What exercises can be done during pregnancy. Therapeutic exercises for pregnant women for each trimester Gymnastics for pregnant women 2nd trimester for the back

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Women in a position need to receive physical activity, despite all the arguments of caring mothers and their persuasion to sit on the couch. No, you can't run marathons. suitable option- . The 2nd trimester simultaneously imposes new restrictions on exercises and allows you to introduce additional loads into classes.

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Why do you need gymnastics

Regular workouts for women in position:

  • will not allow the muscles to become flabby, and the joints to stiffen;
  • reduce the likelihood of edema;
  • help to quickly return to shape after childbirth;
  • will not allow you to gain excess weight;
  • support a healthy metabolism in the body;
  • regulate the work of the cardiovascular and urinary systems;
  • retain their blooming appearance.

In addition, some exercises and sports help relieve pain in the lower back and take the load off your spine.

What exercises should not be done during pregnancy:

  • press loads;
  • lying on your back;
  • weight lifting;
  • abrupt movements;
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • rapid pulse.

added ban on long exercises on the back. The enlarged uterus and the child in this position put pressure on the vena cava, and hypoxia begins in the fetus.

The woman may feel dizzy and nauseous.

Any exercises that require balancing are also excluded. This is not only standing on one leg, but also riding a bicycle.

The appeared tummy begins to change the woman's sense of balance and at the most unexpected moment can fail. The fetus is no longer protected by the pelvic bones and can be easily injured.

Rapid pulse and/or shortness of breath - evidence of a lack of oxygen in a woman and, accordingly, in the fetus. banned for any length of time!

Useful exercises

What exercises can be done by pregnant women in the 2nd trimester:

  • slow and smooth;
  • giving a load on the back, buttocks and legs;
  • according to the Kegel method;
  • with light dumbbells.

The list of sports sections that provide pregnant women with the opportunity to practice is no different from the list of the 1st trimester:

  • pool;
  • fitness;
  • gym;
  • Eastern dance;
  • Pilates;
  • yoga;
  • hiking.

Recommended if possible use the services of a coach. He will draw up the correct program, and nothing will threaten the child.

Fitness classes, oriental dances, yoga and Pilates cannot take place without the supervision of a trainer by definition.

Even if a woman visited the section before pregnancy and is familiar with the techniques, it is not worth the risk.

The pool is pleasant in that classes with an instructor are not required. You can enjoy splashing in shallow water, cruising on your back or with a swimming board 3 meters back and forth.

It is very pleasant to hang on the delimiter, leaning on the shoulder blades. The loin at this moment will applaud with happiness. If you have the will and the money, you can do water aerobics with an instructor or independently make slow swings and turns.

Exercises for the back during pregnancy are allowed, but not all. Most of them require the participation of the lower back or the press, and this is not allowed. Those exercises that affect the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and do not require deep backbends are allowed.

Kegel exercises

The technique consists in applying a load to the muscles of the vagina. This is beneficial and will not harm the fetus. Even more: if a woman knows which muscles in the future will push the fetus through the birth canal, she will be able, and trained muscles will better cope with the task. This will facilitate the process of childbirth and the mother, and the child, and obstetricians.

The muscles of the uterus are located between the press and the rectum. Very often, women push "in the ass", which leads to hemorrhoids and prolonged labor. And rightly so - push the uterus. Kegel exercises are a great prenatal workout. And they are not dangerous, because without contractions, a woman is not able to strain the uterus hard enough to harm the fetus or provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.

Kegel exercises for pregnant women include several beneficial activities.

The first exercise is to find the uterus. Those who are not afraid can try to feel it from the inside, but this is not hygienic. It is recommended to lie down, relax and slowly, gently tense all the muscles in turn that can only be "found" in the lower abdomen. To make sure it's not a press, you can put your hands on your stomach. The tension of the sphincter is difficult to confuse with something, as is the hardening of the buttocks (as with injections). By trial and error, the desired muscles will be found.

Another way to find the uterine muscles, or use as an exercise when they are already found, is to stop urinating.

You can practice in advance when going to the toilet, and then reproduce the actions, but already lying on the couch.

"Elevator". When the acquaintance with the muscles was successful and the woman is more or less able to control them, an exercise is performed for sequential contraction from the “entrance” to the “depth”. The woman seems to be pushing something into herself.

It is necessary to take a position, as in a gynecological chair, tighten the muscles, and then relax. Repeat several times. In the initial stages, the tension time can be 10 seconds. With every workout time should be increased, smoothly bringing it up to 30 times.

Lie on the floor, bend your knees and, keeping your legs slightly apart, put your calves on the sofa / bed / fitball. First tighten the uterine muscles, then the anus, relax in reverse order. It is necessary to increase the pace over time and strive to complete the exercise quickly.

Gymnastics at home

List of the easiest and safest exercises for pregnant women at home in the 2nd trimester:

  • Stretching. Get on your knees on a hard floor, sit on your heels with your buttocks. If the tummy is rounded, spread your knees in advance so that the belly fits between the thighs. Put your hands on the floor at your knees and stretch them forward, sliding on the floor. The body follows the arms. You should stop in a position where the butt is slightly raised above the heels, and the back is straight. Also smoothly and slowly return to the starting position.
  • "Cat". Get on your knees and rest your palms on the floor. On inhalation, bend the stomach as much as possible down, while exhaling, bend the back as much as possible up. Do not take your hands/feet off the floor. Do not change position.
  • Press. Sit in the lotus position. Raise your arms, bent at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, so that the palms are in front of the chest, and press the palms against each other with force, using only the muscles of the arms and back. You can alternate by pressing one hand on the other alternately. The type of exercise squeezing a fitball between the palms.
  • Leg press. Sit on a chair, hold the fitball between your knees and squeeze / unclench it without releasing it.
  • Butt lift. Kneel on the floor, sit on your heels, bring your knees together. Straighten up from this position, standing only on your knees.
  • Hands up. Stand on the floor, feet shoulder width apart. Pick up the fitball and lower them down. Slowly raise your outstretched arms up when your elbows are level with your head, bend your arms at the elbows, lowering them behind your head. Also slowly return to the starting position.
  • "Warrior". Stand in a chair, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands to take the back and sit down, trying to lower the hips (from the pelvis to the knee) parallel to the floor. Also slowly return to the original state.
  • "Mermaid". Sit in mermaid pose: right hand rests on the floor, legs are bent at the knees and located on the left side, the center of gravity is on the right buttock (thigh). Slowly raise your left hand up and also slowly lower it. Change sides - legs are bent to the right, rests on the floor left hand, the right one rises.

