Happy birthday wishes to brother. Happy birthday brother in prose - congratulations in your own words What to write to your brother's birthday


Family ties are considered one of the strongest. After all, it is the family that will always support and accept with all the shortcomings, without reproaching for failures. The connection between brothers and sisters, relatives or cousins ​​is especially strong, because they can feel each other at a distance.

It is always pleasant for relatives to talk about how you feel, name days are a special occasion for this. On such a holiday I want beautiful words express and talk about your feelings so that happy birthday greetings to your brother are filled with love and care.

If nothing comes to mind, you can refer to this article, here you will find the option that is right for you.

B- big or small, older or younger, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that they are dear and beloved.
R I would like to wish you good health, because this is the most important thing in life.
A- and also, I wish love, so sincere and happy!
T- now it remains to wish success and heavenly luck, so that you are always lucky and the wheel of fortune turns in the direction you need.

On holiday I wish my beloved brother
Decent life decent salary.
So that female heart you held captive
Captivated - as much as you want, loved - only one.

So that a house is built, and so that a garden grows,
To become a reliable successor to the son.
And so that on the slope of all lived years
You understand: there is no reason for despondency!

Born in one womb
We lived and reconciled together,
We shared buns and toys,
And they tore the pillows to pieces.
My brother, you are my strength
My defense without fetters
Today I asked the Lord
May you be happy and healthy!

When there's no one to talk to
You can always call your brother
And cry and laugh
And run into a kind word.

I wish you health
So that you cannot take it away!
Happy birthday brother, congratulations
Happiness, luck, love!

Happy birthday my brother
Congratulations with all my heart!
You grew up - beautiful, strong,
Charming, smart.

Adventure is ahead
You go towards them
Just don't forget your loved ones
Never be discouraged!

Everyone has different tastes: someone likes to receive cool congratulations in verse, some prefer prose. It is important to take into account the preferences of the birthday man and choose the genre and style of congratulations based on this.

Funny birthday greetings to brother in verse

To make the congratulation look more beautiful and give a sense of celebration, you can arrange it in verse. It is not necessary to compose a poem in several quatrains, cool short notes will also do, the main thing is that there is a rhyme.

This form of congratulations does not require much disclosure of feelings in relation to the birthday man. The main thing is to observe the pace, tact and rhyme. Usually short poems are great for congratulating a cousin or even a second cousin. After all, the attention rendered in this way is pleasant to receive, even if people do not often communicate and are not very close.

Birthday gift for brother
Ready to give at least the entire salary.
Even though this salary
And to myself ... too small.
But those gifts are good
What counts is not money, but souls!

Be strong like an ancient oak
And strong, resistant, like a dam!
And so that these very forces,
You've had enough for a century!

So that you row money with a shovel,
And he knew how to spend them wisely!
And let you wave of love
One fine day will douse!

I am for you today, my brother,
Ears cool prick.
As in childhood with all my might
I'll slap you.

To remember congratulations
You are for the coming year.
And he passed, so that successfully
Without snags and adversity.

Bro! You are awesome!
You are the coolest in the world!
Be strong, healthy
And smile wider!

Brother, to congratulate you,
A million words are not enough.
May your life be ruled
Only happiness and love.

You have always been more than a brother to me.
Your birthday is my holiday too.
I want you to be healthy and rich.
Let luck in life help.

I wish you have everything in life!
... And the expected PLEASURES,
and PLEASANT surprises!

In addition, the short form of poetry is perfect for sending funny sms happy birthday wishes to brother, sibling or cousin. It does not take up much space, looks compact and, nevertheless, is pleasant for the recipient.

Sincere congratulations for a brother in prose

Prose is always distinguished by the fact that here you can free the flight of thought, write in your own words everything that comes to mind, open your heart and soul. The main advantage is that, without choosing a rhyme and a special style, express feelings in your own words.

This form is perfect for birthday greetings to a brother from a sister. With the ability to express your feelings on paper, wishes will acquire a certain spiritual line. Here you can talk about what is always in the heart, but rarely on the tongue, make it clear how dear a person is and how important his presence is.

On this wonderful day, dear brother, I want to wish you a happy birthday and all the best. I wish you to be a support for your family, so that loved ones can always hide behind your strong shoulder.

Hold luck by the tail and don’t even think about letting go, but harness happiness to the bridle and steer it as you see fit. Happy Birthday bro!

I was given a brother as a child -
He wept, whimpered and screamed.
I wasn't happy about it
But he grew up and fell silent.

