Congratulations on Uraza Bairam aunt. Beautiful congratulations on Uraza Bayram in verse and prose, short SMS. Congratulations on Uraza Bayram in the Tatar language. Beautiful congratulations on Uraza-Bayram in the Tatar language

Talismans, charms, amulets

Muslims around the world celebrate Eid al-Fitr - Eid al-Fitr. This day marks the end of Ramadan, the month of mercy and forgiveness.

This year, Eid al-Fitr in the regions of Russia and the CIS countries is celebrated either on July 5 or July 6.

The editors of the site "Islam.Ru" congratulates all believers on this blessed day. We wish the brothers and sisters to be cleansed of everything unworthy and meet this great holiday with sincere faith in the Creator.

May the Almighty grant us His blessings in both worlds, strengthen the fraternal ties between people and unite us all for good.

The unity of our Ummah is the key to its prosperity. So let's hold on to the rope of Allah and not be divided!

Traditionally, on the eve of the holiday, the spiritual leaders of Muslims, muftis, make congratulatory addresses to the believers. The portal publishes a selection of similar congratulations

Congratulation of the Mufti of the Republic of Dagestan Sheikh Akhmad-hadji Abdulaev on the holiday of Eid al-Fitr

On behalf of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on the blessed holiday of Eid al-Fitr - Eid al-Fitr!

For every true Muslim, this day is a great one. The Feast of Conversation, which marks the end of the fast, is a real symbol of love for our Creator. “If the people of my ummah knew,” said the Messenger of the Almighty (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), “how great the blessing of Ramadan is, then they would wish Ramadan to last a whole year.” I express my sincere gratitude to the believing people of Tatarstan, who showed due respect to all the prescriptions of the Almighty Allah.

IN last years uraza falls in the summer months, when the air temperature often rises to critically high levels, but, praise be to Allah, this time no obstacles prevented us from paying tribute to the Lord of the Worlds and doing even more merciful deeds for the sake of people in need. And in this regard, it is necessary to always remember the words of our venerable Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa ssalam): “Whoever falls asleep well-fed, knowing that his neighbor is hungry, his faith is flawed and insincere!”.

The Muslims of Tatarstan, who fasted not only in body but also in spirit, meet the holiday of breaking the fast with joy, because, as we know from a reliable hadith: “A fasting person has two joys: one is when he breaks his fast, the other is when he appears before his Lord.”

May all the prayers of those who fast in the month of Ramadan be accepted by the Almighty and people can be cleansed of their sins. Let for every Muslim be the main eternal values ​​of life, to which we aspired, worshiping the Creator in this holy month.

The traditions of Islam, as well as other world religions, are based on the eternal values ​​of justice, kindness, mercy and care for one's neighbor, regardless of a person's nationality and religion. I ask the Almighty Creator to send down His mercy to the people of Tatarstan in both worlds, to help all followers of traditional confessions live in peace and harmony, and to further strengthen our Ummah, enriching it with knowledge and prosperity.

Chairman of the Spiritual Muslim Board of the Republic of Tatarstan, Mufti of the Republic of Tatarstan Kamil Hazrat Samigullin

Dear compatriots, brothers and sisters! On behalf of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on the blessed holiday of Eid al-Fitr - Oraza Bairam!

I express my sincere gratitude to all Crimean Muslims who have shown maximum respect for this holy month. I ask the Almighty to accept all our fasts and good deeds committed in the month of Ramadan.

We Muslims should be an example of integrity, tolerance and wisdom for everyone. We must build bridges of friendship with all the peoples living in Crimea, our main task is peace and prosperity, so that women and children do not shed tears, there are no conflicts and wars. Muslims should walk hand in hand, support each other, be united and mutually respectful.

During the holidays, pay more attention to your family and friends, lend a helping hand to the needy, orphans and the disadvantaged, give alms, visit the sick. May this great holiday warm the hearts of everyone.

May the Almighty accept your fast, your prayers and all the good deeds done in the blessed month of Ramadan, grant forgiveness and mercy, both in this world and in the Eternal.

With all my heart I wish you and your loved ones strong faith, peace of mind, family happiness, good health and prosperity. Amine.

Mufti of Crimea Haji Emirali Ablaev

Dear brothers and sisters! Peace be upon you, mercy and blessings of the Almighty Creator!

I heartily congratulate you, your families, your relatives and friends on the completion of the holy month of Ramadan and the great holiday of Islam - the holiday of breaking the fast "Eid al-Fitr" - "Uraza-Bayram". Festive prayer will be held in all mosques of the district at 6-8 am.

Glory to Allah Almighty, He honored us with good health and fasting in this holy month. We, by His grace and goodness, were able to pass this divine test of faith and the serious practice of mercy and good deeds. Fasting in this holy month helped us realize the value of God's gift of life and the spiritual and moral foundations of human existence in this mortal world.

