A state of early miscarriage. Early miscarriage symptoms. Improper development of the embryo. Spontaneous miscarriage early, causes, symptoms, treatment How often do miscarriages occur in the early stages


Up to 20% of women who want to become mothers face spontaneous abortion. Early miscarriage is recorded in 80% of pregnant women, and in a third of cases it occurs before 8 weeks of gestation and is caused by anembryony. Almost every expectant mother can face the threat of miscarriage, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, that is, up to 12 weeks, but with proper and timely treatment and compliance with medical recommendations, the pregnancy ends safely - with the birth of a healthy baby.

Causes of repeated miscarriages

But the most common symptoms are Severe bleeding, similar to a period of bleeding that lasts more than three days.

  • Cramping or pain in the lower back or abdomen.
  • The disappearance of any signs of pregnancy that you experienced.
Behind last years he got better, but some days it can still be difficult. There are many possible causes of miscarriage, the most common being an accidental genetic problem with developing fetus, which the body rejects because it will not be a viable, healthy person.

The essence of miscarriage and its classification

Miscarriage or spontaneous abortion is the termination of pregnancy when it occurred without medical participation or mechanical intervention. As a result of a miscarriage, the fetus and fetal membranes are expelled from the uterine cavity, which is accompanied by profuse blood discharge and cramping pains in the lower abdomen.

There is nothing that can be done for this type of miscarriage, as this is nature's way of creating healthy people. Many women experience this type of miscarriage and go on to have healthy, uneventful pregnancies. Repeated miscarriages, on the other hand, is when someone has had two, three, or more miscarriages in a row. The following are the most common causes of recurrent miscarriages and the following are the most common tests that may be performed to find out the cause of multiple miscarriages.

Common Causes of Recurrent Miscarriage

Anatomical Causes Recurrent miscarriages that fall under this area are, unfortunately, an area where natural therapy is not likely to have an effect. If something within the bodily structure causes a miscarriage, it is called an "anatomical cause." Examples of this are a skipped uterus, an incompetent cervix, large uterine fibroids, or severe Asherman's syndrome.

Classification of miscarriages

Miscarriages, depending on the period of interruption of gestation, are divided into early and late:

  • early miscarriages are those that happened before the end of the first trimester, that is, before 12 weeks;
  • late miscarriages - occur in terms of 13 to 22 weeks.

To miscarriages early dates include spontaneous interruption of biochemical pregnancy. Pro biochemical pregnancy, or rather, its interruption, they say, when ovulation occurred, the egg was fertilized by a sperm, but for some reason it could not implant in the uterus and left it, and menstruation came on time or with a slight delay. Moreover, the only sign of such a pregnancy is a weakly positive test, since the level of hCG in the urine or blood does not exceed 100 units. It is difficult to calculate the frequency of pregnancy, which has barely begun, ended immediately, according to some data, such miscarriages in very early terms occur in 65 - 70%.

What does an early miscarriage look like?

Genetic Causes Sometimes recurrent miscarriages are due to genetic defects in either the egg or the sperm. Women and men over the age of 35 are more likely to have this problem because eggs and sperm may not be as healthy as they were in their younger years. Most Western doctors will say there is little you can do about it, but we disagree. While we cannot control all genetic causes, we have seen changes in semen in our clients as well after they switch to a healthier, more nutrient dense, natural lifestyle.

Depending on the clinical picture, several stages of miscarriage are distinguished:

  • threat of interruption;
  • a miscarriage that has begun;
  • spontaneous abortion in progress;
  • incomplete miscarriage (at this stage, surgical intervention is required - curettage of the uterus);
  • complete miscarriage.

Separately, a missed pregnancy or a failed abortion is distinguished, when the fetal egg exfoliated from the uterine wall, but did not leave the uterus.

We'll cover all of this later in this article. Bleeding blood Blood that is too thick or tends to clot can cause miscarriages. As small blood clots begin to develop in the uterus, the placenta may be cut off; leaving the fetus deprived of the oxygen and nutrients it needs to survive. This can cause spontaneous abortion, otherwise known as a miscarriage. If your pregnancy develops 24 weeks before blood clotting starts, stillbirth or premature birth may occur.


In the threat of miscarriage in the short term, the leading position is occupied by chromosomal abnormalities of the embryo, the frequency of which is 82 - 88%. In second place is endometritis, which results in inflammation in the uterine mucosa, which leads to the impossibility of normal implantation and further development of the embryo. Also, spontaneous abortion in short terms is caused by anatomical and hormonal problems, infectious and immunological factors leading to recurrent miscarriage.

Without any warning signs from the body that blood clots form, the danger often goes unseen until it's too late. There are several tests that can be done to determine if this could be a problem for you, but they should be done before pregnancy as part of your foresight health plan. In addition, there are natural treatments that have been shown to be helpful with this type of problem, and we will discuss both of these topics below.

High Homocysteine ​​Levels If you have had at least one miscarriage, or your doctor has indicated that you are at a higher risk of miscarriage than most women, you can find out what your homocysteine ​​levels are. Homocysteine ​​is a common sulfonic amino acid found in the body. While not harmful at normal levels, when these levels get too high it can cause a condition called hypercoagulability. In general, your blood clots are much lighter than they should be. Not only can this put you at a higher risk of heart attack and stroke, but it can also put your child at risk.

Risk factors

Women with the following warning factors are included in the high-risk group for early miscarriages:

  • Age

The risk of early miscarriage increases with age. The older the woman, the more likely she is to develop this pregnancy complication. At 20 - 30 years, the risk of miscarriage is in the range of 9 - 17%, by the age of 35 it increases to 20%, by 40 - up to 40%, and at 44 and older, the risk of early miscarriage reaches 80%.

This is called an immunological disorder or immune system-based miscarriage. Previously, the only options available for this were the same procedures and medications that organ transplant patients received, but thank goodness there are natural treatments that offer some hope in this area, which has been shown to be.

Hormonal Imbalance There are many links between hormonal imbalances and recurrent miscarriages. The hormonal system is a complex orchestra of hormones that works on a very specific schedule. If one of these hormones is out of balance, it can affect the rest of the cycle, possibly affecting early pregnancy. Some of these imbalances may be as follows.

  • Parity

Having 2 or more pregnancies in the past doubles the risk of miscarriage (compared to nulliparous women).

  • Miscarriages in the past

The more miscarriages there were in the early stages, the higher the risk of early miscarriage of a real pregnancy.

  • Smoking

If a pregnant woman smokes more than 10 cigarettes daily, her risk of early miscarriage increases significantly.

