Irons with ion ceramic and tourmaline coating. Tourmaline or ceramic coating


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The desire to have beautiful and well-groomed hair, the perfect hairstyle is familiar to any woman. We dream about it, we spend our money, effort and time in order to get closer to the ideal, we use a lot of cosmetics and devices. Alas, the result can not always be called satisfactory: uncontrolled experiments can "kill" what was bestowed by nature.

Heat treatment is traditionally considered one of the most dangerous procedures for hair. In particular, with the use of straighteners. But scientific developments recent years questioned this fact. And modern models of devices are increasingly positioned as more beneficial to your hair, and not harmful. These include an iron with tourmaline coating plates.

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Tourmaline coating of ironing plates: principle of operation

First of all, it must be said that “pure” tourmaline (or rather, the dust of this semi-precious stone) is not covered with irons. It is added to the ceramic coating of the plates.

When this ceramic-tourmaline "alloy" is heated, negatively charged ions are formed, which neutralize the positively charged ions of our hair, smoothing their cuticle.

Iron with tourmaline coated plates: advantages

Based on the described properties, we can deduce several advantages of using models with tourmaline:

  • Ceramic-tourmaline "alloy" makes more effective application ceramic coating for the plates, allowing you to improve the glide of the device through the hair and get rid of the crust of burnt hair and heat protectant on the plates. Thus extending the life of the device.
  • The negative ions emitted by tourmaline remove static electricity from our hair. What makes hair shiny and well-groomed. And also keeps the hairstyle for a longer period, not allowing them to fluff or stick to the headdress.
  • By smoothing the hair cuticle, the tourmaline-coated flat iron makes it more resistant to harmful external influences. This feature allows us to call such a device medical and even suitable for frequent use - which is rare for rectifiers.

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Iron with tourmaline coated plates: disadvantages

Models that use the tourmaline coating of the ironing plates, on this moment are considered the most highly technological among their counterparts. This is what determines their main disadvantages: high cost compared to most similar devices and a small assortment.

Therefore, if you decide to purchase such a straightener, we recommend that you pay attention not to household models, but to professional, hairdressing ones. Yes, here you most likely will not find a very stylish design, but you will have access to the most necessary functions in decent quality, as well as a guarantee of reliability and durability.

And, of course, the shortcomings that a tourmaline-coated iron has are easily compensated by its advantages. Now, even at home, you can not only create a great hairstyle, but also noticeably improve your hair.

Still in doubt? Visit a beauty salon, do hair straightening and, if you are satisfied with the result, ask the master what device he uses. Most likely, it will be an iron with tourmaline coated plates.

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Probably, each of us is familiar with the feeling of comfort and self-confidence when we leave the beauty salon with a neatly and beautifully styled hairstyle. How do you want to see yourself so beautiful every day! There are many styling tools that allow any woman to look amazing without resorting to the services of stylists and hairdressers. One of these devices is a hair straightener or, as it is often called, a “flat iron”. This simple device has become truly multifunctional today, making the choice of ironing more complicated. Today we will try to take into account all the latest innovations and figure out how to choose a hair straightener, And what are the best hair straighteners presented on the modern market.

The principle of operation of a hair straightener

What is an iron for? With it, you can quickly cope with even the most naughty hair, style them beautifully and give them desired shape, and such a hairstyle will last for a long time. Your hair will be smooth, shiny, like satin.

Hair Straightener Benefits available: fast, efficient, convenient. But there is also the other side of the coin, because all irons heat up to high temperature, and this, in turn, is very for the hair: they dry out, split and lose their attractiveness.

Under the influence of high temperature, the straightener frees the hair from excess moisture that is contained in them. Under the hair cuticle is a layer that contains hydrogen compounds and is called the cortex. It is responsible for the waviness of your hair and its ability to curl and form curls. If you are exposed to rain or just fog, then under the influence of moisture these hydrogen compounds become more active, which is why some people have hair that frizzes heavily in rain or snow.

The main task of the rectifier is the release of hair from excess moisture, which makes them naughty and makes them curl. Another remarkable ability is the “welding” of exfoliated hair scales, thanks to which the device revives the hair, as it were, making it more vibrant and shiny.

