Uraza Bayram - congratulations on the holiday in Tatar, Russian and Turkish in prose, pictures and short SMS. Eid al-Adha: congratulations in prose Happy Eid al-Adha

love spells

Eid al Adha - great holiday Muslims in honor of the departure of the holy Ramadan. It is also called the sacred holiday of breaking the fast, Eid al-Fitr. For all Islamists, it carries a spiritual experience and farewell to fasting. Therefore, on this day for believers festive mood It is customary to share with the taste of a variety of hearty meals. Fasting on the holiday is prohibited.

How to congratulate Uraza Bayram - what is important to know

Before congratulating your relatives or friends on Uraza Bayram, you should familiarize yourself with the holiday traditions, since all Muslims perform a special festive ceremony on this day. The ritual of celebrating Uraza Bayram unites believers in that after bathing they dress in special elegant clothes and gather in mosques to read a prayer. After that, it is customary to receive guests at home or go to visit yourself. An integral part of the celebration is the theme of donations for those in need. Meat and fish dishes, especially lamb, are prepared from the dish without fail. Also on the tables you can find a lot of desserts. Congratulations will become more appropriate during the feast.

How to congratulate Uraza Bayram - what to say in congratulations

Congratulations on Uraza Bayram should not be meaningless and resemble congratulations, for example, on the new year, since this is, first of all, a spiritual holiday. Everything you say should be associated with the Koran, Allah, prayers and directly with the end of Ramadan. The congratulations should contain calls for good deeds, praise of fasting and Islam, pride in the end of the holy month. On this day, it is important for all Muslims to wish family comfort, comfort and good beginnings in everything new.

How to congratulate Uraza Bayram - congratulation options

The choice of the form of congratulations with Uraza Bayram remains to your taste. Believers say to each other "Eid - Mubarak", which means "I wish you a blessed holiday." Having studied the intricacies of the holiday, you can easily improvise your congratulations or use ready-made congratulations in verse or prose.

A congratulatory speech might look like this:

  • Congratulations on the holy holiday of Uraza Bayram! Have a good mood and prosperity! I wish your festive table to show off a lot of wonderful hearty delicacies, and my soul to be filled with happiness! Long life and prosperity! Let joy become part of your soul. Happy holiday!
  • Eid Mubarak! Peace, goodness and blessings to your home! May joy be your eternal companion from now on. May you meet only luck on the endless roads of fate. I wish you happiness for the whole family!
  • Uraza Bayram has arrived. I wish good health to family and friends! Let your life go along the white line and not turn off. Spiritual prosperity and spiritual fun! May all your prayers be accepted by Allah!

Entries 1 - 20 from 88

On a glorious holiday, clean, bright
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
In Uraza Bayram, let thoughts
They will be clear and pure.

Your house will be peaceful
Close ones live in happiness.
In faith strong and deep
Find inspiration.

I do not know Islamic traditions,
Because I have a different faith.
But I wish my hearts to shine
On a holiday with the light of goodness, purity!

Let Eid al-Fitr bring
Rivers of happiness with a powerful current!
And love, like a hostess, spreads
Every home has its own treats!

Congratulations on bright holiday Eid al Adha! I wish you peace, prosperity and love. May your table on this day be full of delicious delicacies, and your soul - happiness! Prosper and live long, may the children always be healthy and cheerful. Happy Breaking the Fast!

Uraza Bayram brought
Generosity of treats.
This is a Muslim holiday
Joyful, sacred.

Let old and young celebrate
Blessed day.
All health and all the best
This day is sacred!

Uraza Bayram is coming.
Meet him soon!
Joy, happiness he brings,
So you set the table
And treat all guests.
Do not harbor bitter resentment
Forgive everyone from the bottom of your heart.
Mercy, comfort
Let them live in your house.

May the clear feast of breaking the fast
Will come to your clean, bright house.
The mood will be great
And success awaits in any business.

Let Uraza Bayram bring
You happiness, peace and kindness.
Let the wind of sorrow carry away
So that life is always in bloom.

Muslims, the holy day has come,
You find a cheerful berth in your heart,
So that from this moment and forever and ever,
Allah's love warmed the soul!

So that peace and harmony reign in the house,
And there was no disagreement in it!
May your conscience be clear like Islam,
Happy Eid al-Fitr!

Following Ramadan, he comes to us,
A bright, joyful holiday, Uraza Bayram!
Gather relatives and friends to your home,
Talk to them about festive table.