A miscarriage can take hours, days, or even weeks. The following are examples of the types of miscarriages you may experience. Very early miscarriage, which is common - up to 50% of all miscarriages - is a pregnancy that ends shortly after implantation, sometimes only a few days later. Perhaps you didn't even know you were pregnant. This early loss medical point vision is called a "chemical pregnancy" and it once went unnoticed without the ultra-sensitive pregnancy tests on the market.

How does a miscarriage happen?

This makes it easier to get a positive result 3 or 4 days before the due date. If home set for pregnant women seemed weakly positive, it was not a false pregnancy test. This was proof that the concept had taken place.

  • Taking NSAIDs

Taking NSAIDs (aspirin, indomethacin, nise, and others) on the eve of conception inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, and, accordingly, disrupts implantation.

  • Fever

With an increase in body temperature (37.7 degrees or more), the risk of miscarriages in the early stages increases.

  • Injury to the uterus

Mechanical trauma (fall, impact) or prenatal diagnostic methods (choriocentesis, amniotic fluid sampling, cordocentesis) increase the risk of miscarriage to 3-5%.

Early miscarriage: symptoms

The medical term changes to "Clinical Pregnancy" when the baby continues to develop normally but miscarries before it can be seen on an ultrasound. This usually happens around 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, or within about one week of a missed period. When your period arrives, it may be late and usually heavier than usual.

First pregnancies are the most associated with childhood loss. It is often very disturbing, confusing and sad to say that a miscarriage is confirmed even at an early stage in the development of the child, when the consequences of changes in life simply drowned. For those who are especially looking forward to having a baby, especially any couples with infertility problems or for women who are recurrent intractable, this can be devastating.

  • Caffeine

Excessive consumption of caffeine (strong tea, coffee) is one of the risk factors for early termination of pregnancy.

  • Influence of teratogens

Infectious pathogens, toxic substances, some drugs act as teratogens, which also increase the risk of early miscarriage.

  • Folic acid

Its deficiency during pregnancy planning and in the first 3 months after conception leads to the formation of a pathological karyotype in the fetus and termination of pregnancy.

A missed miscarriage usually occurs early in pregnancy. You may not experience any warning symptoms and find through a routine scan that your baby does not have a heart attack, the result of a non-viable fetus. If there is an empty fetal sac, the egg is fertilized and attached to the wall of the uterus. Unfortunately, although it may have continued to grow for several weeks, the embryo never developed.

Threatened miscarriage can take several days or even weeks before you lose your baby. At this point, you may experience one of the following.

  • Light bleeding.
  • The pain is similar to period pain.
  • Cramping Nausea and tender breasts associated with pregnancy may disappear.
  • Feeling no longer "feels" pregnancy.
About 40% of bleeding episodes occur during early pregnancy, usually within 5-7 weeks, and occur around the time your period was due.
  • Hormonal disorders

Lack of hormones (estrogens and progesterone), excess of androgens, thrombophilic conditions (antiphospholipid syndrome) are usually the causes of recurrent miscarriage, but also cause the threat of interruption in the early stages.

  • stress
  • IVF (up to 25% of cases)
  • Rhesus conflict.

Symptoms of threatened miscarriage

The threat of miscarriage in the early stages is accompanied by the following key symptoms: pain, bloody discharge from the genital tract against the background of a delay in menstruation.

Early miscarriage: causes

Sometimes not a large number of Blood is lost when the placenta matures after about 7 weeks and takes over the production of progesterone. It can be intimidating, but it's pretty common. In most cases, your pregnancy will continue as normal without harming the baby. These situations lead to miscarriage in 20% of cases.

Sometimes the diagnosis may be wrong. Sometimes, if the corpus luteum does not function properly and therefore does not create enough progesterone, you will miscarry. This happens when the cervix opens and the placenta is released from the uterine wall.


Signs of a threatened abortion at short terms almost always include pain. There are sipping sensations in the lower abdomen and / or in the lumbar region, which may become more intense. In some cases (trauma, stress), the pains begin abruptly, suddenly and quickly become cramping, accompanied by copious blood discharge, which indicates the transition of a threatened abortion to the stage of abortion in progress, when it is no longer possible to maintain the pregnancy. When conducting a vaginal examination, a cervix of \u200b\u200bnormal length is diagnosed (there is no shortening and smoothing), a closed internal os. Bimanual palpation allows you to feel the uterus, the size of which corresponds to the delay in menstruation, but the tone of the uterus is increased. This is determined by its density and tension (normally, the pregnant uterus is soft).

Sudden absence of "morning sickness" and breast tenderness Intuitively no longer feel pregnant. Persistent heavy bleeding fills more than 1 cm of the pillow in half an hour. Unusual smell from lost blood. You can see the fruit. If your miscarriage is due to an incompetent cervix, things will happen very quickly and your baby may be born alive.

  • Weakness and nausea and a general feeling of being unwell.
  • Pain is pain in a bad period or labor contractions.
  • Passage of pieces of placenta that look like blood clots or liver.
When some placenta remains inside the uterus, you are likely to experience fever and chills, pain, or an odor.


Threat discharges are usually insignificant, serous-bloody in nature. But it is also possible that there is no bleeding at the beginning of the development of a threatened abortion. If therapeutic and preventive measures are not taken in a timely manner, then the discharge of blood becomes more intense, their color changes from dark red (beginning miscarriage) to bright scarlet (abortion in progress). The appearance of secretions during a threatened miscarriage is associated with the gradual exfoliation of the ovum from the uterine wall, which is accompanied by damage to the blood vessels and the release of blood.

Check with your doctor as you may have an infection requiring hospital treatment. If left untreated, an incomplete miscarriage can make you very sick and can also affect future pregnancies. The main goal of treatment during and after a miscarriage is to prevent hemorrhage and infection. Illicit miscarriage most often occurs between 6 and 12 weeks of pregnancy.

The earlier you are pregnant, the more likely your body is to miscarry on its own. Once the uterus is empty, the cervix closes, the pain stops and the bleeding slows down and stops for seven days. Abortions are not all that common in companion dogs. When they do occur, abortions usually occur during the last few weeks of the bitch's pregnancy, although they can of course occur earlier. Fast bitches may actually eat any placental or fetal tissues that they expel as part of their normal hygiene activities, especially if the abortion occurs early in pregnancy when these tissues are undifferentiated.