Plate coating

To choose the right iron First of all, attention should be paid to plate coating. It's not worth saving here. The quality of the coating of the ironing plates will help you reduce the risk of hair damage to a minimum.

To date, rectifiers are produced with such plate coating types:

  1. metal;
  2. ceramics;
  3. tourmaline;
  4. teflon.

metal plating

We often opt for inexpensive products without thinking about their negative effects. This also applies to rectifiers of this type. They are inexpensive, but do not rush to buy such irons, as these are the most harmful and destructive devices for your hair. It's all about the metal coating of the plates, which is considered the most dangerous for the hair structure. This is due to the uneven heating of the plates, because of this, at some points they overheat greatly, and this leads to the destruction of the hair structure and subsequently to their dehydration, brittleness and split ends.

Irons with such a coating are not suitable for daily use, and it is better not to use them occasionally.


Small cost.


Severely damage the hair structure.

ceramic coating

One of the most common plate coatings is ceramic. Unlike metal, ceramics heats up evenly and retains the required temperature well. This iron is easy to use, it quickly and easily glides through the strands without burning the hair. Negative impact in such rectifiers is minimal.

Ceramic plates in some models such rectifiers have in their structure complexes of moisturizers, conditioners and vitamins. Thanks to this, the hair during styling also receives additional care.

But the ceramic coating has their shortcomings. If you additionally use different cosmetical tools for styling, they will strongly stick to the plates. It is easy to deal with this small nuisance: it is enough to wipe the plates with a damp cloth after each use.

Now about the cost. Devices with ceramic plates are much more expensive than their counterparts with metal plates, but we do not advise you to save money - the beauty and health of hair is much more expensive. Also, if you are looking for which iron to choose for permanent use, we advise you to stop on devices of this type.


  1. Maximum hair protection.
  2. Easy glide.


  1. Adhesion of cosmetic preparations on the plates.

Teflon coating

Think of your favorite Teflon-coated pan. How everything literally bounces off its surface, and cooking on it is a pleasure! The same principle applies to teflon coated rectifiers. This iron glides easily through the hair without pulling or tangling and prevents hair from sticking to the plate, even if you use different cosmetic preparations before styling. The plates heat up evenly and the risk of damaging the hair is minimal.

If you have soft and thin hair, then pay attention to devices with such a coating. Such irons are much more expensive, but if the budget allows, then it is better to stop at this option. The main disadvantage of such irons is that over time the Teflon coating is erased, which is not always possible to determine by eye. And, as a result of this, the device ceases to be safe for hair.


  1. Maximum protection.
  2. Easy glide.
  3. No sticky effect.
  4. Ideal for thin soft hair.


  1. Price.
  2. Coating durability.

tourmaline coating

The most modern coating material, which releases negative ions when heated, and this contributes to the neutralization of static electricity. Thanks to this property, the hair scales close and retain moisture, so the hair is practically not damaged during styling.


  1. Neutralize static electricity.
  2. Positively affect the structure of the hair.
  3. Easily glide through the strands.
  4. Plates heat up evenly.
  5. The safest for hair.


  1. Price.

The best hair straightener in terms of price and quality - a device with ceramic plates.


A great feature, which, unfortunately, is not found in all rectifiers. The plates of the device are coated with a special ionic layer, which, when heated, releases a large amount of negatively charged ions. They literally envelop each hair, due to which their water balance is restored. Hair revives, becomes more healthy, shiny, obedient, besides it is not electrified.

Temperature regulator

Hair straighteners are two types: with and without thermostat. What is it for, and is it possible to do without it? Let's try to figure it out.

We are all different and have different type hair. For some, they are thick, hard and uncolored, for others, on the contrary, they are thin and soft, well, and some subjected their hair to experiments and often dyed it, and as a result they turned out to be overdried and brittle. To protect your hair as much as possible, you need a different heating mode for each type of hair.

As a rule, the plates are heated up to 100-230°C.

  • For dyed, thin and split ends the temperature should not exceed 150 ° C, otherwise you risk severely damaging them.
  • For normal and unpainted or colored but hard– up to 180°С.
  • For unpainted and coarse hair you can allow temperatures up to 200 ° C and even a little higher. Or you can even take a chance and buy an iron without a thermostat.

