Rejection due to short stature. How to get rid of the Napoleon complex. How to deal with negative attitudes from other people


Almost all of us are dissatisfied with ourselves in some way. There are a lot of reasons - starting with bad habits and ending with appearance. Let's talk about the most intrusive and difficult to fix - short stature. He prevents girls from making a career, adds self-doubt to young people. Is there nothing that can be done? Don't despair, there is always a way. Believe me, your height in centimeters matters only for the military registration and enlistment office, peaceful life flows according to completely different laws, sometimes even more stringent than those of the military.
Decide on the motivation, because for different purposes there are different ways problem solving.
How to increase height?
If you're an athlete and you're just a few inches short of making the basketball team, then a special exercise program will help you. The only good advice I can give is: don't listen to good advice. In order to choose an individual system of exercises to solve the problem of short stature, you need to contact a professional trainer, not forgetting to consult a doctor. Self-treatment has never done anyone any good. For example, everyone knows that you can drink calcium gluconate to stimulate growth during puberty. But only those who are not too lazy to consult a doctor know that silicon should be taken with them. Dosage and proportions are calculated based on the weight of the athlete and his daily loads.
Girls, if you want to try yourself in the image of a fashion model, be extremely careful in choosing a coach. In solving the problem of short stature, the coach-athlete is not the best assistant. The fact is that stretching exercises for athletes are in most cases dangerous for a fragile girl with a narrow bone. Look for a trainer in fitness rooms or beauty salons, and don't forget a good massage therapist.
Small men
The greatest difficulties begin when a person begins to look for an explanation for his unfinished life in his physical characteristics, and in particular, in his small stature.
Male grief: I'm short, girls don't like me. Complexes begin to develop, a person becomes unsure of himself, and, as a result, the girls really do not notice him. This is the chain of cause and effect. Please remember your 5th-6th-7th grades. This is exactly the period when all the girls are taller than all the boys in the class. And who got the most female attention? That's right, the smallest and fastest. And it doesn’t matter if he remains short, or grows to basketball height, he will still remain everyone’s favorite right up to High school prom.
It's not about external data, but about self-awareness and the ability to present yourself correctly. A woman evaluates a man according to several criteria, and in addition to external data, what matters is how you look at her, how you behave. The secret of the womanizer is precisely that he does not seem to be such. A sincere smile and a loving look do their job, even if the girl you like is noticeably taller than you. Think Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. The brightest couple in Hollywood, who lived together for about 10 years, was distinguished by the fact that Nicole was 10 centimeters taller than her husband, and with heels for all 20.
The secret of male charm is 100% self-confidence. It doesn't matter where it appears. If you hesitate and get lost in front of a girl, but she sees your professional achievements and respects you as a specialist, or if she sees the respect of your friends for you, you are on the right track.
Small women
Women's grief here is somewhat less. Girls (women) of small stature are loved by most men. But even here there was a catch: it seems to a short girl that she is not taken seriously. It is quite possible, but growth is secondary here. Again, the chain is repeated: because of the short stature, the woman begins to complex, is embarrassed to express her opinion, others think that she does not have her own opinion. If a man does not take you seriously, it is not at all a fact that he will take a girlfriend of more impressive dimensions. If a man lives according to the principle “all women are fools”, the growth of his wife does not affect anything. Think 10 times before committing your life to such a person.
A small stature will help a girl to emphasize her most important advantage - fragility and femininity. Even if you have chosen a unisex style, most men will still perceive you as an object for care and protection.
The root of the problem of short stature
In order to understand how relations between a man and a woman are built, you need to remember under what circumstances they actually originated. A woman is the keeper of the hearth, an object of care and protection, a source of pride. The man is a protector and a hunter. In modern society, the scheme takes on much more intricate forms, but can be traced in any relationship. Accordingly, if a man puts himself in the place of a leader by his behavior, a woman will look at him with admiration, “from the bottom up”, even if he is lower than her. And vice versa: if a woman emphasizes her feminine essence in every possible way, the chosen one will look at her a little patronizingly, even if she is taller, and listen, even if she is lower, because she considers her own.
Is small growth really bad in business?
There are many examples when people of small stature achieved significant success in business, became directors of large companies. Children's complexes play an important role here. The desire to assert oneself makes a person work hard and hard, which, of course, brings its results. Accordingly, if you feel that you are not taken seriously because of your small stature, prove your superiority in a completely different area. After all, a professional is not valued for his external data.
But we must not forget about appearance: if a person is naturally athletic, then he can afford a casual style. If you want to upstage your small stature, you should always look perfect. Avoid a sudden change in clothing style - this will make others once again evaluate you visually.
There are several more psychological tricks that will help you hide your small height during conferences, presentations, negotiations, etc.
Dress in a neutral suit, add a couple of distracting details: cufflinks, an interesting tie. Thus, the opponent will cast a glance at you, and will continue to look at these details.
When negotiating, pay your opponent's attention to your face. That is, in his mind, the essence of the conversation (deal), set out in the documents lying on the table, should be visually connected with your face. To do this, during a conversation, touch your temple with your hand, or adjust your glasses. Your facial expressions are also important: sometimes eyebrow movements are remembered for a very long time, and help to imitate emotions better than gestures and expressions.
Do not stand next to your taller colleagues, or objects comparable to human height: with hangers, with palm trees in tubs. You can get up and walk around the office to give weight to your speech, if circumstances permit. Use this technique unexpectedly but calmly when your listeners are seated. This will create the effect of a teacher in the classroom.
If you are speaking in front of a large audience, do not hold large objects in your hands: a folder, a globe, a laptop.

