The daughter does not want to learn what to do. My daughter doesn't want to study! What to do? Daughter does not want to study psychologist's advice

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There is time for the computer, movies, workouts, talking on the phone and meeting friends. When the conversation turns to study and lessons, you hear that school is boring. Why does my teenage daughter not want to study? Is this just a temporary riot, or a more serious problem?

What should parents do if their teenage daughter does not want to study? We will talk about this in this article.

Often students who were more diligent in primary school and brought good grades, in high school they begin to study much worse.

It is a shock for parents when they see how a girl in her teens begins to bring deuces and remarks in her diary, or directly declares that science does not make sense, and going to school does not interest her at all.

The child grows up and changes. The parent slowly loses authority, the opinion of peers becomes more important than his opinion. It is no longer possible to control a teenage girl as much as in elementary school, and carefully check whether she has finished her homework.

However, this does not mean that we should say: “If you don’t want to study, that’s your business, only then will you be sweeping the streets in the future.”

You should not let everything take its course - this can turn into a tragedy, since adolescents, despite their craving for independence, are still not able to bear responsibility for such rash decisions.

To begin with, it is important to analyze the current situation and look for reasons. A child may not lose interest in learning without reason.

It is necessary, first of all, to conclude why the teenage daughter does not want to study. Only then can you help her help.

New school

For any student, changing schools is a big shock. There is a gap between primary, secondary and secondary schools. Each of these schools has much higher requirements, and the child is initially unable to meet them. This is the principle of learning.

Often in new school you have to do it differently. The teacher no longer leads the students by the hand as it was in elementary school, does not dictate tasks. They are expected to record themselves.

The material for study is much more advanced, often you have to look for answers in other sources, because not all knowledge is available in textbooks. Added to this is the change environment; new friends, teachers.

Some children, especially sensitive ones, may feel lost. In the words: "I will not study anymore, it's boring" may be a request for help addressed to parents.

I do not understand anything!

Some children have a talent for the humanities, while others are inclined towards the exact sciences. You can't expect your child to get A's in every subject. It is worth emphasizing its good, strengths.

Often a teenage daughter does not want to study because she cannot cope with a certain subject. As a rule, this applies to the natural sciences, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, as well as foreign languages.

If there are gaps in knowledge from previous years, learning problems become deeper. Even when the girl tries hard, she is unable to understand the following topics.

“If what I do does not bring results, then why should I study, and so it will not work!” - such thoughts swarm in the head of a teenager.

If this situation occurred in elementary school, as a rule, parents could help to deal with the material. In high school, this is already much more difficult.

It often happens that parents themselves do not cope with the school material, since during their time at school they did not study such things.

However, as a rule, a high school student himself does not want to study with mom or dad, he thinks it's a shame.

In this case, if the teenage daughter does not want to study, it is better to think about additional classes with an intelligent tutor.

It is important to find not just a good educator, but also a specialist who understands the topic. He can show the teenage girl another way of teaching that will be more convincing.

What if tutors don't help?

It is worth talking with the teacher, find out how he sees the current situation. Look at the requirements that the school sets. Maybe they are too high?

Parents send their child to study in a prestigious school, guided by the desire that he had the best education. But, not everyone has such abilities and can meet the requirements of an educational institution.

Of course, one should not rush to change schools, but sometimes this is the only way out. It's worth thinking about it.

If a child puts a lot of effort into science, but they do not bring results, then often he simply gives up and stops participating: “If I am a bad student, nothing will come of me, then why should I study?”.

Then changing the school to a less demanding one can bring a good effect. However, it is worth discussing this issue with the child and teachers.

Try to interest yourself

It happens that due to a lack of understanding of some subjects, the student loses interest in learning other disciplines.

If you see that your daughter is lagging behind in knowledge or does not understand some things, try to interest her yourself. This can be done in several ways.

  • Find more information on a difficult topic, present it to your daughter in a language she can understand.
  • During the explanations, ask questions - as if you do not understand the topic, so the teenage girl will begin to delve into and deal with the difficulties herself.
  • Praise the child for the smallest successes, especially in those areas that are difficult for him.
  • Talk to the teacher and try to find solutions together.

Teenage daughter doesn't want to study, she's not a nerd!

In every class there are children who study and those who do not study or say they do not. Usually this second group is larger in number, more respected in the class, and more attractive than the first.

