Aging natural skin. Worn effect - fashionable print of the season How to age the skin at home

Damage and evil eye

1. The first step in aging most leather jackets is exposure to water. To do this, it is necessary to moisten the surface of the skin with plenty of water from a spray bottle. Of course, you can simply lower the jacket into the water, but then there is a big risk of damaging the lining. After that leather jacket should be hung in the sun to dry. Repeat this step at least five times. The skin will become drier and tougher, but it should be so.

2. To prepare the jacket for further aging, you need to make it soft again. Apply olive oil to its surface and wait until it is absorbed.
3. Using a spray bottle, moisten the skin with alcohol. In principle, the aging process can be started from this stage, bypassing the previous two, but then the result will be of less quality.
4. Remember the jacket well with your hands. This will add new folds and lines to the skin. Do not be careful, crease the jacket with all your might, as if you were kneading dough.
5. Take sandpaper. Depending on the extent to which you plan to age the skin, you can use fine or medium sandpaper. Gently rub the leather jacket where you want to age. Most often, the jacket is wiped on the elbows, folds of the arms and in some places on the back. So the wear in these places will look natural. Wipe some areas harder than others, and leave others untouched. Work slowly, remember that you can always add, but it will hardly be possible to return the original look. Don't forget, too, that when the skin dries from the alcohol, it will look lighter.
6. Rougher scratches can be added with a wire brush. After that, the leather jacket will look like it went through the most difficult times with its owner! Again, remember that the process of work cannot be reversed, so do not overdo it.
7. After completing the work, you will again need a sprayer. Rinse alcohol, paint particles and leather thoroughly with water. Then you need to wipe the jacket with a clean cloth.
8. The skin needs to be softened again, so cover its surface again olive oil and let it fully soak in the sun. That's all!
Aging a leather jacket is a creative process. A leather jacket becomes a canvas on which you can depict anything you want. You can come up with your own unique method. Some people deliberately scratch their jackets on the branches of trees, roll them in the dust, drag them with force along the asphalt ... And all just so that the jacket reflects their individuality. In general, a little imagination, time and patience - and you will have stylish jacket, looking like she's been your faithful companion for most of your life.

here are some other tips

I would advise you to take sandpaper, but not coarse-grained, but fine, and go through those places that “rub” the most when wearing and using the bag - corners, folds, all protruding areas .. You can even bend the skin a little to form wrinkles, just don’t be zealous with this as the skin may become too softened. Then - you need to paint over all these wrinkles and roughness. But don't use traditional paints, use whatever you find in nature. Put on gloves and use a sponge to apply the dyes. You need the color to be non-uniform - dark green, brown, reddish brown, etc. Rub the sponge on the brick and then - rub some parts of the bag. Crush the brick into small pieces, as small as possible, so that more can be taken on the sponge. For a dark color, you can use soot from a piece of charred log or any wooden stick. Again - first a little on the sponge, then - gently on the bag. Find rust with "flakes" of metal - on old pipes, etc.. Even just rub it a little with earth.
Don't apply everything all over the bag. dark colors- in deeper places of the bag (seams, depressions, scratches). Red and rusty colors - on protruding areas and also - in some places on the entire surface of the skin. For a green tint, you can use a little paint - twist a tight knot from a piece of an old T-shirt and then soak this knot into the paint. Then - blot this knot on paper to remove excess paint. then - gently blot those areas on the bag that you want to give a greenish tint. Quite lightly and carefully. If you overdo it - after drying, rub off the excess with fine sandpaper.

When you've "dirty" the bag in this way, take a shoe brush and clean everything you've just created (you don't want it all transferred to your clothes while you wear it). Most of what you put on will come off with a brush, but some of the dye will remain in the skin. Now look with a critical eye - where do you want the color to be more saturated? Go sandpaper in those places. You can take a larger sandpaper, but do not take a completely large one because there will be frank scratches on the skin. Then - repeat the coloring process from beginning to end over the entire bag. Now the paint will take deeper in those places where you went over the sandpaper again ... Go over the brush again.
When you are satisfied with the result of coloring - the final stage.

Get a conditioner or skin balm. Better those that are "waterproof" or "snow-repellent" and so on. And those who with wax will also go. Take a little of this balm on your fingers and rub it in your palms. The palms should be oily/wet from the balm but there should be no chunks of cream on the hands. Now wipe the entire bag with these hands. In this way, you allow the paint to "grab" more into the skin and also remove excess. Let dry and lightly brush again.

