Happy love stories. Love stories Parable about a happy family

Since the famous novel-parable `The Alchemist` has become public, its author has firmly held positions in the top ten most published writers in the world. And also the most controversial, since no other writer of the turn of the millennium causes such heated debate and such conflicting assessments - from the `greatest thinker of our days` and even the `chief ideologist of mankind` to `the most exaggerated value of modern literature`.

The new work of the Brazilian author continues the theme of women, begun in the novels `On the banks of the Rio Piedra I sat down and cried`, `Veronica decides to die` and `The Devil and Señorita Prim`. But according to the author himself, Eleven Minutes is `a book that talks about such a subject that can confuse, shock, and hurt`. This is the most frank, the most naturalistic - and the most scandalous of Paulo Coelho's novels.

The new novel is a story about a prostitute named Maria. It is she, a professional priestess of love, who will have to express the author's doubts and thoughts about a problem that has long been ripe in modern society, but about which no one has yet dared to speak openly. “Our civilization has gone somewhere wrong, and it’s not about the ozone hole, it’s not about the destruction of the Amazon forests, it’s not about the extinction of panda bears, it’s not about smoking, it’s not about carcinogenic products and it’s not about the crisis of the prison system, as the newspapers announce. Namely, in the sphere of life where Maria worked - in sex`.

Unlike most literary predecessors, Maria consciously chooses her own life path and honestly admits to herself that she is driven not by need, spiritual emptiness, or a thirst for adventure, but by the desire to understand her own nature. Seeking to understand the physiological and psychological mechanisms that govern relationships between men and women. And a dream to resolve, at least for oneself, the contradiction that is so striking in the eyes, hidden in these very relations.

Eleven minutes. Exactly as long, according to Maria's observations, the average sexual intercourse continues. Sex for many men and women is a drug that allows you to forget about problems, a way of self-affirmation, compensation for an unsatisfied need for intimacy, a boring duty - anything but `body language spoken by the soul`. Ignorance, inability, and even unwillingness to understand the nature of another person (What else is there! Himself!) Lead to the fact that people consciously or against their will, but rob their lives, never finding harmony, not learning to give and receive true pleasure .

To achieve her goal, Mary will have to go through a wide range of bodily sensations, including immersion in the alluring and dangerous world of `pain, suffering and great pleasure`. And discover for yourself that true pleasure is impossible without a sense of intimacy - both physical and spiritual - which only true Love can give a person.

As in all other books by Coelho, in Eleven Minutes, each reader will find a response to their own, important questions for him. But also, as in other works, he will not receive ready-made answers to them. After all, the search for one's own Truth is a purely personal matter. And, perhaps, it is the novel Eleven Minutes that will help someone find spiritual and physical harmony.

Parables are short and entertaining stories express the experience of many generations of lives. Parables about love have always been especially popular. And no wonder - these stories filled with meaning can teach a lot. And the right relationship with a partner, too.

After all, love is a great power. She is able to create and destroy, inspire and deprive of strength, give insight and deprive of reason, believe and be jealous, perform feats and push for betrayal, give and take, forgive and avenge, idolize and hate. So love needs to be handled. And instructive parables about love will help with this.

Where else to draw wisdom, if not in the stories proven over the years. We hope that short stories about love will answer many of your questions and teach harmony. After all, we are all born to love and be loved.