Other symptoms

Other additional signs of a threatened early miscarriage are:

Decreased basal body temperature

As a rule, doctors recommend monitoring the basal temperature after making a diagnosis of a threatened early miscarriage. But in some cases (hormonal disorders, prolonged absence of pregnancy), expectant mothers have and continue to maintain a basal temperature chart even before conception. Normally, upon the onset of pregnancy, the basal temperature exceeds 37 degrees and is at this level up to 12-14 weeks. An indirect sign of a threatened miscarriage is a decrease in rectal temperature to 37 and below.

Medical causes of early miscarriage

This can make early abortions extremely difficult for owners. Bitches understandably can become lethargic and depressed after aborting their puppies. They will need a lot of extra time, attention and love from their owners to get them through this traumatic experience.

Pregnancy Symptoms - Miscarriage - What the Owner Sees

The signs of a miscarriage can be difficult for even the most attentive owners to detect. There is usually nothing obvious in the house or yard to suggest that an abortion has occurred. Bitches often lick and swallow the aborted placental and fetal tissues as part of their normal care, especially when the abortion occurs early in their pregnancy. A more common reproductive anomaly in domestic dogs is pup reabsorption, where the bitch's body actually absorbs fetal and placental tissue, leaving no sign that puppies were ever present.

Pregnancy test

Some women are so worried about their long-awaited pregnancy that they are ready to take a pregnancy test daily. In such cases, not so long ago, such a bright second strip on the test turns pale, which is associated with a drop in the level of hCG (it is on its content that the test is based). Sometimes the test may show only one strip, even in the absence of spotting, which of course is not very good, but fixable.

HCG level

For each stage of pregnancy, there are standards for the content of hCG in the blood. A decrease in hCG levels indicates a threat of miscarriage.


Far from an indicative sign of a threat, especially at short gestations (for example, at 5 weeks). It is impossible to speak with certainty about the threat of miscarriage in the presence of only an increased tone of the uterus according to ultrasound. It is possible that hypertonicity was caused by ultrasound, but then the uterus relaxes again. But in the case of a retrochorial hematoma, which is a sign of detachment of the fetal egg, the diagnosis of a threatened miscarriage in a short time is quite legitimate.


Diagnosis of the threat of early miscarriage is not difficult. The diagnosis is made after a thorough history and complaints, general and gynecological examination. During a gynecological examination, the doctor assesses the condition of the cervix (there is / is not its shortening and smoothness, the closeness of the external pharynx), the presence or absence of blood secretions, palpates the uterus (does it correspond to the gestational age, does it shrink in response to palpation).

An ultrasound is also mandatory, which assesses the tone of the uterus, whether there is a fetus in the uterus and whether its heartbeat is determined, whether it corresponds to the gestational age, the presence / absence of retroplacental hematoma.

Of the laboratory methods used:

  • Hormonal studies

Determination of the level of progesterone, hCG, 17-ketosteroids, according to the indications of thyroid hormones.

  • Colpocytological study

The karyopyknotic index (KPI) is calculated, on the basis of which a threat can be suspected in the early stages even before the appearance of the clinic (an increase in KPI is the first bell of a threatened miscarriage).

  • Vaginal swabs

This item also includes a study on latent sexual infections.

  • Blood type and Rh factor

To exclude Rh-conflict pregnancy.

  • Blood clotting

Necessary for suspected thrombophilic conditions.


Abroad (Europe, USA), they prefer not to treat the threat of up to 12 weeks of gestation, citing the fact that up to 80% of pregnancies are interrupted due to genetic and chromosomal pathologies. In Russia, doctors insist on the appointment of complex therapy for the threat of termination of pregnancy at any time. The earlier treatment is started, the higher the chance of maintaining pregnancy. Treatment of threatened miscarriage should be comprehensive and include drug and non-drug therapy, adherence to the regimen and diet, psychotherapy, and, as a rule, is carried out in a hospital.

Basic Therapy

Under the basic therapy means the regimen and diet. Pregnant women with the threat of miscarriage are recommended to limit physical activity, up to bed rest, eliminate stress and anxiety, diet, sexual rest, good sleep. In the diet of a pregnant woman, proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be present in a balanced amount, and the diet should be rich in vitamins. Psychotherapy and auto-training sessions are also shown, which will help normalize the emotional state of a woman and calm down.

Medical treatment

Sedative drugs

Motherwort and valerian are prescribed as sedatives in tablets or tinctures / infusions.


Antispasmodics (no-shpa, papaverine or drotaverine) relax the uterine muscles and are prescribed for severe pain in the lower abdomen (intramuscularly). Magne-B6 tablets have proven themselves well. The composition of Magne-B6 includes magnesium (antispasmodic) and vitamin B6, which helps magnesium penetrate the cells, is prescribed 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. As suppositories with the threat of interruption, suppositories with papaverine are used rectally. Papaverine is well absorbed by the intestinal mucosa, quickly relieves pain.

Hormonal drugs

Gestagens (progesterone) are recommended to be taken with insufficient function of the corpus luteum. Progesterone is the main hormone of pregnancy, which is responsible for its preservation and further development. Dufaston with the threat of miscarriage in the early stages is prescribed at a dose of 40 mg (4 tablets) immediately and then 1 tablet every 8 hours. If the signs of a threat are not stopped, then the dosage is increased by 1 tablet at each next dose. The composition of Duphaston includes synthetic progesterone, and they continue treatment for up to 16 weeks (until the placenta forms). Another progesterone-containing drug is Utrozhestan (natural progesterone). Utrozhestan, when threatened, is prescribed either orally or intravaginally. Dosage: 1-2 capsules twice a day. Both Utrozhestan and Duphaston are well tolerated, and the drug is withdrawn gradually.

With underdevelopment or malformations of the uterus, it is advisable to prescribe estrogen therapy (folliculin, microfollin) to treatment with progestogens. Estrogens are prescribed in tablet and injectable form.

In case of hypofunction of the ovaries during treatment with estrogen and gestagens, choriogonin (pregnyl) is prescribed intramuscularly twice a week.

In case of hyperandrogenism or immune disorders (antiphospholipid syndrome), glucocorticoids (dexamethasone, metipred) are recommended.


In the event of bleeding with a threat of miscarriage, hemostatic drugs are prescribed. Of the hemostatic agents, Dicinon, Vikasol, Ascorutin are used. Hemostatics strengthen the vascular wall, normalize microcirculation, increase blood clotting.


During pregnancy, the intake of vitamins is indicated, since their deficiency can provoke a lag in the growth and development of the fetus or malformations. In case of a threat of early miscarriage, vitamin E (as an antioxidant), folic acid (prevention of CNS malformations), and B vitamins are prescribed.