There are many more examples when small growth under certain circumstances becomes simply invisible to others. For example, a short teacher who asked students to place posters on the board may sit down at the table for a while. Obviously, even if the students are taller than the teacher, no one compares a seated person with a standing one.
And, most importantly, never forget about self-confidence and self-esteem. After all great person and a tall person are completely different things.

In search engines there are many answers to the question of what is the “Napoleon complex”. Basically, historical data is provided related to short people who have reached the top in politics, sports or on the stage.

However, this question is revealed more from the historical side than from human psychology. Napoleon syndrome is a personality defect that prevents a person from enjoying life.

More often, this quality is inherent in men, and it begins with childhood. Then, when at school or other educational institutions the guy suffers ridicule and loses faith in himself. In every school class there was a little boy who was teased.


Girls choose strong and handsome candidates for gentlemen, and it is more difficult for a small and frail guy to create a relationship.

Having accumulated in himself severe pain and streaks of failures, the "Napoleonic" makes a promise to himself to grow, to become the best and achieve maximum heights in life, which he strives for in the future.

Wanting to stand out in all situations, he studies diligently, fulfills the assigned instructions of his superiors, but his soul is full of revenge and awaits the hour of reckoning. Such people strive to have a car and housing, a lot of money and a high position in society.

Having received the position of chief, their hidden resentment breaks out. Now they prove to others and subordinates their height and advantage. Consequently, these people humiliate others and try to subjugate others for self-satisfaction.

Napoleon complex in short women

Now consider the Napoleonic complex in women. On the one hand, being small is good: a neat figure, you can wear high heels. Short stature gives a person mobility and dexterity. It is welcome in some sports. But for some reason, more and more short girls tend to be taller. Growth is a major challenge for some of us.

If men behave aggressively with this syndrome, girls hold back emotions in themselves. They are less amenable to frustration and emphasize invented flaws only with high shoes.

The fact that the lady will set a goal for herself and begin to strive for it is not excluded. Yes, it's even good. A person who wants to make a career, gain status in society and be independent becomes a source of envy for other ladies, which will help the sufferer regain her missing confidence.

Having proved her importance and supremacy, a woman will find peace and get rid of mental trauma.

The Napoleon complex in popular psychology makes the following recommendations to those who are ridiculed:

Psychologists advise you to make a list for yourself. Divide a piece of paper into 2 columns. In one column, write a description for tall people. On the other half for myself. To increase confidence, take as an example your friend or acquaintance who is taller than you. Describe the pros and cons of both of you. Every person deep down loves himself, so your cup of pluses will outweigh your opponent's cup.

The Napoleon complex and the origins of its formation. Myths about people with small stature, their debunking and methods of dealing with the problem.