The holy month of Ramadan was for us a month of spiritual purification and enrichment in the name of Allah Almighty. On these sacred days, more than a billion Muslims around the world spent their time in prayer and fasting, and studied the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran says: "And help each other in kindness and piety, but do not help in sin and enmity." Helping each other to do what we cannot do alone, doing charitable good deeds in the month of Ramadan, we have made, first of all for ourselves, the next step to Paradise. Our life throughout the year will largely depend on how we spent the month of fasting. That is why, during all subsequent months, until the next Ramadan, we must carry in our hearts the feeling of a holiday that we experience during the days of the Eid al-Fitr holiday, the holiday of breaking the fast, Uraza-Bayram.

In these bright days of the end of the fast, we pray the Most Merciful Allah to accept our fasts, prayers, joys and good deeds. May Almighty Allah repeat to all of us these blessed days of Ramadan and blessed holidays in peace and prosperity.

In these joyful days for our ummah, I pray to Allah Almighty for the Almighty Allah to send endless blessings, mercy and blessings to all who follow the righteous path. May peace and joy, happiness and health accompany you!

With kind hearted prayers!

Mufti of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra Tagir hazrat Samatov

Dear brothers and sisters!

With a feeling of sincere joy, I congratulate all of us on the holiday of Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of our beloved holy Ramadan. On the morning of July 5, together with Muslims from all over the world, we will read a festive prayer, congratulate each other, our relatives, neighbors and friends with the wishes of good from Allah in all matters. We will try to visit as many of our loved ones as possible so that fraternal ties in the Muslim Ummah are strengthened and peace and prosperity reign in our society.

The month of fasting has passed. We fulfilled the precepts of Islam by abstaining from food and drink, bad deeds and bad intentions. Unlike other months, we tried to do more good deeds, but not in order to “relax” later, but in order to try not to lower the spiritual bar in the future. Ramadan is a month of self-improvement, and after its completion it is not worthwhile for us to slide down from the achieved levels of iman, sincerity and piety.

Dear brothers and sisters! On behalf of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of the Volga region, I congratulate you on the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, wish peace to your families, peace of mind to your hearts, good relations with your parents and loved ones.

May peace be upon you, the mercy of Allah and His favor!

Mufti of the Saratov region Mukaddas-khazrat Bibarsov

The Spiritual Administration of Muslims of St. Petersburg and the North-Western Region of Russia welcomes all faithful Muslims and appeals to Almighty Allah to grant us all His endless bounty and mercy on these Blessed days of the month of Ramadan. May this holy month bring peace, goodness, prosperity and spiritual purification to everyone.

These days we pray and glorify the Supreme Creator. Lent is a time when a person sympathizes and sympathizes with those who need our support and our help, showing mercy and compassion. Truly, self-improvement does not happen without difficulties and without patience, and in the month of Ramadan our tolerance, our fortitude, willpower and the depth of our Faith are tested. I sincerely wish all Muslims to send down mercy, blessings of the Almighty, peace and prosperity to our country - Great Russia!

I pray to Almighty Allah to accept our Fast, forgive our sins, open the gates of Paradise to us and protect us from the fire of Hell! I hope that we will keep all the best that we have acquired this month throughout the year and all our future lives. AMEN!

With good prayers Mufti of St. Petersburg and the North-West region of Russia,imam-khatib of St. Petersburg Cathedral MosqueRavil-khazrat Pancheev

Dear co-religionists, Muslim brothers and sisters! I sincerely congratulate you on one of the two greatest holidays of Islam - the Feast of Conversation or Orozo - Ait! May Allah accept all our good prayers and deeds, our fasting and alms that we donated during Holy Ramadan, and reward us for our efforts! I pray to the Almighty that peace, prosperity and legality reign on our land, and that the blood of innocent people cease to be shed in different parts of the planet, that troubles, strife and wars become a thing of the past, and people turn their thoughts to a pure and righteous . Allah Almighty said in the Holy Quran: “Obey Allah and the Messenger, so that you may be pardoned. And strive for forgiveness from your Lord and for a paradise whose width is like the heavens and the earth, and which is prepared for the God-fearing, those who make sacrifices in joy and sorrow, restrain anger and forgive people. And Allah loves those who do good” (Surah “The Family of Imran”, verses 132-134).

During the celebration of Eid al-Fitr, I rejoice endlessly for our community - the Muslims of Kyrgyzstan - and I am proud of you, dear brothers and sisters. In itself, fasting in our climatic conditions is not an easy test, but despite this, our fellow believers not only passed it with honor, but also increased their social activity: they were engaged in charity and education, raising high the banner of the humanistic mission with which our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has come. Muslim hospitality, cordiality, decency, willingness to help and support - the best calling card of Islam and Ramadan - best time in order to present it. This will be following the Sunnah of our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), who said: “Be the messengers of joy, and do not push away from yourself, make it easier, and do not create difficulties” (Sahih al-Bukhari).

Let me once again sincerely congratulate you on the holiday and wish you strong faith, health and prosperity.

Mufti of Muslims of Kyrgyzstan Maksatbek azhy Toktomushev

Eid al-Fitr is the holiday of the end of the fast in the month of Ramadan (Ramadan). On this day, it is customary to gather at the festive table with loved ones, give gifts and congratulate each other. We share our congratulations on the occasion of the holiday.

Uraza 2018 falls on June 15th. Celebrations, games and treats continue until the moment when Uraza ends. This happens after 2 or 3 days, which are usually official holidays.