It is very pleasant to perform hanging on the hands. Legs should not be tight. The body is in free flight. For exercise, horizontal bars in the yard, the gym or the crossbar at home are suitable. You can't jump to the crossbar. You can use a stool. Action relieves stress on the spine and relaxes the lower back. The main thing in this technique is safety.


Breathing exercises for pregnant women (2nd trimester) are included in the general set of exercises and involve proper breathing during exercise.

Deep breaths are taken at the opening chest, exhale on its contraction.

Example 1: sit on the floor, a chair, stand up straight, raising your outstretched arms up, take a deep breath.

Slowly lower your arms and exhale slowly. You can lower your hands more sharply and exhale more intensely.

Example 2: breathe only in the abdominal area or chest. Lie on your back and take a few deep calm breaths / exhalations, using only the abdominal region. Sit down so as not to pass the vein.

Important! You can use small dumbbells to put extra pressure on your arms when doing simple exercises from the school warm-up.

Useful video: exercises for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester


Pregnancy is not a reason to stop doing fitness, you just need to adjust the set of exercises based on your condition. Loads on the right muscle groups will help prepare for childbirth, feel cheerful and keep the body in good shape. you can find out from the link.

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Pregnant women often fall into one of the extremes: I will lie down and not move until the very birth, or, on the contrary, I will continue to do everything as usual, as if nothing has changed. The truth, as always happens, is in the middle. If you are used to an active lifestyle, then now The best way maintain muscle tone - gymnastics for pregnant women, the 2nd trimester is perfect for training. But if with the word “gym” you still represent school physical education, then your attitude to loads should be somewhat different. Let's figure out from which side it is right to approach the issue of physical activity during pregnancy.

The need for gymnastics in the 2nd trimester

There should not be two opinions - while carrying a child, it is important for a woman to be active. Of course, only when the pregnancy flows without complications. If the expectant mother has been involved in sports before, then it is undesirable to quit classes now. This is additional stress for the body. The opposite is also true: for a physically unprepared woman, sports can be dangerous. Consulting a doctor and a competent trainer will help to avoid trouble.

What will regular training bring?

  1. Maintaining tone of all large muscles. This will help maintain attractiveness after childbirth, which is important for every woman. The tasks of training now do not include a set of muscle mass, therefore, to achieve the result, your own weight or small (up to 3 kg) dumbbells is enough.
  2. Stretching and strengthening ligaments throughout the body. Stretching brings some pain, but it's worth it. Elastic muscles and ligaments, especially in the perineal region, are very important in the final period of childbirth. The ability to control them, together with their high pliability and elasticity, will help the baby to pass through the birth canal without injury, and the woman to avoid tears.
  3. Strengthening the collar zone and the muscles that hold the lower back. These muscles need special attention. A strong lower back will relieve the spine, and the shoulder girdle will be actively involved in the first year of a child's life.
  4. Maintaining the shape of the breast. Many women are afraid that after pregnancy and lactation, their breasts will become unattractive. There is some truth in this, but working out the pectoral muscles during pregnancy will help maintain the shape of the breast and prevent it from sagging.
  5. Stretch marks prevention. Another cosmetic defect that scares women is stretch marks. This "seal" of pregnancy remains for life and therefore it is advisable to try to prevent its occurrence. Physical activity increases blood circulation in tissues, which improves skin condition. But the greatest role is played by the amount of protein in the diet - the less it is, the higher the risk of stretch marks.
  6. Improving blood circulation in the pelvis. This becomes more and more relevant as the due date approaches, when the enlarging uterus compresses the intestines and bladder. In addition, good blood circulation oxygenates the placenta.
  7. Good mood. Sports activities always carry a positive charge of energy. One workout is a pill of concentrated positive for the whole day.

Be sure to take into account the level of physical fitness of the expectant mother. For those women who have been successfully involved in sports for a long time, training is essential. It is only important to reduce the load by about half, and reduce the duration in the second trimester to half an hour. For power and aerobic loads, you need to conduct a set of stretching exercises, which will take about 20 minutes.

It is better for a woman who did not go in for sports before pregnancy to give up the idea of ​​​​going to fitness, and give preference to Pilates or yoga. Training should be carried out in a gentle mode, not cause overwork and not pleasant sensations.

Classes should be stopped immediately in the event of the following conditions:

  • weakness, dizziness;
  • increased heart rate above 130 beats per minute;
  • sudden onset of vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the abdomen of any intensity;
  • "petrification" of the abdomen.

Completely abandon sports should be at the risk of miscarriage and habitual miscarriage. Contraindications also include placenta previa, cervical weakness, infectious diseases, hypertension, etc.

It is worth understanding a simple truth: hyperactive training can lead to a miscarriage, and “amoebicity” and passivity can lead to problems in childbirth and pregnancy complications.

Therefore, it is important to choose your most optimal level loads, depending on the state of health and general fitness.

Breathing exercises for pregnant women in the second trimester

Now is the time to learn how to breathe correctly. While there is no need to disassemble the breath, which will be useful in childbirth, but it is worth paying attention to the deep chest and diaphragmatic. The purpose of such training is to achieve peace of mind, calm and relaxation. Proper breathing is necessary to fully provide the baby with oxygen, accelerate metabolism, and improve blood circulation.