The content of the article:

The Napoleon complex (shorty syndrome) is a combination of psychological problems that occur in short people. With great ambitions, some lowly persons dream of at least conquering the whole world in order to assert themselves in their own eyes. In an effort to get rid of their imaginary inferiority, they can eventually turn into aggressive subjects.

Description of the Napoleon complex

The name of this derogatory social stereotype suggests that it appeared thanks to the famous French emperor Bonaparte. According to some versions (previously very popular), having a short stature (157-162 cm), he decided to compensate for his brilliant political career.

In psychology, the Napoleon complex was first voiced by the Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler. However, a well-known specialist, basing his research on the biography of the emperor, did not take into account one fact. In fact, the growth of the commander was 165-169 cm (according to various sources) and in those days was not considered small. Bonaparte looked short only when there were high marshals and impressive officers of the guards army nearby.

The teachings of Alfred Adler were then refuted because a number of studies did not show a direct relationship between aggressiveness and short stature. Not all people with such parameters have inadequate behavior and a desire for absolute power. At the same time, the term itself remained in psychological practice, because the described stereotype became popular among the population.

Symptoms of the Napoleon complex

In this case, we will talk about people who are not ready to accept both their own appearance and their position in society. Their self-doubt often manifests itself in the following ways:
  • demonstrativeness. In any way, such people try to prove that they are strong and extraordinary personalities. This is especially evident when a person with a Napoleon complex occupies a leadership position. He takes out his self-doubt on his subordinates, asserting himself at their expense.
  • Flexibility of mind. People of this kind are good generators of ideas. From any situation, they find an extraordinary way out, which a simple man in the street is not even able to notice.
  • revenge. Subjects with a pronounced Napoleon complex have a very vulnerable soul, therefore any careless word can cause them a flash of anger. They will remember the offense for a long time, calming down only after the punishment of the guilty.
  • pride. In most cases, it is painful due to the same complexes about short stature. Such behavior manifests itself in the form of intolerance of criticism and rejection of indulgence from any person.
  • Passion for big things. Short people often want to compensate for this lack by purchasing large SUVs, apartments with impressive footage and renting large offices. They wear heavy seals on their hands, and impressive chains around their necks.
  • Choice of high partners. In rare cases, a person of small stature starts a relationship with a representative of the opposite sex with the same parameters. This statement especially applies to men, because finding a tall woman next to such a fan is considered the norm.

Note! All the described symptoms demonstrate a portrait of a vulnerable, suspicious and rather vindictive person. When communicating with him, it is necessary to observe maximum correctness and caution in actions.

The main myths about people with small stature

In some cases, a person is ready to wind himself up to the limit. Many people are dissatisfied with their appearance, creating false canons of beauty in their minds.

Fears in men with small stature

Some members of the stronger sex are not self-confident due to the following common prejudices, after which they develop a Napoleon complex:
  1. Inability to succeed in women. There is a myth that beautiful ladies want to see only a giant with well-developed muscles next to them. In this case, it is purely a matter of taste. The growth of the famous actor Tom Cruise is 170 cm (skeptics say that the maximum is 165 cm), which does not prevent him from being popular with women.
  2. Ladies love to look up. Maybe some of them like this occupation, but this opinion should not be elevated to truth. Very often short jokers are the soul of any company. American actor Danny DeVito, whose height is 152 cm, captivates the audience with his humor and ability to present himself.
  3. Shorties are not strong. Physical development a man does not depend on his height, because you can be the size of a tower with undeveloped muscles. A striking refutation of this myth is the boxing career of Jacob Matlal, whose height was only 147 cm.
  4. Below average parameters - always a reason for ridicule. Such an opinion is an erroneous reasoning. If the representative of the stronger sex is charming, smart and well-read, then no one will make fun of him. Mikhail Galustyan's height is only 163 cm, which allows him to make the audience laugh, and not vice versa.
  5. A short man is a bad lover. This statement does not stand up to scrutiny at all. His growth does not affect the potency of a partner, therefore, it is not worth creating a protective shell in the form of sarcasm to others on this occasion.
Women will always be attracted to the stronger sex, who can become a reliable support for them. The Napoleon complex in men is exclusively self-hypnosis or the result of dependence on someone else's opinion.