If you want to congratulate relatives and colleagues on this day, take note of these congratulations:

Congratulations on Eid al-Fitr and I want to sincerely wish that your prayers were heard by Allah, that there were the best delicacies on the table, and that light and harmony reigned in the house, so that the heart would rejoice at the guests, and the soul would be filled with wisdom, sincerity and mercy.
So the long-awaited day of Eid al-Fitr has come. May a bright and joyful streak begin in your life with him. I wish you unlimited health to your family and joyful smiles to your loved ones. Give support and attention on this day, and others will respond in kind.
Congratulations on a clean day of Eid al-Adha! I wish you happiness, true love and peace of mind. May your table be overflowing with your favorite delicacies on this great holiday, and your heart filled with happiness and grace. May prosperity come to your family. May parents have eternal health, and children - carefree fun! With conversation!
On this bright holiday, please accept my congratulations and heartfelt wishes of good luck and joy. May there never be quarrels in your family, your loved ones will not need anything, and there will always be a lot of treats on the table on a holiday. I wish to say sincere prayers that Allah will hear, and do good deeds that the Almighty will not disregard.

On the day of Eid al-Fitr, I wish you boundless joy and happiness! May this and every next day be filled with kindness and honesty. I wish fate to give you and your family everything that you dreamed of. Let everyone you love gather at the table on this joyful day, and laughter and fun will not cease in the house.
Congratulations on Eid al-Fitr! Know this day the grace and mercy of the Almighty. May your soul open to goodness, and your heart to love. I wish you to forget about worries and sorrows on this day and enjoy a joyful holiday that gives hope and faith in the best!
Congratulations on the holiday of breaking the fast - Eid al-Adha! I wish the table to be full and varied, respect and honesty rule in the family, and you and your family on this and every other day feel joy, warmth and the power of faith!
Happy Eid al-Fitr! Let this day in your destiny become the starting point for a new beginning, inspiration and doing good deeds! I want Allah to send you life path good friends, true love and a strong family that will become a support!

From the bottom of my heart I send congratulations on the great and pure holiday of Eid al-Adha! May the feast in the house never stop, laughter never subsides, and joyful smiles never leave their faces! I wish the farewell to the Holy Month to be a success!
We say goodbye to Ramadan and meet the long-awaited holiday of Eid al-Fitr. I sincerely wish you spiritual development, the ability to find goodness in people, and happiness in life, to help and accept help, to believe and receive an answer to your prayers! Let everyone new day gives strength to continue life's journey and not stop there!
Congratulations to everyone on Eid al-Adha! I wish you endless well-being, sincere love in your heart and strong faith in your soul. Let your festive table will be full of treats, and the guests will bring goodness and grace. Health, good luck and bright thoughts on this day!
Congratulations on the end of Ramadan and the arrival of Eid al-Fitr! May Allah accept your prayers on this bright and hopeful day and answer them with harmony and happiness that will forever settle in your soul. I wish you patience, strength and faith!

So Uraza Bayram has come - a holiday of beauty, fun and renewal. Do not forget to share this long-awaited day with those who are dear to you. And may there always be a lot of treats on your table, and may the hearts of the guests be filled with hope and faith.
On the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, I wish you to keep the youth of your soul, respect your relatives, appreciate your friends and give your kindness and love to everyone around you. May your homes be filled with light and laughter, and your hearts with grace and joy! Happy holiday!
Finishing the month of Ramadan, we not only say goodbye to fasting, but also begin a new page in our lives. At this time, it's time to forgive past grievances and anxieties, thank dear people and surrender to joy and happiness! Thank you for sharing the coming day with me and staying by my side on a difficult life path!
Let Eid al-Fitr be the beginning of a bright streak in life for you. Help others, give love, honor parents, nurture children! Let quarrels and sorrows always bypass the house, and let the family hearth never cease to give warmth. May the Almighty bless you and send grace to all who have gathered at the festive table today!

Happy Eid al-Fitr! On this day, we let go of painful thoughts and open our hearts to pure intentions and actions. I wish you never stumble on the path of life, glorify Allah and appreciate those who are faithful and dear to you.
I congratulate everyone on the long-awaited and joyful day of breaking the fast! May your life be full of happiness, prosperity, happy moments and sincere smiles, and may Allah protect your soul from dark thoughts and deeds! Let's glorify the holy day of Eid al-Adha!
Hooray! The fast has ended and the long-awaited day of breaking the fast has come - Eid al-Adha! Eat, walk and have fun on this day! May your eyes shine with happiness on this day, and your loved ones please with their support! I sincerely congratulate you and your guests on the great bright holiday!

These congratulations in prose will be a pleasant reminder for your loved ones that you do not forget about them on the bright holiday of Eid al-Fitr.

And how do you prefer to please friends and family on this day?

Every Muslim from year to year looks forward to one of the most important holidays of Islam. On June 4, 2019, at sunset, the holy fast of Ramadan will end and the feast of breaking the fast will come, which is called Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Fitr.

