20 weeks pregnant what is a baby. Twentieth week of pregnancy: “Mom, sing me a song! The right diet for bloating

Damage and evil eye

The 20th week of pregnancy becomes such a “frontier” for the entire period of bearing a baby. After all, the 20th week of pregnancy falls at the end of the fifth month: if the birth occurs at the 40th week, then the 20th week of pregnancy will be exactly “half of the path traveled”.

Belly at 20 weeks pregnant

It is no longer possible to hide the belly at the 20th week of pregnancy: it rises more and more, significantly rounded. At the same time, the waist "blurs" and disappears. Now the most relevant is the use of special means to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen due to its increase and stretching of the skin. All kinds of gels and creams today are sold in abundance in pharmacies and specialty stores, you need to use them regularly - 1-2 times a day, rubbing with massage movements into the stomach at the 20th week of pregnancy, as well as into the thighs and chest. A complete "replacement" special means can be ordinary vegetable oil - olive or almond.


The growth of the abdomen occurs as the uterus enlarges at the 20th week of pregnancy. At this time, the uterus is already approximately at the level of the navel - the bottom of the uterus is located 11-12 cm above the womb. The uterus at 20 weeks of gestation can sometimes contract: such contractions are called false contractions, and they do not pose any threat to the fetus.


Ultrasound examination at this time is usually performed as part of the second screening. Ultrasound at 20 weeks of gestation may be needed to assess the progress of the pregnancy, determine the sex of the child, the likelihood of malformations and chromosomal abnormalities. Also, ultrasound at the 20th week of pregnancy allows you to determine whether the size of the fetus corresponds to the gestational age, whether the condition is normal amniotic fluid and placenta.

When conducting an ultrasound scan at the 20th week of pregnancy, and internal organs crumbs: kidneys, stomach, urinary and gallbladder, liver, lungs, intestines. The baby's heart is also subject to careful examination - if any discrepancy is found, a specialized ultrasound examination of the heart will be needed. Unfortunately, heart defects are one of the most common fetal malformations today.

In addition to the fact that ultrasound will help assess whether the development of the baby is normal, ultrasound at the 20th week of pregnancy will also show: the baby in the womb is actively growing and developing. And yet - he doesn’t get bored at all, because his size allows him to move freely in his mother’s tummy for the time being, which the baby actively uses, turning over and somersaulting.

fetus at 20 weeks pregnant

After all, the baby is now fully formed, its growth continues steadily, and the work of organs and systems is being improved. The baby's nervous system, respiratory, digestive and hematopoietic organs are formed and fully functioning. A small heart beats audibly: you can already listen to the rhythm of the baby's heart with an ordinary stethoscope.

The baby's arms and legs have also acquired their final shape, nails grow on the fingers, and the first hairs appear on the head - lanugo. Also, the fluff is formed where in the future the baby will have eyebrows and cilia.

The fetus at week 20 is already fully aware of the sounds, so the mother needs to beware of harsh noises. The baby is already reacting to the light - even though his eyes are still closed, but the rays of light penetrate under the eyelids, which begin to open slightly.

Along with the fact that the baby’s skin is also thickening, the sebaceous glands produce a special “original lubricant” - while it protects the baby from the effects of the liquid medium, and in the future it will help the fetus slide more easily through the birth canal and facilitate its birth.

If we talk about the "parameters" of the baby, then the fetus at the 20th week of pregnancy reaches a length of 25 cm, and weighs about 300-340 g. Such dimensions and weight not least explain the fact that the mother already fully feels the activity of the baby.


The first movements of the baby are quite justifiably extremely pleasing to the mother: now she already fully feels that a new life is growing and improving inside her. Which from time to time makes itself felt with light pushes and movements - the baby hiccups, pushes off the wall in the uterus and swims to the opposite one, bounces in response to a sharp sound or mother's excitement. If at first the movements of the fetus are barely distinguishable, then over time they become more and more pronounced. However, one should pay attention to the nature and intensity of the fetal movements: if its movements are felt excessively often, it is quite possible that in this way the baby declares a lack of oxygen.

Other - less "pleasant" - are the sensations at the 20th week of pregnancy, associated with a constantly growing uterus and increasing pressure on the internal organs. It is the change in the configuration “inside” the woman that explains the appearance of heartburn, constipation, poor urine outflow, and shortness of breath. However, all these unpleasant phenomena will pass in the near future - when a woman becomes a happy mother.


Most often, expectant mothers during this period complain of pain at the 20th week of pregnancy, appearing in the lower back and back. This is a consequence of a significant load on the joints and ligaments, back muscles, due to a shift in the center of gravity. To prevent pain in the back and lower back, there are special exercises that help to "unload" the spine. But, at the same time, it is also necessary to follow elementary rules that will help, if not avoid, then significantly reduce pain in the lower back and back. These rules involve maintaining correct posture, refusing to high heels and the use of all possible measures that will enable the back not to strain.

Another fairly common problem among pregnant women is the appearance of leg cramps. Pain at the 20th week of pregnancy can be so noticeable that it “brings” the woman to tears. Cramps are the result of ever-increasing weight and ever-increasing stress on the legs. To minimize the likelihood of cramps, you should regularly give your legs a rest, resort to a relaxing massage of the calves and feet, and stretch your legs more often on the bed.