Fears in women with small stature

The fair sex suffers to a lesser extent from this problem, but is also sometimes subject to such doubts:
  • Little women can't become models. Spreaders of such absurdity forget about the fact that the main thing for an attractive lady is a proportional figure. In addition, the famous model Eva Longoria boasts a height of only 157 cm.
  • Little women are not taken seriously. This statement can be argued if we cite the example of Danica Patrick, a well-known race car driver. Her height is only 150 cm, which does not detract from her achievements on the track.
  • men prefer tall women. Again, you can disagree with this myth, because it all depends on the personal taste of the stronger sex. A short woman often gives the impression of a fragile creature that you want to protect and protect.
  • With such parameters, it is difficult to bear a child. A defensive reaction, which then transforms into a Napoleon complex, may arise in a girl precisely because of this absurd conclusion. Height does not matter during pregnancy if future mother the pelvis is well developed and she is healthy.
The existing Napoleon complex in women is, first of all, uncertainty about the strength of their charms in relation to the man they like. As a result, the lady begins to suffer from suspiciousness and suspicion that behind her back everyone is discussing her small stature.

Ways to deal with the Napoleon complex

Independent actions to get rid of the Napoleon complex

In order to love yourself and not let suspiciousness take over the mind, you must take the following self-defense measures:
  1. Analysis. Every person, even with a small stature, must understand that he does not have a defect. He should accept himself as he came into this world. The main thing is that the arms and legs are intact, and the head remains in place - the statement of our ancestors. The rest was considered a whim and a consequence of the laziness of the soul and body.
  2. Trust in compliments. No need to look for a catch in every praise, because almost every person has their own complexes. You should give yourself the installation that pleasant things are presented from a pure heart, and not in the form of a veiled mockery.
  3. Diet. Some people should think about the question that with a small stature, figure flaws are even more striking. A short full person seems even more overall, so it's time to worry about weight, and not about the described complex. If a person who wants to lose weight does not know the recipes for a balanced diet, then he needs to contact a nutritionist.
  4. Exercises for correct posture. A stooped back will make a visually short person even smaller. Therefore, it is necessary to perform daily elementary manipulations to align it. by the most in a simple way will be walking around the room with a book on his head.

Features of a visual increase in growth

If all the arguments are useless, and the person continues to complex, then you can try to visually correct your height:
  • High heels. This method is suitable for both women and men. Representatives of the strong half of humanity can purchase special footwear on a high platform. Ladies are recommended models with thin high heels, ideally - pumps, which not only visually make women of fashion taller, but also visually lengthen short legs. Bulky boots and boots are not the best solution for small stature. For men, it is best to stay on light models without an elongated nose.
  • The right accessories. Men should give up bulky bracelets and chains around their necks. Ladies should give preference to long beads (preferably in three ropes), dangling earrings. You can also decorate yourself with scarves that can wrap around your neck several times and fall freely on the sides to the hips.
  • Smart clothes shopping. When choosing a pattern for a dress or suit, you should abandon horizontal lines that not only make a person fat, but also steal a couple of centimeters of height from him. Thin ties and belts - perfect solution for a man with a Napoleon complex. Pants with arrows will also visually lengthen the legs, knee-length dresses are suitable for girls. It should be taboo to wear capris and breeches, and you should also forget about jeans with a low waist.
  • Updo. Curls raised at the roots (with the help of wax or hair foam) can add a couple of centimeters to their owner. High tails and decorative ornaments in the form of voluminous hoops also contribute to this. Men should cut their hair shorter, lifting their hair up. If you really want to walk with long strands, then you can shave the sides, and collect your hair in stylish bun upstairs.

Help of a psychologist with shorty syndrome

Specialists can do some work with a person who has a Napoleon complex. In most cases, they base therapy on the following methods:
  1. Conversation with elements of suggestion. Psychologists usually provide their patient with statistics that are the best evidence of some of the advantages of being small. Firstly, among such people the largest percentage of centenarians. Secondly, they are the least susceptible to any diseases.
  2. The "don't judge" method. To some extent, this therapy resembles training under the guidance of a professional. With the help of well-chosen questions, the psychologist helps the patient understand the simple truth that you should not expect tolerant behavior from the people you offended.
  3. Visual propaganda method. To restore faith in one's strength and external attractiveness, experts advise reading the biography of such people as Louis XIV (Sun King of France, 156 cm), Ludwig Beethoven (composer, 160 cm), Madonna (singer, 160 cm) and other famous personalities .
How to get rid of the Napoleon complex - look at the video:

The signs of the Napoleon complex in men and women are expressed in most cases the same way. The problem is solved both at the psychological level (a person learns to accept himself as he is), and at a visual change in external data. Only under such conditions can he try to get rid of it, using in practice the advice of this article.

