Lesson conversation with elements of the game “Personal hygiene of a student. Child hygiene: basic rules Daily and not only hygiene and cosmetic products

Talismans, charms, amulets

As soon as the child begins to understand something, parents should tell him the rules of hygiene for children. Teach your child to be clean and healthy lifestyle life is one of the main tasks of parents in raising a child.

Hygiene is a branch of medical science that studies the influence of environmental and labor factors on human health, develops sanitary rules and regulations, prevents various diseases, and is aimed at prolonging life and improving health.

One branch of hygiene is the hygiene of children and adolescents, which is designed to solve the following problems:

  • Condition influence environment for various age groups children and teenagers;
  • The influence of the processes of education and upbringing;
  • Development of preventive measures;
  • Adoption of hygiene standards and requirements that strengthen the health of children and help to fully develop.

Rules for body hygiene, sleep and nutrition for infants

Age restriction of infants from a month to a year.

The hygiene of the body of a child in infancy should be monitored and carried out by her parents. To avoid all kinds of diseases, diaper rash and infectious diseases, you need to bathe the child in a timely manner, wash your hands before eating, wash as necessary, but at least twice a day in the morning and before going to bed, cut your nails in time, clean your ears, wash and comb hair.

Starting from infancy, to teach a child to be clean, a mother or other family member involved in hygiene procedures can learn poems, nursery rhymes, or songs that lure the child to body hygiene.

When the first teeth appear in the oral cavity, it is necessary to start brushing them so that there are no further problems. The first teeth should be brushed with a soft, even silicone brush without the use of toothpaste.

Parents, by example, should instill a culture of brushing their teeth.

For children under one year old, it is very important for normal development to monitor sleep hygiene. Wake and sleep times should be respected depending on the age of the child. Microclimatic conditions for proper rest and recuperation should be at the level of:

  1. Humidity - 50-70%;
  2. Temperature - 18-22 degrees Celsius.

The room where the child sleeps should be ventilated often.

It is necessary to feed the child in a timely manner, correctly and not to overload the stomach.

Rules for body hygiene, sleep and nutrition for toddlers

TO nursery group include children from 1 to 3 years of age. During this period, children love to play. Therefore, further education of children regarding hygiene procedures should be carried out by means of a game or showing cartoons.

Toddlers, just like the previous group, cannot control the observance of all hygiene procedures themselves. Parents still help them in this and further training in all the subtleties of hygiene continues. Usually, at toddler age, a child already has all the teeth that need to be learned to be cleaned correctly using a children's toothbrush and paste. It is necessary to explain and show that the brush is washed before and after brushing the teeth, how to do it correctly. To do this, you can also visit a dentist with your child so that the doctor shows the basic rules on the child himself or in the pictures.

At this age, babies need an afternoon nap. In order for the child to fall asleep well day and night, during wakefulness, you need to use up all the energy. To do this, you should devote time to mobile games.

It is also very important to teach the baby to comb in order to be a neat child.

Hygiene rules for preschool children

Preschool children (from 3 to 7 years old) should already be able and clearly aware that hands should be washed before eating and after going to the toilet. If the child touched pets, then you need to tell him that after that you can’t put your hands in your mouth or take anything from food to eat. Be sure to conduct personal hand hygiene. At this age, parents should teach their child how to properly wash their hands with soap and not just rinse them.

IN preschool age You need to teach your baby to take a shower on his own. First, of course, under the supervision of parents and under a small stream of water. At this age, children love to do everything themselves, so you need to go to the store with your child to purchase hygiene products: washcloths, rubber slippers, toothbrush and paste, bathing caps, shampoos, a comb, shower gel or soap and a towel for hands and body. Then the child will be happy to take hygiene procedures.

Hygiene rules for primary school children

Children of primary school age cover the age from 7 to 10 years. Teachers come to help parents to explain the rules of hygiene primary school. They will systematically conduct educational talks about the importance of hygiene.

By the age of seven, the child should know and be able to consistently carry out body hygiene in the mornings, evenings and, if necessary, after the street. First, hands are washed with soap, then the face, neck, ears are washed with clean hands. A child who goes to grade 1 should be clean, neat and tidy, always combed and smell good.

To consolidate the skills in body hygiene, you can offer the child thematic coloring pages, decorating which the child and his parents will repeat the rules of hygiene.

Children of primary school age still need an afternoon rest, therefore, after-school groups are organized in schools, which are equipped with baby beds.

It is very important that the child eats properly. A full healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner is required. Snacks are available for lunch and afternoon tea.