Sit in a Turkish position with a folded towel under your tailbone. Keep your back straight so as not to squeeze your stomach. Completely exhale all the air from the lungs, as if with a piston, pulling the organs inward. Then take a deep breath. Begin to fill with air first the stomach, then the lower part of the lungs, and only at the end of the chest. Exhale exactly the opposite - from top to bottom. If you feel dizzy, stop exercising. In the normal course of the session, breathe in this way for up to 10 minutes, but no more.

Positional gymnastics for pregnant women

This type of physical education is suitable for women who have health problems or are completely unfamiliar with sports. In fact, this is a set of exercises borrowed from fitness and yoga. It carries a minimal threat of pregnancy, but allows you to give the muscles some tone.

Among the exercises of positional gymnastics, the "kitty" and "butterfly" known to all pregnant women.

Here you can include yoga asanas:

  • mountain pose;
  • head down dog posture;
  • bridge pose (gently).

If the pregnancy is going well and the doctor says there are no contraindications, then you can not limit yourself to positional gymnastics. It is better to diversify your activities with easy fitness, gentle yoga, swimming in the pool, or at least walking.

Fitness for pregnant women, exercises

Unfortunately, fitness is often prohibited during pregnancy, considering it too difficult and dangerous for a specified period of time. In fact, sets of exercises to strengthen the arms and collar zone, buttocks, legs and back in fitness are the most effective and, with the right approach, absolutely safe.

In the second trimester the most the best option there will be workouts on fitballs. Their shock-absorbing ability reduces the risk of injury and gives the correct distribution of the load on the muscles and joints.

You can also practice on the ball at home, but if you do not know the technique of doing the exercises, attend several group or individual lessons with a trainer.

Start training with articular gymnastics. Rotate your hands, then your elbows, and finally work your shoulders. Squat a little without bending and lunging, move your feet and stretch your neck. You are allowed to give a small aerobic exercise during this period of pregnancy. To do this, it is ideal to walk on a treadmill for 5-10 minutes, you can add an incline if your training allows.

And finally, exercises for pregnant women, 2nd trimester.

Exercises that strengthen the abdomen

To prevent diastasis and ease pushing expectant mother be sure to keep the abdominal muscles in good shape. Naturally, all types of planks during pregnancy are prohibited, as well as abdominal twisting. In an interesting position, the best exercise for the press will be small twists on a fitball or barefoot. Put your lower back on the selected projectile and do low-amplitude twists only top corps.

Back strengthening exercise

In the second trimester, it becomes already inconvenient to do many complexes due to the growing belly, so one or two exercises for large muscle groups remain in your arsenal. But you don’t need more, catch up with the desired variety after the birth of a child.

To strengthen the muscles of the back, it is best to perform reverse hyperextension, but already in the second trimester, these exercises are strictly prohibited. To prevent the lower back from “crunching” by the end of the third trimester, perform forward bends. Set your feet wide so that you have room to lower your belly. Bend to parallel with the floor and with short rocking movements raise and lower the body with an amplitude of 45-50 degrees. Returning to the starting position, make sure that only (!) and only the lower back work.

Strengthening twists

It is already quite difficult for you to perform any twists, tilts and turns, but you still need to work out the oblique muscles. The easiest way is to do side bends with or without weighting - at your discretion. Take a stable position, fix the pelvis and tilt to the side. 10-15 times to the right, then to the left. You can connect your hands or take the ball. The stomach should be completely excluded from the process. To do this, “twist” the pelvis slightly forward.

With the fitball on the arms extended forward, you can also do the usual turns of the body. It is best to perform them while standing, but it is permissible to do them while sitting on the floor. In the latter case, be sure to control your back - it should not “fall through”, keep your body straight.

Foot strengthening

Do not limit yourself to working out only large muscles, do not forget that you have ankles and ankles. Soon they will have a hard time due to your weight gain and swelling, so every day give them at least 5 minutes. Sit, straighten your legs and rotate your feet first inward, then in the opposite direction. After, as much as possible, stretch your feet until you shudder. Without relaxing, pull only your fingers towards you (position as in shoes on high heels), then pull the entire foot towards you. Move your fingers to relieve tension.

Hip joints

It's time to gradually prepare yourself for childbirth. During the first trimester there were still fears of a breakdown, in the third the exercises would be more difficult and less effective. Therefore, we open the hip joints and improve the blood circulation of the small pelvis right now.

To achieve this goal, any exercises that are convenient for you with legs wide apart will do. Someone else can do rolls, for others it is already difficult. The same is true with lunges forward from a standing position. Lighten these sets of exercises, use the fitball.

  1. Put the ball in front of you, use it as a support and lunge to the side, gently spring, stretching the muscles of the perineum. Change your leg.
  2. Similarly, pull the muscles by lunging forward on one leg and the other.
  3. Do the butterfly exercise. As long as the stomach does not interfere, you can bend forward slightly, increasing the opening of the joints with your own weight. For more later dates exercise is performed only by muscle strength.
  4. Kegel exercises for pregnant women can be used to develop the muscles of the pelvis and inner thigh. It is great to work out this muscle group by squeezing the fitball between the knees (sitting on the floor or standing).

Attention to the feet

Every pregnant woman can afford beautiful strong legs. Perhaps, during pregnancy, there are more opportunities only in the development of hands. To keep your legs and buttocks in shape, perform simple exercises in a position on all fours or lying on your side.

  1. Raise your straight leg to the side, standing "like a dog" or lying on your side.
  2. Open the pelvis, moving the leg bent at a right angle to the side, also in any of the indicated positions.
  3. Standing on all fours, stretch your straight leg back and lift it to parallel with the floor.
  4. Pump the gluteal muscle, lifting the leg bent at the knee back (as if knocking the heel on the ceiling).
  5. There are no restrictions on squats either. Perform them relying on a fitball and do not overdo it. Three sets of 10-15 reps is your limit at this point in your pregnancy.


In the second trimester, be sure to do stretching exercises, completing them with a set of strength exercises.