Now the brother is a smart uncle:
Graduated from school, institute.
I'm happy with my grown brother
After all, he is incredibly cool.

Now my brother is my joy
I am proud of them and appreciate them.
I don't need another brother
My brother is a huge treasure!

Brother, happy birthday dear. I wish you good health so that you can fulfill your dreams. I wish you confidence so that you can overcome all life's obstacles. I wish you love, so that your heart is calm and comfortable.

I wish you prosperity so that you never need anything. I wish you happiness, so that your life is full. I wish you good luck so that your business goes perfectly.

I wish you brother
So that you are happy with life
To live - do not lose heart,
Don't forget your sister!

Dear brother! Today I sincerely wish you all the best, love, success, happiness in your personal life. It's officially you are my cousin, but in fact - the most that neither is dear. You and I have a lot of memories of happy and joyful moments from childhood, when, because of any of my pranks, you stood up for me.

And I wish you everything that you can wish loving sister brother. Happy Birthday to You!

Like a good sister
I'll hurry up first in the morning
Congratulate you brother
Just don't get too arrogant!

Happy birthday dear
In my heart you are always with me!
Sometimes we fight with you
But I always love you!

I'm so happy and glad
To be the sister of such a brother!
I hope you're happy too
Dearly beloved brother!

Dear brother, happy birthday! I wish you a thousand reasons for pride, a million reasons for confidence in the future, a billion reasons for joy and happiness. And let the monetary equivalent of all these quantities be kept in your tightly stuffed wallet.

The appearance of a brother in childhood
I wasn't happy at first...
You were mean and pugnacious
Noisy, small, chatty.

And now you're big
I'm very proud of you!
And like an older sister
I want good for you!

On your birthday I wish:
Let success inspire
To see my brother
I am successful and rich!

Congratulations on your birthday! I want to wish that today brings you maximum positive and as many fun moments as possible, which I would like to remember later. I wish you to remain the same excellent, sympathetic person, and also never lose those who are dear to you! Happy holiday!

Any brother, including a cousin, will be pleased to know that his support and care do not go unnoticed.

Congratulations with pictures for brother

To dilute the text, even the most solemn and pompous, you can use pictures. It is important to observe not only the main idea of ​​congratulations, but also the age aspect.

For example, for a birthday greeting to a younger brother, it would be more appropriate to use images that symbolize childhood and carelessness. After all, no matter how old he is, for the congratulator, he will always remain a little boy who needs care and attention. In addition, such at first glance absurdity with pictures will introduce an element of humor.

To congratulate your elder brother on his birthday, you can use pictures that symbolize strength and courage. After all, in fact, the older brother is always a protector and support. You can rely on him in any situation and at the same time be sure that the worst is left behind.

When choosing a form of congratulations, one should take into account the preferences of the birthday man and his tastes. Someone likes short poems more, someone is more pleased to receive sincere wishes in prose, but for someone it’s enough funny pictures.

In any case, to wish a happy birthday to a brother, relative or cousin, it is worth allocating a little time. Even if it is a banal "happy birthday", but he will know that he is remembered and not forgotten.

Take care of your loved ones and do not forget to congratulate them on their birthday, on such an important day for them.

I wish you, my dear and most wonderful person in the world, that you never stop believing in the best. I wish you to remain forever an eternal generator of ideas, to which people will be drawn by the thousands. I wish that all your ideas are crowned with success. On this birthday, I wish you, brother, that you never be disappointed in life. A firm life position to you, dear! ©

On your anniversary birthday, I hasten to wish you all the most wonderful, bright, beautiful and heroic. I wish you, my dear man, my bright brother, that everything in your life was not just like that. I wish you a career that will help you become the richest and most successful person in the world. I wish that no one could ever offend you. Happy holiday! ©

I wish you a beautiful day on this beautiful day, so that the sun shines clear, so that you, my dear brother, never prevaricate. I wish you never be able to spoil the necessary and important work you started. I wish that all meetings are always joyful and happy, I wish you love, passion and success. On this beautiful day, I wish you to find your purpose in life. Happy birthday! ©

Happy birthday my dear, beloved brother. You are my support, support, protection, always remain the same brave, courageous and strong. Brother, I wish your star to shine even brighter today, so that this year of life will give you a lot of opportunities, aspirations, ideas and achievements. Health to you, brother, incredible male charm and great luck.