And any girl in adolescence wants to belong to her. Peer recognition is very important to her. The student does not want to be a "black sheep". You must understand this.

However, it is worth trying so that this group does not become destructive for your daughter. It is necessary to support the interests of the child, find his strengths, emphasize them. It is good if, outside of school, the child finds some kind of hobby, thanks to which he will feel confident, will be able to impress his peers.

Lack of thoughts about the future

Sometimes teenage girls do not want to study and prepare for exams. They believe that they are already adults, and they themselves can decide everything in their lives. Let the schoolgirl feel that it is not you who decides for her. You should definitely talk to her, ask how she sees her future.

Don't tell your teenager every day, "If you don't study, you won't pass your exams." It is enough to have one serious conversation on this topic.

During such a conversation, you can get the daughter to try to map out various scenarios for her future. It is worth asking what she will do if she fails the entrance exams.

When the daughter answers that she will go to study on a paid contract basis, ask the question of who will pay for it. If the girl thinks that she will earn money herself, let her add what she thinks about and how she wants to find it.

It will be good to provide a child with education, but only if we see that he puts a lot of work into doing well in exams. In that case, let him know that he can count on us.

Already in adolescence, it is necessary to actively develop the independence and responsibility of the child, otherwise he will grow up infantile, unable to solve all his problems. The goal of parents is to help and teach, and not to do everything for their student.

However, he must make a final decision and take action. Do not provide endless "tow" - this is not useful for the development of the character of a teenager. A high school student should know for what and why she will need science.

It is necessary to talk more often with her daughter that she will have an independent future, where no one will rake up the consequences of her wrong decisions. Sometimes it pays to allow yourself to make a mistake and make the wrong decision. We all learn from mistakes.

Incentivize with reward promises

Determine your daughter's abilities and, based on them, formulate the goals that she must achieve. They must be achievable.

For one child, this will be a B at the end of the year in physics, for another, an excellent mark in English language. Say that if your daughter succeeds, then you will realize her dream, for example, buy new videos.

Never scare if your teenage daughter doesn't want to study!

“If you don’t start learning your lessons and studying, I will put a password on the computer, forbid you to go to training and meet with friends…” – how often do our children hear such threats?

In this way, you only provoke a teenager to rebel, and you make it so that he loses confidence in you. If you realize your threat, then your beautiful girl will become embittered and will hate studying even more.

If the threats are not fulfilled, he will consider that it is not worth sticking to your prohibitions and instructions, because he will not get anything for it.

What should parents do if their teenage daughter does not want to study, we advised. Be patient, everything will be fine!


Hello! We have a difficult family situation. We have 4 children: two daughters 13 and 12 years old, two sons 9 and 5 years old. My husband and I both work. With my second daughter (12 years old) - very bad relationship . She does not want to study and all she is interested in is watching TV and lying on the bed. We were engaged in music and in the studio theater - all in turn, not at the same time. And from everywhere we were kicked out with the words "you have a very lazy child." Recently I had to leave the choir school, because. started skipping classes. At the same time, she loves to sing very much and was given to the choir with her consent. There were very good teachers and there were no homework assignments. Very unstressed work. We do not record homework. In the evening, I have to call teachers and classmates to find out the DZ. At the same time, she assures with tears in her eyes that they did not ask anything. Teachers complain that they don’t do anything in class, they don’t even get a textbook (like they forgot it at home), although they take everything. We control it all. The belt came into use. Doesn't do anything without a belt. You can stand over your soul for hours, asking you to come do your homework. The only answer is "now". Every evening there are scandals, we try to get her to do her homework. And there are two more schoolchildren in the family, 7th and 3rd grades. They also need help with some subjects. And also a baby with whom there is no time to deal with. Dad works late. Comes tired. I can't handle myself anymore. All the same problems if you ask her to help with something (vacuum or wash the dishes). This process either does not start at all or lasts for hours. At the same time, you constantly have to force or threaten her. At the slightest opportunity, she runs to the TV. At the same time, the eldest daughter always and willingly helps. But I can't keep asking her to do everything. At the same time, she studies well and plays sports. She has very little free time. Sometimes, so that I don't yell, she does it for her sister. The eldest of the boys also tries and helps. We do lessons with her. She doesn't make them herself. We sit until 12 or until one in the morning. We manage to do only written. She pulls the rubber as hard as she can so she doesn't have to do the rest. We have been to several psychologists. All we are told is that she is psychologically unprepared for school. It will come by the age of 15, if it comes at all. We followed every possible advice. Nothing helps. The reward system does not work for her. Leaving for work in the morning - we hide all the wires from the TVs. No strength. I feel sorry for my other children, because there is no time left for them. Please help... They advised us to quit our job, but it's not realistic. There are four children in the family and they need to be fed and clothed. And we live in the north and the price level is high here, and the salary is the same as everywhere else. And there is no way to hire a nanny either. And the psychologist at the IPC said that in a maximum of six months our daughter would leave school altogether ... And she is 12 years old and she is "studying" in the 6th grade.