In general, this is a laborious and rather painstaking process. Don't be afraid to use "whatever is on hand" when looking for dyes, but apply everything carefully and little by little.

The effect will not be the same as on the bag you originally bought, because this is not a traditional paint. But the "ancient" effect is guaranteed to you and you might like it even more.

For gilding, simply take the gold paint in a jar and also apply it with a tight swab from a T-shirt where you want it.

A long time ago, artificially aged leather was in fashion. Many times, men's shirts, jackets, etc. were sewn in our atelier. from aged leather. It is quite glossy when in skins, and before cutting it, we slightly stretched it with our hands and microcracks and an interesting texture appeared. The product looks much more solid and expensive from such leather than just from glossy.

Properly dressed leather is a very durable material that retains its properties for a long time.

The study of the remains of tanid tanned leather found in numerous archaeological excavations showed that, under certain conditions, tanid tanned leather does not lose some of its basic properties for hundreds of years.

When storing yuft and plantar leather under isothermal conditions at a temperature of 25 ° C and fluctuations in the relative humidity of the air, some changes were observed. The greatest weight loss occurs, which is associated not only with the loss of moisture, but also with other reasons. There is a decrease in the area and thickness of the skin. Mechanical properties during storage for 2-3 years change little, but the skin becomes less plastic. The strength of the front layer of yuft falls somewhat. The hygrothermal stability is slightly reduced. The chemical composition of the leather also changes somewhat, mainly with regard to the content of leachable and bound tannins. Sometimes there is a pronounced continuation of the tanning process with an increase in the tanning coefficient. But there are also reverse cases, when the bouquet contains synthetic tanning agents and with chromium vegetable tanning at high values ​​of the tanning coefficient.

The destruction of the skin during storage in warehouses can mainly occur due to oxidative processes under the influence of atmospheric oxygen, as well as the action of acids present in the skin and formed in it during storage. Increased air humidity and the presence of sulfur dioxide in it (in the air of large cities) accelerates the destruction of the skin, which affects the decrease in tensile strength and heat resistance of the skin. According to available data, red oak leathers exposed to sulfuric or oxalic acids, especially the first, to a pH value of 3.0, after two years of storage, greatly reduced their strength. The introduction of sulfonated blubber into the skin increased the effect of sulfuric acid, and the introduction of magnesium sulfate slowed down the destruction of the skin. Therefore, for the stability of skin storage, the pH of the aqueous extract should not be less than 3.0. Not only free, but also bound acid is important, which, under the influence of air humidity, can partially turn into free acid.

With a strong alkaline reaction of the skin (pH of water extract> 5), it changes its properties faster. In order to preserve the skins, they should be stored in dry rooms with a device for ventilation. Relative humidity in them should be in the range of 50-80%, air temperature in winter 5-15 ° C, in summer not higher than 25 ° C. Skins should be placed according to types on wooden decks or racks, protected from dust. It is necessary to review and shift the skins in a timely manner. When mold or plaque appears, the skin should be thoroughly cleaned of them and dried in the air. It must be borne in mind that the skin can be eaten away by rodents and insect pests (kozheedy), with which the fight must be organized in a timely manner.

There are brands of shoes and bags that put a wonderful patina on their products.
Patina is the artificial aging of leather.
Coating giving leather goods aristocratic, noble, very expensive look.

Patina is an artificial aging of the skin, which has recently become very popular. It is a game of contrasts and shades that allows you to make shoes unique.

We owe the invention of artificial patina to Olga Berluti. According to legend, she had the idea to produce men's shoes from the so-called "living" leather, which is able to perfectly absorb paint.

Precautionary measures

Before learning in detail about how a patina can be made, there are a few precautions that need to be taken into account.

  • If you have not had to carry out this procedure before, we recommend that you do this on an old pair of shoes, which you will not be sorry to throw away later.
  • Be careful with the amount of paint you use.
  • It is much easier to apply patina to light-colored shoes.
  • Applying a patina is a very long and laborious process, so you will have to be patient. Don't expect the whole process to take you 30 minutes.
  • If the shoes are made of poor quality leather, you should not even try to apply a patina.
  • Before applying the patina to the entire surface of the shoe, try applying a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the shoe.