Uraza Bayram in 2019 will last from the evening of Tuesday June 4 to Wednesday June 5. On this day, the holy month of Ramadan ends, and with the onset of the new moon, devout Muslims around the world happily congratulate each other with the words: “Eid Mubarak!” (Blessed holiday!). In most Muslim countries, Eid al-Fitr is considered a day off and it is forbidden to work.

To know exactly when the month of Ramadan (Ramazan, Uraza) ends in 2019 and Uraza Bayram begins, follow the announcements of the Muftiates of your regions of residence and follow them, avoiding disputes and disagreements. The difference in dates can be one day, since the earth is round and when it is day in one hemisphere, it is night in the other.

Before the onset of the holiday and throughout Uraz Bayram itself, obligatory donations are collected, which subsequently go to the poor. The ritual of offering alms is one of the foundations of the Muslim faith. In addition, every Muslim on this day performs ablution, dresses up in festive clothes and visits the mosque for common prayer. Only once a year in all the mosques of the world they read a special prayer - Eid-namaz.

Uraza Bayram is a family holiday. On this bright day for Muslims, all relatives try to get together, not to leave anywhere, since it is believed that the souls of the dead on this day return to their homes. On this day, gifts are given, neighbors treat each other. In the morning, before prayer, Muslims perform rites of purification (taharat). This is not only sanitary and hygienic cleanliness and external neatness, but also purity of thoughts. Be sure to remember all the dead relatives, go to their graves, read prayers. Families who have lost relatives this year arrange a day of remembrance for their souls with the invitation of relatives, relatives, neighbors and mullahs.

Can a Christian congratulate a Muslim on Uraza Bayram, how to congratulate

Today, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr, in connection with which it is noteworthy that some Orthodox brothers and sisters consider it possible to congratulate their Muslim acquaintances on the holiday. Note, not with the personal holiday of these acquaintances, but with the religious holiday of Islam (in accordance with the faith of Islam, it was on this day that Allah revealed the first verses of the Koran to the false prophet Muhammad).

"Don't be intolerant," someone will say, "a Christian should be an example of love for others."

But love and unscrupulousness with hypocrisy are not synonymous. We love Muslims, but categorically do not accept false Islamic teachings. They deny Christ, blaspheme the Holy Trinity. We cannot congratulate them on this, we cannot betray Christ!

“Who is a liar if not one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the Antichrist who rejects the Father and the Son. Anyone who rejects the Son does not have the Father either; but he who confesses the Son also has the Father” (1 John 2:22-23), says the Apostle. The congratulation is actually a support for the anti-Christian tradition, its indirect approval. It is impossible to congratulate with what is contrary to your beliefs, Truth and truth.

More about the difference between Christianity and other monotheistic religions:

Is it the same God for us and non-Christians?

You can also hear this argument:

“I congratulate my Muslim friends for the sake of politeness, and they themselves are “national” Muslims, they don’t really understand their dogma.”

If people treat God superficially and religion is only a generic attribute for them, then this is no reason to follow their delusions. We will not congratulate the drug addict on the anniversary of the injection of the needle, because. We understand that he is destroying his body. Why should we easily indulge those who destroy their souls?

It will be the height of cynicism to wish a person a happy path, knowing that he is on a false, disastrous path. So why, in the matter under consideration, should we slyly call this observance of etiquette, good neighborliness and peacefulness?

Another example. Suppose there are people who think the earth is square. They have a holiday dedicated to this. Will you be able to congratulate them on the Square Earth Holiday without feeling embarrassed by the idiocy of the situation? After all, you know very well that this is a lie... The founders of Islam fundamentally distorted the Divine Revelation, rolled back in the knowledge of God to the Old Testament times, why should we so calmly play the vile game offered to us?

In conclusion. Do not be embarrassed if Muslims congratulate you on Easter (although the Koran says “and they did not kill him and did not crucify him, but it only seemed to them”), because they subconsciously feel that Christ is truly Risen!

In addition to what has been said, I quote from the book of the priest Daniil Sysoev and his article:

“…Traditional religion or non-traditional. Traditionally, a person hanged himself or unconventionally blew himself up on a grenade - what's the difference? Still died. If a person goes to hell, it does not matter whether he goes because he adheres to Islam or because he was a member, for example, of some sect like Jehovah's Witnesses. The main thing is that it dies. And this is the worst thing that can happen to a person...

For the Fathers of the Church, there was no difference between traditional and non-traditional denominations. Holy Scripture divides religions on only one principle: one is true, all the rest are false. There is one path that leads to God. The Lord said:

“I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me” (John 14:6). And there are many ways invented by the devil that lead to death ...

Why does such a deceitful approach exist today in the religious question? Because the very essence of religion lies in the fact that it is necessary to raise the question not about the traditional or non-traditional nature of this or that religion, but about its truth. And this approach is an attempt to describe religion as a social institution, and nothing more. This is not allowed in the Church. We must be at peace with all people, we must cooperate in the cause of peace with representatives of other religions, but we are only talking about a formal peace, so that, as St. John Chrysostom said, there would not be a general war of all against all.