Parable about love, wealth and health

Parable about love and happiness

- Where does love go? - the little happiness asked his father. “She is dying,” said the father. People, son, do not cherish what they have. They just don't know how to love!
Little happiness thought: I'll grow up big and start helping people! Years passed. Happiness grew and became greater.
It remembered its promise and tried its best to help the people, but the people did not hear it.
And gradually Happiness began to turn from a big one into a small and stunted one. It was very afraid that it would not disappear at all, and set off on a long journey to find a cure for its illness.
How long did Happiness go for a short time, not meeting anyone on its way, it only became very bad for him.
And it stopped to rest. I chose a sprawling tree and lay down. I had just dozed off when I heard footsteps approaching.
He opened his eyes and sees: a decrepit old woman is walking through the forest, all in rags, barefoot and with a staff. Happiness rushed to her: - Sit down. You must be tired. You need to rest and refresh.
The old woman's legs buckled, and she literally collapsed into the grass. After a short rest, the wanderer told Happiness her story:
- It's a shame when you are considered so decrepit, but I'm still young, and my name is Love!
- So this is you Love?! Happiness struck. But I was told that love is the most beautiful thing in the world!
Love looked at him attentively and asked:
- And what is your name?
- Happiness.
- That's how? I was also told that happiness should be beautiful. And with these words she took out a mirror from her rags.
Happiness, looking at her reflection, wept loudly. Love sat down to him and gently hugged her hand. What have these people done to us? evil people and fate? - Happiness sobbed.
- Nothing, - said Love, - If we are together and take care of each other, we will quickly become young and beautiful.
And under that sprawling tree, Love and Happiness made their union never to be separated.
Since then, if Love leaves someone's life, Happiness leaves with it, they do not exist separately.
And people still don't get it...

The parable of the best wife

One day, two sailors set off on a journey around the world to find their destiny. They sailed to the island, where the leader of one of the tribes had two daughters. The eldest is beautiful, and the youngest is not very.
One of the sailors said to his friend:
- That's it, I found my happiness, I stay here and marry the leader's daughter.
- Yes, you are right, the eldest daughter of the leader is beautiful, smart. You did right choice- get married.
You don't understand me, friend! I am marrying the chief's youngest daughter.
- Are you crazy? She's like... not so much.
This is my decision and I will do it.
The friend sailed on in search of his happiness, and the groom went to woo. I must say that in the tribe it was customary to give cows for the bride. good bride cost ten cows.
He drove ten cows and approached the leader.
- Chief, I want to marry your daughter and give ten cows for her!
- This a good choice. My eldest daughter is beautiful, smart, and she is worth ten cows. I agree.
No, sir, you don't understand. I want to marry your youngest daughter.
- Are you joking? Can't you see, she's just so... not so good.
- I want to marry her.
- Okay, but as an honest person, I can't take ten cows, she's not worth it. I'll take three cows for her, no more.
- No, I want to pay exactly ten cows.
They merried.
Several years passed, and the wandering friend, already on his ship, decided to visit the remaining comrade and find out how his life is. Sailed, walks along the shore, and towards the woman of unearthly beauty.
He asked her how to find his friend. She showed. He comes and sees: his friend is sitting, the kids are running around.
- How are you?
- I'm happy.
Here comes the same beautiful woman.
- Here, meet me. This is my wife.
- How? Are you married again?
No, it's the same woman.
But how did it happen that she changed so much?
- And you ask her yourself.
A friend approached the woman and asked:
- Sorry for the faux pas, but I remember what you were ... not very much. What happened to make you so beautiful?
- It's just, one day I realized that I was worth ten cows.

The Parable of the Best Husband

One day a woman came to the priest and said:
- You married my husband two years ago. Now separate us. I don't want to live with him anymore.
- What is the reason for your desire to get a divorce? - asked the priest.
The woman explained:
- All husbands return home on time, but my husband is constantly delayed. There are scandals every day because of this house.
The priest, surprised, asks:
- Is this the only reason?
“Yes, I don’t want to live with a person who has such a defect,” the woman replied.
- I'll divorce you, but on one condition. Come back home, bake a big tasty bread and bring it to me. But when you bake bread, do not take anything from the house, and ask your neighbors for salt, water, and flour. And be sure to explain to them the reason for your request,” said the priest.
This woman went home and, without delay, set to work.
She went to a neighbor and said:
- Oh, Maria, lend me a glass of water.
- Have you run out of water? Isn't there a well dug in the yard?
“There is water, but I went to the priest to complain about my husband and asked to divorce us,” that woman explained, and as soon as she finished, the neighbor sighed:
- Oh, if you knew what kind of husband I have! - and began to complain about her husband. After that, the woman went to her neighbor Asya to ask for salt.
- You have run out of salt, are you asking for just one spoon?
“There is salt, but I complained to the priest about my husband, asked for a divorce,” that woman says, and before she had time to finish, the neighbor exclaimed:
- Oh, if you knew what kind of husband I have! - and began to complain about her husband.
So, to whom this woman did not go to ask, from everyone she heard complaints about her husbands.
Finally, she baked a large tasty bread, brought it to the priest and gave it away with the words:
- Thank you, taste my work with your family. Just don't think of divorcing me and my husband.
- Why, what happened, daughter? the priest asked.
- My husband, it turns out, is the best, - the woman answered him.