Hello Brother! At this time, your birthday has come, and I am in a hurry to have time to congratulate you first on this wonderful event. May only luck and success accompany you in all matters and everywhere, and fortune does not leave you for a minute. Know that you can always count on my support and attention, I will not let you down. I really want you to have the best health, strong muscles and beautiful smile, as well as the fulfillment of the most sincere and good wishes, and of course an unforgettable holiday. Let this particular birthday be one of the most colorful and unforgettable moments in your life. The most important thing in our life is to always remain a respectable, sympathetic and reliable friend for our family, relatives and friends. Brother, stay for us always as friendly, loving and caring as on this bright day. I want only a happy and radiant star of luck to guide you through life, and the bright sun of victory shone over your head. Great success, prosperity and blessing of the sky! Happy Day again!

Dear and beloved brother, I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you to find your genuine and true happiness. You know better what it means to be happy for you. Just remember that everything in this world depends on you. You are the creator of your own destiny and everyone new day is an opportunity to change your world for the better. I can only wish you wisdom and inspiration for this.

Happy Birthday bro. I wish you on this day, happiness and success in the family of love. Let all sorrows go away and perish, and eyes shine with happiness from love. Let you, beloved brother, for all your holy goodness, fate will thank you a hundredfold. Good luck with your life and family.

Brother! Why do you need two health or eight successes at work? I thought that even without me they would wish you everything that a person should wish on his birthday! And all this will certainly come true! And if so, then why not wish you all pleasant things, which are also useful in life? Brother, let new shoes never press! Let always, when you are late for something, it suddenly turns out that your clock is just in a hurry! Don't let your phone charge at the most inopportune moment! Let the words of support or consolation spoken by you to friends and relatives be remembered for a lifetime! And never forget how much I love you!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on your birthday. I want to wish you career growth, promising offers, not difficult tasks, good health, energy, strength, prosperity. May love be true and friendship eternal. Spring mood, maximum pleasure from life, driving adventures.

On my beloved, only brother, on his birthday, I wish to be the first among the best, because he is quite up to it! Be a real hero in both body and spirit, but do not forget that you were once a boy, which means that you can laugh and enjoy little things, carefully keep in your heart the memories of better days and make your dreams come true!

Brother, your birthday is my holiday too. Because the day you were born, I had a real guardian angel. I wish your vital wings to be strong, so that when you wake up in the morning you can confidently say that you are happy!

On your birthday, brother, I want to wish you never feel constrained. Surround yourself with interesting acquaintances and loyal people, take more from life than you want. Do not be afraid of change and be actively looking for a better life. Let only honest and devoted people be around you.

Brother, you are the best and most cheerful in the world! Happy birthday! I wish you a huge basket of fruits, a big bag of sweets, whole mountains of cakes and ice cream. And a sweet, bubbling river of soda! And I also wish the wizard to fulfill your desires!

Days go, fly, hurry. You have become older, more experienced, probably wiser, but for me you will always be that boy, the memory of which I cherish so much, the memory of my own close person - my brother. I congratulate you on your birthday and I want to wish that our memories become only deeper and richer over the years!

Brother, happy birthday to you! I wish you to be strong like Hercules, wise like Socrates and rich like Rothschild! Find a woman who will kindle the flame of love and give birth to ten children for you! May any path you decide to take through life invariably lead you to success, and any undertaking to the achievement of your goal.

Wishes to your brother will make you remember childhood pranks, pranks and everything that has united you for life. Wishes for Brother is a collection of stories and anecdotes. I would like to say a speech to my brother seriously, but it turns out only: “Do you remember that? Do you remember that?…” mixed with laughter and smiles.

In verse

  • wish brother beautiful love,
  • So that passion plays in young blood,
  • For you to love beautiful girls,
  • You could make them happy.
  • May your fantasies come true
  • So that you can get out of any situation,
  • And for everything to work out
  • It definitely worked!
  • Brother dear and dear,
  • Your character is golden!
  • Never change
  • Let trouble go around you
  • And let sorrows bypass
  • Happiness rules in life!
  • Let my dear be near
  • Tender yours, my love!
  • I wish my brother artistry
  • May you be a bright, wonderful person!
  • I wish my brother charisma
  • And respect for the Motherland!
  • To be proud of you
  • To be respected
  • So that everyone is equal to you,
  • A little behind!
  • Always boldly go forward
  • And among the crowd be the first
  • I also wish you
  • Big and true love!
  • For my brother
  • Wonderful Wishes:
  • May all your holidays
  • Will be crowded!
  • Gather your friends
  • At the table you are generous
  • Always pour wine on them
  • And don't be poor!
  • For guests to have fun
  • With you until the morning
  • And to smear on bread
  • Red caviar!
  • I wish my brother sex
  • And on the reflex girls
  • Very violent orgasm
  • To avoid insanity!
  • For the brain to be very smart,
  • So that the brother is not noisy,
  • But he was not so boring,
  • Always believed in miracles!
  • I now wish my brother
  • No more cursing!
  • Grow up and grow wiser
  • And get a bride.
  • For her to be beautiful
  • And slender, and not jealous,
  • So that you love her very much
  • You spent the night with her!