The thermostat is located on the handle of the straightener, simple and easy to use. This is usually a two- or three-position switch with which you select the level of heating of the device: minimum, medium and maximum. But there are also more expensive irons with electronic thermostats, in which you can set the temperature to a degree, but you will have to set it up every time you turn on the device.

The conclusion is clear: temperature controller must be, otherwise the iron will heat up to maximum temperatures, and you can ruin your hair badly.

Maximum temperature

It has already been said that the minimum heating temperature of all rectifiers is about 100 ° C, but the maximum different devices ranges from 150 to 230°C. What is the maximum temperature?

The higher the temperature, the faster the straightening and curling of the hair, especially for thick and thick hair. curly hair. But for thin and weakened hair, such a heating temperature will be fatal. The thicker the hair, the higher the temperature needed, and vice versa.

What is the maximum temperature required? On average, 180°C is sufficient. But if you have very thick or coarse hair that are difficult to fit, then choose irons with heating up to 200 ° C and above.

Heating time up to maximum temperature

In different models of rectifiers, this indicator ranges from several minutes to a few seconds. Household appliances can heat up for a long time, but all professional straighteners heat up very quickly - from 5 to 10 seconds, and some even instantly.

The question immediately arises: what is the optimal heating time of the device? Naturally, the sooner this happens, the better, since situations often occur when you need to put yourself in order very quickly. Choose high-quality irons, the heating time of which is from 10 to 30 seconds. If the device warms up for more than a minute, think carefully about whether it will be convenient for you to wait so long.

Insert width

When choosing an iron, you should pay special attention to the width of the plates, they are different:

  • narrow (from 1.5 to 3 cm)
  • wide (more than 3 cm).

What affects the width of the rectifier plates? For the length of the ironed strand: the longer and thicker the hair, the wider the plates of the device should be.

The ease of use of the device depends on the type of fastening of the plates. If plates are fixed and are built into the body of the device, the more you squeeze the rectifier handles, the more the plates are compressed. floating plates attached to the body with springs or elastic bands and can rise and fall as they move along the strands. The floating mounting of the plates is much more convenient, but it is quite difficult to find such irons on sale. But, if you are lucky and you have found such a device, take it without hesitation, this is a great choice.

If you are a fan of perfectly straight hair, then choose irons with right angles. If you like to curl the ends of your hair, then stop at the devices with rounded edges.

Gap between plates

The distance between the plates when they are compressed is called the gap. Some models have it, while others don't. If the plates are tightly pressed and no gap, then the heat is evenly distributed over the strand. If there is a distance between the plates, then some hair, falling into the gap, will warm up less and you will have to re-expose them to heat attack, and this is an additional load on the hair.

If you come across an iron with a gap, then pay attention to its size. For rigidly fixed plates, a gap of up to 1 ml is permissible, and for floating plates up to 2 ml (and with strong compression it should disappear altogether).

Girls with straight hair have no idea how lucky they are! Such thoughts visited, probably, every owner of naughty, curly, or wavy hair. If during wet weather your hairstyle does not look the best; if after washing and drying your hair with a hairdryer, they look dull, lifeless and untidy ... Desperate to look beautiful? You should definitely try using a hair straightener.

Modern hair dryers and hair styling devices greatly simplify life: straight hair is possible; curly - perfectly straighten. visually makes the hair more beautiful, shiny and healthy along the entire length, including the tips, even if they are slightly split. In addition to straighteners that smooth the hair, there are also models that give the hair an additional effect of “waves”. This function is possessed by special rectifiers with embossed plates. For example, .

The range of most stores has dozens of models of irons. How to choose a hair straightener? Does it make sense to overpay for a big name, or is it worth focusing only on technical parameters?

In fact, choosing a good iron that will last you a long time and will please you is not so difficult. Firstly, there are a number of brands that produce hair straighteners, the quality of which has no complaints, and which, among other things, are used in beauty salons. An example of such a brand is .

Now let's go through the main technical parameters.