Parable about true love

Once the teacher asked his students:
Why do people scream when they fight?
“Because they lose their calm,” said one.
- But why shout if the other person is next to you? the Teacher asked. Can't you talk to him quietly? Why scream if you're angry?
The students offered their answers, but none of them satisfied the Teacher.
Finally he explained: - When people are dissatisfied with each other and quarrel, their hearts move away. In order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to shout. The more angry they are, the farther they move away and the louder they shout.
- What happens when people fall in love? They do not shout, on the contrary, they speak softly. Because their hearts are very close, and the distance between them is very small. And when they fall in love even more, what happens? continued the Teacher. – They do not speak, but only whisper and become even closer in their love. - In the end, even whispering becomes unnecessary for them. They just look at each other and understand everything without words.

A story about a happy family

Two families live next door in a small town. Some spouses constantly quarrel, blaming each other for all troubles and finding out which of them is right. And others live together, they have no quarrels, no scandals.
The obstinate hostess marvels at the happiness of her neighbor and, of course, envies her. Says to her husband:
- Go and see how they do it so that everything is smooth and quiet.
He came to a neighbor's house, hid under an open window and listens.
And the hostess just puts things in order in the house. He wipes an expensive vase from dust. Suddenly the phone rang, the woman was distracted, and put the vase on the edge of the table, so much so that it was about to fall. But then her husband needed something in the room. He caught a vase, it fell and broke.
- Oh, what will happen now! the neighbor thinks. He immediately imagined what a scandal would be in his family.
The wife came up, sighed with regret, and said to her husband:
- Sorry honey.
- What are you, honey? This is my fault. I was in a hurry and did not notice the vase.
- I am guilty. So inaccurately put the vase.
- No, it's my fault. Anyway. We would not have had greater misfortune.
The neighbor's heart hurt. He came home upset. Wife to him:
- Something you quickly. Well, what did you see?
- Yes!
- Well, how are they?
- It's all their fault. That's why they don't fight. But we are always right...

A beautiful legend about the importance of love in life

It so happened that different feelings lived on the same island: Happiness, Sadness, Skill ... And Love was among them.
Once Premonition informed everyone that the island would soon disappear under water. Haste and Haste were the first to leave the island in boats. Soon everyone left, only Love remained. She wanted to stay until the last second. When the island was about to go under water, Love decided to call for help.
Wealth sailed on a magnificent ship. Love says to him: "Wealth, can you take me away?" "No, I have a lot of money and gold on my ship. I don't have room for you!"
Happiness floated past the island, but it was so happy that it did not even hear how Love was calling it.
… and yet Love was saved. After her rescue, she asked Knowledge who it was.
- Time. Because only Time can understand how important Love is!

True love story

In one aul there lived a girl of incomparable beauty, but none of the young men wooed her, no one sought her hand. The fact is that once a wise man who lived in the neighborhood predicted:
- Whoever dares to kiss a beauty will die!
Everyone knew that this wise man was never wrong, so dozens of brave horsemen looked at the girl from afar, not even daring to approach her. But then one fine day a young man appeared in the village, who at first sight, like everyone else, fell in love with the beauty. Without a moment's hesitation, he climbed over the fence, came up and kissed the girl.
- Ah! - shouted the inhabitants of the village. - Now he's going to die!
But the young man kissed the girl again, and again. And she immediately agreed to marry him. The rest of the horsemen turned to the sage in bewilderment:
- How so? You, sage, predicted that the one who kissed the beauty would die!
- I don't go back on my words. - answered the sage. But I didn't say exactly when that would happen. He will die sometime later - after many years of a happy life.