Pain at the 20th week of pregnancy in the abdomen is an alarming phenomenon. If the stomach hurts from time to time and not much, there is still a need to consult a doctor: in order to avoid the likelihood increased tone uterus and possible miscarriage for this reason. If the stomach hurts badly, it is necessary to seek specialized help immediately, otherwise tragic consequences and the loss of a child cannot be avoided.

Discharge at 20 weeks pregnant

After all, it is pain in the abdomen (sharp or pulling, but prolonged), and even accompanied by bloody or brown discharge, that become harbingers of the threat of premature termination of pregnancy. Also, spotting, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, may be a symptom of placental abruption or placenta previa - in any case, a gynecologist's consultation is necessary. If spotting at the 20th week of pregnancy is not accompanied by painful sensations, but occurs more and more after intercourse or a gynecological examination, cervical erosion most likely occurs.

Normally, the discharge at the 20th week of pregnancy is light in color - grayish or with a milky tint. At the same time, they differ in a sour smell and a homogeneous consistency. The appearance of green or yellow discharge, cheesy, with impurities of lumps of mucus, indicates an infection that has begun. Usually, infection is also accompanied by a burning sensation and itching in the vaginal area, and in this case, you should not hesitate to contact a specialist. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment to avoid the spread of infection and not “start” the disease.


Weight at the 20th week of pregnancy must be monitored with all responsibility: ideally, until the end of pregnancy, the weight of a woman should not exceed 15-16 kg, otherwise childbirth is much more difficult. Considering that the weight at the 20th week of pregnancy can already increase to 3-6 kg (moreover, just 3 kg is considered the “ideal” increase), the issue of weight should be given maximum attention. From this week, everything possible should be done so that the weekly weight gain is about 500 g, therefore, it will not be superfluous to develop a diet that should be followed throughout the pregnancy.


Recommendations regarding nutrition at the 20th week of pregnancy remain the same: nutrition should be balanced and healthy, food should be as natural and healthy as possible. Considering that in the second trimester (when toxicosis and the associated discomfort remain in the past) the appetite of a pregnant woman is excellent, it is advisable to build a diet in such a way as to extract all the useful and nutrients from the products as much as possible and at the same time not feel hungry.

To do this, it is desirable to eat throughout the day often, but little by little, have a full breakfast and lunch, preferring light food for dinner. On the table of a pregnant woman, meat (low-fat), vegetables and fruits in large quantities, dairy and sour-milk products, cereals must be present without fail.

Experts also advise to listen sensitively to the desire to "eat something like that." For example, the desire for chocolate may be related to the body's need for carbohydrates. But the carbohydrates extracted from chocolate and other sweets are completely unhealthy: these carbohydrates are “empty”, and besides, they raise the level of glucose in the body. Therefore, it is better to "get" the necessary carbohydrates from bran bread, fruits, cereals. Again, cereals will become a source of B vitamins, and buckwheat - also iron, phosphorus can be obtained from fish, vitamin A - from carrots, folic acid - from broccoli.

Food is best cooked by boiling, baking or stewing dishes. It is better to forget about smoking and frying for a while - this is not at all useful, and it provokes heartburn. In addition, the use of salt in cooking should be significantly limited: salt retains water in the body and causes edema, which greatly overshadows the happy time of pregnancy.


But sex at the 20th week of pregnancy may well replace the pleasure you get from an extra half a bar of chocolate. Intimate life is not at all prohibited, unless, of course, there are any contraindications from the doctor. That's just, practicing sex at the 20th week of pregnancy, you should choose positions that exclude pressure on the mother's stomach and not be too "zealous" with intensity. Yes, and you should pay attention to the sensations during intercourse: any discomfort or feeling that the uterus is “shrinking” should be the reason for the obligatory and as soon as possible consultation with a specialist.

Tests at 20 weeks pregnant

If until the 20th week of pregnancy, a visit to the doctor and mandatory testing were supposed to be done once a month, then, starting from the 20th week, specialist control is needed twice a month. Tests at the 20th week of pregnancy (in addition to ultrasound) may be needed to study blood, urine, to assess the increase in the uterus.

A blood test allows you to monitor the level of sugar in the mother's blood, in time to determine the presence of anemia. Urinalysis will tell about the work of the kidneys, as well as about the likely hidden inflammatory processes. Ultrasound, as already mentioned above, in itself becomes a very informative research method, which can sometimes be supplemented and "enhanced" by a biochemical blood test - the so-called "triple test". Such an analysis is done to assess the level of hCG hormones, estriol and alpha-fetoprotein in the mother's blood: deviations from the established norms indicate a high risk of having a baby with developmental defects or chromosomal abnormalities.

Frozen pregnancy

Although the fading of pregnancy is more often characteristic of the early stages, nevertheless, a frozen pregnancy of 20 weeks also happens quite often. The fetus can stop developing and die for many reasons: here you have endocrine disorders, and the impact of negative factors, and a failure in the production of progesterone.

But if it is possible to diagnose an undeveloped pregnancy in the early stages only with the participation of a doctor, then a frozen pregnancy of 20 weeks can be “felt” by a woman personally. The reason for suspicion may be the cessation of abdominal enlargement, as well as the absence of fetal movements. However, it should be borne in mind that the baby does not have to move all the time: the crumbs also have their own sleep and wakefulness regimen, therefore, the lack of movement for some time may be due to the fact that the baby is just sleeping.