But in no case should we destroy people under this pretext, because if we do not preach to Tatars or Chechens, Jews or Kazakhs, because they are members of “traditional confessions”, then we will show diabolical inhumanity towards them. After all, it turns out terrible racism: people of Turkic blood or Caucasians seem to be unworthy of salvation because of their nationality. This is discrimination in the worst possible way.”

Congratulations to Muslims on Uraza Bayram

Muslims, the holy day has come,
You find a cheerful berth in your heart,
So that from this moment and forever and ever,
Allah's love warmed the soul!

So that peace and harmony reign in the house,
And there was no disagreement in it!
May your conscience be clear like Islam,
WITH wonderful holiday Eid al Adha!

The brightest holiday of Uraza-Bayram
For all faithful and dear and desirable
The arduous feat of Muslims has been accomplished
The holy month of Ramadan has passed.

Now the holiday of unity and love
Almighty bless us all
We want to wish everyone this holiday
Health, happiness and do not lose heart

So that in your house the smell would be food,
So that everyone gives alms to the poor
And so that no one can spoil your holiday.

Muslims gathered around the table
The great holiday is celebrated together
Hospitably the doors are open to every house,
Guests are eagerly awaited today.

Today is a holiday, congratulations,
May Uraza Bayram bring you pleasure,
May Allah protect you
May mercy never leave you.

Traditions of the holiday of Uraza Bayram

The holiday of Uraza Bayram 2019 begins on the last evening of Ramadan (the evening of June 3) and lasts three days of the next month, which is called Shawwal.

It is believed that the tradition of celebrating the end of the fast in Ramadan for three days was founded by the Prophet Muhammad. First, Muslims gather for a common prayer, and then proceed to a festive meal, to which neighbors and friends are invited, including representatives of other faiths and atheists.

The fact is that Eid al-Fitr is an interfaith holiday: the followers of Islam believe that Allah sends mercy to all people, regardless of their faith. The interfaith meal on Eid al-Fitr is a continuation of the tradition of iftars (night breaks) with non-Muslims during Ramadan.

Morning next day(in 2019 this is the morning of June 4) also begins with a collective prayer, for which people, wearing festive clothes, gather in the main mosque. You can also pray near the mosque, but always with fellow believers.

In places where the holiday is celebrated, impromptu markets are usually set up, selling incense, jewelry, sweets and religious literature. After a collective prayer, believers go home and again proceed to festive feasts, where the main dishes are meat (mainly lamb) and meat delicacies, as well as sweets and fruits.

It is customary to give meat and sweets to poor members of the community so that everyone, regardless of wealth, can celebrate the end of the fast at a richly laid table. Naturally, there is no alcohol on the tables - in Islam it is strictly prohibited.

Dear Makhachkala residents!

I heartily congratulate you on the upcoming Eid al-Fitr!

This is one of the main holidays of Islam, symbolizing the end of the holy month of Ramadan. It reminds us of enduring values ​​in the life of a person and society, calls for purity of soul and unity, showing care and attention to relatives and friends, mercy and compassion for all those in need, is a symbol of the triumph of high spiritual qualities and moral standards.

These days, all our hopes and thoughts are turned to the Almighty, so that he would grant us his generosity, help us choose the truly right path. May the bright holiday of Eid al-Fitr bring warmth and joy, mutual understanding, peace, prosperity and prosperity to every home!

I wish you good health, happiness, peace and good luck in all your good endeavors!

And about. Heads of Administration
Makhachkala M. Suleymanov

Dear Muslims!

I sincerely congratulate all of you on the end of the holy month of Ramadan for all Muslims!

This month passes for believers under the sign of moral improvement, serving the faith, doing good deeds and helping those in need. May the holiday of Uraza Bayram, as its logical conclusion, bring peace, harmony, love and happiness to every home and every family! May the spiritual capital accumulated by you in the holy month of Ramadan be preserved and multiplied many times over by your efforts!

I wish you good health, spiritual purification, new pious deeds, well-being and success!

General Director of OJSC "Medical Center named after R.P. Askerkhanov" Gamid Askerkhanov

Dear fellow believers, brothers and sisters!

I greet you on the days of the end of the month of Ramadan, which have a special meaning in the life of every Muslim.

This holiday is directly related to the ideas of spiritual improvement. On this day, it is necessary to do good deeds, show concern for others and compassion for those in need. A person with pure thoughts and the soul of a true Muslim can multiply the amount of goodness in the world many times over. May our fasting and all pious deeds be accepted by the Almighty! May all our good prayers and wishes come true!

I wish Muslims deep and sincere faith, appropriate deeds and true happiness in both worlds!

Head of MR "Babayurtovsky District" Daday Daveteev

Dear brothers and sisters!

I congratulate you on the bright holiday of Eid al-Fitr, which ends Ramadan - the month of spiritual perfection and piety, the month of mercy.

I wish your thoughts to be pure and sincere, as befits the thoughts of a true Muslim, so that your deeds bring light and good to those in need and suffering! May your life be filled with the blessings acquired during this holy month!

May the Almighty grant each of you and all together peace, prosperity, good health and success in good deeds!

Head of MR "Botlikh District" Magomed Patkhulaev

Dear Dagestanis!

On behalf of the administration of the municipality "Buinaksky district" and the district assembly, I cordially congratulate you on one of the most important Muslim holidays - Eid al-Fitr!