  1. Do the cat exercise to relax your back. Standing on all fours, arch your round back up and then relax it by bending down.
  2. Be sure to include fitball exercises for pregnant women in your complex. Get on your knees facing the ball, put your hands on it. Spread your knees wide to comfortably position your stomach. Lower your buttocks to your heels, look at the floor and arch your back well, reach for the ball.
  3. In the starting position with your hands on the fitball, move your pelvis back and to the side, stretch. Change side.
  4. Just standing on all fours, perform rotational movements of the pelvis. You can also rotate the pelvis while sitting on the fitball.
  5. Sit in Turkish, leaning just on the wall or on the ball against the wall. Relax by taking a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  6. Lie on your back on the fitball and bend back as long as this position gives you pleasure.
  7. Just lie down on the floor, breathe evenly, listening to yourself.

yoga during pregnancy

Yoga and fitness are in many ways intertwined during pregnancy and the more closer date childbirth. Fitness becomes more and more fluid and static, approaching yoga classes. Most of the complexes performed at the end of the second trimester in both directions are almost the same. "Butterfly", "cat", slopes and stretching elements in yoga just have their own names.

The principles of yoga in the second trimester are the same as in fitness. You can not squeeze the stomach, you need to give preference to asanas while standing, sitting on the floor or lying on your side. The direction of training is generally exactly the same. The practice begins with breathing exercises, then they move on to working out large muscle groups. Highest value attached to the muscles of the back and the opening of the hip joints. Actual exercises for training the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor and stretching.

What to prefer - fitness or yoga - at this stage depends on your temperament, level of training and familiarity with these areas. The load in both cases will be approximately the same. In the second trimester, the intensity of training is low, all movements are smooth and measured. Think about what type of activity you like best and get ready for training - time is running out!

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"Interesting position" is not a disease. If the gestation period proceeds without complications, then the expectant mother is shown activity. Best time for this, it starts from the 14th week: there is no toxicosis anymore, the stomach is still small, the risks of abortion are minimal. Exercise during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester will help restore vigor, improve well-being. The main thing is to know how to do it right and not overdo it with loads.

Exercise caution while exercising

Training is the key to the well-being of the expectant mother. It is recommended to start practicing from the fourth month. By this time, the body got used to the loads associated with bearing, toxicosis disappeared, hormones stabilized. No wonder the middle of pregnancy is called the “golden time”. A woman expecting a baby has strength for new achievements. A pregnant woman may not be afraid for her baby: from the 14th week, the risks of miscarriage are reduced. It's time for training that will help improve well-being and prepare for childbirth.

Simple physical activity eliminates many problems. Doctors note the positive impact of training on the entire body of the expectant mother. From moderate loads, all organs and systems begin to work better. Training triggers the mechanisms responsible for metabolism, increases the protective functions of the body. Special exercises:

  • learn to breathe correctly;
  • prepare the skin for the upcoming stretching due to the growth of the abdomen;
  • help keep weight under control;
  • strengthen the muscles involved in labor;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalize pressure;
  • relieve the load from the spine and reduce pain in the back;
  • relieve swelling of the legs.

Women who did not forget about gymnastics, being in an "interesting position", quickly returned to prenatal form after the birth of a baby. Training allows you to get rid of unrest, exclude the possibility of developing prenatal depression.

Contraindications to physical activity

Although gymnastics for pregnant women in the second trimester is useful, however, it is not shown to every woman. Exercise should be avoided if:

It is worth excluding stress if past pregnancies ended in miscarriage. You can not do gymnastics with severe swelling. The presence of alarming discharge is a reason to postpone classes until the cause of their appearance is clarified. With hemorrhoids, varicose veins, anemia and pressure problems, some exercises are prohibited - they can aggravate the situation. In this case, the complex is selected together with a specialist.

It is best to talk to your doctor about the possibility of training. In the absence of complications, the doctor will support the desire of the expectant mother to do gymnastics: often doctors themselves insist on moderate exercise if there are no contraindications.

Permitted and prohibited types of training

  • yoga classes;
  • fitball exercises;
  • special gymnastics;
  • fitness for pregnant women;
  • Pilates;
  • breathing exercises;
  • water aerobics.

Water aerobics is very useful

When choosing the type of training, you need to focus on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy, the presence / absence of chronic diseases, the general well-being of a woman. Classes should not last more than half an hour. If the state of health allows, training should be supplemented with long walks in the fresh air. This will only improve the well-being of the expectant mother.

There are a number of exercises that are prohibited in an "interesting position". These include those where required:

  • jump intensely;
  • download the press;
  • balance on one leg;
  • run;
  • lift weights.

Pregnancy (even its “golden period”) is not a time for extreme sports. Risky sports will have to be abandoned before childbirth. The main rule of classes is maximum safety and maximum benefit.

We do it right

Choosing an activity is only the first step. You need to know how to properly perform exercises for pregnant women, because the “interesting position” entails a lot of nuances. Regardless of the type of training chosen, you must not forget about the smoothness of movements. Many exercises for pregnant women involve twisting and swinging the limbs. But future mothers often forget that active dynamics and sharpness are prohibited. As well as lifting weights is prohibited, which must be taken into account when using equipment.

To make training comfortable and safe, you should follow these recommendations:

  • Put on a bandage. The abdomen after the 14th week noticeably rounds, and towards the end of the second trimester it is difficult to do without support.
  • Pick up sportswear. It will provide support for the forms, which will increase by this time, and guarantee comfort.
  • Follow the pulse. With a rapid heartbeat, the supply of oxygen to the fetus decreases.
  • At a minimum, perform exercises where you need to lie on your back. With this position, the vena cava is clamped, which limits the baby's oxygen.
  • Take a break between sets.

You don't have to force yourself to exercise. Classes should evoke positive emotions. If you feel unwell, training should be postponed until a better time.

Feeling unwell directly during the exercise, you need to stop training.