Non-drug treatment

As a non-drug treatment, physiotherapy is prescribed:

  • Electroanalgesia

Has a sedative effect, reduces the severity of pain.

  • Magnesium electrophoresis

SMT magnesium electrophoresis is the introduction of magnesium preparations into the body using an electric current. It has a sedative effect, relaxes the uterine muscles.

  • Electrorelaxation of the uterus

This method provides a reflex effect on the uterus, which relieves hypertonicity and relieves pain.

  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

The method is based on treatment with oxygen under pressure in pressure chambers. It improves microcirculation in the vessels, has an antihypoxic and antimicrobial effect, and prevents the formation of toxins.

  • Acupuncture

Normalizes the tone of the uterus, stabilizes blood pressure, improves psycho emotional condition and dream.

In order to quickly stop the signs of a threatened miscarriage, a number of recommendations must be followed.

What not to do when threatened:

  • have sex;
  • drink strong tea and coffee, sweet carbonated drinks;
  • eat chocolate;
  • eat foods that increase gas formation: cabbage, legumes, soybeans (a swollen intestine presses on the uterus and increases its tone);
  • eat fast food (high content of preservatives, stabilizers, salt);
  • follow a diet for weight loss;
  • visit baths and saunas (high temperature can provoke uterine bleeding and abortion);
  • take a hot bath, especially with bleeding;
  • consume raw foods (eggs, meat, fish in the form of sushi or rolls);
  • physical activity and weight lifting (more than 3 kg);
  • experience stress, be nervous;
  • travel by any means of transport, especially air travel is prohibited;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol.

What can be done in case of a threat:

  • listen to pleasant, calm music;
  • sleep (at least 8 hours a day) with obligatory afternoon rest;
  • walks in the park or forest (unless strict bed rest is assigned);
  • read your favorite books;
  • eat fresh fruits and vegetables (with the exception of prohibited ones) as sources of vitamins;
  • aromatherapy (citrus oils, mint);
  • take a warm shower;
  • drink compotes, juices, herbal teas (instead of the usual coffee and black tea).


Preventive measures for the threat of termination of pregnancy should begin even before it occurs. But even with the onset and desired pregnancy, you should not let things take their course.

The threat of miscarriage in the early stages: how to prevent:

  • do not postpone registration in the antenatal clinic;
  • follow all doctor's recommendations;
  • categorically abandon bad habits;
  • avoid stress, emotional outbursts, conflicts;
  • refuse to perform heavy physical work and weight lifting (it is optimal to take a vacation during the critical period - 8 - 12 weeks);
  • normalize the regime of the day and rest;
  • review your diet (give up various diets, snacks on the run, fast food);
  • if possible, avoid traveling long distances, especially those associated with climate and time zone changes;
  • avoid taking medications (antibiotics, NSAIDs and some others);
  • walk more often
  • avoid abdominal injuries, falls.

During pregnancy planning, the following will help prevent the threat of miscarriage in the future:

  • taking folic acid 3 months before conception;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle for at least 3 months before conception;
  • correction and stabilization of chronic gynecological and extragenital diseases;
  • examination, and if necessary, treatment of latent genital infections;
  • scheduled vaccinations no later than 3 months before conception.

Question answer

Why is it impossible to have sex when there is a threat of miscarriage?

During sexual intercourse, a woman experiences an orgasm, which contributes to the production of oxytocin. Oxytocin, in turn, stimulates the contractile activity of the uterus, which aggravates the detachment of the fetal egg from its walls and aggravates the course of this pregnancy complication. In addition, in the presence of spotting, the possibility of infection entering the uterine cavity and intrauterine infection of the embryo is not excluded, which also contributes to abortion.

I was discharged from the hospital with recovery after the threat miscarriage. Do I need to continue to follow the doctor's recommendations that were given when the pregnancy was threatened?

Yes, you should definitely continue to follow all medical recommendations, as well as taking medications that were prescribed in the hospital (hormones, vitamins, antispasmodics). Even in the case of complete relief of signs of a threat, any deviation (malnutrition, daily routine, weight lifting) can again cause signs of a threatened abortion and end in an abortion.

Is it possible to use tampons in the presence of blood discharge and the threat of miscarriage?

In no case. The use of tampons can provoke infection of the vagina, cervix, and after them the uterine cavity.

I am at high risk of developing a threatened miscarriage, can I use the pool?

If there are no signs of a threatened abortion, and the general condition allows for an active lifestyle, then visiting the pool during pregnancy is not only not prohibited, but also recommended.

I had a miscarriage. When can I plan my next pregnancy?

Any termination of pregnancy (artificial or spontaneous) involves a break (use of contraception) for at least 6 months. After this period, you can start planning pregnancy.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Sozinova

Unfortunately, no one is immune from the sad outcome of pregnancy, such as miscarriage. A miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy, without any external factors. Approximately 15 percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage.

Instead of sitting and flinching convulsively at every signal of the body, you need to study the enemy in the face, the reasons for its appearance, and also find out what the expectant mother can do to prevent this phenomenon.

Risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy

A miscarriage is always a spontaneous abortion, that is, the loss of a child without the influence of external factors. Most common in early pregnancy. This happens because the embryo, which is not yet viable, is rejected from the walls of the uterus.

    Miscarriages are divided into early and late:
  • early miscarriage is possible before the 12th week of pregnancy;
  • late miscarriage - no later than 22 weeks.

These deadlines are not just indicated. The fact is that further fetal loss is called premature birth. Miscarriages are observed in about fifteen percent of pregnant women, but this frightening statistic concerns those women who do not change their lifestyle for the sake of the full formation and fixation of the fetal egg, or those women who are not even aware of their condition.

One of the varieties of miscarriage is the diagnosis of "threatened miscarriage." First you need to understand that the threat is the first signal, and you need to take action right away. Rest is the main condition for the threat of miscarriage. After all the recommendations of the doctor, there is a high probability of preservation and further normal development of the child.

What can cause a miscarriage?

To our deepest regret, it is not always possible (even after a lot of research and testing) to accurately determine the causes of a miscarriage.

As we have already noted, a miscarriage occurs in that percentage of pregnant women who were unaware of their condition for a long period and continued to lead their usual lifestyle, with large or even abused alcohol and other addictions.

Basically, all miscarriages are the result of the development of pathologies or from the fact that the fetus develops with deviations. There is rejection from the wall of the uterus. Based on the general data, we can generalize the causes into several groups of genetic and environmental factors.