How would you describe the concept of the Napoleon complex? Despite the serious faces of the adherents of the theory of its existence, the true definition in the dictionary would look like this: “A fashionable phrase with which amateur psychologists explain the desire of undersized people to achieve career heights and self-improvement, as well as a tendency to aggression, tyranny and authority.” For many, the Napoleon complex is an explanation for all the problems and at the same time all the achievements of low people. But does the Napoleon complex really exist?

In the minds of the majority, an unjustified image of an evil dwarf, ready to bite the legs of tall people, humiliate women and destroy nations just because they are taller than him, has settled. At the same time, Lenin (164 cm), Stalin (162 cm), Tamerlane (145 cm) are mentioned - really short men who left not the best mark in history. But what can you say about the causes of despotism in the character of Osama bin Laden (194 cm) or Saddam Hussein (188 cm)? Why didn’t he become a tyrant, but went on a completely opposite path, the preacher of peace and love, Mahatma Gandhi, who was only 164 centimeters tall? And let's remember the great actors who brought so much goodness and laughter to the world - Charlie Chaplin (165 cm), Jammel Debbuz (165 cm), Louis de Funes (164 cm). What kind of tyrants are they? Something doesn't add up...

Are short men aggressive?

No and no again. An experiment was conducted at the University of Central Lancashire aimed at identifying aggression in short men. During the experiment, the participants were divided into pairs, they were given chopsticks in their hands and asked to "fence" them, ostensibly to determine dexterity and reaction. In reality, one of the partners was asked during the duel to specially hit the fingers of the second participant.
A more aggressive reaction was noted in tall men, while short ones reacted more restrained.

It follows from this that the "Napoleon complex" not only does not exist, but also discriminates against small people, accusing them of increased aggression, despotism and the desire for self-affirmation at the expense of others, which they do not actually possess.

Was Napoleon short?

The joke is that even the very name of the complex is untenable. Napoleon was not short. Some sources indicate the very tiny growth of the great commander - 151 centimeters. But if you carefully read the literature, you will find that the numbers are different everywhere, and that with the growth of the emperor there was a lot of confusion. When His Majesty reposed, they measured him and recorded his height: 5 feet and 2 inches. Yes, they just forgot to indicate that feet and inches are French, and they are shorter than English. So they translated French feet for some time according to English standards, until they realized that since the emperor lived in France, they measured him accordingly. When the error was corrected, it turned out that Napoleon's height was 5 feet and 6.5 English inches, that is, 169 centimeters. During the reign of Napoleon, that is, in the early 1800s, the average height of a man was 164 centimeters. It turns out that Bonaparte was even higher than many Frenchmen.
Researchers believe that the myth about the short stature of the commander appeared due to the fact that in the paintings he is depicted surrounded by the grenadiers of the imperial guard, who accepted hefty fellows with a height of at least 178 centimeters. For that time, they were real dyldy.
Therefore, speaking of psychological complexes associated with short stature, it is better to call them something else. And leave the long-suffering Napoleon alone.

Napoleon complex in women

... this is pure fiction. For most of the fair sex, small stature is rather a reason for pride, and not a reason for grief. If we talk about female complexes, then it is better to recall Peter the Great, who had a height of more than two meters. And all because the ideal of a woman for most of the history of mankind assumed diminutiveness, grace, fragility.

Mentioning the Napoleon complex in women, experts begin to list famous show business stars, such as Shakira (150 cm), Natalya Andreevna from Comedy Woman (152 cm) or Alla Pugacheva (162 cm). It turns out that they have achieved everything just because they did not come out tall? Okay, then where did the desire for fame come from in the rest of the higher famous personalities? What and to whom did Uma Thurman (184 cm), Nicole Kidman (180 cm) and Sigourney Weaver (183 cm) want to prove? Perhaps you should not associate such qualities as growth and determination, growth and ambition, growth and beauty ...