Simple home gymnastics

A pregnant woman can ensure her well-being by doing simple home gymnastics. It is better to do it in the morning, it will give strength for the whole day. Before training, be sure to warm up. You can do it like this:

Each element of the warm-up must be repeated several times. After the preparatory stage, it is important to take a break (a minute's rest is enough), and then perform a simple set of exercises for pregnant women, aimed at working out different muscles:

  1. Sit down. Place one hand on the other. Align the location of the elbows at the level of the pectoral muscles. Press one hand on the other. Change pressing and "passive" hands.
  2. Lie on your side, stretch your arms forward in a folded position on top of each other. Slowly make body turns, moving the arm located on top one hundred and eighty degrees.
  3. IN sitting position bend your legs under you, place your buttocks on them. You need to spread your knees so that your stomach is comfortably placed between them. Gently do deep forward bends.
  4. Sit on the floor with your legs extended. Bring your hands back, lean on them. Repeat: bending the legs at the knees - breeding to the sides - straightening - bringing together.
  5. Standing on all fours, tilt your head back. Inhaling, gently bend your back; exhaling - bend, tilting your head parallel to the floor.

Home gymnastics can be supplemented with any exercises recommended for expectant mothers. You should first find out if a particular exercise has any contraindications. If you have any doubts, you should consult your doctor.

Fitball exercises

During the 2nd trimester there is an active growth of the fetus. This leads to additional stress on the spine. With each week, the load is felt more and more. Therefore, it is important to include in the complex a special “unloading” exercise for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester.

Fitball helps with back problems

It is best to unload your back with fitball exercises. This inventory will best friend both during the period of bearing the crumbs, and after childbirth. What exercises can be done on it? Fitball gymnastics consists mainly of such elements, where the starting position is “sitting on the ball”. Comfortably seated on a fitball, you can do:

  • tilting the head to the side;
  • torso twists with outstretched arms;
  • hand bends for connecting the shoulder blades.

Additionally, light dumbbells can be used. Exercises with such equipment work out the chest muscles well. For the legs and buttocks, you will have to change position: lie on the floor, legs on the fitball. The most popular exercise from this position is the circular rolling of the ball with the movement of the legs. This improves venous outflow. So you can get rid of the problems familiar to many pregnant women: discomfort caused by varicose veins, swelling of the legs.

To make classes on the fitball comfortable, you need to change the starting positions, take breaks between sets. Before starting a workout, you need to warm up.

Yoga in the second trimester

Being in an "interesting position", you can do yoga. Many yoga poses (asanas) are aimed at strengthening the pelvis, back, and abdomen, which is important for subsequent labor activity. In your training plan, the expectant mother should include exercises that increase the elasticity of the pelvic ligaments and muscles. Having trained them, you can hope for an easy birth.

If a woman did not practice yoga before conception, then it is better to practice asanas under the guidance of an instructor. However, if you approach this issue wisely, then you can choose simple poses that are safe to perform at home. For example, you can repeat the following exercises:

  1. You need to sit on a hard surface, cross your feet, bend your knees. Keeping your arms above your head, lower yourself from this position onto your back until it stops.
  2. Sitting on the floor, spread your legs to the sides. Bend them, pull them up to the buttocks, lower them.
  3. Sit down, stretch your legs, connecting them. Palms - near the hips, pointing fingers to the heels. You need to raise the spine, keeping the head and neck straight.

Pregnant women should take a closer look at yoga also because when performing asanas, the emphasis is not only on movement, but also on breathing. This contributes to the productive work of the lungs, which improves blood circulation, the baby receives a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Breathing exercises

In combination with physical exercises, you can do breathing exercises. They are best done before the actual workout. Breathing exercises can become an alternative to traditional ones if there are contraindications to physical activity.

If you master breathing exercises, then the ability to breathe correctly will help with contractions. With the help of breathing, you can reduce pain from contractions, accelerate attempts, or vice versa, delay them.

Ideally, the trainer should show the basics of breathing practice. One lesson is enough, after the exercise it will be easy to repeat at home.

In the 2nd trimester, you can perform the following set of breathing exercises daily:

  1. Imitate the breathing of a dog. To do this, breathe quickly through your mouth and nose at the same time. The upper part of the chest should rise.
  2. Chest breathing. You need to put your palms over your chest. The fingers should connect. As you begin to breathe, watch your fingers. With proper chest breathing, they should separate on inspiration (long) and return to their original position on exhalation (short).
  3. Abdominal breathing. Lie on your back. Listen to your natural breathing rhythm. Change it so that the abdominal muscles are involved during inhalation and exhalation. However, it is important not to overexert them. Remember that it is not recommended for a future mother to lie on her back for a long time, so literally a minute is allotted for the exercise. After a while, you can repeat.

Having made the decision to engage in physical activity with the onset of the 2nd trimester, pregnant women should listen to useful tips:

  • Choose the exercises that are comfortable for you. There are a huge number of them, "yours" will definitely be found.
  • Work all muscle groups. If it is not possible to develop a complex on your own, an exercise therapy doctor will come to the rescue.
  • Do not overwork, do not experiment, safety comes first.
  • Always focus on your well-being.
  • Follow the doctor's recommendations: if the loads are not allowed, you should not take risks.

A balanced approach to the issue of physical activity will help a pregnant woman improve her well-being and cheer up. Training will also be beneficial when the day of childbirth arrives - everything will go easily.

During pregnancy, the body is rebuilt, creating conditions for bearing a child and successful delivery. On the one hand, a pregnant woman must behave safely so that irreparable things do not happen.

On the other hand, a sluggish and weak body is not ready for normal physiological childbirth. This is especially true of the lower body, which during pregnancy takes on additional burden, and during childbirth reveals all its resources.

Why do you need charging for the priests?


Attention! A pregnant woman should consult a doctor regarding any of her activities that go beyond the normal daily routine. You can train only after obtaining permission from the gynecologist who monitors the course of pregnancy.