A story about a long family life

An elderly couple who were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary were asked how they managed to live together for so long.
After all, there was everything - and difficult times, and quarrels, and misunderstanding.
Perhaps their marriage was on the verge of collapse more than once.
"It's just that in our time, broken things were repaired, not thrown away," the old man smiled in response.

Parable about the fragility of love

Once a wise old man came to a village and stayed to live. He loved children and spent a lot of time with them. He also liked to give them gifts, but he gave only fragile things.
No matter how hard the children tried to be neat, their new toys often broke. The children were upset and wept bitterly. Some time passed, the sage again gave them toys, but even more fragile ones.
One day, the parents could not stand it and came to him:
“You are wise and wish only the best for our children. But why do you give them such gifts? They try their best, but the toys still break and the children cry. But the toys are so beautiful that it is impossible not to play with them.
- Quite a few years will pass, - the old man smiled, - and someone will give them his heart. Maybe this will teach them to handle this priceless gift a little more carefully?

And the moral of all these parables is very simple: love and appreciate each other.

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Sad story about happy love. “Life is still a complicated thing ...” - flashed through my head. “Every person is different, everyone has their own needs and desires. What did he need? My name is John Smith. You will probably laugh at my name, but that is how it really is. My father, Harry Smith, decided to play a trick on his newborn son and call him "that". But I've already calmed down. Such a ridiculous "misunderstanding" did not prevent me from making a career in the police, where the success of solving a case is closely dependent on communicative qualities, and becoming an ordinary civil servant. After finishing my twenty years of police practice, I moved from bustling New York to the quiet provincial town of Roseville and live there to this day. I've been working as a private detective for the last couple of years. Yes, yes, it is I who watch at leisure the unfaithful spouses or the willful daughters of local bigwigs. On this, perhaps, I will finish the preface, and tell you something more interesting than my biography. And I will tell about one unusual guy with whom fate pushed me. Not even like that ... Everything turned out in such a way that he sunk into my soul, but I never saw him. Didn't understand what I mean? Then listen. *** Cold autumn morning. So I didn’t want to get up from a soft warm bed, but “duty calls”. I got a job. A long-awaited job that has been missing for several months. Putting on my rather worn tuxedo, I left the house, hailed a taxi and drove to the cemetery. Fun morning, isn't it? The job was to find out what happened to the guy: an accident or a murder? At the funeral, I will have to interview all the suspects, and then draw up a progress report. A plan had already matured in my head, and tricky questions for the “suspects” clearly stuck in my memory. While driving to the place, I looked at the well-known landscape. The city is quite small and in the 20 years that I have lived here, nothing really has changed. There are no skyscrapers, no advanced technology, only people and nature. Clean air, fresh wind and rustling of yellowish-red leaves on the trees seemed to say: “Autumn has come!” Sleepy, warmly dressed people flashed past, stray dogs and cats, dilapidated houses, yellowish grass on the lawns and other cars and taxis with the same sleepy people. You will think: “How dull everything is!” And I calmly answer: “Everything is in order. I'm used to it." I paid the taxi driver and went towards the "designated place". I have been to the local cemetery so many times, but I still feel uncomfortable. I think it's all because of the dejected people and some kind of oppressive atmosphere that prevails here. I walked along the path with a cigarette in my hand, watching the sidelong glances of people. But somehow I don't care what they think. Finally arrived. What was my surprise when I saw the following picture: a small group of people (5-6 people, including me), a priest and the deceased himself. I was turned over. For a long time I have not been to "this kind" of places, especially at the invitation of complete strangers. I approached the oldest of those present, who, as I assumed, turned out to be parents, expressed my condolences, presented a gift and joined the rest of the guests. There were several people in total: parents (father, mother), the sister of the deceased (5 years old), and 2 young guys (appearing to be 18-20 years old). Well, what is this job? Customers (parents) on principle cannot be suspects, my sister is too small, and the 2 guys sitting next to me look completely “leftist” (at least at first glance). Despite the doom of the situation, I began, at least a little, but to learn about my "client". - Uh, so you want to know about Leito? the guys said. - "Leito"? I asked. “Leito is a nickname given to him at the university. Like in honor of some character