Usually, a frozen pregnancy of 20 weeks is diagnosed without difficulty: with the help of ultrasound, as well as in the absence of a fetal heartbeat. And in this case, doctors will act immediately: the uterus must be freed from the dead fetus, which contributes to the development of infection. After curettage, the woman is assigned an additional examination, which may help to establish the cause that caused the pregnancy to fade. You will also need antibiotic therapy and a fairly long recovery time - after the pregnancy fades, it is not recommended to plan the next pregnancy earlier than in six months or a year.

During the 20th week of pregnancy, many interesting metamorphoses take place in the body of the fetus.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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How does the fetus change?

The 20th week of pregnancy is the real height of the second trimester. At this time, many internal organs of the baby have already formed, while others continue their development and differentiation.

Heart and blood vessels

The cardiovascular system plays a very important role in the child's body. It is thanks to the pumping function of the heart that blood with nutrients and oxygen dissolved in it is delivered to all internal organs. Without full-fledged cardiac activity, a good intrauterine development of the baby should not be expected. The heart of the fetus is already formed by 19-20 weeks. Moreover, it is capable of pumping about 29 liters of blood per day. This is necessary so that all the intensively growing internal organs of the baby receive a sufficient amount of nutrients.

Fetal heartbeat is the most important clinical sign monitored by every obstetrician-gynecologist. Heart rate or heart rate is very important information for a specialist. It shows how comfortable the fetus is in the womb.

If the fetal heartbeat exceeds certain norms, then doctors ascertain the presence of tachycardia. An excessively low rhythm is called bradycardia.

The rate of heart rate is presented in the table below:

Every day the number of blood vessels in the baby increases. This process is necessary in connection with the growing need of the child's body to provide internal organs with various nutrients. The vascular wall is also strengthened. The diameter of the veins and arteries gradually increases.

Nerves and brain

Interesting changes begin to occur in the body's main "computer". Between neurons, special cells of the brain, more and more contacts appear every day. Such a complex interneuronal network provides the complexity of the baby's behavior. Every day the behavior of the fetus changes.

The brain performs a basic coordinating function in the body. It is very important to monitor the development of this organ in the child's body. That is why when conducting an ultrasound scan at the 20th week of pregnancy, specialists must evaluate the main structures of the brain. During this examination, they can evaluate the development of the main sections of the cerebral cortex, as well as identify cysts and other defects.

Cysts in their localization can be different. They can be in the vascular plexuses or in the brain tissue itself. Unfortunately, quite a lot of such pathologies are currently registered.

If a brain cyst is detected at this stage of pregnancy, it is very important to consult your doctor about it.

Digestive organs

Most of the internal organs that are involved in the process of digestion and excretion of food have already formed. Some of them are even starting to work. So, the baby has bile. In terms of its chemical composition, it certainly differs from the bile of an adult, but it performs a very important function. Thanks to bile, the formation of the original feces occurs.

The baby's digestive organs have certain sizes, which can already be determined by ultrasound. So, through an ultrasound examination, a specialist can determine the hyperechoic intestine, liver size and other clinical parameters.

It is important to note that the full process of digestion in the baby will begin only after he is born. First portion breast milk"start" the work of the whole digestive system. At week 20, only a serious preparation of the digestive organs for their future work takes place.

First sensations

Neural analyzers are important tools in the process of studying the world. At the 20th week of pregnancy, the baby is already preparing for further independent life with might and main. By the time of birth, all its organs and systems should already be formed and be ready to perform their functions.

The child is able to hear the voices of his parents. Scientists note that the mother's voice has a calming effect on the fetus. Talking at this time with a child is not only possible, but necessary. Such "conversations" will contribute to the formation of a positive psycho-emotional connection between mother and baby. Some scientists believe that 19-20 weeks is a great time to start developing a baby's ear for music.

This time is great for listening to classical music. Of course, the baby will not remember them and will not be able to fully appreciate them, but classical music will have a beneficial effect on his nervous system. It is better to choose more calm and melodic pieces of music, in which there are no excessively loud sounds.

By the 20th week of pregnancy, the baby already has the ability to distinguish between different tastes. He does this by "tasting" the amniotic fluid. In fact, swallowing a small amount of amniotic fluid is necessary for the baby to fully form his urinary system. Amniotic fluid is a very important part of intrauterine life. All growth and development from the moment of conception to the immediate birth takes place in a special aquatic environment. That is why it is very important to evaluate amniotic fluid during ultrasound. During the examination, specialists can determine the amount of amniotic fluid, as well as identify the presence of any inclusions or suspensions in them.

A baby at 20 weeks of fetal life can already urinate. This contributes to the regular renewal of the chemical composition of amniotic fluid. There is no need to worry that the child may choke. This process is conceived by nature and is one of the most important stages in the intrauterine development of the fetus.

The first active movements of the baby

By this period of its intrauterine life, the fetus should already have a fairly well-formed musculoskeletal system. Intensive development of bones and muscles occurred in the previous weeks of pregnancy.

The fetus has already developed limbs. The spine continues to develop. So, in his cervical region, mobility increased significantly. This contributes to the fact that the baby is able to make a lot of head movements. The developed muscular apparatus of the child helps him move. It often happens that the expectant mother notices the first movements of her baby at 20-22 weeks of pregnancy. Such tremors in the stomach cause a lot of joy in a pregnant woman and let her know that very soon she will become a mother.