Diseases that exclude training on the muscles of the legs and buttocks:

Training should be stopped immediately if the following symptoms occur:

  • dizziness;
  • vaginal bleeding;
  • headache;
  • chest pain;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath in the absence of load;
  • muscle weakness;
  • start of labor activity.

Execution restrictions

  1. All exercises are performed with your own weight. Pregnant women should not train with free weights - barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells. At home, do not take any improvised weighting agents in the form of books and bottles of sand. It is permissible to use leg weights when performing swings from the knee-elbow position.
  2. Prohibited high-intensity exercise, which does not allow you to control breathing and heart rate. Breathing should always be uniform, holding inhalation and exhalation is unacceptable so as not to lose consciousness and not cause fetal hypoxia.
  3. Do not make sudden, jerky movements. In pregnant women, there is hypermobility of the joints and vulnerability of the ligamentous apparatus. All types of exercises are performed slowly, in a controlled manner.

What can not be done at any time?

  1. Before performing the main complex, it is important to warm up. Take 5-10 minutes to warm up. If you are in the gym, walk on a treadmill or use an elliptical trainer.
  2. Perform articular gymnastics for the lower body: twist each foot in turn clockwise and counterclockwise. Do the same manipulation with the knee and hip joints. In order not to lose balance, you can hold on to the back of the chair with your hands.
  3. In the first trimester, it is permissible to exercise in the supine position, with the appearance of a distinct tummy, switch to standing, sitting and knee-elbow exercises.
  4. Exercise in a well-ventilated room at a comfortable temperature.

Important! Start training only in good health. At the slightest change in condition, refuse to continue classes.


For slimming legs

  • Warm up (5 minutes):
    1. walking in place at an average pace - 2 minutes;
    2. torso tilts (forward, backward, to the sides) - 1 minute;
    3. articular gymnastics for the legs - 2 minutes.
  • "Springs" legs - 30 times on each leg, 4 sets.
    1. Starting position (IP): standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist.
    2. Rise up on your toes.
    3. Raise your arms up for balance.
    4. Take one leg back until you feel tension in the buttock and back of the thigh.
    5. Swing your leg in a calm rhythm with moderate amplitude.
    6. Do the exercise for the second leg.
  • Plie squats - 15-20 reps, 3-4 sets.
    1. Standing, legs wider than shoulders, socks pointing outward.
    2. Gently squat while inhaling, taking your buttocks as far back as possible, as if sitting down on an imaginary chair.
    3. Extend your arms out in front of you to counterbalance.
    4. Make sure that the back does not bend, the shoulders are straightened, the gaze is directed forward.
    5. If the squat is shallow, the quadriceps femoris muscles work more.
    6. Deep squatting (before and below the parallel with the floor) actively connects the gluteal muscles to work.
    7. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
  • Leg Abduction – 10-15 reps per leg, 3 sets.
    1. Standing, hands rest on the back of the chair, legs - shoulder width apart, feet - parallel to each other.
    2. As you exhale, take one leg back in a diagonal projection outward until you feel tension in the buttock and hamstrings.
    3. As you inhale, return your leg to its original position, without resting your foot on the floor.
    4. Continue with smooth, controlled leads.

      Attention! Do not make sudden, swinging movements and make sure that the body does not sway or lean forward.

  • Lateral vertical leg swings - 10-15 reps per leg, 3 sets.
    1. IP: lying on its side, the body is raised, resting on the elbow of the lower arm, the legs are straightened in line with the body.
    2. For balance, the lower leg can be bent at the knee.
    3. As you exhale, slowly lift your straight upper leg up.
    4. Having reached the top point, while inhaling, lower the limb to its original position.
    5. Change position and do the exercise for the second leg.
  • Cooldown: stretch the muscles of the buttocks and legs - do not overdo it, stretch until a pleasant sensation appears. It is best to stretch while sitting or lying on a mat.

For the calf muscles and feet in the 1st trimester

During pregnancy, the hormonal background changes, there is a tendency to edema and cramps of the lower extremities. With the advent of additional load, varicose veins may appear. To prevent venous blood stagnation, maintain muscle elasticity and joint mobility, you need to perform special exercises for the legs and joints.

  • Warm-up (5 minutes).
    1. Breathing exercises - 2 minutes (alternating deep calm breaths and exhalations).
    2. Walking in place with smooth swings of the arms - 3 minutes.
  • Pulling up the feet - 10-20 reps.
    1. Sitting on a chair, legs are shoulder-width apart, feet are parallel to each other.
    2. Pull up your feet, pointing your toes towards you, keeping your heels on the floor.
    3. Feel the tension in the ligament and tension in the muscles of the lower leg.
    4. Return your feet to the starting position.
  • Foot rotations - 10 rotations with each foot in each direction.

  1. Sitting or lying down, legs stretched out in front of you.
  2. Raise one leg a few inches off the floor.
  3. Perform a clockwise rotation of the foot, carefully turning the limb at the joint.
  4. After completing 10 turns, repeat the rotation counterclockwise.
  • Development of the knee joints - 10 rotations in each direction with each leg.
    1. IP: standing, legs - shoulder width apart, feet are parallel to each other, hands on the waist.
    2. Raise one leg, bending the limb at the knee joint.
    3. The maximum degree of lifting is the thigh parallel to the floor.
    4. Gently rotate the leg in the knee joint clockwise, describing circles with the foot.
    5. Repeat the rotation on the other side.
    6. Change your leg.
  • Lifting on toes - 20-30 reps.
    1. IP: standing, legs - shoulder width apart, hands - at the waist.
    2. As you exhale, gently rise up on the toes of both feet.
    3. Hold for a second at the top point, feel the tension in the calf muscles.
  • Hitch:
    1. Sit on the mat with your legs stretched out in front of you.
    2. Legs are brought together, socks pointing to the ceiling.
    3. Lean forward, wrapping your arms around your ankles.
    4. Relax, breathe evenly.
    5. Gradually pull your torso towards your legs, tensing your arms.
    6. Hold at the maximum point for a short while, watch your breath.
    7. Return to starting position.
  • On the joints and lower legs in the 2nd trimester

    In the middle of pregnancy, a woman may experience problems with the vestibular apparatus: possible dizziness and nausea. Try not to perform exercises in an unstable position, and avoid sudden changes in position. Prefer activities that do not require you to raise and lower your head frequently. Starting from 18-20 weeks, you need to practice in tight supportive underwear and with a bandage. Avoid exercises that are performed while lying on your back on the floor.