from the movie. Yes, Zach? - Yes Yes. And so it was. He just loved to climb on the roofs, and generally kept himself in shape! And also a great player! - answered the second. - Exactly! Not what we are. Look at us - ordinary students from the "computer". Football is poorly developed here, as there are no national teams in our city. And Leito trained every day! - So you are his friends? I began my interrogation. - "Friends"? I don't think so, said the first. - Agree. We were just sent here as "condolences" from the faculty, - added the second. - Jack, don't talk like that! We were kind of “not against”, so we went! Yes, Zach, I'm sorry. And you'll forgive me, mister... - John. Just John. - Leito did not communicate with anyone. He didn’t even have a girlfriend… Although, maybe he did, but he didn’t tell anyone anything,” Jack continued. - It's true, Mr. John. Even if someone wanted to make friends with him or talk to him, he would turn away and “close” himself with a serious face from everyone,” Zak added. - And he was also a master in computer technology! - Yes Yes! Mr. John, can you imagine, he was able to decipher D'Agapeev's cipher in just 4 hours! Although, of course, all this may turn out to be empty rumors. “I think it’s very cool,” I answered, not understanding what he was talking about. - He needed to go to New York or Washington, maybe get a job in some cool company or find himself a football team. Such talent is gone,” Zak finished. - Agree. Sorry guy, - picked up Jack. - Guys. Are you sure you're not his friends? How do you know so much about him? - I asked in amazement. "You won't believe it, Mr. John, but we're kind of his fans," Zak admitted, blushing. - Although we never spoke, but his talent simply could not be ignored. He actually looked like a movie character,” Jack confirmed. Thanks guys for the valuable info. AND last question : What happened to Leito? After a short pause, the guys looked at each other and answered: - Mr. John, no one knows this. He was found in the middle of the street, unconscious. Eyewitnesses checked the pulse and found out that he was dead. It was at night, there were very few people on the streets, and in the dark nothing could be seen at all. Since he did not communicate with anyone, we do not know what happened. This is a mystery that only an experienced detective can solve! - Mr. Smith, guys, come, please! We begin! – Mother Leito called us and we went to her. A cold wind blew. The priest read prayers, mother and little sister did not hold back tears. The father stood at attention, as befits a real man, and, lowering his head, restrained his emotions. Zack and Jack were also grieving, though they didn't show it. After a few minutes, everyone was silent, only a quiet cry was heard from time to time. The lid of the coffin was closed, but before that I saw the face of Leito - a guy whose name I don’t even know ... But I know that he is a strong and talented person, and very lonely. Everyone began to disperse, I promised Leito's parents that I would definitely find out what happened to their son. Then he said goodbye to the guys who, despite being overly enthusiastic about the virtual world, turned out to be great guys. I was left alone. I was overcome by many different feelings, and, lighting another cigarette, I stood by the oak, which stood not far from the grave. Puff after puff. I felt better. His real name could not be seen, the tombstone was covered with a sheet of cloth. Why and why I never asked, but it seems to be a family custom. Quite a strange rite, but it's none of my business. In my head, I thought about my next steps, deciding to go to the scene of the crime first. Having finished smoking a cigarette, I put the cigarette butt in a box so as not to litter and was about to leave, finally taking a look at the fading landscape, when my attention was attracted by a short girl of pretty appearance, who was heading with a confident step towards the grave of Leito. “Really something interesting,” flashed through my head. Convinced that the oak is perfect for surveillance, I began to observe. The girl stood with her head down for several minutes, and then suddenly fell to her knees and began to cry, covering her face with her hands. Because of the distance between us, I couldn't hear clearly what she was saying. The only thing that came to my mind was, “Forgive me, Shin…” After watching the poor girl for a while, I decided to approach her. As expected, a suspicious man coming out of the bushes made her pretty nervous. - Who you are? What you need? cried the tear-stained, frightened girl. "My name is John Smith," I introduced myself. - Do you think I will believe you? she asked in a calmer tone and even smiling slightly. “You are not the first to say so, young lady. Believe me, the name really is ... - I answered a little embarrassed, - I am a detective and I am investigating the case of a guy buried here. You must have encountered him before, judging by your reaction. I heard from his fellow students at the university that he was better known as "Leito". The smile disappeared from the girl's face and, looking down, she began to cry again. - Please don't look at me! - Please tell me what you know. If you share your feelings, it will become much easier for you, I can guarantee you