It is important to note, physical activity baby may be different. It depends on a huge number of different factors. For example, if the baby is small, and the amount of amniotic fluid is quite large, then the fetal motor activity will not be intense. Calm children can move a little less than fidgets. With each subsequent week of pregnancy, the motor activity of the fetus is an increasingly important indicator of the course of its intrauterine development.

If the baby pushes too intensively during the day, then this may be the result of a certain discomfort experienced by the fetus in the mother's womb. Too violent motor activity of the fetus is a reason for consulting with your doctor.

Body parameters

Determining the size of the fetus is a very important marker of the intensity of its intrauterine development. Every day the child gains weight. By this period of pregnancy, he already weighs much more than in the first weeks from the moment of conception. The height and weight of the baby at the 20th week of his intrauterine life are presented in the table below:

The determination of the main parameters of the fetal body is carried out using fetometry. This ultrasound method will allow doctors to assess the size of the fetus at a certain period of its intrauterine development. An obstetrician-gynecologist, who monitors the course of a particular pregnancy, prescribes fetometry. During the ultrasound examination, it is very interesting to observe the behavior of the baby.

The child at this time can move his arms or legs, smile, or simply turn away from the sensor examining him. calm child may look like he is just sleeping.

Location of the fetus

Determining the position of the baby in the uterus is very important. The larger the child becomes and the closer the birth, the more important its location. At the 20th week of pregnancy, the position of the fetus in the uterus is usually unstable. By childbirth, the baby may roll over several more times.

Doctors consider head presentation to be the most physiologically beneficial. In this case, the baby's head is directed towards the entrance to the small pelvis. This presentation is very favorable, as it contributes to the easy flow of childbirth. In cephalic presentation, the baby's head will move first. In this case, the further "birth" of the child's body will already be much easier.

Less favorable - pelvic presentation. In this case, the child is in the uterus, as it were, "vice versa": with his pelvic end, he is facing towards the entrance to the small pelvis. With this arrangement, the normal physiological course of childbirth is usually difficult. In this situation, the risk of birth injuries during independent natural childbirth increases many times over. As a rule, in this case, doctors resort to the surgical method of childbirth - caesarean section.

There are also other options for the position of the fetus in the uterus. Toddler to have a transverse or low position. In this case, the development of certain pathologies is possible, the development of which must be monitored by doctors.

The pathological version of the location of the baby can be dangerous for the leakage of amniotic fluid. The appearance of this adverse symptom should be a reason for urgent medical attention.


The kid looks very funny. He already resembles some of his features of an adult, but in miniature. The proportions of the body change significantly in the child. His head no longer seems so huge relative to his body. The arms and legs are lengthened. The child's feet and palms are already well defined, on which small fingers can be distinguished. Each of them has its own unique skin pattern that forms an imprint. The baby already has a small nose, forehead, cheeks. The eyes cover the outside of the eyelids. Small eyebrows grow above the eye slits. The fetus even has short cilia.

Almost all of his body is covered with fluffy hair. Their structure is quite thin. Outside, the skin is covered with a special primordial lubricant. It is formed by mixing the secret of the sweat and sebaceous glands, which are already functioning in the baby, with the desquamated epithelium. The color of the original grease is usually whitish with a slight yellowish tint. It will remain on the skin of the child until the birth.

Is it possible to determine the sex of a child?

Expectant parents are usually eager to find out who will be born to them: a boy or a girl. At week 20, finding out is pretty easy. The reproductive system of the fetus by this gestational age has almost completely formed. This makes it possible to establish the sex during an ultrasound examination. At multiple pregnancy the gender of each of the babies is determined.

  • The 20th week of pregnancy is the fifth obstetric month. If you look at the weeks, then 134-140 days have passed since conception. The second part of pregnancy is easier to bear psychologically, since the child is already clearly felt and the expectant mother has time to fall in love with him. The belly at 20 weeks of pregnancy becomes more and more noticeable, and the second trimester continues. The woman feels well and enjoys an interesting position.

    Development and size of the fetus at 20 weeks of gestation

    What happens to mom and baby at 20 weeks pregnant? The weight of the child (fetus) at the 20th week of pregnancy is 270-350 grams, and the size of the fetus is 24-26 cm. Until that time, due to the presence of the legs in a bent position, measurements were taken only to the coccyx, but now the standards of an adult are applicable to the fetus - height from head to toe.

    Within a few weeks, the baby will theoretically become viable. Almost all systems and organs are formed in the fetus, but it will take more time for them to be fully ready to work outside the womb.

    The child already distinguishes between sounds and light, he can turn his head and suck his thumb. Mostly he sleeps, but there are periods of wakefulness. The skin of the baby becomes denser, and adipose tissue appears under them. Only there is still no fat on the face, so it remains wrinkled.

    The 20th week of pregnancy is also significant in that at this time the baby opens its eyes for the first time, on which there are not only eyelids, but already eyelashes. He develops reflex blinking. Fetal movements at the 20th week of pregnancy are already clearly felt by the expectant mother. At this time, it is important to communicate with the baby, you can sing songs to him.

    Many babies by the 20th week of pregnancy take the correct intrauterine position - upside down. If this has not happened yet, then you should not worry, since there is still plenty of time for a coup, and this can happen more than once.