    • Warm up (5 minutes):
      1. breathing exercises (deep breaths and exhalations) - 2 minutes;
      2. walking in place - 3 minutes.
    • Rolling feet - 2 minutes for each foot.
      1. IP: sitting on a chair.
      2. For the exercise, you will need a small stick with a diameter of 2-3 cm (a piece of pipe, a bodybar, a gymnastic stick will do).
      3. Place the projectile on the floor in front of you.
      4. With the foot of your foot, roll the stick back and forth, using the entire surface of the foot.
      5. Try to pick up the stick with your fingers, lift the shell above the floor.
      6. Repeat the exercise for the second foot.
    • Foot manipulators - 1-2 minutes for each foot.
      1. IP: sitting on a chair.
      2. For the exercise you need a towel or a thick napkin.
      3. Lay the fabric in front of you.
      4. Using your toes, grab the towel, lift it up and move it to another area.
      5. Replace the towel in the same way.
      6. Repeat the exercise for the second leg.
    • Numbers - 9 numbers for each leg.
      1. IP: sitting or lying on the rug (you can on the couch).
      2. Raise your straight leg in front of you.
      3. No need to bring the limb high, just a suspended state is enough.
      4. With your toes, write the numbers from 0 to 9 in turn in the air.
      5. The size of the figure is slightly over size feet.
      6. Take your time, "draw" the lines.
      7. Repeat the "arithmetic lesson" for the second leg.
    • Calf exercise - 30 reps.
      1. IP: sitting on a chair, legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other.
      2. Raise your legs up on your toes until your calf muscles contract.
      3. In the upper position, straighten your fingers and transfer the foot to the "half toes", slightly stretching the front surface of the feet and calf muscles.
      4. After a few seconds, return to the starting position - from the toes, return to the toes, then relax the feet, placing your feet on the floor.
    • Hitch:
      1. Standing, lift your leg and actively shake the limb, relaxing the muscles.
      2. You can sit down and massage each shin with your hands, swaying the relaxed muscle from side to side.

    In third

    In the third trimester, the intensity of exercise decreases. All movements are performed as smoothly as possible. The goal is to ensure the elasticity of the ligaments and joints, eliminate swelling and normalize pressure. The main part of the exercises is performed in standing, sitting and on all fours positions. Avoid activities while lying on your back and on your side. If the exercise is performed while standing, lean on the back of a chair or hold on to a wall.

    Optimal time for classes: first half of the day. The total duration of the complex should not exceed 20-30 minutes at a calm, measured pace.

    • Warm up (5 minutes):
      1. breathing exercises (deep breaths and exhalations) - 2 minutes;
      2. walking in place - 3 minutes.
    • Fitball exercise - 15 repetitions for each leg, 1 set.
      1. IP: sitting on a chair.
      2. Place a fitball (large gymnastic ball) in front of you.
      3. Place one leg with your shin on the projectile.
      4. Changing the position of the foot, roll the ball towards you and away from you.
      5. Repeat for the second leg.
    • Foot exercise - 10 reps per leg, 1 set.
      1. IP: sitting on a fitball, legs - shoulder width apart.
      2. Keep your posture stable.
      3. Raise one leg and run your foot along the inner surface of the lower leg of the second leg from the bottom up, covering the foot with the foot.
      4. Repeat the exercise for the second leg.
    • Foot rolls - 30 rolls, 1 set.
      1. IP: standing, hands rest on the wall or back of the chair.
      2. Rise on your toes, gently roll onto your heel.
      3. Return to starting position.
    • Decongestion stand - 2-3 minutes.
      1. IP: lying on the mat, against the wall.
      2. Raise your legs, resting your limbs on the wall.
      3. Press your buttocks against the wall.
      4. Lie down in this position for several minutes.
      5. Gently lower your legs.
    • Hitch:
      1. Sitting on the mat, legs straight, hands resting on the mat from behind.
      2. Raise the leg, shake the limb, relieving tension.
      3. Return to starting position.
      4. Bending the leg at the knee, knead the calf muscle with your hand.
      5. Repeat for the other leg.

    For thighs and buttocks

    This section lists exercises that can be performed during pregnancy. remember, that in the 2-3 trimester, you do not need to practice lying on your back, as well as take unstable positions– hold on to a wall or back of a chair. Combine the complex for the legs and buttocks at your own discretion (3-5 exercises for each workout). Before starting a workout, warm up, complete the workout with a hitch with relaxation and stretching of key muscle groups.

    • Classic squats - 3 sets of 15 reps.
      1. IP: standing, legs wider than shoulders, toes apart.
      2. The load is distributed evenly on both legs.
      3. Squat down, pulling your buttocks back as far as possible to a position parallel to the floor or slightly lower.
      4. Make sure that there is no arch in your back.
      5. The shoulders should be straightened, the gaze is directed in front of you.
      6. Do the exercise slowly, follow the technique.
      7. Inhale as you sit down, exhale as you rise.

      Important! In the 2nd trimester, squat by holding onto a wall or the back of a chair. In the third trimester, refrain from exercise.

