Lack of pleasant sensations during frictions. Sexual disorders in women. The influence of the uterus on neighboring organs


anonymous , Female, 22 years old

Hello. I am 22 years old, had 4 regular partners. With all of them, only a clitoral orgasm was achieved. Without clitoral stimulation, I can not achieve orgasm. With the last partner there was such a problem that he did not feel anything inside for a while (although earlier all my partners had completed sexual intercourse and were satisfied in all visible indicators). Now everything has sorted itself out somehow. (We were leaning towards the fact that I need a warm-up). There have never been any problems with libido, there is almost always a desire. (5-6 times a week). But still, I do not feel my partner as much inside as, for example, the previous one. I have been masturbating since the age of 11, at first I simply rubbed against various objects, later I began to achieve orgasm with a jet of water. Could this be the cause of my sensitivity problem internally? A few more questions, I can start the air with the vagina, sometimes after intercourse I have a feeling of bloating and sometimes air comes out of there, does this indicate weak vaginal muscles? But at the same time, when I masturbate (with my fingers), I squeeze my fingers very tightly at the entrance to the vagina.

Good afternoon, The symptoms you described indicate that your intimate muscles have lost their tone and can no longer tightly wrap around the partner's penis. You need to train with Kegel exercises with vaginal balls or a muscle stimulator. As for the clitoral orgasm alone, this is because you have not yet awakened the sensitivity of the deeper erogenous zones. The ability to experience an orgasm, the same skill as the ability to walk and talk, do not believe it, but our brain also needs time to figure out how to learn it. You have not yet "taught" your brain to understand how to experience an orgasm from stimulation of the main erogenous zones (clitoris, points G,A,K,U) and they are still in a dormant state, that is, their sensitivity is extremely low and the brain cannot correctly interpret their stimulation. I advise you to awaken your sensitivity by stimulating during masturbation with a vibrator and sex with a partner not only the clitoris, but also the deeper erogenous zones of the vagina, over time they will become more receptive to stimulation and it will be easier for you to experience a vaginal orgasm from sex with a partner. The female orgasm is not only a mechanical irritation of the external genital organs, but also the corresponding state of the woman's psyche and hormonal system. For example, during ovulation, you are more easily aroused and get an orgasm faster, and during it is almost impossible to get an orgasm, because your hormones are below normal levels. Also, if you are upset or very excited about something, you will not be able to concentrate and relax, hence the lack of orgasm, so pay attention to small details and the right attitude towards intimate relationships. Relaxed and excited state + the corresponding period of the cycle + awakened erogenous zones + intimate muscles in good shape and orgasm will not take long. You can learn more about everything from the webinars and courses of our center, in the search, type the Secrets sex education center.

Pregnancy for a woman is one of the natural states. And yet it greatly changes the body's perception of not only the surrounding world, but also itself. Feelings are especially important early dates pregnancy. They are so diverse that you should know in advance what to expect for a future mother. After all, some of them will indicate that there are deviations from the norm and medical intervention is urgently required.

Read in this article

When to expect the first symptoms

The desired appearance of the baby or not, the woman is extremely interested in when the symptoms of pregnancy appear. Its countdown starts from the first day of the previous menstruation.

Conception occurs in the middle of the cycle. But at this stage, you should not expect any sensations. Only especially impressionable women talk about them, although they are associated more with impatience than with physiological changes.

The only thing that can be detected is an increase in vaginal discharge. This reaction of the body is due to the fact that it actively produces mucus for the subsequent formation of a protective plug.

After another 6-10 days, the fertilized egg takes its place in the uterus. From this event, one can reason about when the symptoms of pregnancy begin, because some of them are already felt. For example, mucus from the genital tract may be mixed with blood and mild pain in the abdomen. These signs are usually frightening, because, according to the verbal description, they look threatening. But there is nothing to be afraid of if it does not last more than 2 days. The process of introducing the egg into the uterine mucosa proceeds with damage to the vessels.

However, for the majority, this event has no visible manifestations. And for them, the question of how long pregnancy symptoms appear is still relevant. From the moment of implantation of the embryo, we can say that conception has occurred. As the fetus develops, the hormonal background of a woman changes, which affects her well-being. Already in a two-week period, you can feel your new state.