Congratulations on the holiday, Allah saves you,
He will always help and strengthen in faith!
May there be happiness, joy, and peace in the family,
I wish you good luck in all matters!

"Eid Mubarak!" - a beautiful holiday today,
Day for gifts and forgiveness,
For friendship, help and creation,
For piety, moral perfection!

May happiness not leave your house,
Let the laughter of children flow like a river in it,
Let his misfortunes go around
Allah bless you!

Holiday of peace and kindness,
Sun, light and warmth!
Congratulations to the faithful
With pure Uraza Bayram!

Be happy, healthy
Well let it be at home
Let your hearts warm
Eid al-Fitr holiday!

Holiday today Uraza Bayram.
Quran is read in mosques everywhere.
People are full of fun and happiness.
They praise Allah with the Prophet.
Everyone is happy today. May it always be so!
Eid al Adha! Eid Mubarak!

Let joy shine
cordiality, warmth,
And let happiness come
Today in every home.

Because every Muslim
Today will tell you:
There is no more beautiful holiday
Than Uraza Bayram!

Keeping a strict fast
We built a bridge to God
And came to our joy
Feast of Uraza Bayram.

Eat well and have fun
Don't skimp on gifts
Give generously to the poor
Remember your ancestors.

People honor Allah
Uraza Bayram has arrived.
You can celebrate without fear
So the Great God said!

in Muslim scriptures
It's recorded forever
Day of love and compassion
And a family nest.

The holy Ramadan has come to an end -
In Islam, Uraza Bayram is celebrated.
Let the house be generous for treats,
May there be peace and enlightenment in your soul.

You look at the world with gratitude,
Feel all its beauty and holiness.
Let the hearts be filled with warmth
Good thoughts return good.

Holy Ramadan is over!
The brightest day has come - Ramadan Bairam.
Let the table be filled with food today,
And a million guests are knocking on the door.

May life for the next hundred years
Illuminate pure and heavenly light,
Relatives always live happily
And faith will never leave!

The post is over, the district is making noise,
I send you congratulations.
Wish You happiness and health
You celebrate our Uraza Bayram.

May Allah always help
In good deeds and deeds.
I wish strength to your bodies
And kindness is always hearts.

The great Muslim fast of Ramadan ends, and already in the evening of the last fast day, preparations begin for the most cheerful and joyful holiday of believers in Allah - Uraza Bayram (or Eid al-Fitr). The holiday of breaking the fast - the beginning of eating food and drinking water after a long strict abstinence for a lunar month - Islam has been celebrating for almost one and a half thousand years. This bright holiday is truly joyful for believers who have spent thirty days in prayer, the absolute absence of water and food during the day and reading the Koran. Of course, not all Muslims fast so strictly, but they also look forward to the onset of the day of Uraza Bayram, when everyone around becomes cheerful again, and the morning is filled with the sounds of prayer coming from the main mosque of the city or their place of residence. In Uraza Bayram, all Muslims accept congratulations - both believers and those who are only by birth a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, leading a secular life. Islam is multinational and multilingual: congratulations are heard on Uraza Bayram in Russian, Tatar, Turkish, Arabic, and dialects of other languages. These can be wise parting words in prose, and funny pictures for children, and short SMS sent to friends.

Congratulations on Uraza Bayram in Tatar and Russian

More than five million Tatars live in Russia, and many of them consider Tatar their mother tongue, and continue to communicate with their friends in Russian. Respect them too: give your friends cards with congratulations in the Tatar language or even learn and say a few kind lines to your friends.

Uraza gaete bairame belan ihlastan tabrik itam. Sinen kebek imanly, yash, sabyr, nykly ruhly din kardashem bulganga min chyn kүңelemnәn sөenәm. Һәm kilәchәk tә dә shul doreslek yulynda, Allah kushkan namaz yulynda bulyrsyң һәм үzenңә bashkalarny da aidarseң digәn izge telҙкә kalam. Allah sinen kylgan dogalarynny kabul kylyp, fareshtәlәr sina ugan yullar, mul tabynnar һәm kaya gyna barma gel namusly imanly keshelәr gene ochratsyn. Tәnen, җanyң һәrchak sәlamәt bulyp һәr el shulai urazalar totyp, gaeten, korbanyn kүp ellar bәyrәm itәrgә nasyp bulsyn. Amine.

The holiday is very long-awaited
Eid al-Fitr is a welcome day for everyone!
Rejoice, people, thank God!
And live together in faith and love!