How to make a patina

For the patina you will need:

  • pair of shoe lasts
  • rag
  • solvent
  • 90% alcohol solution
  • various paint
  • cream and wax for shoes
  • a thin, wide brush, as well as brushes with coarse and soft bristles, a rag, a sponge, a spray gun, cotton wicks

Cover your work surface and don't forget to wear an apron, gloves, and goggles before patina is applied to shoes. Patina must be applied in a well-ventilated room. Using masking tape, you can protect the sole and inside of the shoe from paint. First of all, you need to thoroughly clean your shoes. This is a mandatory step that will allow you to remove old layers of wax, cream so that the paint penetrates the skin better. Before applying the solvent, brush to remove dust, and then clean the surface of the shoe with a damp cloth. After each application of solvent, allow the shoes to dry for 15-20 minutes.

The solvent must be applied very carefully:

  • it is better to use a small brush, which makes it possible to apply the product in a small amount and will allow you to focus directly on those areas that you want to discolor
  • if you are not satisfied with the degree of discoloration, apply the product again
  • after a while, rinse your shoes thoroughly
  • let the shoes dry well at least overnight
  • do not get carried away with the solvent, as it spoils the skin

After the shoes are dry, apply paint to act as a base. It is better to apply the paint with a brush, spray gun, sponge and so on. The paint should dry for 15-20 minutes. You can apply a second coat of paint if the tone seems too light to you.

Drawing a patina pattern on shoes depends entirely on your imagination and your taste. All you need to know is that paint layers are applied from light to darker (use different patina tones). For example, you can apply black paint to the seams. With a sponge, you can also create a marble pattern on the toe of the shoe or on the entire surface of it. The most difficult moment is the technique of softening the tone. To do this, you can use a brush or cloth. Please note that you should not apply a lot of patina to shoes, otherwise it will be too conspicuous.

After the paint dries, do not forget that the skin needs care, it needs to be nourished and moisturized. To do this, apply a universal cream on the shoes. It is not recommended to use a colorless cream, it is better to use a cream that is slightly lighter than the applied paint. After the cream dries (15-20 minutes), rub the shoes to a shine. Finally, you can apply wax for shoes.

If you want to give your shoes originality with the help of patina, but are afraid to do it yourself, contact the experts in this field.

Do you smoke? Are you sunbathing? Stay up late and eat whatever you want? These are not the only reasons why your skin loses its attractive appearance. In truth, there are many worse habits that make your face change. healthy color. Find out what they are and how to care for your skin so that it looks fresh and young...

Midnight. Party parties. What is the diet. This is the lifestyle of many young people, but the bad habits of our youth can take their toll years later. Indeed, such reckless behavior can affect the skin over a long period of time.

"My average patient is in her 30s and 40s and knows that in her 20s she didn't do her best to take care of her skin," says Heidi Waldorf, clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. "Now she's trying to lead more healthy lifestyle life. She wants to be like the best version of herself."

"I'm also amazed at the number of people who don't realize the harm they're doing to their skin," Waldorf adds.

The good news is that getting your skin looking great is easy if you break these 10 bad habits:

  1. Smoking
    In addition to causing enough other problems, smoking also takes its toll on your face. "People say, 'I only smoke passively.' Okay, but that also damages your skin!" Waldorf says. "The development of free radicals is caused, the result of which is additional wrinkles, adding to everything and changing the lines of the face."
    Star-Face-Master Christina Chin agrees. "Smoking dehydrates and kills the elasticity of the skin, depriving it of essential nutrients," says Chin, owner of Christine Chin Spa in New York, whose clients include Penelope Cruz, Hilary Swank and Kate Moss ). Even your lips will lose their shine from cigarettes, says Chin. Do you agree that this habit should be abandoned? Your reflection in the mirror will thank you!
  2. Sun
    According to Waldorf, you need to take care of your skin as carefully as possible - the closest way to maintaining youth that you can find! "Sunburn, both in the salon and in the open sun, leads to problems, I see it in my office daily," she says.
    The next time you go out and don't apply sunscreen, remember these words -15 years. That's how long it takes for skin damage from the sun to show up, like skin pigmentation and wrinkles, Chin says. "And sunscreen is especially important in the winter - the snow reflects the rays, so you're exposed twice."
    "Using sunscreen is the most useful thing what you can do is one teaspoon for your face, and reapply every two hours using sun protection level 30 or higher," Waldorf continues. But don't just protect your face - your body needs sun protection too. "Also, make sure your sunscreen has both UVB and UVA ingredients (zinc dioxide or avobenzone)."
    "I do what I advise myself," Waldorf says. "Do whatever you want, but wear a hat, sunscreen and protective clothing in the sun."
  3. Pimple popping
    Your mother forbade you to do this... and she was right. "Popping pimples [at home] is like trying to be your own dentist," Chin says. "Most pimples are deep in the skin, and when you pop them, you introduce bacteria deep into the skin. People don't understand the dangers of popping pimples," Waldorf says. "You're damaging the skin. The 'correct' way to remove a pimple is to not touch it. Do a spot treatment and see a dermatologist." Popping your pimples can turn moderate pimples into a serious problem because it's prone to spreading bacteria. So keep your hands off your face!
  4. Alcohol
    Just like smoking, alcohol consumption dehydrates the skin. "Dry skin is a recipe for wrinkles," says Chin. And don't think that water will neutralize the results. "If you've dehydrated your skin and then drank a lot of water, it won't really help much," Chin warns.
  5. Lack of sleep
    "If you don't keep up your health, obviously your skin will suffer," Waldorf says. And the key to staying healthy is getting enough rest for the body, sleep. "Sleep releases toxins that have been stored in the body. Without enough sleep, 'bad' energy is left in the body, and toxins move to the skin," Chin continues.
  6. Bad eating habits
    Mom was also right when she told you to eat less fried and lean on broccoli. But with new findings that caffeine and chocolate contain beneficial antioxidants - do you really need to worry about some cheeseburger and chips? "Junk food won't permanently damage your skin, but you may gain weight [and not feel good]," Walldorf says. "There's no direct link between good skin and fresh vegetables, but that shouldn't put you off from a balanced diet."
  7. Sleep with cosmetics on the skin
    Late night parties can lead to skin care laziness. But saving a mere five minutes to cleanse and moisturize your face can have long-term effects on your complexion!
    "The problem for those who go to bed without washing off their makeup is that all day makeup has already filled the pores, where it causes irritation and irritation," Waldorf says. "Then, late at night, when your face hits the pillow, you sweat and make-up clogs even more. So it's best to use a gentle cleanser." cosmetic product and moisturizer before bed. "
  8. Tattoos and Piercings
    "I'm trying to explain to girls that they don't wear the same makeup or clothes they wore last year. Do they really want to have something permanent on their body?" Waldorf says. "Did you think that a tattoo is a permanent scar on the skin. You will need 5 to 20 laser treatments to remove it - and some of the ink will simply be impossible to remove.
    "Piercing when it is in the navel area can lead to a nickel allergy; and later it can all end up with an allergy to all jewelry. If you get cartilage pierced, for example in the ear, you risk getting a deforming scar," Waldorf says.
  9. Excessive plucking and ingrown hairs
    Skincare experts warn against excessive plucking in the face, bikini area, and brow hair. We've all done it: You see an ingrown hair on your leg or bikini line, grab your favorite tweezers and start tugging. Or annoying stray facial hair drives you crazy so much that you try to pluck it all out. Stop!
    "All of these activities end up with discoloration, scratching and ingrown hairs from chronic hair twitching," Waldorf says. "Just trim your hair; you won't hurt yourself this way. Use a toothbrush to loosen ingrown hairs or use over-the-counter hydrocortisone. And get rid of your magnifying mirror!"
  10. Everything you never thought to worry about...
    If you haven't gone crazy with our skincare tips yet, here are a few more:
    Even something as simple as talking on the phone can ruin your complexion - germs on a dirty tube can cause acne and clogged pores.
    Hair products are another concern for those prone to acne. Their oil may drip onto your face when you sweat. Ask your doctor for recommendations on vitamins - the wrong ones can also lead to a drastic change in the position of the skin.
    Are you using the right products for your skin type? Active acne treatment can dry out your skin and make it vulnerable to wrinkles. Even massage can add risk if done incorrectly (aggressive rubbing of the face can loosen the skin).

And now, before you seal yourself in an airtight plastic bag, remember that the health of your skin depends on many factors. "To look good, wash your face and drink water every day," Chin advises. "My actress clients have great skin. Rachel Weisz looks 20 at 30. They want to look good, so they take care of themselves."

