Differences between friendship and acquaintance. Arguments on the topic "Friendship" for the composition of the exam. Friendships at work


Friendship is a very versatile and complex concept. Every person in the world can give completely different definitions to this word.

Humans have had friendships since the beginning of time. When someone is surrounded by his close friends, it seems to him that he is not alone in this world, there is always someone to rely on, who can help in difficult times in word and deed, to listen. Comrades are ready to come to the rescue, they stand on their side even when they are wrong.

Very often people confuse the definition of "friendship" with some other type of interpersonal relationship, expect other unusual actions and words, which often leads to mutual disappointment. It is important to be able to distinguish friendly interaction from all other types of communication. Understanding and realizing what it means will help not only to be and remain a real, true, devoted friend, but also to adequately evaluate the words and deeds of others, those whom we call friends.

The essence of friendship

What is friendship? According to the definition given in explanatory dictionary Ozhegov, friendship is a relationship of a high degree of closeness, which is based on deep trust, mutual affection, common interests and views. A real comrade is deeply connected with a friend, can always count on mutual assistance, provide support, be faithful, honest in words and deeds.

This word always implies a large amount of warmth, a high level of affection, trust and intimacy.

In psychology, friendship is classified as an attraction. This word means "attraction, emotional attraction to another person." It includes:

  • A person's need for communication and interaction, which encourages him to choose different partners for himself.
  • Various qualities of a partner that contribute to attraction and interaction.
  • Features of building relationships that encourage further communication, trust, the search for meetings and the desire to connect life and destiny with a person.

There are some of the most popular features of its manifestation:

  • Understanding the sensations, feelings and needs of your friend.
  • Deep similarity of interests up to the same perception of material objects, such as art objects.
  • Complete separation of the emotional, mental, moral, physical state.
  • The ability to partially or completely replace another psychological help, conversation or just a touch to bring significant relief from mental pain.

Sometimes empathy can reach such an extreme that people become almost identical attitudes, thoughts and feelings. Such a perception not only helps to get to know your friend better, but also brings high pleasure from closeness, the feeling of a kindred soul in this infinite Universe.

What is meant by friendship?

The word "friendship" for many has different meaning. This may depend on how close the person wants to let people in. One is able to call fifty acquaintances real friends, the other will count his comrades on the fingers of his hand. The third will say that the word "friend" he is not able to call anyone.

In ancient Greece, this concept was divided into two, highlighting:

  • friendship, which was based on mutual interests and common goals of the team;
  • the friendship that was called "noble" could only arise between two people as an attachment of high purity.

Today, most often erroneously called friendship:

  • Communication with friends. However, the most secret desires and deepest needs of such people, as a rule, are not trusted.
  • Expression of solidarity and common interests of the team.
  • The similarity of work or political functioning.
  • Showing sympathy for another person because of its isolation, uniqueness, manner to stand out. You can call the word “friend” just a nice person, but such connections are usually very unreliable, as people change often.

In those relationships in which there is no trust, sincerity and love, the concept of "friendship" simply has no place.

Friendship types

In cases where the level of mutual affection and the depth of understanding between comrades are great, it is possible to classify the feeling of friendship that has arisen according to some criteria:

  • Creative. Preservation, understanding, acceptance of the personal qualities of another, approval of manifestations of self-expression and fantasy, a fruitful union of two actively self-expressing people.
  • Spiritual. mutual development of each other. Each is able to receive a significant share of the enrichment of his individuality at the expense of the other, complete mutual understanding. They say about such people: "They talk without words."
  • Everyday. It starts with territorial proximity. People say: "We are friends from the school bench (army, sandbox, university)." Often this interaction is reinforced by mutual reasons to meet. Sometimes the development of this type of friendship can be work - people prefer to be friends with representatives of their profession.
  • Family. When entire communities become universal friends.

It is important to remember that the one whom we call the word “friend” is always sincere, loves and is loved. He does not need a flurry of questions after a long separation to understand how the one with whom he is close is doing. He can express everything that is in his heart now and is able to accept the same confession himself.

A friend is a person who causes boundless respect and a desire to take care of him. He is always ready to help and be there. True friendships are always mutual. It is often said: "Friends are a family that we choose ourselves."

Incredible Facts

Best friends have a special place in our lives.

They don't get the title of "best" from scratch.

This prize is won by them after a large number joy, effort, deprivation, fellowship and love.

A best friend, on the other hand, will stand up for your honor to the end, because he knows the price of loyalty.

7. Buddies can be your supporters, but the best friend is the one who will always be there.

If you happen to find your dream job, your buddies may warn you of the competition you'll face while vying for a spot.

Your best friend may also tell you this, however, he will be the one to cheer you up. It will definitely emphasize all the qualities, skills and experience that you can get in a new place.

8. Friends are just joking, and best friends remember all the funny episodes with you.

Your best friend remembers all your jokes and can pull them out of memory at the first opportunity. Buddies most often have difficulty remembering small episodes, and often do not even remember them.