First sensations during pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs, one of the first sensations that appear:

  • soreness, unusual sensitivity of the chest, nipples;
  • increased volume of vaginal discharge;
  • nausea;
  • strong salivation;
  • a change in the reaction to food - favorite dishes become tasteless or generally inspire disgust, and some new ones, on the contrary, cause increased appetite;
  • heightened perception of aromas, even familiar ones cosmetical tools and the perfume smells unpleasant, there may be aversion to male smell;
  • increased weakness and fatigue, drowsiness;
  • discomfort in the abdomen - bloating, rumbling, soreness;
  • the skin becomes hot to the touch, there are chills and hot flashes;
  • frequent mood changes.

Normally, not all of these manifestations may be present or other symptoms are added to them. Every woman has a different start to pregnancy.

Feelings during pregnancy

The psychological state and feelings during pregnancy are associated with changes in the hormonal background. Usually women say:

  • irritability;
  • tearfulness;
  • transitions from laughter to depressed mood;
  • anxiety;
  • suspiciousness.

Often there are depressive reactions. In some women, on the contrary, the onset of pregnancy coincides with feelings of a surge of strength and an improvement in their condition.

Is it normal if I don't feel like I'm pregnant early on?

Normally, a woman at an early stage may not feel that she is pregnant. This is typical for healthy and young expectant mothers. For most, the very first sensations are very atypical, therefore, it is possible to find out about conception only after a delay and a test.

It is worse if there were already all signs of toxicosis (malaise, nausea), swelling and pain in the mammary glands, and then they disappeared, but spotting appeared. These are signs that the pregnancy has stopped in development. You need to visit a gynecologist urgently.

Feelings in the uterus during early pregnancy

The initial sensations in the uterus during early pregnancy (implantation and strengthening of the fetal egg) can be:

  • feeling of heaviness;
  • it seems that the uterus hurts (usually a woman begins to feel it, which was not there before);
  • with a sharp movement, turning, there is a sharp pain in the groin, lower back or along the inner surface of the thighs;
  • there is a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, bloating.

In the early stages of pregnancy, not all women notice sensations in the uterus, but as it develops, they become much more.

Such manifestations are associated with the beginning of the growth of the uterus and a change in the load on its ligaments. Often the cause of pain are previously transferred inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity. After them, adhesions form and, with the development of pregnancy, their stretching can be sensitive.

Can lower back hurt after conception

The lower back after conception can hurt in those women who experience similar sensations before the onset of menstruation. Severe pain in the lumbar region, fatigue with prolonged standing, sitting or walking are characteristic of late dates. In the second, and especially the third trimester, the weight of the uterus with the fetus puts a lot of stress on this part of the spine.

What is the belly in the early stages

Often, the outward appearance of the stomach in the early stages does not change. Less often there is an increase in local temperature (hot stomach), tension, soreness. It hardens a little in the lower part when probing, as the tone of the muscle fibers increases. Due to hormonal changes, digestion is rebuilt, so bloating, a feeling that the stomach is twisting, is possible.

Fetus at the end of the 4th (a), 6th (b) and 9th (c) months of pregnancy


In the first 2 months, external signs of pregnancy are not noticeable. The abdomen is soft, of normal shape and size, there is no pain on pressure. Closer to 11-12 weeks, you can feel the upper border of the uterus. It thickens and begins to be felt by a woman.

Why hot belly

A hot stomach can be a reaction to an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood. Normally, skin temperature rises during pregnancy, this is not a sign of pathology. In some women, it is mainly felt in the abdomen, but most note that the whole body has become hot.

Tense stomach

The tension of the anterior abdominal wall in the lower abdomen is characteristic of the early period. This muscle tone protects developing fetus in the uterus. In addition, against the background of hormonal changes, there is swelling and distension in the intestines. The reason for going to the doctor appears if the tension is combined with:

  • cramping pain,
  • rise in temperature,
  • bouts of nausea and vomiting,
  • excretion of blood.

Why does it hurt

The stomach hurts during early pregnancy due to such changes:

  • increased production of hormones and restructuring of bowel function;
  • stretching of the uterine ligaments;
  • uterus growth;
  • attachment of the fetal egg (sometimes accompanied by blood smearing).