    Ultrasound and tests at 20 weeks pregnant

    The 20th week of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that the doctor may prescribe a second planned and ultrasound examination. Also, a pregnant woman takes urine and blood tests. Often at the 20th week of pregnancy, a woman looks around on a chair to check the condition of the cervix. After 20 weeks, a woman should visit her doctor more often - twice a month instead of once.

    A blood test is given to determine the amount of sugar in the blood, and a urine test will help you find out about the work of the kidneys or the occurrence of latent inflammation. Also, a woman takes a biochemical blood test, which is also called a triple test. It assesses the level of the hormones estriol, hCG and alpha-fetoprotein. The discrepancy between their normal value allows you to identify congenital malformations of the fetus.

    During an ultrasound scan at the 20th week of pregnancy, the following is determined:

    During the ultrasound, the doctor examines the following organs of the child: intestines, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach and gallbladder. One of the most common intrauterine defects is heart disease. The doctor also carefully examines it, and if any discrepancies are found, he prescribes an ultrasound of the heart.

    Ultrasound photo at 20 weeks pregnant

    What does a baby look like at 20 weeks pregnant?

    The 20th week of pregnancy is also characterized by the fact that the fetus is becoming larger and larger little man and becomes more attractive. His arms and legs are fully formed, and his tiny toes are already nailed. On the head appears lanugo - the first hair. The same fluff grows in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows and eyelashes. The facial expressions of the baby are also actively developing - he grimace and opens his mouth.

    The baby responds well to light - when light rays hit under his eyelids, his eyes open a little. His skin becomes thicker, and the sebaceous glands begin to produce the so-called primordial lubricant, which is a white fatty substance. At this stage, it protects the fetus from the surrounding liquid environment, and during childbirth, it helps the baby pass through the birth canal so that it is easier for him to be born.

    The skin turns from translucent and smooth to red with folds. The ultrasound clearly shows the contour of the baby's head, forehead, nose, upper and lower jaws. The ears of the fetus increase and acquire their final shape.

    What does the belly look like at 20 weeks pregnant?

    The 20th week of pregnancy contributes to the distinct sensations of the baby moving, but sometimes they can be very strong. Possible reason- lack of oxygen in the fetus. To eliminate it, you need to be in the fresh air more often, and, if possible, do fitness and gymnastics for expectant mothers.

    At the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus still has enough space inside the mother's belly, so it actively moves and rolls over. He already hiccups, bounces from sudden movements or sounds, and also repels from the walls of the uterus. All these movements are clearly felt by a pregnant woman.

    The child is able to distinguish between external sounds and the sound of the mother's body. He also distinguishes the voice of his mother.

    Due to the fact that the fetus at the 20th week of pregnancy hears everything, the expectant mother needs to avoid harsh sounds.

    The heart of a child at the 20th week of pregnancy clearly beats, which can already be heard with an ordinary stethoscope. A fully formed baby continues to grow rapidly. It has functioning nervous, respiratory, endocrine, digestive and hematopoietic systems. Furrows and convolutions form in the cerebral cortex. During this period, molars begin to form.

    About maturation nervous system the baby's movements such as thumb sucking and grabbing his body parts and the umbilical cord are spoken. He even starts to yawn. The child's lungs can not yet provide him with oxygen, only after a couple of weeks he will begin to train breathing movements. The endocrine system regulates the constancy of the internal environment of the baby's body and is involved in the work of all its organs and systems.

    The 20th week of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that the baby swallows amniotic fluid, which leads to the formation of meconium - the first feces of the baby, which departs after the birth of the child. These swallowing movements develop his digestive tract.

    20 weeks pregnant. Well-being of the expectant mother

    The middle of pregnancy, as a rule, is accompanied by excellent appetite, excellent health and almost complete absence of pain. Future mom rejoices at half the distance traveled and is positively disposed.

    A pregnant woman at the 20th week of pregnancy may feel pain in the lumbar region. This is due to an increase in the load on the muscles and ligaments, which shifts the center of gravity. For elimination discomfort You can do exercises for the spine and try to keep your posture correctly. You can also start wearing a special bandage.

    20 weeks pregnant: what happens to the baby and mom?

    By week 20, most women finally understand what friends who already have children and famous people whose pregnancy proceeds under the scrutiny of the general public were talking about when they talked about the delights of their condition.

    They talked about how good it is to feel that you are about to become a mother, without complaining about toxicosis and other “joys”.

    1. 20 weeks pregnant is how many months
    2. 20 weeks pregnant: what happens to the baby
    3. What should alert

    Week 20 is coming - and a woman who is preparing to become a mother for the first time ceases to suffer from endless toxicosis, fatigue, mood swings and suddenly feels a surge of strength.

    20 weeks pregnant is how many months?

    An elementary calculation, which is performed by gynecologists, focusing on the date of the last menstruation of the future mother, shows that the pregnant woman has already survived half of the term prescribed by nature. Speaking of week 20, doctors mean that the fifth month ends (4 months and 2 weeks from conception). For those who are “suited” by fate, exactly half of the difficult, but interesting and unique path has been passed. 18 weeks have passed from conception - this is the “true age” of the fetus.

    20 weeks pregnant: what happens to the baby?