I believe that on this holiday, all your prayers and fasting, all pious deeds and good intentions will not go unnoticed.

May the spiritual capital accumulated by you in the holy month of Ramadan be preserved and multiplied many times over!

May the holiday of Uraza Bayram bring warmth and joy, harmony and prosperity, peace and prosperity to every home, every family!

With all my heart I wish you good health, good deeds, success, happiness!

Head of the municipality "Buinaksky district" Daniyal Shikhsaidov

Dear Muslims!

I sincerely congratulate you on the completion of the holy month of Ramadan and the beginning of Eid al-Fitr! They reflect the centuries-old traditions of Islam, its high moral ideals - spiritual purification, peacefulness and mercy, and doing good deeds. These values ​​are equally close and understandable to people of all faiths, historically serve as the basis of peace and harmony. May Eid al-Fitr reward us all with peace of mind and self-confidence, give new energy and inspiration for creative work.

In these holidays I sincerely wish that warmth and joy, harmony and kindness, peace and prosperity enter every home and every family!

With best wishes, Zaydin Dzhambulatov, Rector of the Dagestan State Agrarian University

Dear brothers and sisters!

I heartily congratulate you on the end of the blessed month of Ramadan for all Muslims and the bright holiday of Eid-ul-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr)! May your sincere prayers be accepted by the Almighty in the month of Ramadan, may He honor you with His mercy and forgiveness! Find the strength to forgive insults and do good! May your life pass in harmony and contentment, may there be enough modesty in your disposition and your children.

Yours faithfully,
Head of MR "Dokuzparinsky district"

Dear Dagestanis! Glorious Eid al-Fitr - it's time to show mercy and love for each other! We wish you to spend this day with dignity and be as close as possible to your brothers and sisters! Happiness, peace and prosperity!

Rose Valley Garden Center Team
Makhachkala st. Omarova, 141 8-928-677-72-03, 8-800-555-16-52
Derbent 8-988-777-99-46

Dear Muslims of Dagestan!
Allow me, on behalf of the staff of the administration of the municipality of the city of Izberbash, to congratulate you on the blessed and bright holiday of Eid al-Fitr! This month is a test for a person from the Almighty. When a person has everything, by abstaining from food and drink during the daytime, unkind thoughts and deeds, he cultivates willpower and strengthens iman. When a person helps another, he rejoices, feeling truly heavenly joy. I wish you, dear brothers and sisters, that you all feel this heavenly joy! Peace to your home and prosperity to your families!
Head of the GO "city of Izberbash", chairman of the city meeting
Islamali Bagomedov

Dear brothers and sisters! I cordially congratulate all Muslims on the bright holiday that is taking place these days - Eid al-Fitr, on the completion of the Fasting month of Ramadan. We have lived a month that has become for us a month of spiritual cleansing, the accomplishment of charitable deeds, the forgiveness of sins. Almighty Allah commands us to be constant in our worship, therefore, even after the end of Ramadan, we should not stop our worship and diligence. I pray the Almighty to accept our fast, forgive our sins, send prosperity and well-being, peace and tranquility to all the Russian people and our families. And may peace, the mercy of Allah and His favor be upon us! Happy Eid al-Fitr! Founder of the First Charitable Foundation Saygidhuseyn Magomedov

Dear brothers and sisters!
I sincerely congratulate you on the blessed holiday of Eid al-Fitr.
The month of Ramadan, the month of peace and good deeds, has ended, during which we observed a religious fast, abstained from bad thoughts and were merciful.
It is mercy and sympathy for the neighbor in his troubles and labors, visiting relatives and friends, supporting the sick and the needy - the main meaning of this holiday.
I am confident that the universal human values ​​of Islam will continue to make a significant contribution to strengthening the unity and harmony of the peoples of Dagestan.
In these bright days, may the Almighty accept our fast, our prayers and forgive us our sins. May the bonds of kinship and good neighborliness be strengthened. May the spiritual acquisitions of the best month bring joy and goodness to every home.
I wish you all peace and happiness, health and prosperity!
Head of the municipality "Karabudakhkent region"K.Isaev

On the days of the bright holiday of Eid al-Fitr, I hasten with all my heart to convey congratulations to all Muslims of Dagestan! The month of Ramadan brings all fasting people together through good deeds and sincerity of prayer. This time of spiritual rebirth, uniting families and peoples, is able to bring peace and prosperity. May our good prayers and wishes come true, may the Almighty grant us all peace and joy, happiness and health, success and prosperity, mercy and prosperity!

With sincere respect, Head of MR "Kayakent district" Jalil Alatsiyev

Dear faithful of Dagestan!

I greet you on the days of the completion of the month of Ramadan, which is the most blessed for every Muslim, and I congratulate you on the onset of the bright holiday of breaking the fast - Eid al-Fitr! May goodness, prosperity and prosperity always reign in your homes! It is customary to celebrate this day not just with a rich feast, but with obligatory good deeds for everyone, showing attention and compassion to those who need support and help. To all who have passed this spiritual test and purification, my wishes of peace, joy, health and well-being!