9. Buddies can help you, but your best friend is available 24/7

You may feel shy to call a friend at 2 am if you are very unwell, but your best friend will certainly help with advice.

Difference between friend and buddy

10. Friends often don't know how to keep secrets, best friends can

Often when you ask your buddies not to talk about something, it doesn't happen, but with your best friend you always know that your secret is safe.

11. Friends will rarely tell you about your mistakes, best friends do it much more often.

Each of us makes mistakes in relationships, at work and in family affairs. Buddies will rarely agree to try on your problems, but the best friend will always tell you what went wrong and where, and also help you avoid repeating the mistake.

12. Friends are always ready not to be in debt, the best friend does not think about profit

Whether it be material goods or services, a friend is always ready to pay and expects the same from you. With best friends, this scheme does not work, no one bills anyone.

13. Friends do not understand all the intricacies of your personal life, best friends understand very well

Buddies are not willing to invest time and effort in you, so you often feel not confident enough to dedicate a friend to all the details. The best friend is an excellent listener, he remembers all the details: both bad and good.

14. Buddies are strict with time, best friends are more flexible in this sense.

Of course, punctuality is an important feature, but friends can often react very harshly to your lateness of 20 minutes. The best friend is relaxed and will find something to do while waiting for you.

Friend, comrade or buddy?

15. Friends fear your obsessions, best friends accept

We all have obsessions. You should be more careful with friends, because they may consider you strange, not fitting into some of their ideas of normality. Best friends just laugh it off when they hear about each other's obsessions.

16. Buddies don't really like it when they hear the same thing from you, best friends love repeating stories.

Old stories, anecdotes, some small funny stories ... We think about all this when we communicate with friends, and often carefully think over the conversation, because we are afraid to repeat ourselves.

What are the signs of true friendship?

Academician Likhachev, reflecting on the problems of relations between people, recalls his childhood and youthful ideas about the coming period " adulthood". He writes that in childhood, his thoughts about the coming changes were reduced to the inevitable cardinal changes in the environment in which his future life would proceed. As a child, he had little doubt that he would lose his current environment, and nothing would remain of his usual attachments and the formed social circle. In reality, everything turned out quite differently. “My peers still remained close to me, and childhood friends remained the closest and most faithful,” he wrote. Despite the fact that over time the circle of acquaintances grows significantly, true friendship has its roots in childhood and adolescence. Friends of childhood and youth remain friends for life.

What should be the relationship between friends? What is true friendship?

"Letters about the good and the beautiful." D. S. Likhachev.

The main sign of true friendship is its invariability in various life circumstances. Difficult periods of life are very difficult to survive without friends, and happy moments of life must be shared with others. If this is not done, then the brightest joy will turn for a person into unrequited longing and will bring nothing but harm. Therefore, friends must be protected.

How should you be friends? What can bring people together? How does friendship begin? What is true friendship? What is the difference between acquaintances, friends and buddies? What is the importance of friendship in people's lives?

"A Hero of Our Time" M. Yu. Lermontov.

A friend is a person who, under any circumstances, at the right time, will be there. He will offer help when you need it and will share your joy and sorrow without hesitation. People can get close for a variety of reasons. These can be common interests, a close social status, a joint business, work, and so on. But it has nothing to do with friendship. In the absence of spiritual and spiritual kinship, people cannot come together as friends. They can only become good acquaintances, partners or friends.

The main character of the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov Pechorin, fate sent people many times who showed sincere friendly feelings towards him. At least three characters in this work offered their friendship to Pechorin. Retired officer Maxim Maksimych generally perceived him as his own son, and for Dr. Werner and Mr. Grushnitsky he was an example in everything, they perfectly understood him and treated him with genuine respect. Each of them could become a friend of Grigory Alexandrovich, but Pechorin never understood and did not take seriously such closeness between people. His attitude to friends and to the very concept of “friendship” boiled down to the conviction that there can be no sincere affection between strangers at all. For him, friendship is an addiction, and he did not want to be dependent on anyone.

The ability for friendship is a gift from above, and it is not sent to everyone. Pechorin's egoism allowed him to concentrate only on his person, and his attitude towards others was limited only to his own interests. This position of Pechorin determined his whole future life. He was completely alone. All applicants for friendly relations with him, seeing the complete indifference and indifference of Pechorin, one after another, abandoned these attempts and stopped further communication with him. Grigory Alexandrovich died all alone, never having experienced true feelings and the joy of a pure sincere relationship.

Verified final essay on the topic "Friend and buddy - what's the difference?" in the direction of "Friendship and Enmity".

Introduction (intro):

“Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends,” says a Russian proverb (not related to this topic, it seems that the proverb was written so that there were more words). In a person's life there is a huge number of people: sometimes enemies, and friends, and friends. But what is the difference between true friendship and friendship? Thesis: In my opinion, a friend is a person who comes and goes. You can help each other, have common interests, sympathy, but at the decisive moment it is a friend who will come to the rescue - a time-tested person who you can rely on with confidence.