    20 obstetric week pregnancy is the time when a child in the womb can already be considered a full-fledged person. Unfortunately, if a premature birth occurs, the fetus has almost no chance of surviving. But just a few more weeks, and his internal organs will reach such a degree of development that, with proper medical care, he will soon “grow up” to his peers who were born on time, and will not differ from them in anything.

    Pregnancy 20 weeks: the development of the fetus is, so to speak, in a cumulative manner. He gradually accumulates a fatty layer, becoming outwardly similar not to a mysterious alien, but to an ordinary person. During pregnancy of 20 weeks, development is especially active in relation to:

    • nervous system;
    • respiratory organs;
    • digestive organs;
    • urinary system.

    It is necessary to check if there are any conditions requiring observation or immediate intervention by a doctor, such as:

    • low-lying placenta;
    • shortening of the cervix;
    • uterine tone.

    Low placentation during a pregnancy of 20 weeks can threaten miscarriage if it is not detected in a timely manner. or will also be seen by a specialist.

    The doctor will perform fetometry (“fetus” in Latin means “fetus”), that is, he will measure some parameters. So, he will name the weight of the fetus during pregnancy of 20 weeks - the norm and the actual value. The weight of the child at 20 weeks of pregnancy should be from 280 to about 350 g. The length of his body (height) is from 24 to 26 mm.

    3-D ultrasound during pregnancy (photo) 20 weeks

    A woman may be faced with a choice: which study will she prefer? This can be a 3-D ultrasound or a 4-D ultrasound. The differences between them are unimportant. The meaning of the research is that the doctor (and the future mother herself) now sees not a flat picture on the monitor screen, but a three-dimensional image of the child - almost a photograph with a holographic effect.

    The woman sees not a strange image, but a real child, who will soon be born. You can count the fingers on his hands and feet, you can measure parameters such as:

    • coccyx-parietal size;
    • Head circumference;
    • distance between the temporal bones;
    • and others.

    3-D ultrasound will show what is happening with the child at the moment: what is he doing, sleeping or awake. In more early dates this study did not make sense, since the skin and fat layer had not yet been formed, and the mother would have seen the internal organs and bones, which, you see, can even frighten some people, and the negative emotions of the expectant mother are useless.

    At this time, not only those for whom this is the second pregnancy can no longer hide the protruding belly, but also those who are preparing to become a mother for the first time. Week 20 on the calendar? The fetus has grown noticeably, now the belly is visible in any outfit. The uterus rises up, and the tummy grows at an accelerating pace.

    It's time to buy a cream for stretch marks. They need to be used every day, applying it twice - in the morning and in the evening. In addition, you will need a brace to lighten the load on the spine.

    Short cervix at 20 weeks pregnant

    Women during childbearing hear a lot of all sorts of diagnoses and medical terms from the lips of the observing doctor: breech presentation, low placenta, low placentation and all sorts of other mysterious expressions. Most of them mean that a woman needs constant medical supervision, but at the same time you should not be afraid, since the situation is controllable.

    A doctor may, for example, inform a woman that the length of the cervix is ​​too small for such a period. This means that the preparation of the cervix for childbirth began too early. Normally, the neck is short at first, then it lengthens, by the 20th week it should be about 37 mm long, then, closer to the time of birth, it shortens. A decrease in size may indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy, because shortening may indicate the beginning of the preparation of the body for the expulsion of the fetus. This state is called.

    Then the doctors take action: they offer the woman bed rest, sometimes they mechanically block the uterus from opening prematurely - a pessary is used.

    Discharge at 20 weeks pregnant

    There should not be any special discharge that brings anxiety at this time. Brown discharge, and even if it pulls the lower abdomen or aches the lower back, can make it clear that a miscarriage is not ruled out. The stomach periodically becomes stone, but quickly calms down, while there is no discharge? Everything is fine: this is the “training” of the body, which begins long, a few months before the birth and opening of the uterus.

    Pregnancy 20 weeks: gender of the child (folk signs)

    They say that without any ultrasound, you can understand what gender the heir is expected to be. Folk wisdom assures: if a woman has small belly, while “sharp”, then you have to wait for the boy. If, on the contrary, the lady seems to be heard in the sides, the place that was the waist before pregnancy blurs, then this is a true “girlish” sign.

    They also argue that the expectant mother's addiction to salty points to a boy, and to chocolates and generally to sweets - to a girl. There is such a sign: in anticipation of a boy, the beauty of a woman increases many times over, she seems to bloom. If a daughter is born, for some reason this does not happen. Connoisseurs joke: they say, she took the beauty from her mother. However, after giving birth, everything will return to normal.

    But still - signs are signs, and there is nothing more reliable than sex determination on ultrasound.

    About tasty and healthy food, sex and other joys of life

    Women are often interested in whether it is possible to have sex at 20 weeks. Doctors answer this: “If there are no health problems, then why not?” But you need to choose a comfortable position - for example, lying on your right side.

    The weight gain of the expectant mother should not exceed 6 kg by this time. Her food should be fractional and fairly frequent. Still in the diet should be present:

    • fruits vegetables;
    • fish;
    • liver;
    • dairy products;
    • cereals.

    Requires moderate physical activity, walking and even dancing - of course, within reason.

    What should be of concern?

    At week 20, the mother should feel the baby move. Of course, he won’t kick and push yet - he’s still small, but some “butterflies in his stomach” will already appear. If the movements suddenly disappeared, this is an occasion to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Too active movements of the fetus can be a sign of lack of oxygen.