that. Trust the experience of the old policeman. The girl lifted her head and looked up at the sky, leaving tears to flow from her face and drip onto the yellowish grass. After sitting like that for a little less than a minute, she looked at me and said, “Excuse me, Mr. Smith. I didn't even introduce myself. My name is Sarah. I'm Shin's girlfriend... Or rather, she was. It's because of me... It's like this with him... - Don't worry. I will wait until you can continue, do not overpower yourself. I reassured her. - Thank you ... - the girl answered quietly and slowly continued - He was wonderful person. I have never met such people ... He was strikingly different from the "gray mass" even when he was doing ordinary things, every phrase he said left a mark on the soul. I remember them all... - How did you meet him? - Once I just turned on the computer and saw a message: “Do you want to sit on the roof?” I answered: "I want." Then another message came: “Come to the roof of the tallest building in the city. I'm waiting for you, Sarah." You are probably thinking; “Why should she go anywhere, and even to to a stranger and not only on the roof? And rightly so, any other girl would have simply ignored this invitation, and even better would have changed her address. But not me. I don't know exactly what motivated me at that moment. It was like a flash, a beam of light in my head. I did not understand what I was doing, but I knew for sure that this person would not offend me. I felt his loneliness and wanted to help him. I came and saw him... A tall guy with a lotus-shaped tattoo on his shoulder, looking off into the distance. "What is your name?" I called out to him. “Shin,” he answered me with such a sincere smile, in which hope is visible. Hope that his loneliness is not forever. He talked about his life, about how he is fond of computers and football. About how I haven’t talked to anyone for a long time, because I’m shy or just afraid to start a conversation. He smiled so sincerely all the time that I soon fell in love with him. "For a smile?" - you ask. You are mistaken. Just for being there. Shin... The girl looked up at the sky again, a single tear glistening brightly in the autumn sun. She smiled timidly and continued, “He loved heights. Loved more than anything. Each time he invited me to the roof and each time we became closer friend to friend. One day he said: "Sarah, I want to be with you all the time ... Protect you." Then I became his “favorite”. Our meetings did not stop, he said that before we met, he watched me at the university, but was afraid to approach me. We hid our relationship from everyone. On that fateful day, I persuaded him to take a walk and spend time like ordinary couples. She suggested going to a cafe or cinema. He reluctantly agreed. “There are too many people down there,” he said. We walked, he was so cute embarrassed, but I cheered him up. It was late night and we decided to return home. We were walking along the alley, when suddenly some scumbags blocked our way. You know, the kind that specifically look for trouble and ask for a fight. Shin led me behind his back and constantly repeated: “Don't be afraid, I will protect you… Sarah, please don't be afraid! I can handle". He jerked from his place, and a fight began ... I cried and shouted: “Stop!” But no one listened. There were six of them. Shin was suddenly distracted and one of the gang, a buff guy, punched him in the chest. Here in solar plexus... He fell ... I ran up to him, but he didn’t move ... The last thing he said was: “I love you, Sarah ...” He was lying ... no longer breathing ... I just didn’t know what to do ... I was scared ... Those the guys took his computer and disappeared into the dusk of the night. He was lying next to me, there on the alley... But I couldn't do anything... Nothing... I'm nothing! I left him there to die! Sarah screamed and began to cry again. I hugged the girl, calmly listened to the sobs, my jacket gradually got wet. It was autumn outside. Yellow-red leaves swirled around us, as if protecting us from trouble. A cold but fresh wind blew, stirring the faded grass on which we sat. Nature also listened to the sad story of a girl who lost her happiness. My love. *** "Life is still a complicated thing ..." - flashed through my head. “Every person is different, everyone has their own needs and desires. What did he need? The price of everything is loneliness, otherwise it does not work. He just needed a friend. Someone who listens and understands. The one to whom our hero can open up. And he found the one and only, that unique one that he had been looking for all his life. They made each other happy. But, unfortunately, not every fairy tale has a happy ending. Even though everything turned out differently than in “sweet stories about eternal love”, but the memories of those happy days will forever remain in her heart.” After our conversation, the girl went to the police and told everything. The culprits were found, and under my strict supervision, he eventually got what he deserved. I closed this case and after a tedious bureaucratic red tape, I finally started a new one. Sarah has been going to Shin's grave from time to time and planting flowers for several years now. "Which?" - you ask. Only those that grow high in the mountains.