You will need

  • - cut genuine leather;
  • - sketch of the future product;
  • - plywood stretching, small nails and a hammer;
  • - razor blade, press, hard brush and emery;
  • - a spray bottle and water;
  • - medical and ammonia alcohol;
  • - glycerin;
  • - Castor oil;
  • - cotton wool and rags;
  • - lacquer-crackle or paint for the skin;
  • - sponge and brush;
  • - salt.
  • - shoe polish;
  • - old iron;
  • - oven;
  • - wooden form;
  • - marble powder.


Think carefully appearance future product. Sometimes it is enough just to stretch the skin, stretch it well diagonally in different sides. With sandpaper, you can make the finished product more or less worn in certain places(for example, on the elbows or knees). For clarity, draw a network of decorative creases and cracks on paper, in some places you can even make cuts.

To create an enhanced effect of antiquity, the skin will have to be pre-prepared, made softer and more supple. Moisten the cut with water from a spray bottle, stretch it over the plywood with nails and dry it in the sun.

Rub castor oil or glycerin into the surface of the leather. After the material has dried, wipe it with alcohol and start kneading and making a thoughtful wrinkle pattern. Scratches can be made with a stiff brush, and creases can be done with a press. Work carefully and slowly, because the process of creating artificially aged skin is irreversible!

Wipe the aged material with clean water, dry rags and dry it again on the stretch. While the pores of the canvas are slightly moistened, saturate them with castor oil with a small amount ammonia. After fatliquoring, the material must dry, and it can be removed from the plywood. Knead the skin again so that the fat penetrates well between the collagen fibers.

To style a leather item, you can use a special patinating agent for leather from a store for designers and artists. Read the information on the packaging carefully and follow the instructions exactly. The composition - crackle turns a new product into cracked, as if from time to time.

Try leather dye, making the color of the item patchy, with dark spots and discoloration. This can be achieved by rubbing the surface with a sponge, brush and sandpaper, as well as by combining different shades of paint.

Finally, use the shoemaker's leather aging method. Take a brown cut and soak it in salted water (50 g per liter) for a day. After that, remove it from the container with the solution, let the liquid drain and wrap it with a soft cloth to dry. The surface of the canvas should become slightly wavy.

Lubricate the skin with shoe polish and iron at a temperature of 120 degrees, trying not to burn the material. For these purposes, craftsmen specially keep an old iron on hand. When the shoe polish stops sticking to your hands, remove the remnants of the product with glycerin alcohol. You can make it yourself: mix glycerin and alcohol 2:1 and heat the mixture a little in a water bath. As a result of your manipulations, brown skin should turn black.

Pull the dyed material over desired shape(for example, on a log) and place it in an oven (120 degrees). If a strong odor develops, remove the material and quickly dip it into a container of cold water. After two or three repeated procedures, the skin will be covered with a network of intricate cracks, and a brown color will appear in the seams between them. For a worn effect, additionally treat the canvas with marble powder.

Helpful advice

The process of aging leather with the help of various paints and varnishes requires a certain skill. It is recommended that you first try out this or that tool on a small sample of the material, and only then proceed to the decorative processing of the rest of the canvas. Protect your hands from chemicals with rubber gloves and work in a ventilated area to avoid breathing harmful fumes.


  • How to age a leather jacket

Facial aging is a retouching of high complexity, which is performed by highly qualified specialists. But Adobe Photoshop allows you to make an old face in a simple way accessible even to beginners.

You will need

  • Tools: Adobe Photoshop CS2 or higher


You must prepare: the original - the face on which you want to grow old, and the photograph that captures the old person.
Open the image with the old man in Adobe Photoshop (Ctrl+O), and copy it to the clipboard. It makes sense to copy not the whole image, but only the face. To do this, select the Lasso Tool (L) and circle the desired area with it. When you release the mouse button, a thin line will appear. dotted line around the highlighted area. From the Edit menu, select Copy (Ctrl+C).

Open the image of the face you want to age.
Click on the "Edit" menu item "Paste" (Ctrl + V).
Since the images may vary in size, you need to scale upper layer. To do this, select Free Transform from the Edit menu. Markers will appear around the illustration, by dragging which you will be able to enlarge and stretch the image.
Make sure that the slope in both portraits is the same. To do this, move the mouse cursor slightly away from one of the markers until it changes to a double arched arrow. Then use the left mouse button to change the slope of the illustration. To accept the changes, press the Enter key.