    The main causes of miscarriage at each stage of pregnancy differ from each other:
  • in the earliest stages (up to about the sixth week of pregnancy), a miscarriage is possible due to the development of a non-viable embryo with chromosomal abnormalities, or due to strong physical exertion;
  • the period of the end of the first trimester (from 6 to 12 weeks) is considered the most dangerous for the threat of miscarriage, this is due to the fact that the baby's vital organs begin to form. A woman in this period is also at risk: various infectious diseases, uterine tone, weakened immunity, hormonal disorders.
  • The period up to 22 weeks of pregnancy includes all of the above reasons, and also adds the fact that the uterus in this period is subject to a change in its size (as, in principle, the entire pregnancy) and it may be weak in order to withstand the fetus and open .
  • Spontaneous miscarriage after 22 weeks is already considered preterm birth. It is impossible to save the life of the baby during such childbirth, since the fetus is born dead.

To avoid such terrible consequences as spontaneous miscarriage, a pregnant woman should regularly undergo medical examinations and inform the doctor about the slightest suspicion. If you suspect a miscarriage, the countdown goes to minutes, each of which is able to save the life of your unborn child.

Symptoms of spontaneous abortion

The symptoms and signs of a miscarriage are very scary. Let's just say that the worst thing -
this is uterine bleeding, which is life-threatening for a woman.

As with any other pathological abnormality, vaginal discharge begins, but they differ in their abundance. The discharge during miscarriage is scarlet, and sometimes dark purple in color. As a rule, this is the beginning of bleeding and it does not stop for several days. This is followed by severe cutting pains in the lower abdomen. In these secretions there will be impurities of clots. They indicate that a miscarriage has occurred.

Usually, fetal death occurs some time before the first symptoms begin. It is possible to save the pregnancy if the woman went to the hospital on time. To testify that you have a threat of miscarriage, there will be spotting and aching pain in the lower back.

    Symptoms are divided into several stages, for each period it has its own:
  • Initial - as a rule, the fetus can be saved. Pain in the lower back and small vaginal discharge with blood impurities.
  • The second stage also still has a chance to save the baby. At this stage, a woman has a sharp unreasonable deterioration in well-being, accompanied by stabbing pains in the abdomen. At this stage, the beginning of spontaneous abortion has already been laid.
  • The further stage, to our deep regret, already indicates the complete death of the fetus. Bleeding begins, even loss of consciousness is possible.

If you find any signs of a miscarriage, call your doctor immediately and be in a state of complete rest. In this situation, you should never go to the hospital on your own. Hospitalization and drug treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor who monitors your pregnancy.

Treatment after a miscarriage

Recovery of a woman's body after a spontaneous abortion is a long and labor-intensive process, sometimes requiring the intervention of a psychotherapist.

The most important thing after a miscarriage is to stop uterine bleeding, and to exclude infection. It is also necessary to take tests for infection, as well as undergo a study that can identify the cause and, with further pregnancy, you will be on special account with the doctor.

After passing the examinations at the gynecologist, a visit to the therapist is mandatory. As for the restoration of the menstrual cycle, this will happen about a month after the miscarriage.

Causes of miscarriage and in early pregnancyFalse topic, no one wants to think about it. The very thought of losing your little miracle hurts. But, as they say, he who is warned is armed. Let's arm ourselves, first of all, information about what you need to pay attention to, what not to forget to ask the doctor about.

  1. Risk of miscarriage. It's too early to say goodbye.
  1. . Symptoms
  1. How to protect yourself?
  1. Prevention of miscarriages
And yes, remember firmly - the doctor in this situation is your most reliable assistant. Forget about prejudice, that an extra ultrasound or CTG is harmful to the baby. It will be harmful when the pregnancy is terminated. Forget about looking like an alarmist, afraid to ask an extra question when in doubt. Your doctor did not answer or the completeness of his answer did not suit you - contact another specialist. You have every right to do this - you save the life of your child and your health.

But in order to understand, when you should run to the doctor and what you will definitely need to tell about when registering - this article will help.

. Symptoms

early miscarriage- loss of a child during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.The vast majority of all cases of spontaneous abortion occur at a very short time (up to 5 weeks).Very rarely, miscarriages occur in the second and third trimesters.

H often a woman is not even aware of her position.But the first trimester - 12 weeks - is a very vulnerable period, and the threat of interruption, although small, always remains. Therefore, you need to especially take care of your health (as well as the health of the unborn baby).

Incidentally, in some women's consultations there is still an unspoken sign: do not give mother's passport (exchange card) until the gestation period crosses the threshold of 12-14 weeks.This is all done so that the expectant mother, in the event of a sudden termination of pregnancy, can more easily endure this losing and not too attached to her unborn child.

  • Uterine bleeding of any strength and intensity remains a very dangerous and alarming symptom of an early miscarriage. It may start with a slight discharge, or brown, similar todaub , or scarlet - and their intensity increases.
Spasms are possible along with the discharge.. You may or may not be hurtand spotting may continue with short breaks, which can be mistakenly calculateda variant of the norm, or “it’s passed and everything is fine, you can forget”. Don't hesitate, take a breakto go to the doctor. This could save your baby's life.

Not always vaginal bleeding is a symptom of threatened miscarriage. Maybe, there are problems with the implantation of the ovum or there are hormonal disorders, which can affect the course of pregnancy.

  • The second alarming sign is a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, coupled with pain.
Your condition can worsen right before your eyes, very quickly. Ask them to call an ambulance and take you to the hospital. Also in case of possible hospitalization, carry an exchange card with you, whichyou will be given a consultation. Well,or as a last resort, a copy of it - the cost of making the right decisions in treatment is higher than ever.

Statistics - a harsh thing, according to her data, about 15% of pregnancies end in miscarriages. Most often this happens when the expectant mother is still unaware of her situation. In this case, everything looks like a normal period, maybe a little more painful than usual. But how to console the future mother, who has already managed to fall in love with the baby?

You will become pregnant again in the future, but before that, analyze, talk with your doctor, pay attention to the listed causes of miscarriages in the early stages of pregnancy.

  • Genetic disorders in the fetus. Most common cause of miscarriage. This is not heredity, but a single mutation under the influence of the external environment (viruses, occupational hazards, radiation). It sounds cruel, but there is a kind of natural selection - nature gets rid of a non-viable child. You will not be able to resist this, but if you reduce your exposure to harmful factors environment - it will be just great.
  • Hormonal disorders. A lack of progesterone in a woman's body can affect the termination of pregnancy. An increased amount of male sex hormones is also a bad indicator. Adrenal and thyroid hormones are important. If you have time, it is better to take tests for these hormones before pregnancy. If not, don't ignoredo screening tests, andif finances allow - donate blood in excess of mandatory research for peace of mind.