Normally, the pain is moderate or weak, lasts no more than a few minutes, there is no bleeding. With the appearance of blood from the vagina and pain, it is important to consult a gynecologist, undergo an ultrasound scan.

burning belly

Burning sensations (burning belly) is due to physiological changes (normal), it is caused by changes associated with the attachment of the fetal egg, stretching of the uterine cavity and its ligaments. In this case, only a slight tingling, slight discomfort is usually noted. These symptoms occur intermittently and resolve without additional treatment.

If the stomach burns for a long time, there is pain, the temperature is raised to more than 37.3 degrees, then this is a likely sign:

  • ovarian diseases,
  • herpes infection,
  • disruption threats.

In order to make a correct diagnosis, an examination by a gynecologist is necessary.

Does it harden

The abdomen can harden during pregnancy in the first months due to reflex (protective tension) of the abdominal wall. These changes are not always clearly perceptible, therefore, both a soft and a hard abdomen do not confirm or exclude fertilization.

Twists during pregnancy

Unpleasant sensations in the intestinal area of ​​the patient describe: twists, whines, compresses the stomach. They are associated with the effect of progesterone on the intestinal wall. It relaxes, like the rest of the muscle fibers. Hormonal changes also lead to flatulence, constipation, or loose stools. Usually, such discomfort decreases or completely disappears from the second month of pregnancy.

Cramping pain during early pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, cramping pains are dangerous, they can mean a threatening or incipient miscarriage. This complication is characterized by:

  • soreness above the pubis and in the lower back;
  • discharge of blood from the vagina;
  • severe weakness.

It is also possible to increase nausea, fever. With a threatened abortion, there is a chance to keep the pregnancy. For this you need to call ambulance for hospitalization in the gynecological department. Self-medication is not recommended.

Watch this video about what to do if your stomach hurts during pregnancy and when you should see a doctor:

Can shivering in early pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, she is shivering due to the fact that this is how the body reacts to a fetus that is half foreign to it. In addition to this, against the background of hormonal changes, the body temperature rises, and this can also be accompanied by chills.

This reaction is quite natural and gradually disappears. Prolonged trembling in the body, fever with headache and nausea is a sign of an infection in the body. Therefore, in all doubtful cases, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

Can high blood pressure be a sign of pregnancy?

In most women, hormonal changes during pregnancy cause
a decrease in pressure, so its increase does not apply to specific signs of conception.

Any changes in blood circulation, unusual sensations cannot be unambiguously attributed only to the beginning of fetal development.

For a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist (if there is a delay in menstruation), a cardiologist or a general practitioner.

On what day after conception does she start to feel sick

A typical time for the onset of nausea after conception is the first days of the second month of pregnancy - 5-6 weeks. Nausea appears in the morning or increases throughout the day. Possible connection with food or the occurrence and outside of its reception. In some women, the urge to vomit and changes in taste sensations, increased salivation disappear after 2-3 weeks, but often they disturb almost the entire pregnancy.

Symptoms of pregnancy after conception

The surest symptom for many is the absence of due date menses. But this will be revealed later. Some women even before menstruation feel the manifestations of the changes that have occurred in the body.

Feelings in early pregnancy before the delay are weak, they are easy to confuse with signs of a cold or overwork. A woman may experience:

  • runny nose, sore throat;
  • drowsiness, rapid fatigue;
  • increased excitability.

Sometimes all of the above is the body's reaction to a change in the balance of hormones. But it is worth taking into account that immunity is not active at this time. All forces are subordinated to the needs of the reproductive system, that is, the development of pregnancy. Therefore, it is easy to really catch a cold and overwork.

Increased symptoms

After implantation, the embryonic cells begin to actively divide. The body's job is to provide safe conditions and comfort for the existence of the fetal egg. At this time, the volume increases.

The embryo also adds new to the composition of the mother's hormones. This is hCG, which helps the gynecologist to make a diagnosis. Under no other circumstances can this hormone appear in the female body. It depends on progesterone and hCG how pregnancy begins, the symptoms of which become more pronounced every day.

Symptoms of pregnancy Manifestation of symptoms in a pregnant woman


Usually nausea haunts in the morning, but it can also appear 2-3 times a day. It can be associated with or without food.

Change in temperature inside the vagina (basal temperature)

If a woman controlled her before, she will notice that BT is at a value slightly above 37 degrees. So the body creates the conditions for the development of the embryo.

Cessation of menstruation

The presence of the embryo makes it impossible and unnecessary to replace the upper layer of the uterine mucosa with a new one.