The most important thing in an iron is its plates, with the help of which it actually straightens hair. The coating of the plates plays the most important role in the selection suitable model rectifier. If the first models of irons were often metal-coated, today you will hardly find such irons on sale, and this is good. Metal plates heat up unevenly, dry out and damage hair. These irons are the cheapest, but the savings are not worth it. Most straighteners today come with ceramic or tourmaline coated plates.

ceramic coating

Definitely better than plain metal. Provides hair with the necessary protection against overheating, but do not forget that additional ones will not be superfluous. Be sure to read the instructions that come with your iron before use. Some flat irons cannot straighten wet hair, and so on. Always wipe the plates after use to keep them clean.

tourmaline coating

Insert size

Another equally important parameter when choosing is the size of the plates. For thin, not so long hair or bangs, plates less than 2.5 cm wide are suitable; for thick / curly and coarse hair, it is better to take irons with larger plates.

Power cord length

When straightening hair and styling, it is convenient to have a cord with a length of at least 2 meters. However, a number of manufacturers professional tools hair styling makes cords even 3 meters long.

Power indicator

There is in almost every ironing. It is necessary so that you remember whether your device is turned on, so as not to get burned and not to forget to turn it off after use.

Plate heating temperature

Simple and cheaper models have a fixed heating temperature. More expensive and professional models have several temperature options. Temperature control is a huge plus. Thin strands are best straightened at a lower temperature, large strands at a higher one. For thin hair fit temperature 130-180 degrees, for thick and curly at least 200, optimally 210.

Don't forget to use a heat protectant if you use the flat iron frequently/constantly.

Hair straightener: how to choose the ONE, among the same in terms of technical characteristics? Possible additional benefits different models straighteners by themselves will not affect the quality of your styling, but they can make using a flat iron more convenient. As they say: a trifle, but nice.

  • Rotating power cord. Many irons are equipped with these. This is convenient when working with a straightener, and also prolongs the life of the product, since this design will avoid unnecessary twists and creases.
  • Loop for hanging. The presence of such a loop allows you to store the iron on the hook, which is very, very convenient. Such an element is almost always on hair dryers, on hair straighteners - not always.
  • Case or protective case. Very useful for both storage and when travelling. The presence of a cover is always indicated in the product description.
  • Display on the body. It is convenient when the temperature is shown on the display. You will have to pay a higher price for such amenities.
  • Automatic shutdown. Some models are equipped with this feature. Additional security option, which is a plus.
  • Closed fixation. It's great when the iron can be fixed closed, convenient for storage.
  • Hair iron design. A beautiful and comfortable iron, made in a modern design and your favorite color, will delight you even more!

Iron from the Italian brand GA.MA. Model . Tourmaline coated plates, 3 meters long cord, air ionization function, constant heating temperature - 210°C. The swivel cord and hanging loop provide added convenience when using and storing this straightener. The best choice for medium and thick hair.

Iron. The coating of the plates here is ceramic, but the temperature is adjustable: the range is from 130°C to 200°C in steps of 5°C. The temperature is shown on the display. NanoGlide floating ceramic plates provide care and protect hair from overheating. It has an auto-off feature after 30 minutes. Ideal for fine to medium hair.

A hair straightener is a versatile styling tool that has proven to be a reliable way to straighten hair and create curls. Among professionals and ordinary fans of irons, various models are popular that combine several functions at once. We want to discuss tourmaline hair straightener, which will be discussed in this article.

Before describing the benefits of tourmaline coating, we will give an answer to main question, which most likely worries you: "What is tourmaline?".

Tourmaline is a semi-precious stone that is widely used in jewelry. Numerous laboratory studies have shown that this stone is characterized by a huge number of negative ions formed when heated. Since human hair is positively charged, when in contact with tourmaline, ions are neutralized, which eliminates static electricity, and in addition makes hair shiny, smooth and enhances the effect of professional cosmetics.

Tourmaline is widely used in radio engineering, medical devices and devices intended for air ionization.

tourmaline coating

This type of coating is applied over ceramic, that is, there is no exclusively tourmaline. Tourmaline coating is a dust of tourmaline crystals that form negative ions when heated, which allows you to care for hair, giving it shine. The tourmaline-coated flat iron smoothes the hair cuticle, which saves them from adverse collision with external factors. Harmful substances do not penetrate the hair structure and as a result, the hairstyle looks more well-groomed. Tourmaline coating, or as it would be more correct to say ceramic-tourmaline, gently smoothes the hair, reduces the percentage of their fragility with fast and even heating.