I don’t understand at all the indignation of mothers about the fact that they are not allowed to breastfeed their children in a public place. For a moment, they don’t give you food, but they don’t let you expose your chest. Of course, a hungry child has the right to satisfy his hunger at any time convenient for him, and his mother has the right to feed her child where and when she sees fit. But why do you need to defiantly expose your chest? If you are a nursing mother, you probably assume that the time will inevitably come to feed your child, so take a cape, scarf, snood, and at least a fan, well, something to cover yourself if necessary. In the end, if it so happened that you don’t have anything with you, step aside, turn away, choose a place that is not so crowded so as not to be embarrassed yourself and not to embarrass people. As for the specific situation in the museum, here the question, in my opinion, is debatable. Here, oddly enough, I am on the side of my mother. Simply because there is absolutely nothing to argue with her. Indeed, what kind of indecency in connection with the exposure of the chest can we talk about if families with children come to the Tretyakov Gallery and do not turn away in embarrassment from the paintings of Rembrandt, David Michelangelo without a fig leaf, do not close the children's eyes, etc. But this is so, as trolling, to annoy the museum administration and the public. In general, I would not drag baby during the arvi season public place, and then, if the incident took place precisely in the Tretyakov Gallery, then sometimes there are such queues at the box office, sometimes you can stand on the street for an hour. Why torture a child. And then, after all, it would be possible to step aside again, why feed the baby defiantly in a crowd of people? Feeding babies is such an intimate moment that does not tolerate extraneous looks, strangers, not always positive thoughts, and so on. But this, of course, is a personal matter for everyone. I don’t know all the details, but if I were the museum staff, I wouldn’t quarrel with a nursing mother for anything, and if her behavior, in their opinion, somehow violated the order established in the museum, I would (if I were an employee) offered her stole, scarf, or would take her to a more secluded place. Well, if a nursing mother would start a scandal in response to my (as a museum employee) proposals, defending her rights, she would leave her alone. Why take sin on the soul, enter into a skirmish with her, make her nervous, in the end, everything will affect the baby, it turns out that with your actions you harm the baby, what is it for?

The term "hygiene" in Greek means "healing", "beneficial". Hygiene is a field of medicine that studies the influence of environmental conditions on human life, providing optimal conditions for existence and maintaining human health.

It is especially important to know and follow the rules of children's hygiene, because the child's fragile body is still very weak, it is most strongly affected by the environment. The concept of "children's hygiene" usually includes a set of measures for caring for the child's body, hardening, as well as maintaining a comfortable temperature and humidity regime in the child's room.

Every morning, the child needs to be washed, his eyes, ears, nose should be cleaned, and skin folds should be lubricated with baby cream. Regularly it is necessary to change the child's linen and diapers, not forgetting about bed linen. Every evening or every other day it is necessary to bathe the child in boiled water.

The child should have separate hygiene items intended only for him: soap, washcloth, towel. Children's underwear must be washed separately from adult underwear and using special hypoallergenic detergents.

After the child has performed his natural necessities, hygiene rules prescribe to wash the baby so that an environment favorable for various microbes does not develop. This should be done with clean water without potassium permanganate or soda - their contact with the mucous membrane is extremely unfavorable.

The hygiene of boys and girls has some differences. Girls need to be washed from front to back so as not to infect the genital tract. Do not abuse soap, it dries the mucous membrane very much. Wash your hands thoroughly before washing your baby to prevent infection.

If there is no opportunity to wash the child, then you can use special wet wipes for children. However, you should not abuse such napkins - they should be used only when necessary.

To the room in which the baby lives, it is also necessary to follow a number of hygiene rules. It’s good if a separate room is allocated for the nursery - then it’s easier to maintain the necessary conditions. The child should not be either too hot or too cold in his room. The optimum temperature is considered to be 18-20 ° C.

The child's room must be regularly ventilated, at least 4-5 times a day, for 10-15 minutes. The child can be taken out of the room for the time of airing. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to ensure that the air stream does not fall directly on the child.

Bed linen in a baby's crib should be changed regularly. It should be made of natural fabrics, absorb moisture well and allow air to pass through.

Regular cleaning of the children's room and other rooms in the house is a mandatory rule. After all, dust, fumes from cooking, dirt brought in from the street are a breeding ground for the development of pathogens.

Upholstered furniture, carpets should be vacuumed regularly to prevent accumulation of dust. Wet cleaning in the child's room should be done at least 2 times a day. At the same time, the optimal cleaning scheme is as follows: the floor is first washed with soapy water and soda, then wiped dry, treated with a disinfectant and wiped dry again.

It is necessary to protect the child from insects, because not only can they bite the child or interfere with his sleep, but they are also carriers of many dangerous diseases. It is best to install protective nets on the windows that will prevent insects from entering from the street.

In the first months of a child's life, it is especially important to prevent his infection with various infectious diseases. You should not rush and show the child to many guests in the first 3-4 months - weak children's immunity is unable to cope with such a huge number of microbes.