    The worst thing for a future mother is to see in the decoding of the results of an ultrasound scan the words: “signs of a missed pregnancy”. Of course, this is a very difficult situation. There can be many reasons: from suffering with complications to genetic abnormalities. You need to survive this, do a scraping, drink a course of antibiotics, possibly hormonal drugs, and then prepare after a frozen pregnancy "again into battle." Life goes on!

    20 weeks is half the journey that a mother has traveled to meet her baby. Although this path is not always easy, but you need to tune in to the best. Everything will be fine!

    The 20th week of pregnancy (5 months) is the second trimester of gestation. Half of the way has already been passed. The baby continues to grow and develop, at this time all the organs and tissues of the child have formed. The main event of the 20th week is the movement of the fetus, which gives incredible joy to the expectant mother. Now she can interact with her beloved child. considered the easiest and usually does not cause discomfort. A woman can lead an active, including sexual life, with virtually no restrictions.

    And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

    What happens to the baby and mother?

    At the 20th week of pregnancy, all the organs of the child are formed, but the process of growth and development of functional systems will last until the end of the intrauterine period and after the moment of birth. The height of the child ranges from 16-19 cm, weight is 240-260 grams. The fetus could fit in the mother's hand and is about the size of an ear of corn or a coconut. The child is still very small, but has all the basic signs of a newborn. His nose, ears are clearly visualized, hair continues to grow on his head, eyebrows and eyelashes appear. There is little melanin in the hair, so their color is light. These are fluffy hairs that fall out during the first month of a child's life.

    The skin of the fetus thickens and has 4 layers, as in an adult. She is shriveled, especially on her face, so the baby looks like an old man. Over time, the skin will acquire normal turgor, but this will be a little later. H

    and the skin forms a primordial lubricant - a white fat-like substance that protects the delicate skin of the fetus from the irritating effects of amniotic fluid.

    Under the lubricant are the original hair or latugo.

    The fetal skeletal system and spine are well formed. On ultrasound, you can see the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, ligaments, neurovascular bundles. The muscular system begins to function, which allows the child to move. At week 20, fetal movement appears - these are chaotic movements of the arms and legs, somersaults, turning over. The child can pull the umbilical cord, suck his finger, rest his heels on the mother's stomach. The baby is able to open and close his eyes.

    At this time, the necessary number of neurons are laid in the central nervous system, which control the body throughout the life of the child. In the future, the spinal cord and brain will gain mass during growth and increase interneuronal connections for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Hearing is rapidly developing - the baby can distinguish sounds, perceive the intonation and emotional coloring of the mother's speech. At this stage, you can talk with the child, read poetry to him, listen to classical music. This calms the baby, gives him a sense of security.

    Fetal heartbeats can now be heard with a stethoscope. At the next appointment, the gynecologist will definitely listen to the heartbeat. According to the frequency and nature of the strokes, the doctor evaluates the correct development of the cardiovascular system, reveals malformations or (lack of oxygen).

    The expectant mother can also listen to the heartbeat of her child. The immune system of the fetus already protects the baby from some infections, although the risk of intrauterine infection is quite high.

    The baby at this time distinguishes the time intervals of the day, for the first time biological rhythms begin to work. It is more active during the day than at night. Often, the expectant mother notices rhythmic vibrations in her stomach. This is fetal hiccups, which develops due to imperfection of the muscle fibers of the diaphragm, and is considered normal. Sometimes the baby assumes a head position in the uterus in preparation for the birth process. But this is not necessary and depends on the individual characteristics of the development of pregnancy.

    Changes in a woman's body

    At week 20, changes in a woman's body are already noticeable to her and those around her, but they still do not bring discomfort and do not violate the usual way of life. The tummy is rounded, the navel protrudes. It is now clear to the people around that the woman is in an interesting position, it is difficult to hide the fact of pregnancy. A small tummy does not prevent you from moving freely, but it's time to think about special clothes for the comfort of the expectant mother and child.

    The bottom of the uterus is at the level of the navel. Every day its walls become thicker, it grows with the fetus. From now on, the uterus will increase by 1 cm every week of intrauterine development of the child. However, the size of the organ does not yet cause discomfort, does not put pressure on the diaphragm and does not lead to heaviness in the abdomen.

    From the nipples of the mammary glands, colostrum begins to stand out - the precursor of breast milk, which is so important for the health of the child after birth. Colostrum is produced in small quantities until the very moment of childbirth. It is necessary to dry the discharge with cotton swabs in time to prevent maceration and inflammation of the nipples.

    Abundant transparent ones stand out from the vagina - this is a variant of the norm. Blood streaks appear during exacerbation or after careless sex. Subject to intimate hygiene, the admixture of blood in the secretions stops within a few days.

    The rapidly growing uterus causes stretching of the skin on the abdomen. By week 20, a woman can gain 4-6 kg. These processes contribute to the formation of stretch marks on the body of the expectant mother. The timely use of special gels or creams helps to prevent unwanted consequences.

    By week 20, the general well-being of a woman with a normal pregnancy is not satisfactory. Appetite improves, stool is normal, mood is good. The increase in the total amount of blood due to the formation of several circles of blood circulation occurs due to the plasma part. This can lead to a decrease in the physiological parameters of red blood cells and hemoglobin - a mild degree of anemia.