Hello! The situation is indeed very difficult. If the child is not affected by any system of punishments and rewards, then nothing can be done about it. The child must learn on his own, and here the whole family "learns" for him. The child does not have educational motivation and will not arise, since all her rear areas are closed. The only thing I can advise is to shift the responsibility for studies and grades onto the shoulders of the child. In case of bad grades, twos, etc., leave her for the second year and thus "punish her." Also for bad marks you can deprive her of the pleasures she loves. But she can only become interested in studying when she realizes that studying is necessary and necessary for her, and not for the whole family. She cannot be responsible for her grades, since she did not take responsibility for them on herself, because if she didn’t do her homework, her mother will finish it, it’s her mother who is worried that she will go to school without homework. Good luck!

What to do if a child who has grown up to secondary school, hereinafter referred to as a teenager, suddenly begins to demonstrate complete incompatibility with this school and ignores all our pedagogical attempts or meets with hostility? Is it possible in some way to return decent grades to his diary, and to himself - the desire to learn? Where did the obedient and quite diligent child go? What's happening?

In principle, we are all well-read parents today. We know that adolescence is a difficult time in a child's life, that you need to allow him to be independent, choose his own friends, decide for himself what to eat for dinner, what to wear, what to watch ... “Yes, let him wear anything and even eat nothing at all,” Anna, the mother of 13-year-old Gleb, explodes, “only I won’t let him throw school! After all, he completely lost his fear, fool ... ". Gleb became an idiot not so long ago, just a year ago, when he went to the sixth grade. And before that, he was considered a normal schoolboy, studied for fours and fives, and his parents were sure: the closer to high school, the less problems there should be. After all, so much effort has been invested, and the school is expensive, and the motivation of a maturing person should grow!

However, in reality, this is what happened: from the very first months school year Gleb picked up threes, by the end of the half-year, twos began to slip, and, despite the terrible scandals at home, control, lectures and sanctions, it was not possible to pull the guy out of the swamp into which he plunged. The most offensive thing was history and English - my favorite subjects before.

At first, parental suggestions on the teenager worked well: he repented, sat down at textbooks and studied diligently for several days. Then, as my mother says, I "became impudent." The diary stopped filling in (the indignant entries of teachers do not count), notebooks were “lost”, homework “did not work” every day. Anya was speechless from indignation, and Gleb was sitting at the computer in headphones, playing a network game with friends and muttering: “We got it already with our school…”. Over the summer, everyone rested from school, and now the seventh grade begins, and mom is nervous in advance, dad is threatening, only the son is calm: "I'll learn, don't worry".

Another family: 14-year-old Nastya, the winner of various school competitions, a beauty and an excellent student - and again a similar story. The last two classes are like in a dream. The child naturally does not understand that they go to school to study, and not to communicate with friends and not hang around at the rehearsals of the school ensemble. Evening calls to home phone for parents have long been a punishment: responsible class teacher regularly sounds the alarm - let's save the best student! She was replaced, she blossomed, she only has boys on her mind ... Mom and dad agree to save, but how? How to make learning?

No way. Don't force. There are no recipes. All adolescent psychologists say this in unison. Parents regularly torment them with questions about studying in high school. Because everyone has the same thing: until the 6th grade, the child studied normally, and then he rolled down ... And mom and dad start to have psychosis: what will happen next? How about graduating classes? Disappointment in the child is complete, the future brings melancholy.

And it would be completely bad if it were not for a strange coincidence: after all, it’s like that for everyone, not only for us, why?

Teen wants to learn!