Appearance changes

The abdomen in the first stage is not yet growing, but the skin may become covered age spots, acne, and hair become more oily or dry and weak.

Aversion to smells

It's not just about the smell of food, but any other. Previously favorite or neutral scents cause an attack of nausea or, in best case, irritation.

Change in tastes in food

A woman is more often drawn to salty or there is a rejection of meat. There may be a need to eat a substance unsuitable for this.

And yet, when they discuss what it feels like during pregnancy in the early stages, they mainly mean what happened in the reproductive system of a woman. The main ones are focused in her stomach.

Early pregnancy and uterus

The main organ that performs work during pregnancy is the uterus. This is a refuge for the embryo for a long time. The body most clearly demonstrates all the existing changes.

Feelings in the uterus in early pregnancy are noticeable from its onset. It has already been said about what a woman can feel when an embryo is fixed in her, but this is far from all. The organ receives an increased blood supply at an early stage. This makes him especially susceptible.

If in the normal state not every woman will indicate where the uterus is located, during pregnancy she will easily do this. The tissues of the mucous membrane of the organ swell, which may cause a slight heaviness in the abdomen, tingling.

Normal sensations in early pregnancy do not cause unbearable discomfort, although with its development they will intensify. According to the reasons that caused them, these manifestations can be divided into groups.


The feeling of tightness in the abdomen is familiar to many in this condition. His fault is a spasm of the muscles of the uterus, called. When feeling the abdomen after 2 months from the onset of pregnancy, it is easy to find the upper pole of the organ. Similar sensations of stony uterus in early pregnancy are due to a deficiency of progesterone.

If it is large, you will have to save the child with the help of the efforts of doctors and bed rest. But this also happens with a normal pregnancy due to motor load, shaking in transport. If the muscle spasm passes quickly, is not accompanied by severe pain and bloody discharge, there is no danger in this.

Changes associated with uterine growth

Brief abdominal pain in early pregnancy that occurs during amplification motor activity, are localized in the groin area. They can often be felt by women with a sudden change in body position, even coughing and sneezing.

In the cases described, this is a common occurrence caused by an increase in the load on the ligaments of the uterus. The organ is growing, and although it is not so obvious in the early stages, the pressure on its parts increases. Normally, sensations should pass soon after the onset.

The influence of the uterus on neighboring organs

The first sensations in early pregnancy can be associated, oddly enough, with the bladder and intestines. The edematous uterus and enlargement certainly affect neighboring organs.

From here. The uterus does not yet have a large size, but it irritates the walls of the bladder. If a woman tries to reduce visits to the toilet and endure, the urge intensifies, and hypertonicity may be added to it.

Unpleasant sensations during pregnancy in the early stages are presented by the intestines. They are caused by the relaxation of his muscles, like many other abdominal organs. On the one hand, this is nature's concern for the preservation of pregnancy. On the other hand, it can cause flatulence. Vasodilation in the pelvic area, inevitable during pregnancy, often provokes the appearance of hemorrhoids.

Early pregnancy and ovaries

The ovaries during pregnancy, as the tissues of the uterus grow, are pulled up to the upper part of the abdominal cavity. At first, this is not as noticeable as with its development. Actually, on this moment these organs have done their job, that is, they have produced a healthy reproductive cell and their functioning is minimal.

The sensations in the ovaries during early pregnancy may not go beyond a slight pulling in this area. But the culprits are to a greater extent the ligaments of the uterus, which have to withstand the growing load.

Vagina during pregnancy

The vagina is the path along which the newborn will make the first movement. This is part of the reproductive system, so the changes will affect him too.

Sensations in the vagina in early pregnancy are determined by an increase in the number and diameter of vessels in the small pelvis. For the embryo, oxygen and nutrition are required, which reach its cells through the bloodstream. Therefore, the woman will feel fullness in the perineum. It is caused by stretching of the capillary and venous walls, blood pressure on them. The sensations in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy will be similar.

The vagina and before it produces mucus, which provides the normal microflora of the organ. During pregnancy, its secretory capabilities increase. A woman notes a colorless, odorless discharge. The worst they can bring is a feeling of slight discomfort. But in general, this is a common occurrence.

Breasts at the beginning of pregnancy

The breast is a very sensitive part of the female reproductive system. Hormones have a strong influence on it. That is why the mammary glands are the first to respond to the appearance of an embryo in the body.