The rules for straightening hair with a tourmaline-coated iron are no different from general rules rectifier work. We think it will not be superfluous to remind you of them:

  • Wash your hair thoroughly, remembering to apply a heat-protective styling product to them.
  • Let your hair dry naturally (if you don't have time, you can dry it with a hair dryer). Some models of tourmaline flat irons work directly on wet hair, which will save you a lot of time.
  • Get started with the iron. First of all, work on the hair at the back of the head, not forgetting to divide the back of the head into separate sections. Remember that the smaller the strand, the smoother and more well-groomed the hairstyle will look. The iron should be moved smoothly in the direction from roots to ends. You can not linger on one section of hair for a long time.
  • Make a styling with a fixative.

To make straightening your hair with an iron not a burden, but a joy, we will present you with a few simple tips:

  • Follow the rule of applying protective equipment: the stiffer the hair and finer curl, the more heat protection product must be applied.
  • If you want to create a hairstyle that simultaneously pursues two goals - smoothness and volume, it is not necessary to straighten the hair from the inside. Work only on the top strands that remain "in sight". In this case, the lush inner strands will give you the desired volume, but remain invisible to prying eyes.
  • Do not forget to adjust the temperature regime depending on the type of hair. Please note that in order to work with thin hair a temperature of 170 degrees is enough, and for straightening hard and strongly curly - 210.
  • With regular use of the flat iron, do not forget to correct the hair by cutting off the split ends.

Tourmaline flat irons: an overview

We assume that you are interested in purchasing the best hair straightener, so we will share with you some information regarding the hair straighteners offered in stores.

  • Hair straightener Remington S1051. It is characterized by a ceramic-tourmaline coating in combination with Teflon. This device is equipped with a display that shows information about its readiness for operation and temperature conditions. When buying this model, you do not have to worry about the uniform distribution of temperature over the entire area of ​​​​the plates and the heating rate. In no more than 30 seconds, the iron will heat up to 150 degrees. The maximum heating temperature is 230 degrees. Among the advantages should also be highlighted:
  1. convenience and ease of use
  2. perfect smooth coating for good glide
  3. the presence of a rotating cord, providing for its grinding
  4. affordable cost (average price 2200-2500 rubles)
  5. the presence of a special lock that excludes accidental pressing (prevents erasing the set temperature mode).
  • Straightener HairMaster Tourmaline Princess. It is characterized by a ceramic-tourmaline coating, the presence of a thermostat, a temperature range from 80 to 210 degrees, which ensures smooth, safe straightening of all types of hair. The smooth surface of the plates guarantees a smooth glide through the hair without any obstacles. The heating rate to a temperature of 210 degrees is less than a minute. The average cost of ironing is 1600 rubles.
  • Straightener GA.MA 1036 Ceramic Laser Ion Tourmaline. This Italian-made flat iron has a 2.3 cm wide plate, perfectly maintains a constant temperature during operation, heats up in 5-10 seconds, prevents tangling of hair, giving it a healthy shine and unsurpassed smoothness. The curling iron is equipped with an ion generator that cures the hair with a laser beam when straightened, making it obedient and soft, which makes the flat iron even for daily use. When working with this straightener, you will notice how quickly split ends disappear, and the condition of the hair gets better and better every day, creating the effect of hair lamination. The average price of this device is 2300 rubles.

A tourmaline-coated hair straightener is a great solution, because it not only perfectly straightens hair, but also takes care of it. Do not forget that this iron is suitable not only for curly, but also for straight-haired young ladies, because with the help of an iron you can not only straighten, but also twist your hair into a hairstyle of luxurious curls.

Hair straighteners are called simple irons, because their principle of operation is similar to such a well-known electrical appliance. But when choosing in large numbers models are hard to figure out. When all the advantages are clarified, it becomes clear that the tourmaline coated straightener is more popular. What is the reason for this and what is the rating of the most famous and easy-to-use irons.

What is Tourmaline Coated Straightener

Tourmaline is a semi-precious stone that, when heated, begins to release negatively charged ions. Human hair is positively charged. As a result of the impact of negative particles, the positive charge of the curls is neutralized, which means that the characteristic effect of electrification is eliminated. As a result, the hair becomes smooth, lays flat, the treatment has a positive effect on the creation of hairstyles.

semi-precious metal tourmaline

Tourmaline iron has the following features:

  • The straightener is a ceramic base on which tourmaline powder is applied.
  • The presented types of irons are recommended for use if the hair is dyed or weakened.
  • A semi-precious stone is capable of emitting ultraviolet light.