With respect and love, Yusup Magomedov, Head of Laksky District MR

Dear Muslims of Dagestan, brothers and sisters!

Light and good holiday Eid al-Fitr has ended the holy month of Ramadan. I heartily congratulate you, your families and household members on the end of the blessed month of fasting, during which every believer was given a good opportunity to grow spiritually through fasting, subdue passions, strive for piety, and help those in need. I wish you all peace, peace of mind and happiness!

Head of MR "Levashinsky District" Magomedgadzhi Magomedov

Dear Dagestanis!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the holiday of Eid al-Fitr! An important component of this day is mercy, love for one's neighbor. Therefore, I want to wish you to remain open to kindness and compassion even in the most difficult moments! Let not only material well-being come to your homes, but also the joy of creation, and true family values!

With cordial greetings and kind prayers, Minister for physical education and sports Magomed Magomedov

Dentist Sabina Adilova Congratulates you on Eid al-Fitr!

Happy Eid-ul-Fitr!

Any occasion is good to remember each other and wish happiness.

So let the holiday of breaking the fast - Eid al-Fitr be such an occasion!

Good luck to you, dear friends!

another chance to change everything...

Dear Dagestanis!

I sincerely congratulate you on the kindest and brightest holiday of Eid al-Fitr!

Uraza Bairam is a test given to man by the Almighty. A person who has the opportunity to spend his life in satisfying the needs of the body, but refrains from food and drink during the daytime, from unkind thoughts and deeds, first of all cultivates willpower in himself, strengthens iman. A person who helps another person feels truly heavenly joy. I wish you, dear brothers and sisters, that you all feel this heavenly joy! May prosperity and tranquility, happiness and striving for good deeds be in your homes!

Head of the Rutul District Municipality Davud Suleymanov

Dear Dagestanis!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the blessed and bright holiday of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan!

May this day bring peace and harmony, love and happiness to every home, may all the blessings you acquired during the days of spiritual purification remain in it! May those good deeds and thoughts that were laid down by you in this sacred month accompany you throughout your life! I wish Muslims deep and sincere faith, relevant deeds and prosperity!

Head of MR "Sergokalinsky district" Magomed Omarov

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the end of the blessed month of Ramadan and the bright holiday of Eid al-Fitr! May the holiday bring peace, harmony, love and happiness to every home and every family! May all your prayers, pious deeds and good intentions not go unnoticed on this holiday. We wish you good health, spiritual purification, new pious deeds, prosperity and success!

Dentistry SMILE

Congratulates you on the blessed and bright holiday of Eid al-Fitr. May the Almighty accept your fasts, prayers and all good deeds performed in the holy month of Ramadan! May the blessings you have acquired during this month stay with you forever. We wish you deep and sincere faith, appropriate deeds and true happiness!

Dear Muslims of Dagestan!

Congratulations on the onset of the bright holiday of breaking the fast - Eid al-Fitr! This holiday marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of spiritual perfection and piety, the month of mercy. It is customary to celebrate Eid al-Adha not only with a rich feast, but also with good deeds, showing attention and compassion to those in need, and supporting one's neighbor. May the Almighty accept your fasting, your prayers and all good deeds. We wish you good health and prosperity!

Team of the Republican Urological Center

The staff of the company "Finkrovlya" congratulates all Muslims on the holy holiday of Eid al-Fitr.

May Allah Almighty accept your fasting, prayers and good deeds. May Iman be strengthened in your hearts and houses be illuminated with the light of Islam!

Dear countrymen!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the end of the blessed month of Ramadan for all Muslims and the bright holiday of Eid al-Fitr! May the Almighty accept your fasts and prayers uttered in this blessed month, and may he reward many times over for all the good deeds performed on these holy days! May Allah bless you and your families with health and happiness! And may there be prosperity, peace and tranquility on the entire planet and on our native land!

Head of the Charodinsky District Municipality Magomedgadzhi Ibragimov

I congratulate all the Muslims of Dagestan on the advent of the bright holiday of breaking the fast - Eid al-Adha! The month of Ramadan is a month of testing the strength of our iman and our piety. This holiday marks the end of the month of mercy, spiritual perfection and piety. I am sure that this is how - in prayers and good deeds - you lived this sacred time.

I congratulate you on this bright holiday, I wish you peace, happiness and tranquility throughout the world. May Allah grant that only joy comes to every home, that we all love Allah Almighty, His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) and each other.

Yours faithfully, General Director of OAO ChirkeyGESstroy Mukhudin Mukhudinov

On the holy holiday of Eid al-Fitr, every Muslim is waiting for congratulations in his address. Worthy wishes with the end of the Ramadan fast can be picked up both in beautiful verses and in sincere prose. Among the citizens of Russia, the most relevant options are congratulations on Eid al-Adha 2019 in Russian, Tatar, Turkish. Most best regards for the holiday of Eid al-Fitr 2019 in various formats, including SMS messages, we tried to collect in the next article.

Beautiful congratulations on Eid al-Fitr 2019 in Russian in verse

In search of the most beautiful congratulations on Eid al-Fitr 2019, you should pay attention to the wishes in verses in Russian. Such options can also be attributed to universal congratulations for Russian-speaking Muslims. Examples of beautiful poems with wishes for Eid al-Fitr 2019 are collected in the selection below.