Nature prepares them to produce milk for the unborn baby, doing this with the help of the hormone prolactin. The glands grow in volume, so even for the first weeks a woman should stock up on underwear a size or two more than usual.

As a result, they also become different. She becomes more receptive to touch, sometimes to the point of soreness. The feeling of fullness is added due to the expansion of the ducts through which milk will go to the nipples.

The skin of the chest acquires, as it were, transparency, because the vessels are clearly visible on it. Nipples and areolas, on the contrary, get a brighter color, also becoming a little painful.

The border of the manifestations of pregnancy and the danger to it

All processes at the initial stage of pregnancy may not coincide in detail in different women. Moreover, the bearing of the first and second child in the same mother is not the same. It is not always possible to distinguish where the ordinary manifestations of the condition are, and in which cases there is a danger to the fetus. AND still, there are criteria by which you can suspect something was wrong: Stages of miscarriage in early pregnancy

  • Sharp, throbbing pain during early pregnancy has been noticed. Accompanied by , they can mean . With this development of events, the fetus cannot be saved, but emergency care is still needed.
  • If the pain is localized in the lateral square of the abdomen, does not disappear, it is supplemented, there is a possibility that the pregnancy does not develop in the uterus, but in the tube or abdominal cavity. This condition also needs urgent intervention. If help arrives early, there is still a chance that the next pregnancy will be successful.
  • If the tests showed that there is a fetus, but the woman does not have any sensations in the early stages of pregnancy. This happens when the embryo stops developing. A frozen fetus means the cessation of cell division, the return of the hormonal background to its previous state. Hence the absence of all of its manifestations mentioned.
  • A frozen pregnancy sometimes ends in spontaneous rejection of the fetus, but in frequent cases medical intervention is required.

Look at the video about early pregnancy and characteristic manifestations:

What if there are two of them?

Some women feel great even when they are expecting a baby: they almost do not feel sick, the discomfort that cannot be avoided is minimal. But this situation practically does not happen if twins are expected (sensations in early pregnancy can make it feel before the ultrasound).

The load that the female body carries in this case increases. What is immediately evident from the study on hCG, it will be twice as much. And the volume of progesterone, which ensures gestation, which is also the cause of not the most pleasant manifestations, is higher. That's why:

  • can be very pronounced;
  • soreness of the mammary glands is more noticeable;
  • weakness is more pronounced because of the double need for iron;
  • the stomach becomes larger by the 11th week due to the rapidly growing uterus, respectively, all the inconveniences associated with this in the form of hourly trips to the toilet, constipation are more acute;
  • abdominal pain can also be more noticeable due to the increased load on the ligaments, the risk of uterine hypertonicity and miscarriage increases.

Feelings in the early stages of a trouble-free pregnancy can be different. Sometimes they are very hard to bear, but many women have gone through this, which means that everyone can. It is important not to confuse the norm and pathology, and this can be avoided if you regularly visit a doctor, listen to your body and trust them both.

Useful video

Watch this video about the sensations during pregnancy:

For 2 years there is no sensation

Asked by: Stasia

Female gender

Age: 22

Chronic diseases: not specified

Hello, I'll start with the fact that I've been sexually active for about 2 years, I have one partner and I didn't have anyone before him (he also). For the first time, I reacted quite calmly: there was neither panic nor fear. At first (months), the absence of sensations during intercourse did not frighten me, but over time it began to alert me. I have a desire, an attraction, but when it comes down to it, I start to control everything, I can’t relax, as if I’m blocking something in myself. As soon as the partner doesn’t kiss or run his hand over the body, the brain turns on and I stop feeling anything at all. There are moments when, being afraid of any situations that are ridiculous from my point of view, I begin to deliberately control everything. For these 2 years, there was never any sensation during sex. I don’t know how the body should react and what I should feel, what pleasant sensations it is. Sometimes it seems that I get nothing but moral satisfaction. Tell me, are these complexes and problems in my head or something else? And is it possible to somehow overcome this barrier of eternal control? Thank you in advance!