In prose

Brother! Career growth has always been and remains your main goal in life, and love and rest always go by the wayside. I really want you to realize that one is not a hindrance to the other. I wish you this year, finally, to meet the ideal, caring and understanding girl who will give me many, many nephews!

Who is a brother? Brother is pride. Brother is jealousy. Brother is an overseer. Brother is an extortionist. A brother is not necessarily a friend. Brother is just a fact. Well, in general, brother - he is a brother in Africa! But I still want him to be fine. And let only someone dare to make him feel bad or hurt! I'll tear anyone!

I never understood why the older brother is constantly being clever in front of me and pretending to be either mom or dad. It offended me to tears. I did not listen to him and we often quarreled. One day while in good mood, he explained to me: - Understand, you are my younger brother. I feel responsible for you. God forbid, something happens to your parents, who will take care of you? How can I educate you if I don't have authority? How can I explain to you that respect can only be achieved with sincere love! Be yourself! I already have parents! I need a brother!

In your own words

It used to be that you annoyed me so much that more than once I wanted to just beat you! But the next day, my heart sank with tenderness and love. We live under the same roof, sleep in the same room, sometimes it seems to me that we are completely strangers or, on the contrary, there is no one in the world more dear than you! This is what it means to be brothers! My native stranger! I will not interfere in your life, but I sincerely wish that there will always be a settled room in it, where they love and wait for me! Even if the whole world says that you are a scoundrel, I will not believe it. If everyone turns around and leaves, I'll be with you! You are my reflection. You are me! And when we're together, it's better not to get in our way! We were connected by an invisible thread in the mother's belly and agreed to be one! You are my life, my comrade, true friend, my twin! Let everything work out for you, and I will help! Dear brother! I noticed a long time ago that you take all the problems that happen to you and your family too close to your heart. Sometimes, wanting to help a loved one, you can even offend him with your silence and frown, because not everyone can read your thoughts and understand the reason for your bad mood. On this holiday, I want to wish you to learn to meet difficulties with a smile, become more frank with loved ones and never get hung up on failures!

My dear, happy birthday! They often like to say that men and women have so little in common, as if they are aliens from different planets, and even galaxies. But since childhood I have had you: an object of constant observation and study. This is probably why I began to understand the intricacies of male psychology earlier than my peers. My most important discovery, made thanks to you, is this: despite all the differences, something unites us. Men also have a heart, brave and loving. I wish you, brother, that love be constantly present in your life! I wish you always had someone to protect and protect! Good health and happiness to you!

Brother! Why do you need two health or eight successes at work? I thought that even without me they would wish you everything that a person should wish on his birthday! And all this will certainly come true! And if so, then why not wish you all sorts of pleasant little things that will also come in handy in life? Brother, let new shoes never press! Let always, when you are late for something, it suddenly turns out that your clock is just in a hurry! Don't let your phone charge at the most inopportune moment! Let the words of support or consolation spoken by you to friends and relatives be remembered for a lifetime! And never forget how much I love you!

To someone you are just a friend or colleague, for someone a loved one, but to me you are the closest and dearest brother! I congratulate you on your birthday, I rejoice with you on this day, because all your holidays are also events for me! Accept wishes of goodness and warmth, well-being and stability, love and strong friendship from your sister! Let the new in life bring only joy, success awaits at every turn, and all surprises will be only pleasant! Appreciate what you have, cherish what you love and notice happiness even in simple things!

Brother, you know you mean a lot to me. Words cannot express it, only the eyes can tell. On your birthday, I thought for a long time what I would wish for. And I want to wish you good luck, so that she is with you always and everywhere. Well, if something is wrong - call me, I will help.