TO comment: not the most best start for an essay on this topic, BUT !!! The topic is disclosed, the thesis is there and it is very well designed)

Argument 1:

There are many examples of true friendship and friendly sympathy in Russian classical literature. For example, in Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace, the relationship between Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov is an example of true friendship. They do not need the money of another, do not put emphasis on authority. Heroes appreciate each other's inner qualities. Bolkonsky - kindness and wisdom of Pierre. Pierre is the intelligence and justice of Bolkonsky's decisions. Heroes repeatedly help each other in difficult situations: some with advice, some with action. The line of their friendship runs through the entire novel, until the death of Bolkonsky, after which Pierre still treats the hero's son with the same love.

A comment: the author of the essay went in the right direction, but touched too superficially on the main problem. It is important to describe in detail some case when a person really helped his friend in difficult times, no matter what.

The proportions of the essay are slightly violated: the main part should be three times the volume of the introduction.

Argument 2:

We find an opposite example in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The relationship between Onegin and Lensky was described by the narrator as “friends from nothing to do”. The heroes communicate almost daily, personal topics also flash in the conversation, but Onegin does not disdain to make fun of the feelings of the romantic Lensky, and as a result, puts his reputation above their “friendship”, kills a friend in a duel.

A comment: Again, too little argument.

Moreover, this argument is not entirely relevant to the topic. "At the decisive moment, it is a friend who will come to the rescue ..." the author wrote in the introductory part. That is, in order for the argument to fit the topic, one must either write about how a friend came to the rescue, or, conversely, describe a situation in which a person refused help or "disappeared" in a difficult situation, because he was just a friend. (for example, "Love of Life" by Jack London, where Bill left the main character with an injured leg alone, alone with the wild nature)

Argument 3:

It is impossible not to mention the "lyceum brotherhood" of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, among which was A.S. Pushkin, I.I. Pushchin, V.K.Kyukhelbeker and many others. No matter how hard life was for them, memories of the Lyceum days always served as a voice of consolation:

Gives the same comfort

May he illuminate the prison,

Beam lyceum clear days!

  • Pushkin wrote in verse to Pushchin (the poem "To I. I. Pushchin"), sent to distant Siberian mines ... Here one can observe true friendship. Lyceum students from the "brotherhood" until the end of their days tried to maintain relations and help each other.

What is friendship? Everyone understands this word in their own way, but it is easy enough to give it a general definition. Friendship is a special type of relationship based on affection, respect, trust and care. Friends rejoice for the successes of each of them and empathize with the losses. They try to be honest with each other, always ready to help. Most often they are connected by common interests, but sometimes friends can be addicted to completely different things.

At the same time, people should respect each other's hobbies. There is a proverb: “A friend in need is known”.

It seems to me that this wisdom conveys the whole meaning of friendship. What is the difference between friend and buddy? In life, it often happens that friends become friends, move away from each other. Buddies are an environment that does not inspire much trust. Such relationships do not oblige to anything and exist only for a certain period of time. They are quite shaky, easily arise and also evaporate.

Recall the novel by E. M. Remarque “Three Comrades”. The main characters of this work went through the First World War together. It was then, having gone through many difficulties and trials, they became friends. And then, years later, they opened

joint business. Robert Lokamp, ​​Otto Kester and Gottfried Lenz hold on to each other and do not leave in trouble. Need urgent health care Patricia, Robbie's beloved, and Otto, postponing all his affairs and problems, takes off and brings a doctor from another city. Lenz gets to a fascist rally, his friends take him away from there, and when he dies, Kester does everything to find the killers. Thus, Remarque in his work shows an example of true friendship.

Now let's turn to M. Yu. Lermontov's novel “A Hero of Our Time”. The understanding of friendship by the main character - Grigory Pechorin - is somewhat distorted. He believes that one of the friends is always the slave of the other. He does not know the value of true friendship. Maxim Maksimych met Grigory in the Caucasus. A friendship developed between the two characters. They lived together, hunted game, they were interested in spending time with each other. The time came and they had to part. And now, a few years later, fate brought these people together again. Maxim Maksimych was very glad that he was about to see his old friend Pechorin. But the meeting turned out to be quite different. Maxim Maksimych, overwhelmed with the joy of meeting him, approached Pechorin with outstretched arms, but he greeted him coldly, only shaking his hand, which greatly upset Maxim Maksimych. Their friendship, although we no longer dare to call it friendship, was defeated in the fight against time. After the departure of Pechorin, Maxim Maksimych wept bitter tears of resentment, in his thoughts they were very good friends, friends for life, but it turned out differently. With this story, Lermontov showed the difference between the concepts of friendship and friendship for each person.

Thus, I want to conclude. We must be able to distinguish between friendly and friendly relations. After all, only with a true friend you will not be lost.

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