Eid Mubarak! This is the end of the prayer.
Eid Mubarak! The sun makes us happy.
I congratulate you on Eid al-Adha,
I wish you faith and happiness!

I'm already waiting for a visit to my house for a feast.
We will be glad to see you not only today.
In Eid al-Fitr we will sing songs with you,
And let us fill the house with happiness and faith!

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu.

Kaderle kardashlyar, tugan-tumachalar barcha moselmannar-barygyznyda boiler season ORAZA BAYRAM belyan!

Today I congratulate all Muslims on the holiday of URAZA BAYRAM (the end of the holy month of RAMADAN)! I wish prosperity and peace to you and your loved ones!

Beautiful congratulations on Uraza Bayram in Turkish with translation

Among the Muslims of Turkish origin, there are many believers who will surely rejoice at your beautiful congratulations in their native Turkish language. Uraza Bayram is a bright celebration of fun, but also a celebration that once again reminds us of how important faith is. You can send congratulations to your relatives and friends in Turkish, indicating the translation of the text into Russian next to it.

Mübarek Ramazan Bayramını sevdiklerinizle beraber sağlıklı ve huzur içinde geçirmenizi dileriz. Bayram tum insanlığa hayırlı olsun! Congratulations on the holy holiday of Ramadan Bayram. May it pass in the circle of loved ones, in health and joy. Happy Holidays to all mankind!
Her ilkbaharda gelinciklerin en güzel başlangıçları müjdelemesi gibi, bu bayramın da sana ve ailene mutluluk ve neşe getirmesini diliyorum… İyi bayramlar! May the holiday, like a poppy - the most beautiful herald of spring, bring you and your family joy and happiness. Happy holiday!
Yureğine damla damla umut, gunlerine bin tatlı mutluluk dolsun. Sevdiklerin hep yanında olsun, yüzün ve gülün hiç solmasın. BayramIn kutlu olsun… May your heart be filled with hope drop by drop, may your days be filled with thousands of happy moments. May your loved ones always be with you, may your face and your roses never wither. Happy holiday.
Tüm yürekler sevinç dolsun, umutlar gercek olsun, acılar unutulsun, dualarınız kabul ve bayramınız mübarek olsun. May all hearts be filled with joy, may all hopes be fulfilled, may all sorrows be forgotten, may God hear your prayers, and may the holiday be blessed.
En güzel anıları birlikte paylaşmak dileği ile en güzel hatıraları bu bayramda tazelemek dileği ile mübarek Ramazan bayramınızı kutlarız. I wish this holiday to share the most beautiful moments and refresh the most beautiful memories. With the sacred holiday of Ramadan Bairam.
Ramazan Bayramınızın da böyle bir neşeyle gelmesi ve tüm ailenizi sevince boğup evinize bereket getirmesi dileğimizle. Iyi bayramlar! I wish Ramadan Bairam to bring joy, fill all families with happiness, and bring prosperity to the house. Happy holiday!
Kalplerde sevgi olsun gozlerimiz ışık dolsun Ramazan Bayramınız kutlu olsun. May hearts be filled with love and eyes radiate light. Happy Ramadan Bayram!
Bayramların en güzeli ve hayırlısını diliyorum size Ramazan Bayramınız mübarek olsun. I wish you all the best and the best on this holiday. May Ramadan Bayram be blessed for you!
Bugün ellerinizi her zamankinden daha çok açın. Avucunuza melekler gül koysun, yureğiniz coşsun. Ramazan Bayramınız hayırlara vesile olsun. Open your hands more than usual today. Let the angels fill their palms with roses, and in their hearts with inspiration. Let Ramadan Bayram be an occasion for all the best.
Güzellik, birlik, beraberlik dolu, her zaman bir öncekinden daha güzel ve mutlu bir Ramazan Bayramı diliyoruz. Büyüklerimizin ellerinden küçüklerimizin gözlerinden öpüyoruz. We wish this Ramadan Bayram holiday to be even better and even happier than previous holidays. May beauty and unity fill it. We kiss the hands of the older ones, and the eyes of the younger ones.

Holiday greetings from Uraza Bayram in prose

Eid Mubarak! May this bright holiday bring you peace, blessings and love. From now on, let only joy live in your heart and never leave it. Let only luck be your companion on all roads of fate. And may you have so much happiness that you can bestow it on everyone you meet.

Glory to Muhammad, who gave a blessed day when you can put on the most best clothes and make a holiday prayer! Let your table burst with dishes, and a joint meal of breaking the fast will gather many close people in an abundant house! Let the laughter of your children be a source of spiritual inspiration! Eid Mubarak!