1 answer

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It is difficult to answer unequivocally without knowing the details of the situation, your relationship with your partner, the course of the sexual intercourse itself, caresses. Before sex, you must have good mood and a positive relationship with a partner. The partner should be attentive to your body and feel what is pleasant for you and what is not. You help him understand how best to act. Change the sexual act itself (experiment): diversify caresses, up to your masturbation of yourself, oral, anal caresses, etc. Change the place of sex (in nature, in the car, in the kitchen.). Tests should help you: In general, your problem needs to be studied in detail during a consultation (via Skype or e-mail) -

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From the book "Thousands ... questions and answers in gynecology" (2008)

What are sexual disorders?
Sexual disorders, or sexual dysfunction, are problems associated with any phase of the sexual response to sexual intercourse that prevents a woman or couple from enjoying and satisfying sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, there are many conflicting rumors and myths about women's sexuality and their ability to get satisfaction during sexual intercourse. Women often hide their feelings in relation to sex, blame themselves and are accused by men of indifference, frigidity and other problems. However, a woman's sexual dysfunction is a problem for two, a married couple, and often has a psychological basis. Statistics show that sexual disorders occur in 31% of men and 43% of women, and are a very common problem among the adult population. According to a survey conducted in the United States in 1970, more than 50% of women cannot experience orgasm during intercourse, and 30 to 50% of men experience problems with potency. Talk about sexual issues is becoming very popular in society, which is supported by the media. Therefore, to some extent, having a personal sexologist (as well as a psychotherapist) has become fashionable in many developed countries.

What are the phases of the sexual response cycle?
There are four phases of the sexual response cycle:
- Arousal (the first level of sexual response, indicating the first signs of sexual arousal).
- Plateau (the second level of sexual response, during which physical arousal increases).
- Orgasm (menopause and release of sexual arousal).
- Permission (resolution, satisfaction).

What is libido?
Libido is the desire for sexual contact, which includes sexual fantasies and thoughts. Synonyms for libido are "desire", "sexual desire", "desire", "passion".

What types of female sexual disorders are most common?
Some of the most common sexual complaints in women are:
. reduced sexual desire, coldness, frigidity (30-40%);
. lack of pleasure and orgasm (20-40%);
. pain during intercourse, vaginismus;
. insufficient hydration of the vagina.

Sexual dysfunction often develops gradually, and depends on the sexual constitution, the personality characteristics of women and the interpersonal relationships of spouses.
What are the causes of sexual dysfunction in women?
All causes of sexual disorders in women can be divided into two main groups: psychological and physical. Psychological reasons include:
. Stress
. Irritability
. Feelings about sexual intercourse
. Relationship problems with husband or partner
. Depression
. Guilt
. Exposure to previous sexual trauma (rape, perverted sex, sexual assault)

Physical reasons include:
. Systemic diseases (diabetes, neurological disease, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, liver disease)
. Hormonal imbalances
. Menopause
. Alcoholism
. drug use
. The use of a number of medications (antidepressants, COCs, etc.)

What are the differences in male and female reactions to sex?
Very often, men reproach women for coldness or other sexual problems, not realizing that the sexual response in men and women can be different, despite the same phase of sexual response. Women generally go through sexual phases more slowly than men. Men can experience all four phases within 4-5 minutes. It takes a woman 10 to 20 minutes only for the first two phases to get an orgasm. Only half of women reach orgasm within 10-12 minutes. At the beginning of sexual activity, when there is sexual desire, a feeling of love between partners, orgasm can be achieved within 1 minute in 25% of women after the introduction of the penis into the vagina.

Does penis size affect a woman's response?
Numerous studies have shown that the vagina during intercourse adapts to the size of the penis and the subjective sensations of pleasure and intensity of orgasm are not related to the size of the penis. During an erection, the size of a tense penis decreases. Contrary to popular belief, there is no relationship between penis size and male sexual potency. An obstacle just might be a dick too big size with a narrow vagina of a woman.

Does the size of the clitoris affect sexual sensitivity and orgasm?
The size of the clitoris does not affect the frequency of a woman's orgasm.
The sensitivity of the clitoris is about 3-5 times higher than the sensitivity of the glans penis, but the occurrence of an orgasm and the satisfaction during intercourse depends on many factors.

If a woman does not have an orgasm, is she frigid?
On average, 1 out of 3 women does not experience an orgasm in the first year of marriage, and only 30% regularly achieve orgasm in the course of one sexual intercourse. This may be due to the inexperience of sexual partners, psychological (fear of partner dissatisfaction, fear of pregnancy) and other factors.