The main difference from standard types of straighteners is the presence of a property that consists in the ability to retain water inside the hair structure. This has a positive effect on his condition, especially if the curls are already damaged by previous procedures.

The positive factors include the following:

  • This hair straightener glides through the hair better. Nothing sticks to the coating, which means that the iron will last longer.
  • The impact of tourmaline perfectly removes static electricity, which has a positive effect on the condition of the curls and the entire hairstyle as a whole.
  • There is a natural soldering of the hair cuticle, which is why its structure is protected from external influences. The soldering leads to the prevention of the penetration of harmful substances into the structure, as a result of which the hair straighteners can be used repeatedly and without damage and fear.

Despite significant positive circumstances, a hair straightener using a tourmaline coating has disadvantages, consisting in the following factors:

  • The first is based on the cost of the device - this is a high-tech device, which means that its price exceeds standard and common rectifiers. A little more budget.
  • The second factor is the lack of necessary and familiar functions in the model and the presence of minor flaws. Everything is connected with the fact that the production of the presented variety of an electrical appliance has not yet honed its skills, so you will still have to face problems.
  • The third is in particular the heating of the outer part of the device, and this provokes a long cooling.

The effect of hair treatment with a tourmaline-coated straightener

These are only the main advantages and disadvantages of the presented electrical equipment. Each girl will find for herself her positive and negative points during use and will be able to choose for herself.

What to look for when choosing

When choosing a tourmaline straightener, you should pay attention not only to the fact how it works, but also to additional factors that differ from model to model. Here are the following recommendations for choosing a technique:

Tourmaline coated straightener plate

An important criterion when choosing is the mandatory presence of a thermostat. If the device does not have a temperature switching function, then it is forbidden to buy it. This will lead to a problem in the form of hair damage, as a result of which further use of the iron will not follow. Money spent in vain - it will be difficult to return the used device.

Tourmaline Rectifier Rating

As an aid in choosing a tourmaline rectifier, you should provide a rating of the most popular and best-performing models.

Rowenta SF3132

The German brand gained popularity several decades ago, which is associated with distinctive positive qualities in the constant use of small household appliances. The presented model is distinguished by a large number of temperature modes - there are 11 of them, so the plates can heat up from 130 to 230 degrees.

Of the advantages in the design, the presence of one floating plate is also distinguished, which is why the strands are captured neatly and without tearing off the hair. The iron heats up within 30 seconds after switching on. Its cost is about 3 thousand rubles.

Rectifier model Rowenta SF3132

Philips HP8321/00 EssentialCare

This model is convenient for travel use, since it uses a voltage switch from 110 to 230 V. The advantages of use include elongated tourmaline-coated plates, which makes straightening curls faster and safer.

Despite the positive aspects, the model has a serious drawback. In this case, the inability to change the temperature is distinguished, which often makes the iron unusable. Its cost is about 2 thousand rubles.

Philips HP8321/00 EssentialCare straightener

GA.MA Urban (P21.URB)

This straightener contains a ceramic-tourmaline coating, which makes frequent use of the iron safer for the plates themselves - the presence of a special layer of silver provides reliable antibacterial protection. The model is compact, so it is often purchased for travel and other trips. The downside of the straightener is the lengthy preparation of hair for styling, so it is mainly used only to eliminate the characteristic electrification. The cost does not exceed 2 thousand rubles.

Rectifier GA.MA Urban (P21.URB)

GA.MA IHT Tourmaline Slim (P21.IHT.SLIM)

Another GA.MA iron attracts the attention of buyers due to its fast heating and gentle treatment of curls, which achieves even heat distribution. Moreover, this model has an interesting memory function, which is to reproduce the previous settings. Therefore, if the device is used by one person, it means that he does not have to constantly carry out painstaking and careful temperature settings.

At the same time, this iron does not please with the effective processing of thick hair - it simply “does not take” them. There is no cover included, according to reviews - it does not please with long-term operation. The cost of the presented model is about 1.5 thousand rubles.

Straightener GA.MA IHT Tourmaline Slim (P21.IHT.SLIM)