There is such a myth that a teenager does not want to study. It is not true. A teenager absorbs information like a sponge, he learns and grows - but not in the subjects that are taught at school. Nevertheless, now he comprehends two extremely important sciences, perhaps the main ones for a person: he learns to understand himself and understand others. This is the main task of adolescence, and if mom and dad are not ready to admit it, it's bad. Because, as you know, you can’t go against nature, and nature has arranged everything in such a way that right now a person recognizes himself as a person and masters ways of living in a team. How to behave in different situations, how to respond to different people how to arouse sympathy for yourself, how to get out of conflict situations and build your self-esteem. As they say, feel the scale: the psychological foundation of all adult life- and three paragraphs on history...

Usually, at this point, parents object: three paragraphs on history will add up to the professional future of the child. Without today’s paragraphs, you won’t understand tomorrow’s, you’ll miss the day after tomorrow - and goodbye, the Unified State Examination, and at the same time entering a good university and brilliant career prospects. There is only one argument against this objection: imagine a house without a foundation. Can you live in it? School knowledge can be learned and systematized in the most beautiful way, however, communication and self-realization lessons that are not mastered in time simply will not allow this knowledge to work. Or at least they'll be a big nuisance. The basics of successful communication, self-confidence - this is what should be the most valuable result of this difficult period, high school.

What will it lead to

Now we have the main thing: understanding why everything is happening this way. It is already possible to relax a little: your child has not become lazy and unrestrained, he simply directed all his cognitive powers to another area - moreover, to the one into which nature programmed. He's just acting normal for his age - isn't that great?

And then here's what. High school - milestone psychological preparation for high school. Successfully passed, this period of growing up will be a pass to older age. In the upper grades, interest in the team falls, and interest in oneself as an independent person, an individuality, increases. A teenager already knows himself, is confident in his merits, evaluates himself adequately and can look into the future like an adult - evaluating possible prospects, chances of success in this or that business. When you know yourself well, it’s easier to realize what you really want from life, it’s easier to turn it into a goal, build a plan to achieve it, and most importantly, find resources to implement it. Motivation cannot be brought in from the outside, it always comes only from within - unless, of course, we are talking about a person.

Most teenagers in the senior classes of their own free will suddenly “take up their minds” and show interest in school subjects. Parents would have to relax here, but now they are worried that this interest is selective. Knowing where he will go and what to take, the high school student throws "unnecessary" items to him. And by the way, from the point of view of simple logic, he does exactly the right thing. The argument “school should be finished normally” is not an argument for him. He saves strength - primarily intellectual. And he treats his head with respect: in general, there is no point in littering it with dead knowledge. It is a pity that usually we, adults, allow only ourselves this privilege.

Other reasons

It is important to understand that this general, “general” reason why most children “sag” in secondary school may not be the only one. In any case, the child perceives this period as a difficult uphill climb, but it will be much harder to proceed if there are aggravating circumstances.

For example, a strong overload. It is now a common cause of aversion to learning. In elementary school, the child obediently follows the ambitions of his father and mother, allowing himself to be loaded with additional activities to the limit and without even thinking about it. And in high school, fatigue accumulates, and most importantly, strength and courage appear to resist parents. There is only one advice: remember common sense and correlate your ambitions and the strength of the child. He should have time to just run, play, lie on the couch, think. Doing homework before one in the morning makes no sense, except for a purely formal one.

Another reason is disappointment in teachers. Again, by this age, the child already takes off the pink children's glasses and sees us adults in all our unsightly glory. A person of 12-13 years old is no longer able to feel the authority of a teacher only because of his professional affiliation. If some subjects in your class are boring, get ready for the fact that these particular subjects will be unloved by the child. And the general style of presenting information in our schools for the most part leaves much to be desired. The broadcasting and instructive position of teachers still meets with a response in the lower grades, when the leading activity in children is educational. But at 5-6, the children are already different, but the teachers are not. Boring is not the word. Boring is when one-two-three-ten boring lessons. Now imagine a few years in such an atmosphere - do you want to study? In general, do not write off the mediocrity of the teacher for the laziness of the child. Not ready to change schools - get interested in this subject yourself, buy additional literature, organize excursions to thematic places - everything is in your hands. The child's interest in practical activities is on your side - now it is like air for him. Do not sit, listen, record and reproduce, but move, search, produce something interesting yourself.