    The placenta is well formed and performs a barrier function. This allows you to expand the mother's diet and the list of acceptable drugs. At this time, it can be diagnosed, which requires special monitoring by the obstetrician-gynecologist and preparation for delivery by caesarean section.

    Symptoms and sensations at 20 weeks pregnant

    The second trimester of gestation is the most favorable period, which usually does not pose a danger to the health of a woman and a child. The expectant mother can work, go in for sports according to a special program, go shopping, lead an intimate life.

    An interesting situation imposes some restrictions on everyday worries - you can not engage in intense physical labor, lift weights, and react violently to stressful situations. This can harm the normal prenatal.

    Symptoms and sensations of the 20th week of pregnancy.

    1. Abdominal enlargement - volume 70-75 cm.
    2. Rounding of the umbilicus.
    3. Fetal movement.
    4. Decreased blood pressure (pregnancy hypotension): dizziness, weakness, drowsiness.
    5. Anemia of mild severity: flies before the eyes, pale skin, fatigue.
    6. Swelling in the legs by the end of the day due to increased stress on the urinary system.
    7. Discomfort in the lower back due to a shift in the center of gravity and increased load on the lumbar spine.
    8. Increased appetite.
    9. Weight gain.
    10. Mild cramping pains in the abdomen.
    11. Slight decrease in visual acuity.
    12. Increasing the size of the legs.

    All pregnancy symptoms disappear after the baby is born. These are temporary clinical manifestations that are associated with the burden on the body of the expectant mother in connection with the bearing of the fetus.

    The woman's libido is enhanced.

    Intimate intimacy is allowed almost without restrictions and causes an emotional upsurge. Sexual intercourse cannot damage the normal, which is protected by the walls of the uterus and amniotic

    Analyzes and examinations

    It is necessary to visit the gynecologist 2 times a month. The doctor takes measurements of the pelvis, the volume of the abdomen, the height and weight of the woman, determines the level of the fundus of the uterus. The specialist interviews the pregnant woman about symptoms and sensations, reveals deviations in the development of the baby and the general condition of the expectant mother. Be sure to measure the level of blood pressure.

    Diagnostic examinations at the 20th week of gestation:

    • a blood test for concentration, estriol and the presence of alpha-fetoprotein;
    • fetal ultrasound;
    • examination on a gynecological chair.

    By identifying possible violations in the urinary system. indicates inflammatory and infectious diseases, an increase in sugar content, a violation of hematopoiesis in a woman's body. A blood test for hormones and alpha-fetoprotein allows, together with other factors (age, environmental conditions of residence), to determine the risk of developing chromosomal mutations in the fetus.

    Ultrasound at week 20 is the second scheduled screening examination that helps to assess the condition of the placenta, determine the amount of amniotic fluid, and timely identify malformations, primarily of the cardiovascular system. At this stage of pregnancy, you can already see the sex of the unborn child. The doctor conducts an examination on the gynecological chair to assess the condition of the cervix and its tone.

    Possible dangers at 20 weeks pregnant

    In rare cases, miscarriages associated with chromosomal mutations incompatible with life occur. At this time, the fetus is quite viable and protected by the hematoplacental barrier from the effects of intoxication and infections. However, the risk of intrauterine infection remains high.

    Complications at 20 weeks pregnant:

    • frozen fetus (lack of fetal movement for more than 2 days);
    • intrauterine infection of the fetus with infections (herpes, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasma);
    • placental abruption (manifested by abundant bloody discharge from the vagina);
    • increased tone of the uterus and the threat of miscarriage;
    • , hemorrhoids in a woman.

    If you experience discomfort and a violation of the general condition, you should immediately consult a doctor. Scheduled visits to the gynecologist allow you to timely identify a violation of the development of pregnancy and prescribe adequate treatment.

    In a woman, it is necessary to fully relax and continue to lead healthy lifestyle life. Smoking and drinking alcohol, even in small quantities, is strictly unacceptable. Nicotine and ethyl alcohol cause intrauterine disorders, which leads to a delay in physical and mental development.

    The diet includes fresh vegetables, herbs, nuts, fruits. Sour-milk products and cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat) normalize bowel function. Lean meat supplies women with proteins for the growth of the fetus and prevents the development of anemia. It is recommended to exclude fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, semi-finished products, fast food, sweet carbonated drinks from the diet. Limit pastries and sweets.

    Clothing should be loose, not constraining movements, made of natural fabrics. At this time, it is already possible to select special styles for pregnant women. Shoes should be low-heeled or wedges no higher than 2-3 cm. Particular attention should be paid to underwear. Briefs from cotton fabric, a loose support bra that does not squeeze the chest.

    Women are encouraged to attend courses for expectant mothers. It is important to lead an active lifestyle for the normal development of the baby. To do this, it is recommended to sign up for Pilates, aqua aerobics, fitness for pregnant women, and regularly go to the pool. To maintain good physical shape, it is useful to take walks at a slow pace in parks or squares away from busy highways. Pregnant women can take a multivitamin if prescribed by a doctor.

    The 20th week of pregnancy is another step that brings a woman closer to childbirth, and prepares the baby for life outside the womb. Proper daily routine and nutrition, timely visits to the doctor, positive emotional attitude help to pass this period without complications.