The pregnancy hormone - progesterone - is the most important biologically active substance for the successful intrauterine development of the embryo, and then the fetus. His concentrationin the blood should be proportionally increasing depending on the duration of pregnancy. Sharp jumps, falls and abnormally high rates can have an extremely negative impact on pregnancy and lead to sad consequences. TO scha Unfortunately, with timely correction and medical intervention, problems can often be avoided.
  • Immunological causes of miscarriage. This is a rhesus conflict. A mother's Rh negative and father's positive give rise to confrontation, when the body rejects the child as something alien and dangerous.This happens in case Rhesus conflict in the "mother-fetus" system, whenrhesus immune systemnegative mother re reacts to a Rh-positive child as if it were a foreign bodytrying to get rid of it. It is necessary to control this indicator under the supervision of a doctor., handing over lane iodically special analysis. WITH this is quite can handlethere are specialcorrection techniques and ways to complete the first and subsequent pregnancies successfully. The main thing is not to miss it.
It is important for such "negative" mothers that, perhaps, the first pregnancy will go relatively well. But the insidiousness lies in the fact that the woman's body, accumulating antibodies to the Rh-positive fetus, will reject the embryo in the event of the next pregnancy, provoking a miscarriage each time.

There is an exit. This is immunomodulatory therapy during the gestation period and the introduction of immunoglobulin first days after childbirth.

In the same group of reasons, perhaps should be considered an STI. Infections, bacteria and viruses provoke infection of the fetus and its membranes, resulting in a miscarriage.

A common cold can also become fatal, not to mention pneumonia, pyelonephritis, appendicitis, and even more so. . Try to monitor the general condition of your body and not trigger chronic foci of infection.

That's why given such great importance. Preparing your body for such an important mission is a responsible task that requires a lot of time.resources. Such preparation is the key to a successful and easy nine months of waiting. This is especially important when the mother has chronic conditions.leviation and health problems, as well as hidden infections that the woman did not suspect.

  • A history of abortion. Artificial termination of pregnancy - gigantic stress for the woman's body, causing inflammation of the genital organs. It is a likely cause of miscarriage, infertility, and recurrent miscarriage.
  • Medicines and herbs. In the first trimester, it is generally undesirable to take medications without an urgent need and a doctor's prescription. And different We don't always take it seriously. Let's be carefuls - tansy, nettle, St. John's wortprohibited for pregnant women.
Some medications can lead to developmental anomalies, intrauterine defects and congenital deformities, and provoke an abortion in the short term.Be especially careful with hormonal medications.

For example, mifepreston, used for steam ulation of labor activity onlate terms, is used as an abortifacient in the first weeks of pregnancy.

  • stress. You got scared, cried, your psyche is in suspense you experienced with and personal emotions (positive or negative - not so important). All this is dangerous for the little man in your tummy. Quite unrest in our world can not be avoided, butDiscuss with a specialist which sedatives are being taken.reparations are not contraindicated for you - very correct.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle. Coffeewithout measure, smoking, irregular, defective food, alcohol - friends miscarriage. It is better to pay attention to the lifestyle before the completed pregnancy.
  • Falls, heavy lifting, gr poor intercourse and any injuriesare risk factors for the development of a threatening condition. You must take care of yourself!

How to protect yourself?

As you have already understood from the above,term for termination of pregnancy a bunch of. AND , it seems that the prevention of miscarriage is impossible. Not at all.We want to give you some simple, maybe obvious, but quite effective tips.

  • Pass a general examination, and not only you, but also the future father. Analyzes for and potential presence Rhesus conflict will identify and help to stop many problems in advance.
  • If you have infectious diseases, treat them. And try to be less likely to be in crowded places in order to avoid contact with sick people.Of course, completely closing within four walls is also not an option. Just try to visit public places not in peak hours and wear a medical mask if necessary.
  • Quit smoking well, or at least reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke by switching to lighter ones with the gradual abandonment of this extremely harmful to the health of any person.Smoking is not fashionable and harmful.This is talked about more than once, and evidence of the teratogenic effect of nicotine and combustion productsthere is a huge variety on the fruit.
  • Eat right and regularly and avoidincreased physical activity.No, this does not mean that you need to completely protect yourself from any activity, completely switch to an inactive lifestyle and try to move less. No. Lack of load is just as bad as its excess. Find yourself a feasible occupation, sign up for a pool, yoga for pregnant women. In extreme cases, walk more on foot through squares and parks, take daily walks as a habit (you will have to walk with a stroller later!).
  • Well, of course, - regular visits to the gynecologist for examination.Constant monitoring of your condition, the development of the baby inside, timely measures taken if necessary are your lucky ticket to the world of motherhood and caring for the baby.Feel free to talk about your concerns to your doctor.It is better to appear suspicious than to lose the most precious thing through stupidity.

A pregnant woman needs to remain calm during a threatened miscarriage. No self-treatment, only doctor's prescription. Usually, prescribe sedatives, antispasmodics to reduce the tone of the uterus. If the reason for the currentabout the state - hormones, then probably prescribe Utrozhestan or D ufaston (progesterone-containing drugs). After using them to level progesterone will return to normal,the chances of maintaining a pregnancy invariably increase.

In order for the neck not revealed ahead of timeat a later date, they can put a ring.The so-called pessary is a mechanicale device made of silicone or plastic forprevention of premature opening of the cervix in case of its insolvency(ICC). It is a painless and safe procedure, but effective.

Prevention of miscarriages

The desire to quickly make a second attempt is understandable and understandable. Everything is natural, although the present fear of failure again creates stress, which, as we remember from the above, and is one of the potential causes of miscarriage. Butnow you two need to listen, first of all, to the advice of an expert. And they, in general, are:

  • wait six months before trying again. organism future mother must recover after what happened . Getting pregnant now is the risk of losing child increases by half;
  • T protect yourself carefully. Don't let the tragedy repeat itself. You need to wait for time, let your body fully recover and prepare;
  • P For any questions, please consult your doctor. Do not neglect the services of a psychologist if you are really having a hard time and need help and psychological support. We remember and know that a positive attitude, confidence in future success and self-programming good luck really work;
  • n must be carefully and carefully examined and woman and fetus on the subject possible risk of spontaneous abortion . Especially if it'sis not the first case. Besidesit is necessary to avoid the consequences in the form of inflammation and adhesions, which can provoke infertility in the future.
There are many specialized clinics where they can help analyze the reproductive function of your couple and develop a treatment plan and a rehabilitation program just for you.