The third reason is the most difficult. Because it's about family relationships. An exceptional case is when a child learns normally in an atmosphere of scandal and dislike. Basically, the most difficult difficulties of the transition period are related to the fact that the teenager actually does not have a family. There is no friendship, understanding, trust - in such conditions, anyone will lose their cognitive interest. Sometimes parents are sure that there is no connection between their small quarrels and their son's triplets. This can only be verified by establishing relationships with each other. By the way, very often a psychologist, who was contacted with a request about a child’s poor studies, is forced to first solve family-wide problems, because the root is precisely in them. And sometimes good grades come back as if by magic, although no special efforts were made for this.

In any case, if the child’s grades, as they say, “out of the blue” have deteriorated greatly, it is necessary to understand the reasons. It is best to do this with a psychologist - for the first time, even the presence of your teenager may not be necessary.

important age

The main advice that can be given to parents at this moment: be there and help quench the child’s age-related thirst for self-knowledge and communication with peers. Until she is satisfied, he really has no time for studying. What will help here? Books about modern teenagers who speak the same language with him and about things that are interesting to him. Stories about our own adolescence - about how strange and stupid we felt at their age, what stories happened to us, how we reacted to them, what we felt. To the best of your ability, take part in building relationships with peers - do not interfere with communication, do not forbid seeing and texting, and most importantly, do not denigrate your teenager's friends, because now he does not identify himself with you, but with peers, so everything that is against friends is about his own self-esteem. Communicating on the Internet is also necessary! Sit at the computer for a couple of evenings, help find resources where there is useful communication, where things that are important for teenagers are discussed. Invite his friends home, and it will be very cool if you help the whole company to get involved in something positive. Offer them a useful unifying beginning - at least cook soap (here you have chemistry in its most interesting, practical aspect). Remember, a teenager loves to learn! But something really interesting and of course - in the company.

Blog of Lyudmila Petranovskaya, a well-known Moscow psychologist. Lyudmila has been working with foster families for many years, but her advice is always relevant for parents of completely “self-made” children. After all, accepting your own teenager is no easier than accepting someone else's adopted. If your child's unwillingness to learn is manifested against the general background of "difficult" behavior - read Petranovskaya's book "How are you behaving?". It contains a lot of wise and actionable advice.

« Survival course for teenagers". Written in the late 80s of the last century and instantly became a cult book, the book is still read as a bestseller. The author, popular American rock musician Dee Snyder, has an honest conversation with teenagers about everything that worries them. The book is written with humor and plenty of examples from his own life. In addition, Snyder's friend, an adolescent psychologist, also had a hand in it, so all the advice given in the book is quite professional.

Natalya Rodikova (Natinka)

for the magazine Expensive pleasure»

Question for psychologists

Hello! My daughter is 14 years old. She doesn't study at all, she doesn't want to do anything. She is not interested in anything, she does not read books, just to take a walk. All conversations with her are wasted. He is rude to me, does not obey, does everything in defiance.

About us - her father divorced 12 years ago, but they communicate, albeit infrequently. For 6 years I have new husband, who treats his daughter very well, worries about her, a second child will soon appear. We do everything to ensure that the daughter does not feel unnecessary, deprived of something. But apparently something is wrong. Help not to lose your daughter and find peace and tranquility in the family. Thank you!

Received 5 tips - consultations from psychologists, to the question: Daughter (14 years old) does not want to study, is rude to parents

Hello, Natalia! Your daughter is now in adolescence, which is precisely characterized by protest actions, a desire to assert herself and feel like an adult, and treating her like a child only provokes her to this protest behavior! You should talk to her and delineate duties and, accordingly, responsibility for them! Those. give her this independence, when she can feel like an adult, and that she is trusted and responsible for her decisions, she will be herself. For example, entrust her with some work (either around the house or buying groceries) and if she doesn’t do something and doesn’t have time, then there will be no one to blame on her! At this age, there are quite a lot of problems and it is better to correct the situation based on specific situations and recommendations specifically for an individual problem. If you want, you can contact me - at a face-to-face meeting there is more opportunity to collect information of interest, explain the motives of behavior and select individual recommendations - write or call - I will be happy to help you!

Good answer 1 bad answer 4

Natalia, the girl is already "deprived of something." This is. It's great that she communicates with her father, any, even the most wonderful, your new husband will not replace your own.

Key event - "soon there will be a second child." Remember when your daughter started "doing everything in defiance" and the other things you described.