What is a decrease in sex drive?
A decrease in sexual desire can be observed in both women and men, but it is women who are most often accused of being “cold”. However, there is a very famous expression: "There are no frigid women, but there are inattentive men and lazy women." True frigidity is extremely rare. Sexual desire and arousal decrease in the presence of chronic diseases of any localization, depression, pregnancy, chronic stress. Socio-economic factors can inhibit sexual desire: job change or loss, financial problems, having small children in the family, living with parents or other relatives in the same apartment or house. Strict upbringing, childhood psychological trauma, strict control by parents can leave a negative imprint on a woman's life and be the cause of her sexual disorders. An unpleasant situation and a crisis in intimate life awaken old unconscious fears and inhibitions that are the cause of sexual problems.

What can be the reason for the lack of orgasm in women?
Anorgasmia, or lack of orgasm, has the same causes as a decrease or lack of sexual desire, and is most often due to the inexperience of sexual partners to bring pleasure to each other. It has been proven that 90% of women experience orgasm during masturbation. This means that true anorgasmia, when erotic receptors do not respond to irritation, is extremely rare. Lack of orgasm may be the result of premature ejaculation in a man, interrupted intercourse, insufficient psychoerotic preparation of a woman for rapprochement (due to the lack of foreplay), an incorrectly chosen position. Due to the lack of sexual education and old traditional views on sex, a woman is most often a passive sexual partner, providing only parts of her body to satisfy the sexual needs of a man, as a result of which the erogenous zones (both genital and extragenital) do not receive sufficient stimulation. Usually a man determines the frequency, rhythm, form of sexual intercourse, being an active partner. Sometimes the lack of orgasm can be associated with puberty disorders.

Why can a woman experience pain during intercourse?
There are many reasons why a woman may experience pain during intercourse.
. Inflammatory diseases of the organs of the reproductive system (vaginitis, cervicitis, abscess of the Bartholin gland, inflammation of the appendages)
. Other diseases of the reproductive system (endometritis, ovarian cysts, uterine leiomyoma)
. Vaginismus, primary or secondary (pain due to fear of intercourse)
. Lack of moisture (lubrication) during intercourse.

What are the reasons for insufficient hydration of the vagina?
Insufficient production of "lubrication" during sexual intercourse is most often due to a woman's unpreparedness for sexual intercourse (lack of desire, arousal), in the presence of inflammatory processes of the vagina and vulva, against the background of taking a number of medications, with atrophy of the vaginal mucosa (postmenopause, radiation), in the presence of vaginal scars.

How is a woman with sexual dysfunction examined?
For many years, the issues of women's sexual disorders have not been given due attention. Usually they were accused of "natural coldness", while sexologists and sex therapists dealt only with issues of male sexual disorders. Most clinics specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of male sexual dysfunctions. Female sexual dysfunction is a problem of a married couple or both partners. To exclude a number of causes of sexual disorders, a woman may be offered to undergo an examination by a gynecologist, laboratory tests to detect sexually transmitted infections, and ultrasound. Interviewing a woman and her partner can help a doctor choose the right direction for diagnosing and treating sexual dysfunction.

How is female sexual dysfunction treated?
In most cases, female sexual disorders do not require medication or other treatment. Explaining to a woman and her partner the causes of such disorders, teaching the technique of sex, eliminating psychological causes, helps in solving the problem in most cases of sexual disorders.

All types of activities and treatment can be divided into the following groups:
1. Teaching the anatomy of the genital organs, their functions, the changes that take place in the body with age, the rules of sexual behavior and sexual response.
2. Encouraging the use of drugs that increase arousal (watching erotic films, reading erotic books, erotic lingerie, masturbation, new sex positions and techniques, vibrators and sex toys).
3. The use of stimuli (music, light, scenery, new places, erotic fantasies, sexual experiments).
4. Encouraging non-sexual relationships (helping a man with household chores, raising children, building trust, respect and understanding, joint walks, trips and visits public places and etc.).
5. Reducing pain (treatment of inflammatory processes, surgical removal of tumors of the vagina and uterus, training in relaxation techniques, the use of lubricants, medications, hormones).

Can a woman take Viagra and are there such drugs for women?
Women should not take Viagra, which was created to improve male erection, due to its ineffectiveness for the female body and the presence of many side effects. Attempts to create a "female Viagra" are carried out by many pharmaceutical laboratories in the world, but so far have not been successful.