Do not forget that a timely consultation of a specialist and an operative treatment solution - in almost 100% of cases, will allow you to safely bring the child to prescribed term and give birth to a healthy baby.

We are sure that you will do everything and be very attentive to your well-being. Thanks to this, pregnancy will go as smoothly and calmly as possible. Your little angel He loves his mom and dad very much! He will definitely come to you, maybe a little later, than planned, but this will not make his appearance less desirable, right?

Everything will be fine, we know!))

Can cause great injury. But watching the miscarriage process itself can be even more difficult. A miscarriage or spontaneous abortion is defined as the loss of a child before 24 weeks, although sometimes this period is cut off to 20 weeks. About 50% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, but at very early gestations, women often don't even know they were already pregnant and didn't experience any symptoms. Among clinically confirmed pregnancies, this figure is about 15-20%.

Bleeding during pregnancy

Before looking at some of the pictures, it's important to discuss bleeding during pregnancy.
Every fourth woman notices bleeding at an early stage. But bleeding is common in the first 12 weeks and is usually nothing to worry about. If the bleeding decreases and disappears in 1-2 days, then it does not indicate a miscarriage. Most often, the pregnancy continues and a healthy baby is born.

Bleeding may be red, as during menstruation, or light brown. Early bleeding is usually normal and is often a sign that an egg has implanted in the uterus (implantation bleeding). This usually happens around the expected date of your period and then stops a few days later.

Outgoing clots and tissues during miscarriage by week of pregnancy

Pregnancy can be terminated at any stage, but more often it happens in the first weeks. At earlier times, with a miscarriage, only blood and clots can be seen, but if a miscarriage occurs after 8 weeks, then there is a chance to detect diseased dense tissues, a sac with an embryo, and even a formed fetus.

Please keep in mind that these photos are just an example, meant to give you a general idea and help you prepare. They do not mean that the embryo or fetus will come out in such a preserved form.

If you are less than 8 weeks pregnant, the clots, cramps, and bleeding will usually not even be different from a heavy period (period). At a more difficult time, in addition to clots, you may notice parts of a denser tissue, which is placental or other products of conception. You may or may not see tissue that looks like an embryo or fetus.

4 – 5 weeks

Experiences of other women

Taken from a foreign women's pregnancy forum:

I am 10 weeks pregnant and went for an ultrasound 2 days ago because there was some blood coming out. They said my baby died at 8 weeks and 5 days. I decided not to have an operation to remove the baby, but to wait for a natural miscarriage. I'm terrified at the thought of what I might see, but can I actually tell that a baby has come out? I had a miscarriage 7 years ago and I was 6 weeks pregnant when it came out it looked like a blood clot. I'm so upset that I had another miscarriage and I get worse with panic every time I go to the toilet when I see something.

“After eight weeks, my pregnancy symptoms just disappeared overnight. Then I started bleeding, so I called the doctor. He told me to rest, but I got really bad cramps and came out with pretty big clots. Then the bleeding suddenly stopped. I knew I had a miscarriage and my period came back after about 6 weeks. I was able to conceive again and the next pregnancy was successful.”

No woman is immune from spontaneous abortion. There are many reasons for this phenomenon: let's try to figure out what a miscarriage is, its causes, spontaneous abortion in the 3rd trimester.

Causes of early miscarriage

Miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy is quite common. It causes pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding. Doctors often do not give a direct answer to the question of the cause of this pathological phenomenon in a particular case. In a general sense, this may be due to genetic mutations in the fetus that are incompatible with life. The body, as it were, rejects a fetus with chromosomal abnormalities. But this doesn't always happen.

What miscarriage is considered early

Early miscarriage is characterized by spontaneous termination of pregnancy for up to 12 weeks. According to statistics, about 15-20% of pregnancies end in just such an interruption. This is the most common pathological condition in obstetrics and gynecology. Approximately one third of cases occur in 8 obstetric weeks. Mothers over the age of 40 are at risk for early miscarriages. This is due to the frequency of abnormalities in the chromosomes of the fetus, which are the causes of more than 50% of pathological conditions - miscarriages.

The probability of miscarriage by week of pregnancy and the causes of pathology at different times

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, a woman should be especially careful. This period is recognized by doctors as the most difficult, since the laying of the organs of the unborn baby takes place. The placenta, which forms by the middle of the first trimester, acts as protection for the fetus. During the period of its appearance, the fetus is especially vulnerable: for this reason, a woman should not smoke, she needs to give up alcohol, lead an active lifestyle, be more in the air.

In the first trimester, experts distinguish three dangerous periods:

  1. The term is from 2 to 3 weeks. The fertilized egg is sent to the walls of the uterus in order to attach to them.

The causes of miscarriage during this period may be:

  • nervousness, depression, stress;
  • physical exercise;
  • alcohol, nicotine, drugs;
  • pathologies in the development of the fetus;
  • myoma;
  • endometriosis.
  1. Term 4-6 weeks. At this time, the systems and organs of the body begin to form in the fetus. The danger may be in the development of fetal anomalies.

The causes of miscarriage can be:

  • inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • unhealthy lifestyle of a woman;
  • emotional overload.
  1. Term from 8-12 weeks. At this moment, the main defense of the baby is formed. This is the placenta. Hormonal imbalances in the body of a pregnant woman can affect the structure of the placenta, the development of the fetus. In addition to hormonal, other pathologies lead to the death of the fetus in the womb.

Threat symptoms in the first weeks of pregnancy

Since pregnancy has an early term, a miscarriage can be confused with the resumption of menstruation. With one caveat: they will be plentiful. If a woman knows that she is pregnant, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Usually, a pathological pregnancy is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. Even after an early miscarriage, cleaning may be necessary.

Threat symptoms in the second trimester

  • pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling nature;
  • uterine hypertonicity (permanent and temporary);
  • the formation of bloody discharge;
  • the cervix is ​​open.

What is the chance of a miscarriage in the third trimester

If a spontaneous abortion occurs between 23 and 37 weeks, doctors call it preterm labor. If the baby is born between 37 and 42 weeks, this is called delivery. This is an absolute norm, since a completely healthy baby is born at this time. If a woman gives birth after 42 weeks, then this is not very good for the baby. If a woman gives birth before 22 weeks, it is essentially a fetus. If its appearance occurs from 22 to 37 weeks, then the baby is considered premature. Depending on the period (23, 24, 25 weeks, etc.), in babies different height and weight. They are cared for in special departments for premature babies.