As a child, you were my protection, now you are a support. Let, brother, you are ordinary for everyone, but for me you are the most powerful and dear. Let everything in life be given to you simply, for the fact that I have you like that!

Today I am especially happy, because my brother's birthday. I love you for just being you. For every smile and tender word. It is good to realize that there is a reliable shoulder nearby. Brother, just be happy, take everything from life and do not settle for less, because I know that you can achieve more!

Dear brother. Congratulations on your birthday. May good luck accompany you throughout your life. May all your dreams come true. Let every year only wisdom reminds of age. I wish you never knew grief and troubles. Happy holiday.

I want this day to never end. I want one person today to receive the best gifts of life - health and well-being. I want the Lord to always protect you and help you in all your endeavors. My beloved brother! May happiness be your eternal companion, and may luck never leave your shores!

Brother, you will always remain a half of me. On your birthday, I wish you not to forget your older sister! And everything else you will wish in abundance today others!

What a blessing to have an older brother! He protects you, respects and appreciates, scolds you for the cause, educates you. You can always be sure that he will come to the rescue, thank you for being you! On your birthday, I want to responsibly declare: I have already grown up. And now I can help too. Call.

Today we are celebrating not just my brother's birthday, but his anniversary, a round date, undoubtedly very important for an adult, respectable man! I am glad to see that my brother is happy today and to recognize in him the same restless and kind boy! Brother, stay like this for another hundred years, live happily and do not be sad!

Happy birthday, birthday boy! So you became one more year not just older, but wiser. Although for me you are still a little brother! All our childhood memories are precious to me. Next to you I am always happy as a child. I wish you prosperity, health, good luck, light and kindness. Know that I am always there for you and really, really love you, brother!

Today I congratulate my beloved brother, the youngest favorite of the whole family, on his birthday, but this holiday is undoubtedly special for him - after all, he has become almost an adult! So, the wishes should correspond to this solemn moment. I wish - and, probably, I will not be mistaken with the choice - love, good luck, good health, inspiration and new talents, hard work and the ability to have a good rest! Probably, from all this, my smart little brother will be able to make his own happiness!

Accept a sisterly mandate on your birthday! Always be in a good mood and do not pay attention to trifles, strive for your goals and believe in the fulfillment of desires, love your family and value your friends! I wish you a smooth life path, success, financial well-being, stability and self-realization. Let your life be full of bright events, pleasant moments and sunny days! And if sadness suddenly comes: know, brother, that your sister will always support you, come to the rescue in difficult times and will not leave you to be sad alone!

Happy birthday today to my best and most beautiful, most irreplaceable and wonderful, kindest and most sensitive brother on the planet! You are always and in everything ready to help me and support me in difficult times. You rejoice in my successes and victories. Thank you, my dear and beloved brother, for the fact that you are in the world! May all your days be as fabulous, wonderful and sunny as this one. wonderful holiday. Accept gifts and the most kind and important wishes from me!

Beloved brother! In that magical holiday I give you my congratulations! With all my heart I wish that the fairy tale in your life never ends, that miracles and goodness surround you! Dream big and paint the world with bright colors. May the guardian angels always be with you and protect you from all troubles! Grow healthy and strong!

Dear brother! Should I remind you how much I adore you? For your birthday, we tried to find a tastier cake and wrap gifts in brighter rustling paper and, of course, chose the most sincere, warm wishes for you! Accept our congratulations from loving sisters and brothers, smile and make your cherished wishes on this magical day, they will surely come true! Be happy and loved, dream and always find the strength and audacity to go hand in hand with luck towards your dreams!

Brother is a protector. A brother is a friend. Brother is a support. Brother is an adviser. Brother is an accomplice. Brother is brother. native person. We have the same blood. We are connected by family ties forever, for which I thank fate. Thank you brother for having me! I congratulate you on your birthday!

Beloved brother! I really want to wish you a happy birthday, but I just can’t choose what to wish you. Therefore, I wish you everything! Everything that at least once appeared in your dreams! Anything that can put a smile on your face! Best wishes! And whatever you want! Happy holiday!

Good job my brother! Red-faced, golden mind, kind soul, hands can cope with any business in an instant! On his birthday, I want to not only take a walk for glory and amuse him with my company, but also praise him wholeheartedly! And, of course, wish him a long, cheerful, free, prosperous life! Let everything go well in it, desires come true faster than you have time to dream about them to your heart's content, and Fate does not get tired of pampering with new gifts!