Options for beautiful congratulations on Eid al-Fitr 2019 in verse in Russian

Ramadan said goodbye to us
Bright holiday at the gate,
We meet Uraza Bayram,
Great joy awaits us!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Happy holiday my friends
I wish you health
Happiness, joy, love!

I am congratulations
I give you today
In honor of the big holiday,
Eid al Adha.
You've been fasting for so long
Reading your Quran.
And pray sincerely
In the month of Ramadan.
Now everyone can
Eat heartily.
I wish to enjoy
Table and do not rush.
Let your holiday pass
Warmly, among the family.
Accept congratulations
Today you are mine.

For us today is a real holiday,
Beautiful, very well-fed and brilliant,
May the true Creator be glorified,
What gave us the land - an amazing palace!
There is a house, food and a friendly family,
Love, like a miracle in everything,
We thank Him for everything now
We silently say prayer in the temple!
And whoever needs it, we will always help,
And we will do everything we can for them.
I congratulate you on the holiday, friends,
We cannot live without God!

Universal congratulations on Eid al-Fitr 2019 in verse - short options for wishes

Short poems with wishes for Eid al-Fitr 2019 are another version of universal congratulations on this bright holiday. They are great for both verbal wishes and for sending by e-mail. You will find the best universal congratulations in short verses from Uraza Bairam below.

Short versions of universal congratulations in verses for the holiday of Eid al-Adha 2019

On a glorious holiday, clean, bright
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
In Uraza Bayram, let thoughts
They will be clear and pure.
Your house will be peaceful
Close ones live in happiness.
In faith strong and deep
Find inspiration.

Uraza Bayram has come,
The post is over, congratulations
I wish to live life in abundance,
Harmony, I wish you happiness.
Let the lights burn on this day
I wish you success, understanding
I wish all dreams come true
I wish you not to know loss and despair.

Holiday today Uraza Bayram.
Quran is read in mosques everywhere.
People are full of fun and happiness.
They praise Allah with the Prophet.
Everyone is happy today. May it always be so!
Eid al Adha! Eid Mubarak!

Short congratulations on Eid al-Fitr 2019 in prose - the best selection of options

As an alternative to congratulations in verse, you can choose short wishes in prose for Eid al-Fitr 2019. Such options are especially relevant during the celebration at the common table and can easily replace thematic toasts. The next collection contains best examples short congratulations in prose for Eid al-Fitr 2019.

A selection of short congratulations in prose for Eid al-Fitr 2019

Congratulations on the bright holiday of Uraza Bayram! I wish you peace, prosperity and love. May your table on this day be full of delicious delicacies, and your soul - happiness! Prosper and live long, may the children always be healthy and cheerful. Happy Breaking the Fast!

Congratulations on Uraza Bayram. I wish you a clear conscience, pure thoughts, pure hopes. May Allah protect you and your family from troubles, may the kindness of your heart help your loved ones and good people May there always be a holiday in your house - a holiday of love, respect, happiness and good joy.

I congratulate you on the holiday of Uraza Bayram and from the bottom of my heart I wish to open the doors to new happiness, open my soul to new good deeds, never forget about mercy and honor, always go through life with good hope and a clear conscience.

Funny congratulations in your own words for the holiday of Eid al-Adha 2019 - options

Another cool option congratulations in prose for the holiday of Eid al-Adha 2019 - wishes in your own words. As a rule, these are one of the most sincere and touching options that are always relevant for everyone. Best congratulations in this format for Eid al-Fitr 2019 you will find in the following selection.

Cool options for congratulations in your own words on the holiday of Eid al-Adha 2019

Eid Mubarak. I wish you a happy Uraza Bayram holiday. May the purity of your thoughts and the kindness of your heart respond in the joy and well-being of your life. I wish health to all your family, true friends and sincere love. May Allah grant strength and patience, as well as bright hope and joy of the soul.

Let me sincerely congratulate you on the end of the month of Ramadan, the holiday of Uraza-Bayram. May Allah accept your prayers on this blessed day. I want to wish patience, perseverance and well-deserved happiness!

On the bright and joyful holiday of Uraza Bayram, I wish you pure thoughts and good desires of the heart, generous alms and wonderful gifts, a rich and delicious table, at which the dearest and closest people will gather, sincere fun and happiness of the soul.

Congratulations on Eid al-Fitr 2019 in Tatar with translation - a selection of options

In Russia for a large number Muslims have Tatar as their native language, so the following options for congratulations on Uraza Bairam 2019 will be relevant for them. If you do not speak Tatar, then their translation into Russian will help you choose a worthy wish from the following selection.

A selection of congratulations on Eid al-Fitr 2019 in Tatar with translation

Mübarek Ramazan Bayramını sevdiklerinizle beraber sağlıklı ve huzur içinde geçirmenizi dileriz. Bayram tum insanlığa hayırlı olsun!

Congratulations on the holy holiday of Ramadan Bayram. May it pass in the circle of loved ones, in health and joy. Happy Holidays to all mankind!