The danger of the third trimester is bleeding. The causes of this phenomenon are placental insufficiency, placenta previa. In many cases, premature abruption of the placenta will not harm the woman. But a complication may arise: bleeding, in which it is necessary to call a doctor.

In addition, it happens that children die in the womb due to entanglement with the umbilical cord. If there were no tremors of the baby for a long time, the mother stopped feeling them, it is better to go to the doctor. In addition, the outflow of amniotic fluid is dangerous in the third trimet. This can lead to hypoxia of the baby, as a result of this process, to suffocation. In this difficult situation, doctors stimulate premature birth. This is done with the help of special preparations. The same manipulations are performed if the amniotic fluid has already leaked out, and the woman cannot give birth within 20 hours. Labor induction begins.

The reasons for early delivery in the period from 28 to 32 weeks lie in placental abruption, toxicosis, and hormonal imbalance.

At what time does a miscarriage occur most often?

In most cases, spontaneous abortion occurs early in pregnancy. A woman may not even know that she is pregnant, since a miscarriage for a period of 2 weeks or more may not cause any symptoms.

At an early stage, if we summarize all the available reasons, a miscarriage occurs:

  1. Genetic abnormalities of the fetus. Geneticists believe that approximately 70% of spontaneous abortions are due to such anomalies. But most often they are random in nature, that is, they can be triggered by a viral disease, radiation.
  2. Hormonal disorders in the body, in particular, progesterone deficiency. Or vice versa: in the body of a woman there are a lot of male hormones that negatively affect the synthesis of estrogen and progesterone.
  3. Rhesus conflict. This conflict occurs when partners have different Rh factors. In this case, the mother's body does not accept the fetus, thinking that it is a foreign body.
  4. Diseases of a woman of an infectious nature. For example, these are infections such as syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, toxoplasmosis.
  5. Chronic diseases of the pregnant woman. In addition, infections: rubella, influenza.
  6. abortion. Their consequence is an inflammatory process, ovarian dysfunction. These phenomena disrupt the normal course of pregnancy.
  7. The use of drugs prohibited by pregnant women.
  8. nervous situations.
  9. Physical exercise.
  10. Injuries.
  11. Bad habits: alcoholism, smoking, drugs.

How does a spontaneous miscarriage happen?

With an early miscarriage, bleeding begins with aching pains in the lower abdomen. Gradually, the bleeding increases.

The tone of the uterus may be a sign of danger. This is worth remembering, even if a woman does not have discomfort lower abdomen. They are expressed in pulling pains of low intensity. But usually the tone of the uterus manifests itself quite clearly, precisely in this nature of the pain.

In any trimester, the signs of a miscarriage are similar. Only the intensity of pain and discharge can be different. In the second trimester, injury to the sac in which the amniotic fluid is located may join. As a result, a woman feels fluid flowing out of her vagina, pain when urinating.

Consequences of a miscarriage

If the miscarriage occurred early, for example, within 2 weeks, then there should be no complications. But if a spontaneous abortion happened in more than late deadline, for example, at 8-9 weeks, a woman will need curettage. This procedure is already fraught with complications.

They may occur due to the inflammatory process that occurs after curettage. Inflammation is treated with antibiotics (injections), physiotherapy, then they want a control ultrasound. But it is not always possible to defeat inflammation, it becomes chronic. As a consequence of this process, adhesions are formed. All this leads to infertility.

In the early stages

If curettage is not needed, spontaneous abortion proceeds without complications. Of course, not counting the moral and psychological state of women. During this period, she especially needs the support of loved ones.

At a later date

Here the threat of spontaneous abortion applies to the baby. Despite the fact that doctors are now able to nurse premature babies, no one excludes the risk of their mortality.

When can you get pregnant after a miscarriage

Many women experience pregnancy after a miscarriage between 3 and 12 months. If a spontaneous abortion was not complicated by anything, then the likelihood of a successful termination of the pregnancy increases significantly. If a woman is healthy, then she can become pregnant within a month after a spontaneous abortion.

Pregnancy may be delayed, as a woman may experience menstrual irregularities. Doctors advise to allow the body to recover, that is, to be protected from pregnancy for six months. In some cases, a woman must undergo a rehabilitation course. If after it within a year a woman cannot conceive a child, you need to consult a doctor for the purpose of examination.

Recovery period

Experts do not advise women to immediately become pregnant after a miscarriage. They voice the minimum period when the body is again ready for testing. It ranges from 3 to 6 months, it all depends on the condition of the female body, as well as on the causes of the miscarriage. If the procedure for curettage after a miscarriage occurred with complications for a woman, then conception should be waited for at least six months.

If the pregnancy ended in failure, then it is logical that when planning a second one, you need to be examined by specialists. In particular, to pass tests:

  • hormones;
  • karyotype;
  • tests for STIs, etc.

In addition, you need to pass tests for infectious diseases:

  • chlamydia;
  • gonococci;
  • candidiasis;
  • herpes;
  • mycoplasmas, etc.

To identify pathogenic microorganisms, it is necessary to pass a culture from the cervical canal, as well as a smear from the urethra. Doctors also recommend testing for antibodies to infections such as rubella, toxoplasma. They are determined by ELISA using blood sampling from the veins.

An analysis for hormones must be taken by those women who have problems with bearing a child. That is, those who have had a miscarriage not for the first time. Sex hormones are given according to certain rules: on day 1-3 of the menstrual cycle, in the morning, on an empty stomach. An exception to these rules is the procedure for the delivery of the hormone progesterone. It is given on the 21st-22nd day of the cycle. Other hormones are given as well.

All these medical manipulations are included in recovery period for women who have experienced spontaneous abortion in the early and late stages.

Also, the recovery period is characterized by the observance of simple rules:

  1. Refusal of a woman from sexual activity for 2 months.
  2. Compliance healthy lifestyle life: moderate exercise, nutrition.
  3. Healthy and sound sleep.
  4. No emotional overload.
  5. Passing a complete examination of the body. And this should be done not only by a woman, but also by a man.

A miscarriage is the termination of a pregnancy, spontaneous. Early miscarriage occurs up to 12 weeks. If this episode is of a single nature, then this is recognized as a random phenomenon. If a woman has several miscarriages in a row, then experts diagnose miscarriage.

The causes of miscarriage, as well as chronic miscarriage, need to be known. Basically, the second case is associated with cervical weakness, as a consequence of multiple abortions. A single miscarriage is also accompanied by certain reasons indicated in the article. But with their exclusion, as well as adequate treatment, a woman has a high probability of giving birth to a healthy and strong baby.

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