But short women do have career problems. Little ladies are often taken lightly, not perceived as equals - especially by men who look down on them in the literal and figurative sense. Little women have to prove again and again that they are no worse than their tall compatriots. But here we are not talking about the fact that a woman has achieved success due to miniature growth, but rather the opposite.
With representatives of the stronger sex, the same story. For every outstanding man short stature there are five no less outstanding high. People become successful not because they are short or tall, but because they dream, go to the goal and achieve their goal!

small complex

The Napoleon complex in psychology is called differently - a complex of small stature. It is expressed in a completely different way than it was imposed on us by half-educated psychologists, and is not the cause of a dictatorial character or a desire to achieve fame.

The small stature complex begins to manifest itself even in childhood - when the boy is the last on the line, when he is teased by classmates who have managed to stretch out, when he realizes that he cannot hit back at the same age, because he is bigger and stronger. The most interesting thing is that this complex takes root very deeply and makes itself felt even after the guy grows up, surpassing his peers. Yes, a man with a height of 185 centimeters may well suffer from a complex of small stature. Sometimes this problem can manifest itself in quite ordinary boys of average height, who feel that they are not tall enough.

What does a small stature complex lead to?

It provokes depression, unwillingness to communicate with people, a feeling of powerlessness and despair. It is difficult for people with such an attitude to adapt in life, it seems to them that they are not capable of anything, that a brilliant future does not shine for them.
The sad thing is that the complex of small stature in most cases is instilled by others. The coach says - where do you go in for sports, are you undersized? The girl arrogantly turns away in response to an invitation to go to the cinema. School bullies can easily catch a guy behind the garages and beat him up just because he's short. And how many poisonous witticisms do little people hear in their direction?

Each of them decides for himself which way to go - someone becomes a victim of the complex and remains a loser until the end of his life. Many become embittered, become aggressive, try to suppress tall people with the help of other resources - money and connections. But there are many who overcome the complex of small stature, treat their size with humor and do not lose heart in the face of the difficulties that they will have to fight for the rest of their lives. Little people every day will have to prove that they are smart enough, hardworking and responsible for their position. They will have to prove it much more often than tall colleagues with exactly the same personal qualities.
And here is the paradox. In most cases, it is not people with a complex of small stature who succeed, but people who have overcome it.

How to deal with the low growth complex?

I think society needs to fight it first of all. If people around didn’t scoff, didn’t say that it’s impossible to achieve anything with such growth, didn’t consider low people flawed from childhood, they would hardly suffer from this complex. Most of them are worried not because of the very fact of their short stature, but because of the attitude of others.

If each of us learns to restrain unflattering comments towards low men, teaches children to respect everyone, regardless of physical indicators, to put personal qualities first, and not beauty or height, we will get rid of not only the so-called "Napoleon complex" , but also from many others.

Those to whom nature has not measured enough height can only be advised not to pay attention to fools. After all, the value of a person lies not in growth, but in spiritual content - kindness, diligence, responsibility and many other qualities, the presence of which depends only on him.

In order to choose an individual system of exercises to solve the problem of short stature, you need to contact a professional trainer, not forgetting to consult a doctor. Self-treatment has never done anyone any good. For example, everyone knows that you can drink calcium gluconate to stimulate growth during puberty. But only those who are not too lazy to consult a doctor know that silicon should be taken with them. Dosage and proportions are calculated based on the weight of the athlete and his daily loads.

Girls, if you want to try yourself in the image of a fashion model, be extremely careful in choosing a coach. In solving the problem of short stature, the coach-athlete is not the best assistant. The fact is that stretching exercises for athletes are in most cases dangerous for a fragile girl with a narrow bone. Look for a trainer in fitness rooms or beauty salons, and don't forget a good massage therapist.

Small men
The greatest difficulties begin when a person begins to look for an explanation for his unfinished life in his physical characteristics, and in particular, in his small stature.