Children's congratulations with Uraza Bayram in pictures

Holy Ramadan allows minor children not to fast: a growing body constantly requires food, and without water in the heat, the child will be even worse. However, children will grow up and understand the meaning of Ramadan and the following day of breaking the fast. In the meantime, they exchange gifts, treats and congratulations from Uraza Bayram in pictures.

On these solemn days, Muslims all over the world exchange congratulations with each other with the words: "Eid Mubarak!", Which means "blessed holiday." In most countries whose inhabitants profess Islam, the holiday of Eid al-Fitr is a day off.

What is Uraza Bayram

This is a Muslim holiday, the first mention of it dates back to 624. Uraza Bayram is celebrated at the end of the fast, which lasts the entire holy month of Ramadan. Its celebration coincides with the beginning of the month of Shawwal and lasts three days.

Uraza Bayram is considered one of the most important holidays among Muslims. Believers believe that these days you need to do as many good deeds as possible to cleanse your soul: caring for your neighbors, helping those in need, compassion for those who suffer. Also this holiday is the time of comprehension of the spiritual experience accumulated by man.

What is Uraza Bayram for a legitimate Muslim? This is the holiday of breaking the fast, or Eid ul-Fitr.

Importance of this day

Interestingly, initially Islam prescribed only two annual holidays. If one is Eid-ul-Fitr, then the other is Eid-ul-Adha. Both ends with the worship of Allah - a big ibadat.

It is no coincidence that such an important event as Eid-ul-Fitr (Uraza Bayram) is celebrated precisely after the month of Ramadan. Every believer abstains from food, drink and conjugal intimacy during holy fasting. Thus, in Islam, every Muslim has the opportunity to pacify his passions, atone for his mistakes, improve his character and leave some addictions and bad habits in the past.

Eid-ul-Adha is celebrated after the annual Hajj. Thus believers complete the serious work by their own diligence and active effort. This is the most important criterion for celebrating in Islam.

Celebration of Eid al-Fitr

Before the holiday, Muslims put things in order in their houses, utility rooms, yards and stalls for livestock. Then the women start preparing all kinds of festive dishes traditional for a particular area. And then the representatives of the youngest generation of the family treat relatives and neighbors with this food. Thus, a mutual exchange of festive dishes is carried out.

What is Uraza Bayram for a legitimate Muslim? This is an opportunity to reevaluate your life and repent for what you have done before Allah. Therefore, on the eve of the holiday, everyone asks for forgiveness from those before whom they feel guilty for the spoken words or committed deeds.

An hour after dawn, everyone performs a festive collective prayer. Most believers gather in mosques, and those who pray at home do not do it alone, but together with all family members.

After that, every Muslim must honor the memory of the deceased relatives. To do this, right from the mosque, all believers go to the cemetery.

Congratulations on Uraza Bayram are heard in all Muslim families at a large festive table, where all relatives gather: from children to the elderly.

Sadaqat al-Fitr

Every Muslim on the days of the celebration must pay a special alms, which is called Sadaqat al-Fitr. This is an obligatory tradition for every Muslim (both female and male) who has reached the age of majority and has movable and immovable property that exceeds his basic needs.

Such charity is considered doubly important. After all, it is not only a help to the poor and needy, which gives them the opportunity, along with everyone else, to take part in the celebration of the end of the holy fast, for the giver this is another way to atone for sins. As a rule, the obligation to pay alms for a spouse and children falls on the shoulders of the head of the family. When everything is paid, the family performs a joint prayer. This is followed by mutual congratulations and wishes for a happy celebration.

Uraza Bayram: what date and month is celebrated

The month of Ramadan is a time of holy fasting. Therefore, every year, Muslims try to find out as early as possible the exact dates of its beginning and end, as well as what date the holiday of Uraza Bayram will be this year. This information is very necessary to plan important events and activities. Especially you need to know the dates for those who are going to get married. Muslims try not to get married during Ramadan. The reason for this is the great fast, during which from dawn to sunset it is forbidden to eat, drink, have intimate relationships.

Scientists use modern research methods that allow the most reliable determination of the spatial position of all the bodies of the solar system. The data obtained on the phases of the moon make it possible to compile the so-called hirjri calendar, according to which it is calculated what date Uraza Bayram will come in a given year, thus marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan. From year to year, according to the Gregorian time calculus, the Khirji calendar shifts by an average of 11 days. Consequently, the feast of breaking the fast every year begins earlier and earlier.