It was over 10 years and 2 children ago. In December 2005, we agreed to meet at the gates of my office after work. I didn’t go out for a godlessly long time (40 minutes from the appointed time), but he still waited. I hope he doesn't regret it. As well as sending me a private message on a popular dating site.

Yes, I was looking. Active, as they say ☺ 43 acquaintances in six months. Anything happened. A Cadillac-driven media mogul, a Hollywood film academy, a freak who bet he would date a new girl every day for a year.

"Hello! Let's go to the cinema?!" I studied the profile. 4.5 years difference in my favor, student. "Are you too young?" - she wrote as she snorted. And he was not embarrassed.

I still remember snow-covered roses, and how he fed me walnuts on the second date and tangerines on the third. You say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach? Ha! Caring is pleasant for everyone ... And a man who knows how to care is the most valuable specimen in the world ...

Two years after we met, about to propose to me, Ilya prepared romantic dinner, hid a ring with a diamond and wanted to ask for a hand in marriage first from my parents (we lived with them then). Here, however, there was a small incident. Potential father-in-law and mother-in-law watched TV, the series was very exciting, and what is happening in real life, could not distract them from the on-screen vicissitudes. The future husband had to persevere on the path to family happiness. Well, or they just heard me sob that "if this goes on, I'll never get married!" ☺

Now we have two children. Daughter 4 years and son 1 year 8 months. The eldest does not yet ask how dad and mom met, believing that we have always been together. But, I think, soon we will tell her this story. It's always nice to remember such moments in life☺

Ksenia and Andrey, together for 9 years

My husband and I met online on a dating site. I don’t even remember what it was called - besides, our sites were definitely different, just with the same database. A friend registered me.

It all started about six months ago. I am in a conversation, there I met a guy. At first, we fought all the time. His sister was added to the conversation. Of course, I didn't know about it yet. We started talking to this girl. She was a good friend. But then she told about her brother Seryozha (I quarreled with him). I liked it. I went to his page and liked his first photo.

Love Story: Babysitter

For as long as I can remember, I have always been very fond of children, these amazing pure creatures, so unlike adults. Everyone knows the legend that angel children in heaven choose their parents. But I believe that earthly, already born children have such a gift.

As it often happens, when you love something very much, fate, as if in mockery, deprives you of it. A terrible car accident deprived me of both parents and the opportunity to have children of my own at the age of 19. Apart from my parents, I had no one, no one. When I returned from the hospital to our empty apartment, I realized with horror that I was left completely alone.

After crying for a couple of weeks, I also realized such a banal thing that I have no money to live on. Job! This is what I need! Work will save me from this abyss of pain, from days in the walls of a dull apartment where grief has settled.
What could comfort me better than a child's laughter? I will babysit!