    • Leg swings - 15 reps per leg, 3 sets.
      1. IP: knee-elbow position on the mat.
      2. Lift the leg bent at the knee as you exhale, pushing away an imaginary obstacle from above with your foot.
      3. Do not unbend the leg strongly at the top point.
      4. On an inhale, return to the starting position.
      5. Do a set on each leg.
    • Straightening the legs - 10-15 reps per leg, 3 sets.
      1. IP: knee-elbow, on the rug.
      2. The elbows are under the shoulders, the knees are under the hip joints.
      3. The gaze is directed forward.
      4. Gently raise one leg, straightening the limb at the knee joint, until a parallel position is formed relative to the floor.
      5. Return your leg to its original position.
      6. Repeat for the second leg.
    • Fitball for the inner thigh - 30 squeezes, 3 sets.
      1. IP: sitting on a chair.
      2. Place the fitball between the parted hips, clasp the ball with your legs.
      3. Without releasing the fitball, rhythmically and smoothly squeeze the ball with your hips, alternating periods of muscle tension and relaxation.
    • Walking on the buttocks - 3 sets (walk back and forth - 1 set).
      1. IP: Sit on the floor, stretch your legs in front of you, feet brought together.
      2. Keep your back straight.
      3. Move forward, tensing the buttocks and the muscles of straightened legs.
      4. Go back the same way.
    • Butterfly - 30 reps, 1 set
      1. IP: sitting on the rug, legs are brought together “in Turkish”, feet are connected.
      2. Spread your hips, pulling your knees to the floor, imitating the flapping of a butterfly's wings.
      3. You can help yourself with your hands, putting pressure on the inner thighs.

    The following is a visual video with a set of exercises for the hips and buttocks during pregnancy:
    Remember that healthy and moderate activity during pregnancy will benefit the expectant mother and baby. As practice shows, sports mothers endure childbirth more easily and return to shape faster. And most importantly, they have healthy children. We wish you pleasant studies!

    To feel good during the period of bearing a child, a woman needs to lead a mobile and active lifestyle.

    Regular gymnastic exercises will help you stay in great shape and improve emotional condition. The most suitable period for exercise is the second trimester.

    In the article we will talk about the benefits and possible harms of gymnastics, we will give a step-by-step set of exercises for pregnant women with illustrative photographs.

    Is it possible to do gymnastics from the fourth to the sixth month?

    A pregnant woman during the period of bearing a child should be extremely attentive to her health.

    Therefore, before starting to perform any exercises, she should consult with her personal gynecologist. This is necessary in order to make sure that there are no pathologies or threats of abortion. In such a situation, exercises, instead of a positive effect, can lead to undesirable consequences.

    If the girl feels fine, then doing gymnastics for pregnant women in the second trimester will only benefit her.

    What are the benefits of exercising at this time?

    Performing light physical exercises will help the expectant mother not only improve her well-being, but also prepare for childbirth.

    The second trimester is a great time to do gymnastics., since by this time the hormonal background is normalized in the body, toxicosis disappears.

    The risk of abortion is also significantly reduced, and the body gradually begins to get used to the shift in the center of gravity.

    For women's health

    An active lifestyle is the prevention of unwanted problems. According to statistics, women who do exercises for pregnant women feel good due to the normal functioning of their systems and organs, and they also endure childbirth much easier.

    Performing gymnastic exercises will help:

    • avoid swelling of the legs;
    • relieve the load on the musculoskeletal system and reduce pain in the lumbar region;
    • normalize blood pressure;
    • maintain a normal cardiovascular system;
    • strengthen and increase the tone of the muscles involved in labor;
    • maintain normal weight;
    • prevent the appearance of stretch marks in the thighs and abdomen;
    • learn how to breathe properly during contractions.

    For the course of pregnancy and for the fetus

    Attending training sessions will certainly be useful not only for the expectant mother and alleviating the symptoms of gestation, but also for the fetus.

    If a woman is healthy, she has normal blood pressure, metabolism and excellent mood, this contributes to the active growth and development of the child.

    In addition, women who engage in special training recover their figure much faster after childbirth. An active lifestyle helps to avoid the onset of a depressive state which may appear before childbirth.

    Possible harm

    If a girl was active before pregnancy and took care of her health, then moderate exercise will not harm her.

    Despite the benefits of exercise, there are cases when training can lead to undesirable consequences.

    If the regimen of physical activity and rest is not observed in a pregnant woman, her general well-being may worsen as a result of overwork, increased blood pressure, and dizziness.

    For future mother

    If safety precautions are not observed, the expectant mother can receive various injuries, sprains. Pain in the muscles is possible as a result of excessive accumulation of lactic acid in them due to overload.

    For a child

    You have to listen to your body, because strenuous exercise can lead to increased tone uterus, premature birth or miscarriage. If you do not follow the rules for playing sports in the second trimester, a woman can harm not only herself, but also the child as a result of injuries.

    What should be done so as not to harm yourself and the baby?

    To avoid negative consequences, you need to remember a few simple rules:

    1. Stop exercising if you feel tired.
    2. Exercises should be uniform so that individual muscles are not overstrained.
    3. Avoid exercises that cause discomfort.
    4. If a woman feels unwell during gymnastics, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    If pregnant gymnastics is contraindicated, you do not need to argue and ignore the instructions. In this case, regular walks in the fresh air will be an excellent substitute for exercise.


    Most women begin to think about classes after they see two stripes. In order for gymnastics to benefit, you need to start classes gradually so as not to overload the body with a double load. It is also important to consider contraindications to exercise. To avoid unpleasant consequences, a woman should know under what conditions it is impossible to play sports.

    It is better to refuse gymnastics when:

    • diabetes mellitus and other chronic diseases in the acute stage;
    • inflammatory diseases;
    • acute respiratory infections and other viral and infectious diseases;
    • uterine tone;
    • low placed placenta;
    • gestosis (late toxicosis);
    • bloody discharge from the genital tract;
    • severe anemia.

    What loads should be avoided in the classroom?

    During childbearing, the girl should be as concentrated as possible while doing gymnastics.

    There are some exercises that are strictly prohibited.

    These include:

    At this time, even professional athletes refuse extreme sports and intense training before the birth of the baby. The basic rule of gymnastics is maximum benefit and safety.