It is also extremely important for relatives who are ill with the flu or a cold to limit contact with the child as much as possible, or when communicating, be sure to wear a four-layer gauze bandage. Such a bandage should be changed regularly, and used ones should be either thrown away or treated with disinfectants.

Caring for the health of your baby is the main concern of parents. But such care should not turn into a "fixed idea" - on the contrary, a child can and should be tempered. Hardening strengthens the child's immunity, contributing to the development of the child's own defenses.

One of the most important things in caring for a baby is his hygiene. As a rule, inexperienced parents often face a similar problem, and in order to solve it, it is necessary to master the theory and practice of child care. With proper hygiene, many health problems in babies can be avoided.

Basic hygiene questions:

How many times a day should a child be bathed?

As a rule, the hygiene of the child should be observed every time after a bowel movement, as well as before bedtime. During evening swimming, the water temperature should be at least 36-37 degrees. If your baby's skin is too sensitive and prone to irritation, you should wash your baby as often as possible, and after urinating, be sure to wipe the genitals with a damp cloth.

How to wash baby?

As a rule, this hygienic procedure should be carried out under running warm water. Suitable for swimming baby soap, which does not irritate the skin of the child, or specially selected baby remedy for swimming. Remember that hygiene products for adults are not suitable for a baby, as they dry out the delicate skin of the crumbs and disrupt the microflora. To care for the genitals of a baby, you should also not use potassium permanganate or herbs - they can cause dry skin and even an allergic reaction.

How to properly wash a baby?

Place your baby on your arm, belly down. Hold the baby under running water and with your free hand, rinse it in the direction from the pubis to the anus. Be sure to thoroughly wash your baby's genitals (especially girls, as germs from the gut can get into the vagina and cause inflammation) and skin folds. As for the boy, many experts recommend washing not only the penis itself, but also the head as much as possible to stretch the foreskin. The head can be washed with water or treated with baby oil, but you should not be zealous so as not to harm the baby. Suitable option bathing should be taken into account, based on physiological features child.

What happens after bathing a baby?

Immediately after washing your baby, cover the baby with a towel and gently pat his genitals. It is important to choose the right cosmetics for the child so that it brings benefits to the baby. In order to test the effect of cosmetic substances, apply a little cream or baby oil to your elbow skin. If the product is not suitable, a rash or redness will appear at the rubbing site after a few minutes.

  • Before applying cosmetics to the baby's skin, rub your palms with talc or cream, and only then gently anoint the baby's skin. By the way, pediatricians advise not to get too carried away with children's cosmetics, if this is not necessary, and the child's skin is tender and velvety in itself. As a rule, hygiene products can upset this balance.
  • Before putting your baby in diapers, lubricate the skin folds with baby cream. Remove excess makeup with a tissue and wait until the cream is absorbed. During this time, the baby's skin will receive "air baths", which is the prevention of diaper rash. Before putting diapers on your baby, make sure that the baby's skin is dry.
  • Remember to change diapers at least eight times a day. It is advisable to do this after waking up, feeding, after stools and washing up, as well as before going for a walk and going to bed. Each diaper is intended for no more than 3 hours. Use them correctly, and then they will not harm the health of your baby.

What are the consequences of poor hygiene of the baby?

Diaper dermatitis or diaper rash.

This condition is provoked by the influence of chemical and microbial factors. As a rule, it is associated with improper use of diapers and disposable diapers. In such cases, there is a rash, irritation, peeling and itching in the perineum. If irritants are not eliminated in time, abscesses and erosions may appear, as well as secondary infection. In mild cases, panthenol and salicyl will cope with the problem. It is also necessary to change diapers as often as possible and take air baths.

Learn more about diaper dermatitis.

Synechia (adhesions).

These are congenital or acquired splicing of the genital organs. As a rule, in girls, fusion of the labia occurs, and in boys, the foreskin and glans penis. This leads to infection and difficulty urinating.

The occurrence of synechia in girls is associated, as a rule, with low level estrogen, as well as with the inflammatory process of the vulva. In this case, wound-healing creams, which the doctor will recommend, work. They are applied to the synechia after washing and, thanks to the estrogen contained in such creams, have a beneficial effect on the genitals.

It is better to separate synechia in boys after five years, since there is a possibility of their disappearance on their own. If they do not cause inconvenience to the child, it is better to simply observe the situation. With the constant separation of synechia, there is a possibility of their repeated repetition.

To avoid the above problems, carefully monitor the condition of your baby's genitals. Do not forget to inspect the skin of the perineum and the intergluteal fold of your crumbs. If alarming symptoms appear, consult a pediatrician or pediatric gynecologist .

What should you pay attention to?