Male grief: I'm short, girls don't like me. Complexes begin to develop, a person becomes unsure of himself, and, as a result, the girls really do not notice him. This is the chain of cause and effect. Please remember your 5th-6th-7th grades. This is exactly the period when all the girls are taller than all the boys in the class. And who got the most female attention? That's right, the smallest and fastest. And it doesn't matter if he remains short, or grows to a basketball height, he will still remain everyone's favorite right up to the prom.

It's not about external data, but about self-awareness and the ability to present yourself correctly. A woman evaluates a man according to several criteria, and in addition to external data, what matters is how you look at her, how you behave. The secret of the womanizer is precisely that he does not seem to be such. A sincere smile and a loving look do their job, even if the girl you like is noticeably taller than you. Think Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. The brightest couple in Hollywood, who lived together for about 10 years, was distinguished by the fact that Nicole was 10 centimeters taller than her husband, and with heels for all 20.

The secret of male charm is 100% self-confidence. It doesn't matter where it appears. If you hesitate and get lost in front of a girl, but she sees your professional achievements and respects you as a specialist, or if she sees the respect of your friends for you, you are on the right track.

Small women
Women's grief here is somewhat less. Girls (women) of small stature are loved by most men. But even here there was a catch: it seems to a short girl that she is not taken seriously. It is quite possible, but growth is secondary here. Again, the chain is repeated: because of the short stature, the woman begins to complex, is embarrassed to express her opinion, others think that she does not have her own opinion. If a man does not take you seriously, it is not at all a fact that he will take a girlfriend of more impressive dimensions. If a man lives according to the principle “all women are fools”, the growth of the wife does not affect anything. Think 10 times before committing your life to such a person.

A small stature will help a girl to emphasize her most important advantage - fragility and femininity. Even if you have chosen a unisex style, most men will still perceive you as an object for care and protection.

The root of the problem of short stature
In order to understand how relations between a man and a woman are built, you need to remember under what circumstances they actually originated. A woman is the keeper of the hearth, an object of care and protection, a source of pride. A man is a protector and a hunter. In modern society, the scheme takes on much more intricate forms, but can be traced in any relationship. Accordingly, if a man puts himself in the place of a leader by his behavior, a woman will look at him with admiration, “from the bottom up”, even if he is lower than her. And vice versa: if a woman emphasizes her feminine essence in every possible way, the chosen one will look at her a little patronizingly, even if she is taller, and listen, even if she is lower, because she considers her own.

Is small growth really bad in business?
There are many examples when people of small stature achieved significant success in business, became directors of large companies. Children's complexes play an important role here. The desire to assert oneself makes a person work hard and hard, which, of course, brings its results. Accordingly, if you feel that you are not taken seriously because of your small stature, prove your superiority in a completely different area. After all, a professional is not valued for his external data.

But we must not forget about the appearance: if a person is naturally athletic, then he can afford a casual style. If you want to upstage your small stature, you should always look perfect. Avoid abrupt changes in clothing style - this will make others once again evaluate you visually.

There are several more psychological tricks that will help you hide your small height during conferences, presentations, negotiations, etc.

Dress in a neutral suit, add a couple of distracting details: cufflinks, an interesting tie. Thus, the opponent will cast a glance at you, and will continue to look at these details.

When negotiating, pay your opponent's attention to your face. That is, in his mind, the essence of the conversation (deal), set out in the documents lying on the table, should be visually connected with your face. To do this, during a conversation, touch your temple with your hand, or adjust your glasses. Your facial expressions are also important: sometimes eyebrow movements are remembered for a very long time, and help to imitate emotions better than gestures and expressions.

Do not stand next to your taller colleagues, or objects comparable to human height: with hangers, with palm trees in tubs. You can get up and walk around the office to give weight to your speech, if circumstances permit. Use this technique unexpectedly but calmly when your listeners are seated. This will create the effect of a teacher in the classroom.

If you are speaking in front of a large audience, do not hold large objects in your hands: a folder, a globe, a laptop.

There are many more examples when small growth under certain circumstances becomes simply invisible to others. For example, a short teacher who asked students to place posters on the board may sit down at the table for a while. Obviously, even if the students are taller than the teacher, no one compares a seated person with a standing one.

And, most importantly, never forget about self-confidence and self-esteem. After all, a great man and a tall man are completely different things.