On this day my brother was born, and I want to wish him only the best life; so that the business brings income, not problems; the children did not indulge, and the wife always illuminated the house with her love. You are my closest person and I want to tell everyone that I have such a wonderful brother who will always come to the rescue at any time of the year!

On the next day of your birth, brother, I want to sincerely confess to you that you mean a lot in my life, even if I don’t always talk about it. You are for me not only and not so much a younger brother, but best friend and ongoing support. You wonderful person and I'm glad you exist! I wish you to save all the best in yourself and carry it through the years. Always be yourself and take care of yourself!

I remember our pranks, I remember our childhood with a smile, and today's holiday is a tradition for me! My dear brother, I congratulate you on your birthday, on a new step in life, on new achievements and successes. Every sister should have a brother like you! After all, you will always come to the rescue, support and protect, together we rejoice in victories and laugh at failures, share joy and problems. I wish you never lose heart, always go forward with your head held high and believe in your luck! May family and friends always be nearby, may work be a pleasure, and rest bring peace!

Take on your holiday the warmest and sincere congratulations! Dear brother, with all my heart I wish you not to waste that fire in your soul that warms everyone and everything that surrounds you with its warmth. I wish you health, happiness, reliable friends, true love and a long life journey. I love and appreciate you.

My ugly brother! Many years ago, I boasted in the yard to my friends and girlfriends - what a mighty, brave, best intercessor I have. Since then, not much has changed. As before, I am proud of you, as before, your birthday is more valuable to me and more solemn than my own. Remember we fought with you and shared toys all year round, but on your birthday, I always wanted to give you the best. And now I see clearly that I have never had a better ally than you. Happy Birthday bro!

It's good that I have an older brother to whom you can cry in a vest and tell all your secrets. I congratulate you on your birthday, and I wish you to find pleasure in every moment of the earth, never, never be sad, never be bored.

On this wonderful day, dear brother, I want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you all the very best. I wish you to be a support for your family, so that loved ones can always hide behind your strong shoulder. Hold luck by the tail and don’t even think about letting go, but harness happiness to the bridle and steer it as you see fit. Happy Birthday bro!

My dear brother! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you to be wise, reliable and courageous! May life please you with success in your career, good health, reciprocity in love and longevity!

Always go towards success, let the tailwind always blow you. I wish you strength and health, physical and mental. Do not know sadness and despondency, never fall into despair. Treat all problems lightly, and they will be just as easily solved. From the bottom of my heart, happy birthday brother!

Happy birthday to you, my dear and wonderful brother. I wish you to always remain the main character in your life, purposeful and confident in your actions, I wish that there are no troubles in life, that the air of happiness always hovered in your house and the sonorous laughter of relatives could be heard.

Beloved brother! Your birthday has come - one of the most important holidays in our family. Remember that I love you no less than our parents, even though we had many reasons for quarrels with you. I wish you to achieve all the lofty goals that you have set for yourself and still set during your life. May all your subsequent years be better, brighter, more successful than the previous ones. Happy birthday!

Dear and beloved brother, I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you to find your genuine and true happiness. You know better what it means to be happy for you. Just remember that everything in this world depends on you. You are the creator of your destiny and every new day is an opportunity to change your world for the better. I can only wish you wisdom and inspiration for this.

Happy birthday, my dear and beloved brother! I wish the sun of happiness, joy and great and true love always shine in your life! So that every day is filled with pleasant events, new acquaintances, connections! So that every day brings success in your business, so that prosperity grows, and spiritual harmony is always in you, like God's blessing! Respect to you and love from colleagues, good health and great joy!

I wish generosity from fate, sincerity from love, support from family and happiness from what is happening around. So that you are always healthy, focused on results and happy with everything from life. Accept everything that mother nature has given you, fill your soul with genuine emotions, let it in only the best people and please those around you with your nature. So it's time to stock up funny stories, captured moments and be close to family and friends. So wake up, go on an adventure and share it with us. Happy birthday!

Today is a wonderful day because it's your birthday. I want to congratulate you, wish you happiness, good health, a lot of energy, positive emotions, a loving family. Be the most beautiful, the best, rich, wonderful. I love you very much, Happy Holidays!

Brother, happy birthday to you! You have already been wished everything and will wish you more than once happiness, health, joy, money. All this is not in our power. And I promise to help in any way I can, in grief, not to leave in trouble, illness, loneliness. Always remember that you have me, of the same blood as you, and all your problems are my problems, your troubles are my troubles. Live long, be healthy and happy.