  1. Pain when urinating. The baby writhes, winces, grunts or cries.
  2. Acute urinary retention.
  3. Change in color of urine.
  4. Redness of the genital organs, itching, changes in the intergluteal folds and mucous membranes of the genital organs.
  5. A sharp, unpleasant odor, discharge from the genital tract.
  6. The presence of neoplasms, protrusion of organs, changes appearance scrotum, hernia, etc.

Playing, studying, learning about the world around us are the most important tasks for children. Behind these worries, they often forget - and we have to remind them of the rules of personal hygiene for children. Toddlers need to learn these rules in order to grow up confident, healthy and easier to find a common language with others. But observing the rules of personal hygiene should not be a burden to you or your children. The child should be proud of his cleanliness and accuracy. This will allow him to feel independent and increase self-esteem.

Why is personal hygiene so important?

“You have to, you have to wash yourself in the mornings and evenings!” - probably, everyone remembers these lines of Chukovsky's children's poem "Moydodyr". And many people know that it can be difficult to teach children to follow the basic rules of personal hygiene. The fastest way for your child to learn the rules of personal hygiene is if you present them in the form of a game and show them by your own example. In order for your child to enjoy these rules, you must first tell him why, in fact, it is so important to follow them.

Sit down with your child and tell him why it is important to practice good personal hygiene for children. The key points of your explanation might be phrases like the following:

  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene will not allow harmful germs to infect you with the disease.
  • You will be strong, healthy and confident.
  • Other children and adults will be more willing to play and interact with you.

Keep a list of personal hygiene requirements for your family. You can hang it in the nursery and ask the little ones to color it with felt-tip pens.

So what should be on that list? Let's take a look at 6 basic personal hygiene rules for children.

The fastest way for your child to learn the rules of personal hygiene is if you yourself give him good example. For example, why don't you brush your teeth with your kids?

1. Brush your teeth twice a day

To get started, let your kids love brushing their teeth - turn this boring procedure into a fun game for them. “Squeak like a mouse when brushing your front teeth,” or “roar like a lion when brushing your back teeth.” Explain to your child that teeth need to be brushed to keep them healthy, for example in this manner: “How are you going to nibble on your favorite nuts and cookies?”

2. Personal hygiene rules for children: wash your hands before eating

Handwashing can seem like a boring chore to children until they understand the importance of this personal hygiene routine.

Tell the children that germs are little invisible bugs that can make you sick. Secure it with a game of glitter. Rub glitter on your child's hands and show how germs are transmitted: glitter will stay on everything he touches. Then ask the child to wash their hands so that the “invisible shine” no longer spreads to surrounding objects and people. Remember to say that it is especially important to wash your hands before eating and after going to the toilet.

3. Use napkins

While children have not yet learned the rules of personal hygiene, they wipe their dirty hands on everything and wipe their snotty noses with their sleeves. The habit of always having a pack of soft and durable paper handkerchiefs on hand - such as Zewa Deluxe will help to cope with this. Explain to the baby that it is much more pleasant to wipe the nose with soft handkerchiefs. It will be very useful to learn this rule of personal hygiene for schoolchildren. Make it a habit for your child to always carry a pack of Zewa Deluxe paper handkerchiefs in their school bag.

Zewa Deluxe paper handkerchiefs are soft and so delicate, as if they were specially created for small noses. Explain to your child that wiping his nose and sneezing into a disposable tissue will help him avoid infecting his friends, beloved parents, and siblings.

4. Change underwear every day

It's so natural for any adult to change underwear every day. This is what our parents taught us. Explain to your children how important it is to observe this rule of personal hygiene. Show your child the difference between the pleasant smell of freshly washed clothes and the smell of already worn clothes. Explain that he, too, will smell fresh and clean if he changes his underwear every day.

 Let your child choose their own underwear. It's easier to take care of things that you like. Encourage your child to put their used t-shirts and panties in the dirty laundry basket. It is important if the child will help you with the laundry - this will allow him to better learn the rules of personal hygiene.

5. Bathe and shower regularly

Show your child that bathing and showering is not only important rule personal hygiene - it's still nice and fun! Turn bathing into a fun game by having your child take a bath with their favorite "floating" toys. Add bath foam with his favorite scent to the water, show how fun you can play by foaming soapy water and blowing soap bubbles. Let bathing turn into a holiday every evening!

6. Trim your nails regularly

Young children often put their fingers in their mouths and bite their nails. But under the nails accumulates a lot of harmful bacteria. That is why it is so important to trim your nails regularly. If your child does not like to cut his nails and is naughty, try to distract him. Sing a song, turn on a cartoon, or turn this unpleasant procedure into a bathing game for him. This will help him relax and love cutting his nails.

Let the observance of the rules of personal hygiene become a ritual for the whole family. The example of adults will inspire children, help them quickly learn the rules of personal hygiene, and over time they will become a habit for the child.

*According to the results of a study by Eurofins Evic (Eurofins Evik), France, April 2018.