a pledge health .

That health does not know who is sick does not happen.

Who got up before the day, that day healthy .

Causeless fatigue is a harbinger of illness.

health money can't buy.

God would give health and find happiness.

Move more, live longer.

From lying and sitting, ailments are added.

Who doesn't smoke, who doesn't drink health saves.

The patient and honey is not tasty, but healthy and eat stone.

Lost money - lost nothing, lost time - lost a lot, health lost - lost everything.

"What do you need to do to keep your child healthy?"

    Constantly monitor the state of your health and the health of your children.

    Provide a complete and balanced diet for the family.

    Observe the regime of the day, create conditions for walking on weekends.

    Provide a healthy, hygienic environment (regularly ventilate the room, do wet cleaning, ensure sufficient lighting).

    Teach your child to take care of his body: brush his teeth twice a day, rinse his mouth after eating, take a shower daily, change bed linen.

    Actively engage in physical education and sports.

    Do not have bad habits, and if you have them, get rid of them, as they adversely affect the children's body.

    Children of smoking parents are much more likely to suffer from bronchopulmonary diseases.

    Create a favorable psychological atmosphere in the family. In happy families, the incidence even during periods of epidemics is several times lower.

    To carry out active interaction with the kindergarten on the protection and promotion of children's health.

Photo exhibition: "My healthy family"

Strengthen your body
All my family knows
There must be a routine for the day.
You guys need to know...
Everyone needs more sleep.
Well, in the morning do not be lazy -
Get on the charger!
Brush your teeth, wash your face
And smile more often
Temper, and then
You are not afraid of blues.
Health has enemies
Don't be friends with them!
Among them is quiet laziness,
Fight it every day.
So that not a single microbe
Didn't accidentally get into the mouth
Wash hands before eating
You need soap and water.
Eat vegetables and fruits
Fish, dairy products
Here is healthy food
Full of vitamins!
Go out for a walk
Breathe fresh air.
Just remember when leaving:
Dress for the weather!
Well, what if it happened:
Got sick,
Know it's time for you to see a doctor.
He will always help us!
Here are some good tips
Secrets are hidden in them.
How to keep healthy.
Learn to appreciate it!

Poem "Skiers" Lev Kvitko.

Can't see
Completely each other
Cheeks are cold
On the run
Let's overtake
We are a blizzard!
Everything is faster
skis flash,
The goal is getting closer
Through the spruce
Through the bushes
From the pass
From high.
No for skiers
Who will rush
Earlier then others?
On the way to
We're rushing
Let it be dangerous
Let the paths
Very cool
lifts, -
We don't give up!
Up and down
Whirlwind run!
Fur tree, pine tree,
Step aside!
Let it rage
Freezing -
will take place
Ski cross!


1. Start a new day with a smile and a morning workout.

2. Follow the regime of the day.

3. Remember: a smart book is better than aimless TV watching.

4. Love your child, he is yours. Respect your family members, they are fellow travelers on your way.

5. Hug a child should be at least four times a day, and preferably 8 times.

6. A positive attitude towards yourself is the basis of psychological survival.

7. There are no bad children, there are bad deeds.

8. A personal example of a healthy lifestyle is better than any morality.

9. Use natural hardening factors - sun, air and water.

10. Remember: simple food is healthier than artful dishes.

11. The best type of recreation is a walk with the family in the fresh air, the best entertainment for a child is a joint game with parents.

So, the state of health of children is now becoming a national problem, and the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children is a state task, the solution of which largely depends on the organization of work in this area in a preschool institution. The full-fledged upbringing of a preschooler takes place in conditions of close cooperation between the family and the preschool institution. As you know, the family is the first and most important institution of the child's socialization. But since most parents are forced to "search" for a livelihood, children spend a lot of time (9-10 hours a day) in kindergartens. In fact, their upbringing is carried out by teachers acting according to specially developed programs. But the influence of family education on the formation of a child's personality plays a significant role. If the requirements for a child in kindergarten and family are not agreed upon, then the development of useful skills and habits will be very difficult. Since it is well known that the consolidation of any skill occurs with repeated repetition. Preschool institutions should turn into an open social and pedagogical complex with broad participation of parents in its work. Preschool childhood is the most favorable period for developing the right habits, which, combined with teaching preschoolers how to improve and maintain health, will lead to positive results. The problem of improving the health of children is the purposeful work of the entire team of teachers and parents.