Another one possible reason such behavior of the daughter is a possible traumatic experience that you are not aware of. For some reason, she does not share her feelings with you, but withdraws into herself. Especially in favor of this speaks a sharp change in behavior. Unfortunately, you do not write as it is in your case. I sincerely hope that what is happening with your daughter is a normal teenage period, but to be sure, I recommend a face-to-face consultation with a psychologist in order to exclude the above hypothesis about the trauma experienced. After all, if this is so, then the sooner you start rehabilitation, the easier the recovery process will be.

I will be glad to help you.

Sincerely, Anastasia Umanskaya.

Good answer 3 bad answer 3

Hello! I wrote a very long one, sorry if it is difficult to read and thanks if you can do it!)

My daughter is 16 years old. I have been divorced 10 years ago, but I have had a successful marriage for 8 years and have youngest child from a second husband. Our daughter lives with us. She communicates freely with her father, spends her holidays with him and, in addition, communicates with him, he provides financial support, I have good relations with him. friendly relations- in general, an idyll. However, there are a whole bunch of problems.

The most important thing is that my girl is very complex in character. She has a cyclothymic personality disorder, whoever is in the know will understand. Attacks are stable twice a year, lasting for 2-3 months. In the past, there were huge problems with socialization, now, thank God, it has somehow leveled off. But in general, this feature leaves an imprint on the character, on the way of thinking and perception of the world, plus adolescence. She is in eternal opposition to the world to the place and not to the place, with or without a reason - everything must be voiced, every thought. Constant philosophizing, exhausting conversations on the basis of any little thing that happened in her life, will take out her whole soul. But I am aware of all the events in her life, I know every corner of her soul, oh)

Further. Since our daughter's 10 years, we have not been living in Russia, but a year later we are moving back (this is connected with the work of my husband). Where we live, education is absolutely zero, it actually does not exist. If in general the level of the school curriculum is average, then the absence of any demand from students reduces this minimum to zero. There is no homework, they don’t ask to learn by heart, the control is some kind of garbage in the form of a test, there are no essays, but there’s nothing at all, so God forbid not to bother the kids. I understand that after such training in Russia we won’t get to school. I don’t even know where we should go in Russia to do with such baggage ((We decided here to get a certificate for the 9th grade at the local embassy school. To do this, we in the form of exams for each subject and if you successfully pass these two stages, take it directly to the OGE. We bought all the necessary textbooks, we study at home according to the plan. But it is unbearably difficult!!! It is difficult for everyone - daughters and us, parents. My husband and I have to do the entire program ourselves Refresh memory, read, decide to explain to daughter.The volume is huge, in some subjects the level is quite high (well, or it seems so compared to local education), the daughter does everything under pressure, with difficulty, we do not fit into the schedule. With her mind, she understands that she needs it, but she cannot pull herself together and force herself.

Plus, she fell in love with some guy from Russia, whom she saw only a couple of times last summer, they corresponded all year and she has all her thoughts about him. She is torn to him, she wanted to go to her father for all the holidays, to spend time there with her beloved, and here we are with our studies. I can’t let her go for the whole summer, because I have to prepare, she will only go for 1 month. She perceives this as a tragedy, arranges a boycott, stopped any training, revels in her "misfortune" and generally stated that she would like to live with her father, but she is uncomfortable with us, she does not understand us, does not understand our way of thinking, she is all alien in our house, feels like a black sheep, etc. I understand that this is all due to the unwillingness to somehow strain, to do something, it was comfortable for her to go with the flow, to do nothing, and then studies fell down and it became difficult.
She was offered, in the form of a reward for her work, with the successful completion of each stage, the fulfillment of her two most cherished desires. Well, we also use the whip - we deprive the Internet, the phone, we limit communication with friends in the case of tails. Here the whip spurs on well, but only for a while, in general, zero sense. If only they fell behind, if only it became easy again - that's all she wants.

I do not know what to do. On the one hand, I understand that I need to sit down, somehow survive this year, but surrender everything. I look at the huge list of children on the website of the embassy school who (well, or whose parents) also want to get a Russian certificate and I think, they are somehow coping, why can’t we? On the other hand, I'm terribly tired. I'm tired of my daughter, of her constant dissatisfaction, I'm waiting for her from school and every time I'm afraid that now she will come again out of sorts and will pester me with exhausting conversations. I'm tired of dragging out this study, I'm tired of worrying about her future and at the same time I'm tired of putting pressure on her, finding words to motivate her to study. I'm even ready to let her go to live with her father (((
People, tell me something! Just how would you do it, or maybe something that seems wrong to you from the outside? From the side it is always somehow more visible.