Dates of celebration of Uraza Bayram for the past and coming years

In different parts of the Earth, the difference in dates is no more than a day, depending on the time zone.

The reverence with which Muslims treat the preparation and celebration of these days allows us to answer the question of what Uraza Bayram is for each of them. This is the time of rebirth, the formation of spiritual culture, the evaluation of one's life. The rethinking of one's fate is also facilitated by the fact that during the entire previous lunar month, each of the Muslims fasted, devoting their free time to rereading the Koran, performing pious deeds and deeds.

The biggest holiday of the Islamic religion Uraza Bayram will begin on June 15, 2018. Traditionally, it is celebrated for three days. The holiday of breaking the fast is preceded by the Great Muslim fasting of Ramadan. During the celebration of Uraza Bayram, all Muslim believers can be congratulated with the help of poems, SMS and prose.

The month of Ramadan is leaving
Shawwal takes over.
So, let's say "Eid Mubarak!" -
The Feast of Conversation has arrived.

Meet Uraza Bayram with a prayer,
Set tables, invite guests,
Hurry up to celebrate this wonderful holiday
In the circle of all relatives and best friends.

We wish on this great day
We want from the heart, you friends,
Good health, good luck,
Love for many years!

Here is the end of Holy Lent,
God has given us the strength to endure.
Today is a special, festive day,
It will last 3 days!

Let him accept prayers and make it better
Warmth and peace will settle in the heart.
Happy holiday, dear! Happiness, patience!
The Lord be with you!

Muslims, Happy Eid al-Fitr!
I wish you happiness and health.
May Allah credit all your good deeds
And he will send peace to the hearts, and warmth to the family.

May your cozy home be blessed,
Let love, fun, laughter abide in it.
May success accompany you at work.
Celebrate Uraza Bayram fun!

* * *
May the clear feast of breaking the fast
Will come to your clean, bright home.
The mood will be great
And waiting for success in any business.

Let Uraza Bayram bring
You happiness, peace and kindness.
Let the wind of sorrow carry away
So that life is always in bloom.

Congratulations on the holiday of breaking the fast Uraza Bayram in SMS

Uraza Bayram is coming.

Meet him soon!
Joy, happiness he brings,
So you set the table
And treat all guests.

Do not harbor bitter resentment
Forgive everyone from the bottom of your heart.
Mercy, comfort
Let them live in your house.

On a glorious holiday, clean, bright
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
In Uraza Bayram, let thoughts
They will be clear and pure.

Your house will be peaceful
Close ones live in happiness.
In faith strong and deep
Find inspiration.

Uraza Bayram brought
Generosity of treats.
This is a Muslim holiday
Joyful, sacred.

Let old and young celebrate
Blessed day.
All health and all the best
This day is sacred!

Holiday of peace and kindness,
Sun, light and warmth!
Congratulations to the faithful
With pure Uraza Bayram!

Be happy, healthy.
It's good to be at home.
May your hearts warm
Eid al-Fitr holiday!

Congratulations on the holiday of breaking the fast Uraza Bayram in prose

I congratulate you on the holiday of Uraza Bayram and from the bottom of my heart I wish that Allah hears all the prayers, that the table is never empty, that the atmosphere of happiness and goodness constantly reigns in the house, that the heart always welcomes guests with joy, that comfort settles in the soul forever, so that you can always continue your path as a merciful and kind person.

Uraza Bayram has arrived. So let a bright streak of happiness and kindness come in your life along with the holiday. I wish eternal health for loved ones and relatives, I wish you spiritual growth and spiritual fun. May Uraza Bayram bring respect to others, support, understanding and love.

I wish you to strengthen your iman on this festive day. May the protection and mercy of the Almighty be with you. May faith grow in your hearts. I wish you to always follow the path prescribed for us by the Almighty, may your actions always bring prosperity (suap) to your loved ones. Peaceful sky above your head, bright sun and children's laughter coming from everywhere.

Congratulations on the bright holiday of Uraza Bayram! I wish you peace, prosperity and love. May your table on this day be full of delicious delicacies, and your soul - happiness! Prosper and live long, may the children always be healthy and cheerful. Happy Breaking the Fast!

I congratulate you on the holiday of Uraza Bayram and from the bottom of my heart I wish to open the doors to new happiness, open my soul to new good deeds, never forget about mercy and honor, always go through life with good hope and a clear conscience.